
Showing posts from 2011

ruby - Shift first 1/3 of array? -

Is there a way to turn this [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9] in this [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] in a row? Right now I am planning to specify it in one variable, getting the length, and using the shift function. It's okay, just thinking that doing this There is a more robust way for a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] a.shift (A.length / 3) No Change of Use a = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] one [(a.length / 3) ..-1] # = & gt; [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] is an option that mutates and a liner [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Tap {| A. A.shift (a.length / 3)} # = & gt; [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

excel vba - How do I move two tiled modal forms together? -

I have two model users, FRMA and FRMB. I would like to tile the forms and when I want to move the top size , Then I would like other forms to follow it, remaining in tile position as they are tied together. Opening a button in FrmA is frmB. When FRMB opens, it is active and the user interacts with it, while frmA is visible, but the user can not be transferred or accessed. It's all hoped. 'This is part of the FRMA command button to open frmb' Load, start and show form B. Send coordinates of form A set form B = new FRMB load form BDIM IAlLight integer dense IA_Top Let's start the integer IA_Left = Me.Left iA_Top = Me.Top 'formB and pass the current state of forma byRef (used by active event) if not formB.bInitialize (vbFalse, iA_Top, iA_Left) then Err.Raise Glandle_Error IA_Top & lt; & Gt; -1 then miA_Top = iA_Top end if iA_Left & lt; & Gt; -1 Then the miA_Left = iA_Left End if formB.Show I have detected that to activate the userform, tile ...

javascript - Validating form in jsp page -

I have a form with the input named '1 name', I want to validate this input, make sure Take that there is at least four characters here in my code. & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function validateForm () {var x = document.forms ["myForm"] ["name1"] value; If (x == ft. X == "") {warning ("name should be filled"); return false; }} & lt; Form name = "myForm" method = "POST" action = "write.jsp" onsubmit = "return validateForm ()" & gt; Name: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "name1" value = "& lt;% = name%>" Size = "20" /> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" onclick = "window.close ()" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; This is not working, I think it is a pop-up page and the warning from Javascript has not been popped up again. Can anyone ... - Encryption and decryption without special character -

I want to encrypt the mail id. Encrypted mail id should not contain special characters. I send mail from the console app In the console app, I change the mail ID to encode and attach it to the link which will display my click numbers. I have passed the mail id in the web app. So if the encrypted mail id contains a special character that is disturbing my link. I am using the following: string EncryptedEmailId; String encryption = "MAKV2SPBNI 99212"; Byte [] EmailIdEncrypt = encoding.unicode.getbites (invoices); (AES encryptor = AES.crait ()) {RFC 2898 derivatives pdbencript = new RFC 2898 Dribbles (encryption, new byte [] {0x49, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76}); Encryptor.key = pdb encrypt.getbits (32); = pdb encrypt.getbits (16); (Memorystream MS encrypt = new memorystream ()) {(cryptostream CSNcript = new cryptostream (using MS encrypt, encryptor .crypt encryption), cryptostem mod.) {CsEncrypt.Write (EmailIdEncryp...

javascript - Proper place for error message/hint in a html form -

I have a simple standard form and are planning to use javascript Document.getElementById ("Idname"). InnerHTML = "signal / error message"; To change / display my error message on the form. Error message on the form? Inside the label? Next to the label? Do I put it in a div or span? (I would like the error message to display on the right side of the input field.) Here's my form: & lt ; Form id = "registerForm" method = "post" action = "register_post.php" & gt; & Lt; P class = "form-registerUserName" & gt; & Lt; Label = "registerUserName" & gt; Username & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; span class = "required" & gt; * & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Input id = "registerUserName" name = "registerUserName" type = "text" size = "24" maxlength = "24" value = "& lt ;? php echo $ _SESSION [...

using bootstrap for rails 4 scaffold form -

I am working on styling my cradle form page in my railway 4 application and wondering if anyone Have some suggestions, is it possible to create and replace some fields for a, f.date_field, f.text_field parts of a scaffolded form? I was also looking into this gem which I can automatically do what I am trying to do Formattic and simple_form are great gems, but you do not have to bootstrap your form. However, the formattic-bootstrap makes it more convenient to implement bootstrap. So if you want a quick solution and an excellent formbilder at the same time, you can definitely use the gem. If you want to learn bootstrap on the other side then I recommend getting down on the basis of examples given on and getting dirty and manually adding bootstrap to your form.

php - Codeigniter validation messages in an alertbox -

I'm using the flexi auth library Now I need to display some verification error message in the warning box. How To Display! Currently showing in this way. If ($ this-> form_validation- & gt; play () == FALSE) {// code error $ data for ['message_type'] = 1; $ Data ['message'] = 'below required field'; $ The- & gt; Load-> View ('General / Message', $ data)} Error throwing on your view Try to see error on seeing: - & lt ;? Php if (validation_errors ()! = False) {echo '& lt; Script & gt; Alert "Please check the error marked in red.") & Lt; / Script & gt; '; ?} & Gt; Or you want any error: - & lt ;? Php if (form_error ('loan amount')) {echo '& lt; Script & gt; Alert ("Error") & lt; / Script & gt; '; ?} & Gt; Try to warn an error in the field & lt ;? Php if (form_error ('loanamount'))? & Gt; & Lt; Script...

python - How to count items in a string -

I am trying to capture the file ID, grab the captured file, and then do the sentence count, the statement sent by the statement Now I'm getting 0 for all the sentence calculations. The problem I have just checked back is that my grabbing abs are not catching the essence for me. Can someone examine me the code and tell me what's the problem? Thank you. grabFile = re.findall (r'File \ s + \: \ s + (\ w \ d {7}) ', mytext) if LAN (handfile) == 0: matchFile Newtext = re.sub (r '\ s +', '', newtext) grabAbs = "N / A" Other: matchFile = grabFile [0] newtext = re.sub ('r' \ n ',' ', mytext) Re.findall (r'Abrstract \ s + \: (\ w. +) ', Newtext) if LAN (for grab) == 0: matchAbs = "N / A" else: matchAbs = grabAbs # filesents = {} Sentcount = 0 for each in MatchAbs.split ('\.'): If each == 'N / A': the number sent is = 0 and: the number of the numbered = 1 printed number, the match file Abstr...

java - In Selenium Webdriver how to handle this kind of multi select dropdown which contains checkbox -

I have a snapdown as shown in the picture below I need to handle multilevel by clicking on the checkbox related to the name. I need data- I'm using the schematic. I'm bringing data from excel. Now I have written the code to click on the arrow in the drop down and then click on the respective checkbox Do it. In order to handle many selections like this I need a better solution. 1) Click the arrow on the drop down, the drop down list will open. 1) 2) Take the entire drop down list into a Webelement. 3) Create a web analytics list under the above WebElement, where the tag name is equal to "tr" / "li" (your html code). Now there are all the multilevel entries in the drop down list. 4) Get the text of every Web element in the above web analytics list. 5) Read the data from Excel. 6) Where the data from the point (4) & amp; Point (5) is the same, click on the respective check box using XPATH. If you need more clarification after the so...

css - How to have media query widths apply to preset bootstrap xs sm md lg column classes? -

For the bootstrap, the existing widths that are created in the classes themselves are cutoffs (for example, col-xs-3, col-sm-8, col-md-10, col-lg-1). These classes are already preset for cutoffs of 768 99 99, and 1024px. If you define your own cutoff point through Media Queries, how do you determine that the preset class like col-xs-3 is actually the media queries As soon as the specified cutoffs are closed on? @ Media only screen and (minimum-width: 300px) and (max-width: 600px) {// your code content} @ media only screen and (minimum-width: 600px) and (Max-width: 900 pix) {// your code stuff} @ media only screen and (minimum-width: 900 pixels) {// your code stuff} how do you do Are these cutoff points defined in the media quarters, which in fact are Colonel-X, SM-MD, LG etc. Area is consistent? Or is there a better way to go about it? These values ​​(break points) $ screen-sm-min , $ screen-MD-min and $ screen-LG-Min bootstrap variable in variables.less file. ...

php - Unset array from multidimensional array -

These are my works i have a problem in removing and editing shopping cart before I had only two criteria for just $ id and $ quantity, but I had to add $ version, which stores for instance size. Insert $ _SESSION and the foreground ['carriage'] works like a magic, but as I said it was not removed and updated. function addToCart () public static function addToCart ($ data) {$ id = $ data ['id']; // id $ volume = $ data ['qty']; // volume $ version = $ data ['version']; // variant // ovą ?? A?, Ãme, zda $ _SESSION ['train]] if (! ($ _ Session [' train ']) ($$$ _ [ride] [' train '] = array ();} Array_push ($ _ session ['Cart'], array ('id' => ID, 'quantity' = & gt; $ quantity, 'version' = & gt; $ edition));} {/ code> edit function () public static function editCart ($ data) {// edit volume + -} function removeFromCart () $ id]); Thank you. > itemprop = ...

python - Given a float, find if in list or closest number to it -

I have a list of Tuplesses, that is, with the values ​​of X and Y, 2-dim tuples call it data two floats , Xmin and xmx, and want to withdraw the indicator of the maximum Y value at that interval. It should also work, even if XMan and XMX do not match the exact number of data. I understand how XML and XMX should be a problem apart from rounding the closest values ​​of the list. I have no idea because I'm a dragon newbie. Assign the pointer of points (x, y) to maximum interval [xmin, xmax] def find_peak (data, xmin, xmx): Temporarily, I can search through the list and record the smallest difference for each x-value. Is it possible or is there a clever way? Looking at the list of 2 dimensional coordinates. Sort the data based on the x coordinate should be the natural list sort. Use the python module to determine the starting and ending index of data points Use with the built in minimum key as Sample Implementation def foo (data, x_min, x_max): bisec...

javascript - How do i Meteor Reset client subscription -

मैंने इस तरह सदस्यता लिया है और इस तरह प्रकाशित करें: publish.js: Meteor.publish ('ProductWithSkipAndLimit', फ़ंक्शन (छोड़ें, सीमा) {वापसी उत्पाद.फिंड ({}, {sort: {createdAt: 1}, skip: skip, limit: limit});}); subscribe.js: Meteor.subscribe ('ProductWithSkipAndLimit', 0,10); और यह क्लाइंट से वापस 10 उत्पादों के आधार पर क्रमबद्ध होगा। नहीं, मेरे पास इस पर एक इवेंट क्लिक है: 'click': function (e) {e.preventDefault (); Meteor.subscribe ( 'ProductWithSkipAndLimit', 10,10); } मुझे 10 और उत्पाद प्राप्त करना है ठीक है मैं उस उत्पादों को मिलता है, लेकिन 10 उत्पादों रीसेट नहीं इसलिए क्लाइंट पर मेरे पास 20 प्रॉडक्ट हैं। कैसे मैं ग्राहक सदस्यता रीसेट कर सकता हूँ? इसलिए ग्राहक के पास केवल 10 उत्पादों का प्रत्येक सदस्य होता है। Meteor.subscribe: एक रिकॉर्ड सेट की सदस्यता लें। एक हैंण्डल देता है जो रोक () और तैयार () तरीके प्रदान करता है। आपको Meteor.subscribe के संभाल लेने की आवश्यकता है subscription = Meteor.subscribe ( 'P...

linux - How to create my own "sudo" program? -

I type "my own" sudo command (C ++ for my file manager / commander / open). Please help to consider the necessary steps and things. I know that it has something to do with suid bit, but it all I know so far. This file system flag Is about, and only to ensure that: p> It has a corrupted flag in the file system (you can set it with chat). After doing this, it will be executed with root user permissions while running from regular user. Please also keep in mind that you can get a UID Are the programs that actually meet Call getuid (), while geteuid () will always evaluate 0.

html - Modifying content width of the Sphinx theme 'Read the Docs' -

I am using the 'Read Document' Spinks theme for my documents. In the original subject, the following The content or main layout width is designed to be mobile-friendly. However, for my project I want to widen it a bit more. I do not know HTML and so it appreciates that anyone can give me some clues to increase the width of the content. .wy-nav-content {max- You just want to create a stylesheet with source / _static with CSS, width: none; } or .wy-nav-content {max-width: 1200px! Important; } Make sure the directory is referred to in the source / - I believe that there is a line to do this by default, that is, # Add any paths containing custom static files (such as a style sheet), relative to this directory. They are copied after the static files created, # so that a file named "default.css" overwrites Biltine "default.css". Create a custom layout in HTML_static_path = ['_static'] then source / _templates / lay...

php - Hijri calendar with jquery 1.10 -

I have used the Hijri calendar - the Keith timber calendar, but its use is jquery 1.9 and I used to do similar calendars Jquery 1.10 You can use this Hijri calendar which supports all jquery versions. and

performance - Working with many Javascript functions -

I am currently working with a personal library which is accumulating a lot of "helpful" tasks, Which is used in my architecture for a variety of purposes only when there were only a few of them, then I put them in a file and could do them as an object: Tools. Parseseming (oboes); It has been very easy, and keeps the code somewhat systematic and readable. The problem is that the file (and object) with these methods is increasing at a large size, and requires cleaning, I was considering creating separate files for the "categories" of the function and putting them on them , So they will be transported like this: tools.env.getEnvironmentInfo (); My concern with this approach is not too much readability, but the look of the look-up The objects that I've read recently, the object look-up is no longer the major bottle neck, but I still want my library as much as possible (readability). I also consider separate files, but add all functions to the ori...

c# - Double.Parse("string") FormatException with correct input -

I'm trying to parse double. Purse (row data [j ++]). The input sting is correct ("7,412"), j = 123 so it worked till this point. And even if I'm typing double. (Row data [j]) This works. Is there a problem here? You have a comma rather than your decimal separator You should use allowHouse number type if it is thousands separator number style style = number style . Allow thousands. NumberStyles.Float; Double. Purse (value, style); Or you your comma. Before parsing using string.Replace with it is considered as a decimal separator

php - display associative array containing product info brand by brand -

I have developed a code in php, where I can get product information from database and save it in an associative array And then I can display it according to my layout. Now the problem for me is that when I select the product from the database table, its bulk means that if I take 1000 records of 3 brand estimates. I want to show them as a product for a brand, then repeat the matter for the third and the number of products for the second. I want to display a product name according to a brand name. My array is in php, which I am developing with PHP $ firstsql = 'SELECT * to xml where (' .implode ('and', $ parts1). ')'; $ Firstsql3 = mysql_query ($ firstsql); $ First = array (); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ firstsql3)) {$ first [] = $ line; } And then, doing this erratically using foreach loop through this array. If I have 300 records for the first brand, 200 for the second and 500 for the third. I want to iterate like this Please guide me how to...

mysql - PHP Explode method in sql query -

I have a problem here query there sql and after that Create a group? In fact, I want to use a function such as php explosion in a SQL query, is there a way to do this? test {explode} test2 {explode} test2 {explode} test3 {explode} test {blast} test returns: test 'count3' test2 'count2` test3' count1` here is a sqlfiddle: You can create your own function and then use it in the query Here is an example of the Federico cargo lagoon Construction work SPLIT_STR (X VARCHAR (255), Delim VARCHAR (12), Status INT) Returns on VARCHAR (255) Location of return (SUBSTRING) (SUBSTRING_INDEX (x, delim, pause), lens (SUBSTRING_INDEX (X, DELIM, PG-1)) + 1), DELIM, ''); For example (`field_name`, ',', 0) from the test group for SELECT SPLIT_STR (` field_name`, ',', 0) SPLIT_STR

java - Finding called methods - reverse call hierarchy -

Is there an instrument that would be for a given method or class, that method can be called / class List of all methods? I am aware of code coverage equipment, but I am looking at more for static analysis. Some types of filtering system will be required to prevent the report that is clearly produced. For example, I com.mycompany * would like to identify all the methods in the package hierarchy. I am basically looking for an inverse version of the call hierarchy provided by IDEs like Eclipse and Idea. and permission to read and analyze class files. Consider the continuous pool components for your resolution / ul> I do not have much more favorable ...

javascript - What does "document count" in the devtools refer to? -

आप Chrome DevTools में "दस्तावेज़ गणना" शब्द देख सकते हैं। यह क्या है? उदाहरण के लिए, रिकॉर्डिंग नीचे दी गई वेबसाइट, दस्तावेजों की संख्या 8 या 9 है। यह एक उपकरण का सवाल है लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह HTML का प्रश्न हो सकता है, इसलिए मैं यहां पूछ रहा हूं। कृपया नीचे दिए गए लिंक को देखें: यह काउंटर आपकी पहचान में आपके ईवेंट में कौन से ईवेंट मेमोरी रिसाव की ओर अग्रसर हो सकता है यह पहचानने में योगदान दे सकता है।

mysql - ERROR 1064 (42000): SQL syntax error -

MYSQL कमांड मैं कमांड प्रॉम्प्ट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं create तालिका उपयोगकर्ता & lt; आईडी इंटी & lt; 11 & gt; अहस्ताक्षरित auto_increment प्राथमिक कुंजी नल, उपयोगकर्ता नाम जैक & lt; 25 & gt; नल नहीं, पासवड् जैक & lt; 25 & gt; नल नहीं, ईमेल जैक & lt; 40 & gt; नल & gt;; त्रुटि त्रुटि 1064 & lt; 42000 & gt ;: आपके एसक्यूएल वाक्यविन्यास में एक त्रुटि है; इसे ठीक करने के लिए कैसे करें? > सबसे पहले, आप कोष्ठक के बजाय कोण कोष्ठक का उपयोग करते हुए दिखाई देते हैं दूसरा, मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि जैक क्या माना जाता है, लेकिन यह मानक एसक्यूएल नहीं है। मैं उसके बजाय इसके साथ शुरू होगा (हालांकि आप Varchar के बजाय char ): तालिका उपयोगकर्ता बनाएं (id int (11) अहस्ताक्षरित auto_increment प्राथमिक कुंजी नल, उपयोगकर्ता नाम चार (25) शून्य नहीं , Passwd char (25) नल नहीं, ईमेल चार (40) शून्य नहीं);

javascript - jQuery: set 'selected' tag in options if value is in array -

I am trying to add the selected attribute to the option The tag using jQuery (those on a Wordpress site) those values ​​that should be selected are stored in the PHP array. The selected attribute is & lt; Options & gt; .. ? Why is not added to my-script.js each function ($) {var arr = [& lt ;? Php echo '' '.implode (' ", '', $ php_array) jQuery (" # location options "). ''? & Gt;]; // for test Also the hardcode array is: // var arr = ["1", "2"]; if (jQuery.inArray ($ (this) .val (either)), ARM! = -1) {$ (this). Attr ('selected', 'selected');};}); .js The script is enqueqed properly. html-output name = "location []" multi = "multiple" id = "location" class = "post-format" style = "display : None; "& gt; Option value =" - 1 "> Select a location gt; option class =" level-0 "value =...

c - Not able to set breakpoint on some functions in kgdb setup -

itemprop = "text"> I have a qigraphy setup using two virtual machines, both of them are 6.4 percent (in fact the kilo db is the clone of the host target ) I am able to successfully connect to remote target and start debugging. I want to debug a RAID driver, especially raid456.ko. My problem is that I am able to set breakpoints on some functions after loading symbols of this raid456.ko by using the add-signal-file command under gdb, but I am not able to set breakpoints on some functions I am For example, I can set the breakpoint at the ops_run_biofill function, but not on the ops_run_biodrain function. Both are static functions and part of the raid5.c file. If I try to set a breakpoint on ops_run_biodrain, it shows: (gdb) b ops_run_biodrain The function "ops_run_biodrain" is not set to suspend the breakpoint on the shared library load in the future Do you? (Y or [n]) Why some functions can be debugged and why not something else? [edit] -------------- -...

optimization - optimizing CSS selectors. Is `*+p` less costy than `p+*` -

What do I know about CSS processing's browser algorithm, the selector is * + p less Perfomance effect compared to p + * , right? Then, p + * is scanned through all the elements on the page in the browser, and those who follow p The same rules apply to * + p firstly it appears for p , but before finding some element before p Prevents the search immediately after, thus reducing "search iterations"? Or * still scans everything. In addition, which tools can show CSS loading time and other 'heavyweight' information. Only those people who are searching for unused or more rules and compress CSS to get lesser size. In the context - I have to apply top-margin to any element in the pursuit of p except p + p ), dynamically generated content There is a lot of questions that are being read that there are too many universal selectors in older browsers. Margin down to all P elements, will not it result? After this, you can add a rule to p + p wi...

java - how to prompt user to get alert on press back space on focus out -

"itemprop =" text "> After I press the focus area to focus on the loose area but my code slightly worms also promp hav user to signal Trying the user when he is typing his How do I get a problem Please help me please press Backspace during Public domain onBlur (field field) {println ("The new zone is not available"); onBlur "); call ();}}); . Add RootPanel.get () (T1); } Public resident zero call () / * - {// warning ("DFV"); $ Wnd.onkeypress = GetChar; Function GetChar (event) {var key = event.keyCode; If (key == 8) // check key key for backspace {var x = window.confirm ("Are you sure you want to leave the page"); If (x == true) {warning (window.history.back ())} and if (x == wrong) {return false; }}} } - * /; itemprop = "text"> try this one import .event.dom.client.KeyCodes; Import; Import; Import

c# - Posting results when checkbox is checked in MVC 4 -

I have been asked to reopen this question in more detail. I am new to MVC and I appreciate any support explanation, although I am in very good net development. Scenario I have a calendar that posts the calendar with information, when it is chosen it seems: @forach (offline calendars in mod. offline calendars. skip (1)) {& lt; Li data-name = "@ OfflineCalendar.Name" data-val = "@ offline calendar." & Gt; @HTMLActionLink (Offline Calendar .Name, "Index", New {ID = Offline Calendar id}, New {@class = "location"}) & lt; / li & gt; } The calendar returns data for only one month, which passes some data through the ContentResult method. I've added a checkbox for the collected data. & lt; Label & gt; Archived @html. Checkbox ("CzechArchive") & lt; / Label & gt; My job I want to add a stored button where a user can view historical data. If this checkbox is checked, then it changes... - I want to get info of each payments of a subscription in Arb api -

I create a subscription, update a subscription to a label, delete a membership, or earn a membership status I have been able to. ! But I want to verify that the customer has been charged every month for this subscription. For all payment details under that membership. Is there any way to do this? Thank you in advance:) You can use ( I am the author of that article )

scala - Visibility between two writers -

I get an error when writing authors for these two models. These are my models: Case category ad (var id: long, var account: account, ... var Image: list [pictures]) Model object advertisement Provides {inserted adWrites = Json.writes [Ad]} case class picture (var id: long, var ad: ad) enhances the model object picture {Institue Pixel = Jason.Lits [Picture] Built-in DF CatalogPicture [PicturesCal ] (Built-in FMT: LTTE [picturecards]): written [list ]] = New typed [catalog [Pictures]] {DR (List: List [Picturecards]] writes = JSRere (TMP (T = & gt; JSON TCSON (T) (FMT))}} This does not work, I get the following message: On the image (=> No built-in writing for model. Edsalka is available.) And on adWrites (= & gt; ; "No built-in writing is available for Java.util.List [models.PictureScala]."). I think this is because each authors need a method of writing the second case class. But how can I solve this problem? If I comment on "ad" and "ima...

windows - Debugger.Break() in dll Visual Studio 2010 (c#) and delphi 6 trouble -

Years ago I had installed Visual Studio 2010 after 3 months, I told Delphi 6 (yes, it is too old) and forgot about it. Delphi. My OS is Windows XP. Now, I have created a program that has created DLL. My DLL is a plugin for this program and I want to use the debugger. In my code I have the debugger. Use brake () . Okay, the program started, DLL started and the programmable said to me: "Do you want to start a debugger?" I agreed. And Delphi 6 debugger did not start VS! After that, I deleted Delphi 6, but now I agree with the offer to use Programmer Debugger VS Debugger. I do not know how to solve this problem. Maybe I will be able to re-establish VS but I do not want to do this. Maybe I can change the value of debugger in Windows, I do not know. Do you have any ideas? Thank you. You can find instructions on how to restore these settings on MSDN:

Removing space from string after reading it from file using TCL -

I am trying to read a file line through the line and if using any TCL, the white space characters Wants to remove I am using trim command to remove spaces, but this is not sorted. details.config (input file) / P> sys_username = dinesh sys_password = dinesh ftp_ip = ftp_username = ftpuser ftp_password = ftppassword mystr_example.tcl #! / Usr / bin / expect set config_file "details.config" set file_handle [open $ config_file] while [[$ $ file_handle line] is done! = -1} {#set line [string trim $ line] (I thought it might be wrong) #set line [string trim $ line] "(Even if we second argument, then it's empty The location is correct.) # Copy it to any other variable set $ line # Now, trim to save it to 'Extreme' set and save the last [string trim $ test] #set final [trim $ string Test ""] --- & gt; It also puts "- $ Final"; } #Billow Example, I got to the internet which is working fine set "Hello World...


I use .htaccess to rewrite the url at from . First in the root in the www. Htaccess includes: directory index Rewrite on public / RewriteEngine %% {SCRIPT_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {SCRIPT_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite rules ^ (. *) $ / Public / $ 1 [QSA] and in another / folder / public / this includes: DirectoryIndex _main.phpReset the rewrite %% {SCRIPT_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {SCRIPT_FILENAME}! -f Rewartyme ^ (. *) $ ./?params=$1 [QSA] And the problem is that when I open ururl without the "public" page properly Loading, but I get an error in Google Chrome console: net :: ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING When I open url page load without any errors. Any thoughts, please? In my case, the problem was related to the cache and the CORS was happening while making the request. I post my response because this is my first source for which I have found on Google Pure :: ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_EN...

mysql - how to combine two tables having different column name -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं जो ए और बी। तालिका A: + ------------ + | manager_id | + ------------ + | 100 | | 102 | | 103 | | 124 | | 14 9 | | 101 | | 201 | | 205 | + ------------ + तालिका: बी + ----------- - + | First_name | + ------------ + | स्टीवन | | लेक्स | | सिकंदर | | केविन | | एलनी | | नीना | | माइकल | | शेली | + ------------ + मैं दोनों तालिकाओं को जोड़ना चाहता हूं। आउटपुट तालिकाएं दिखनी चाहिए .. 1 टेबल की पंक्ति को तालिका बी की पहली पंक्ति के साथ जोड़ना चाहिए। तालिका की दूसरी पंक्ति को तालिका की दूसरी पंक्ति के साथ संयोजित किया जाना चाहिए। और इसी तरह ..... OUTPUT: + ------------ + ------------- + | Manager_id | First_name | + ------------ + ------------- + | 100 | स्टीवन | | 101 | लेक्स | | 102 | एलेक्ज़ेंडर | | 103 | केविन | | 124 | एलेनी | | 14 9 | नीना | | 201 | माइकल | | 205 | शेली | + ------------ + ------------- + मैंने अलग-अलग मिलकर और संघ की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं मिल रहा है नोट: ये टेबल एक क्वेरी के परिणाम हैं, इसलिए कोई भी अतिरिक्त कॉ...

sorting - javascript sort placing middle item at top -

मेरे पास निम्न सॉर्ट फ़ंक्शन है: var timeArray = new Array ('11: 41 ', '11 .39', '11: 41 ', '11: 41', '11: 40 ', '11: 70', '11: 39 ', '11: 38', '11: 38 ',' 11:37 ', '11: 37'); TimeArray.sort (फ़ंक्शन (सी, डी) {var अंक 1 = पार्सआईंट (c.replace (/ \ D / g, '')); var अंक 2 = पार्सआईंट (डी.रेले (/ \ डी / जी, '')) ; वापसी अंक 1 & gt; अंक 2;}); var testContent = ''; के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; timeArray.length; i ++) {testContent + = समयअरेरे [i] + '& lt; br / & gt;'; } $ ('# परीक्षा')। html (testcontent); मुझे निम्न परिणाम देखने की उम्मीद है: 11:37 11:37 11:38 11:38 11.39 11:39 11:40 11:41 11:41 11:41 11:70 हालांकि, 11.70 नंबर हमेशा परिणामों के शीर्ष पर प्रकट होता है अगर मैं सरणी में 11:70 मान को बदलता हूं, तो कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि मैं इसका इस्तेमाल किस मूल्य का होता हूं जो कि परिणामों की शुरुआत में हमेशा दिखाई देगा। क्या कोई भी ...

javascript - How to use option from a drop down list many times -

I'm surprised that there is a way to use the option from the selection tag for many drop down lists. My HTML looks like this: & lt; div id = "background0" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div id = "dropspot0" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P class = "ziua0" & gt; LUNI & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Select id = "zile0" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "01" & gt; 01 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "02" & gt; 02 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "03" & gt; 03 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "04" & gt; 04 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "05" & gt; 05 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "06" & gt; 06 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "07" & gt; 07 & lt; / Options & gt...

mysql - Setting order/position - resetting by two vars -

I want to ask that it can only be done by MySQL and not by php code my I have a table that contains id, catid, order I know that SET @ pos: = 0; Update products SET order = @pos: = @ pin 1 order order; But how do I reset it (starting at 0 on each cadet). I can choose each cat in php and can run different SQL each time. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Introduce a new variable @cat, compare with Catid and reset @pos on the cached changes SET @pos: = 0; SET @cat: = 0; Enter Product P (Choose ID, @pos: = if (cat cat> 0, @ pos + 1) as new_order, order by product ORDER from @cat: = catid) p2 p Id = p2 Id set order = p2.new_order;

angularjs - generate element using ng-repeat but only show if condition met -

I want to generate an element using ng-repeat , but only a few $ range I want to show activeMod is equal to the value of the item, how am I trying here but the ActiveMod value is not mod1 but it is showing all the list items Html code & Lt; Ng-show = "item.temel =" = "{{Item.href}}" class = "{{item.className}}" & gt; {{item.title}} & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; here menu json {"title": "system", "menu-mod": "mod1", "className": "" "" "" " "" "" "" "" "Mod": "mod3", "className": "config-icon",} try it; & lt; Li ng-repeat = "item in menu" ng-show = "activeMod == item ['menu-mod']" ng-if = "item title! = 'Home'" & gt; & Lt; A ng-href = "{{item.href}}" class = "{{item.className...

WPF / MVVM: Show specific image from list of images? -

In my ViewModel I have two lists of different object types. For example, I would say that first of all the available images There is a list, second, a list of all the articles. Each article comes under an article category for which I select an article and is shown when I want to show a thumbnail in the GUI. For a simple example, I believe that the category ID is equal to the ID of this image. This will be an easy task for the combo box: I will be assing the list of all the images in the list of items and then in the selected value the article's key to the key. The selected valuepath must point to the image's ID. Although a combo box does not understand here because I want to display only the right category image - I do not want any editing, a dropdown, etc. ... I use it in regular Image-User Control (or maybe a similar user control)? BTW: Now I have to use an additional asset on my paragraph class which holds the right picture directly, but I think there should be a bet...

java ee - Tomcat Sever is giving error in eclipse -

This is a follow-up error whenever the project is going to be run on the server, after updating Maven, this problem occurs. April 22, 2014 5:30:27 pm org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init INFO: APR-based Apache statement is the original library which allows optimum performance in the production environment java.library Was not found on the path: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jre7 \ bin; C: \ Windows \ Sun \ Java \ bin; C: \ Windows \ system32; C: C: / Program Files (x86) / Java / JR7 / Bin / Client; C: / Program Files (x86) / Java / JR7 / Bin; C: / Program Files (x86) / Java / JR7 / Lib / I386; C: \ Program Files (x86) \ SlickEditV18.0.1 \ win \: D: \ app \ Java \ Product \ 11.2.0 \ client_1 \ bin \ D \ \ Application \ Java \ Product \ 11.2.0 \ client_2 \ B : C: \ Windows \ system32; C: \ Windows; C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Wbem; C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \; C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jdk1 7.0_40 \ bin; C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Micr...

matlab - Is it possible to have a mexopts.bat that links both 32 AND 64bit compilers? -

I have Matlab 2010b and Microsoft VS2010. For reasons related to the project, I alternatively have 32 and 64 bit versions of Mattelab. I currently have two mexopts.bat files which I renamed on the matlab version which I use to properly link to the relevant compiler. Is both files a way of placing a file with the link of the compiler and does the matab automatically raise the relevant one? Thanks for the comments, I checked the command line options. An automated way of doing what I should do is: version = mexext; If the code (with version 5) == '3'% 32bit% 32bit version code elseif (version (5) == '6')% 64bit% 64bit version code problems and deal with The command for -f $ full_path_to_correct_mexopts.bat must be included

Add multiple classes to Laravel’s IoC container? -

I created a KamBench package in Laravel 4, which is a name-space and has two directories: Models and References . Either way, Laravel is loading my model into my Models directory (I have a model in which user is named}, however, in my classes Do not know the References directory. I want to be able to use my contextual sections in the controllers of my app without specifying my names, so I thought that ... I would like to add them to the IOI container? However, it seems that I have to create a mask category for each category which I want to add to the container. this ???? T is not desirable if I have dozens of reference sections, as it would also mean making the same amount of mask sections. Is there a way in the Laravel to add classes to its IOC container? If you want to use a term facades for your classes (like MyModel: : SomeAction () ) Then you have to make your facades. But I advise not to do this for so many classes. If your classes are not found in the re...

mysql - Is there a way to improve this query with if in it? -

I use this query to select language strings from wired databases in many languages, the database looks like this: `string_id` BIGINT`_Language_ID 'start_dateplay' DATETIME` text` TEXT For example, you can see the data like this: `string_id` | `Language_id` | `Day-time` | `Text` 1 | 1 | 2014.04.22 14:43:00 | Hello world 1 | 2 | 2014.04.22 14:43:02 | Hello, Well So it is the same string in German and English, one in German was replaced after two seconds of English. I suppress this ( sub ) query to get the famous string. If the requested language is not present, then it will automatically convert to any language. For example, if I need a string in span (= 3 id) then this query will fallback to English or German: SELECT z.`text` to `language_strings` form Z in one where IF (z.`language_id` = 3, 1, 0) DESC, z.`tatetime` DESC LIMIT 1 display issue is here by `join_string_id` = z.`string_id` ORDER , That IF (..., 1, 0) extract too many opportunities because ...

Error in trying to run Python code online -

I was trying to create a simple Python game for some struggling math students in my high school, though our computer Do not allow security problems to run python so I decided to give them the code and run them online, but to go to every site I ask that the code has an eofor and an error is an error in the code. That once attended and everything was fine. It always focuses on my raw_input () statements, can someone tell me what is going on and any solution will be greatly appreciated. It is only identity, so there is no math, just something to set the story. Diff Sale (): Print "" "Welcome Room!" You yourself have been thrown to jail cell "Guards have thrown you here because they are sleeping. They hit you very hard, ha ha ha." You can see that in the end your eyes will focus on the source of sound around the room. He was a person who saw that he was nothing but skin and bone. Then you saw the mark. .. It went down with his hand, it was an open wou...

escaping - SQL Server, Advanced Scaping quotes -

I am trying to create a problem which uses dynamic queries and parameters. I do sp_msforeachdb of'm using and it receives as a string parameter, this string is dynamic and content some other strings ... clear for, it is my example: SET @vTableName = '## temp_table_' + convert (Anviaraaraar (8), Dotdet (), 112) SET @vQuery = 'sp_msforeachdb' ' Use the? If you like Dibi_nam () ( ''% _BASE '') INSERT into '' + VTableName + '' SELECT * elements WHERE identifier = 'P' '' '' Does anyone Also help me? Thanks a lot! Make sure that using statements you want to do, but a few quotes announcement @ vTableName varchar (2000) dECLARE @vQuery varchar (2000) SET @vTableName = '## temp_table_' + convert (Anviacaaraar (8), Milnat (), 112) SET @vQuery = 'Sp_msforeachdb Use '' If you like Dibi_nam () ( ''% _BASE '') INSERT I + 'vTableName +' SELECT * from elemen...

javascript - Shouldn't this variable default to "top-level"? -

Currently the result is undefined and I do not understand why this is. var variable = "top-level"; Function parent function () {function childFunction () {warning (variable); } Childfunction (); Var variable = "local"; } Parent function (); I thought that because I declared a variable var vari = "local"; After I called the child function, it will look at the scope chain and instead will get top level variables, but it seems that this is not the case. This is due to the hosting, which is at the top of the var The statement is inserting, but still executes the assignment statement on that line. If you have a look below, then the second var variable will shade the global variable because it announces a local variable with the same name. Actually, what your code does: var variable = "top-level"; Function parent function () {var variables; Function child function () {warning (variable); } Childfunction (); Variable = 'l...

google visualization - How to get dimensions in original language -

I'm trying to get something like the Google Analytics Dashboard but I have a problem with the language of the result of my question is . When I get the result of my query, I get all the names in English, but Geochart understands only the local names only. So when I get "Britney" for example in the form of GA: Area, Landmark it does not understand and therefore it will not be shown on the map while "Bretain" will be . This is the same for all translations. Do not you have any idea how I can get this area in the original language or can I understand the English name of the geo-language field? The Google Analytics API only recognizes English only, unfortunately you are going to translate them yourself .

Javascript Google Maps v3 marker becomes invisible when dragging is enabled -

I am using JavaScript Google Maps API v3 to create a map that creates a point polygon point where Map is clicked. Also, I want to create those markers in the position where the user clicked to be draggable to enable them to edit the size of the polygon. I followed this example: I want to do that I want to do this. My problem is that when I make a marker dragable, it disappears on the map. I repeated the error in a jsbn, just to see that error, repeat the marker.SetredGABLE (true) line. Does anyone know how to fix this? It seems that the root cause is the definition of the map you used: Location: latLng, Location: latLng, Pre> Why this marker When I delete the marker.setdraigable () I can not understand. The marker is deleted, even if the marker click event handler is commented! Update: Even the only status: latLng, will make the map option work by comment because the map center will later map.panTo (LatLng); . - Focus a chart control on postback -

I have a chart control on the ASPX page, chart control at the top of the page and some parameters to attract a button There are some dropdown boxes to select, initially, chart control is invisible. After clicking on BTTN, chart control database will be done and the property visible will come true. How to focus chart control, where the button is clicked below the page, where after the postback, the user has to scroll down to see the chart. Focus property is a property inherited from WebControl, which can be used to input data whenever user controls (Like a text box). Because the chart control does not allow the user to explicitly input data, so the chart can not be centered. Although there are other ways to do this, you can use the screen to focus on the bottom of the screen or on the image (all the charts are provided as an image) and on that Set focus (you can add a reset button for example).

ios - Accessibility (VoiceOver) on NSAttributedString -

मेरे पास UITextView में NSAttributedString का उपयोग करके पाठ का ब्लॉक है । मुझे वॉयसओवर की आवश्यकता होती है जब पाठ के कुछ भाग को छुआ जाता है। क्या NSAttributedString में पहुंच योग्यता विशेषताओं को जोड़ना संभव है? >

html - dropdown list arrow icon not working properly on IE -

The dropdown list arrow icon is not working properly on IE but other browsers are working properly. CSS: . Custom dropdown. Option {line-height: 2em! Important; } html: & lt; Select name = "name" category = "custom dropdown" id = "ddlSecurityFirstQuest" & Gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; What is the name of your pet? & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; What was your first school name? & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; attached image here IE browser dropdown list arrow works like this But I need an IE browser arrow like this Note: I got another browser like this but IE is not working properly Why do not you set an arrow's background image What would you like to own if you do this, you always have the same arrow.

c# - Refactoring code in using specification pattern for business rules -

I Specification pattern to implement business rules in N-Layerd DDD I used to use the application I also used the CQRS pattern in my application layer . So I have defined the following in the interface my domain : public interface ISPPfication & lt; T & gt; {Expression & lt; Funk & lt; T, bool & gt; & Gt; Preddict {Received; } Boolean Assurified By (T Entity); } Anything else specificity which is the big order explanation: ISPsification and Special Order Explanation: ISpecification & lt; Order & gt; . . I have used the following handler to process my orders: Public class commanding process: CommandMandHandler I think that violates the law of method , violates , Do not ask for the theory, because it Satisfaction result from br asks order and then decides to do somethings. Open / Closed Principle, because if I want to add another specification, I have to change my command handler . How can I repeat my code t...

Play youtube Videos In Android App -

Good day everyone is trying to play video from a YouTube channel. Let me break it down 1: On the first activity you get a list of users in a list 2: When you click on the user, it loads their video in another listview. Everything is working perfectly at this point, but I do not know how the video plays, when that special video is clicked. This is my code. package com.talagbe.videofeeds; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import org.json.JSONArray; Import org.json.JSONException; Import org.json.JSONObject; Import; Import; Import android App Import; Import android.content.Context; Import android.content.Intent; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.util.log; Import android.widget.ListView; Import android.widget.Toast; Public category YoutubeVideos Activity {ListView listv; Youtube adapter yadapter; ArrayList & LT; YouTube & gt; Y_list; String url; String channel; Refer...

java - Spring override properties at runtime and keep them persistent -

I am using Spring 3.2.8 and keep my settings in a property file. Now I want to override some of them over runtime, I want to overwrite the old values ​​in the properties file and keep the new values ​​constant. How can I do this in the spring? Some properties I inject with @value and get others with MessageSource.getMessage (string, object [], locale). Beans are instantiated with these values ​​already. How can I access properties, store them, and update all the beans systems? Thank you! OK, when I give your follow-up answer, I will keep it simple enough and before spring Only you will know. I will make some assumptions that the annotation configuration is right for you. In my example, I will consider all of the properties that you want to configure which ServerConfiguration and initially Is read on Then part 1, I define a bean named ServerProperties which is the value in the injection value from . Such: @Component pub...

Securely calling a WebSite hosted Web API from an Azure WebJob -

I have constantly been monitoring the scheduled web job message queue, dragging the messages and the Web to peer web site The API is calling to process the messages (in this case using Signal R to send notification to the appropriate users) What would be the best way to securely call the web APIs in this case? The API being hosted on the web site is obviously otherwise revealed. Perhaps using some basic ath or to store a security token in the config and pass it on to the web API from the job. Or building custom authoritative attribution? Brain ideas will be appreciated on WebAb for secure web API calls. Update: Maybe something like this? Firstly I declare this class; public class TokenAuthenticationHeaderValue: AuthenticationHeaderValue {public TokenAuthenticationHeaderValue (string token): base ( "token", Convert.ToBase64String (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (token))) {}} using (var client = new HttpClient ()) {client.BaseAddress = new Uri (;> then the call...

c# - Initialize child class from base definition -

Apologies if this is a commonly asked question, but I have a lot of googling for a while to spend the answer and no definitive answer could get . I have an abstract class in which fields are included (definitions of) Other abstract classes are then used for the solid implementation of properties. However, when I want to start implementing that intangible class, then I want to populate those areas with the special implementation of the field. . In fact, even that seems confusing here so here Example // My main abstract class public abstract class Log {public virtual bool AppendLog {set {_logWriter .ppend = value; }} Internal logger _logWriter; // LogWriter is another abstract class public abstract zero zero addEntry (string input); } // abstract class implementation of the public square SyncLog: Log {public SyncLog {// I // Want to start LogWriter abstract class parents with the actual implementation SyncLogWriter: LogWriter _logWriter = new SyncLogWriter (); } Public override ...