
Showing posts from March, 2011

xml - How i can have counter in xquery? -

I'm using XQuery in the present- db and I want to use a counter. For example, I have this code: Exquisite version "3.0"; $ S in $ P for $ S: = Data (DOC (Cockat ('/ db / index /', $ P, '.html')) // h1) $$ return as a result of IN $ S & lt; A class = "libraryIndexlink" href = "{$P}&language=1#p0" & gt; {$ Result} & lt; / A & gt; I need to post it as follows: language = 1 # p counter variable is as follows. For example: language = 1 # p0 "& gt; language = 1 # p1" & gt; I write this code: declare the function local: prod2ndDigit () {$ $ x (0 to 10 This code works, But there is a logical error. My second code is: local: prod2ndDigit () This code does not work. The final code is: Declare the function locally: prod2ndDigit () {$ x back in (from 0 to 10) $ counter to $ P for $ 351: Cou...

python - Django modify templates of pip-installed app -

I am thinking that is the right way to override the template for an app that is installed through PIP. My example is related to the app structure as follows: Notification | ---- | ---- Templates | ---- Notifications | ---- list.html | ---- notice.html I have duplicated this structure in my app and accordingly modify .html files. However, now I am facing the following error: ImportError: The name can not be notified which occurs when a view from another app (profile) where i from notification import I I did not get any error without overriding the template. What am I losing? Is there anything extra (I have corrected the installation instructions in the package and it is working properly without overwritten templates) trackback file "/projectpath/project/", line 13, & lt; Module & gt; Url (r '^ Profile /', include ( 'profile.urls')), the file "/home/user/.virtualenvs/project/local/lib/...

function - oracle exact fetch returns more than requested -

I am having trouble creating a function that returns several rows I am trying to use a loop , But I still get the "Received error over request" error. Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Create or Section Volume 2 (id_param NUMBER) Returns varchar as sections_param varchar (40); In the Start sections, select Sections in sections 2 WHERE id = id_param; Return section_im; End loop; End; /> It looks like you give a function that is a The archive gives me an example of returning nested table - Use whatever length is appropriate here. Type section_tableable VARCHAR2 (40); Create or modify jobs section 2 (ID_parm number) Returns section_Table AL_section section_tl; Move Selection to the Start Sections B_L_sections in Table 2 WHERE id = id_param; Returns l_sections; End; In the caller, you want to do something like DECLARE l_sections sections_tbl: = sections2 (

dependency injection - identity 2.0 unity not resolving default user store -

I get an exception when trying to configure unity to use unity. I have read this sample boilerplate and I still remember what I am still not clear. What am I doing wrong here? The current type, System.Data.Common.DbConnection, is an abstract class and can not be created. Are you missing a type mapping? [ResolutionFailedException: Resolution of dependency fail, type = "myApp.Web.Controllers.AccountController", name = "(none)". The exception came when it was resolved. Exception: Invalid Operation Exception - The current type, System.Data.Common.DbConnection, is an abstract class and can not be created. Do you miss a type mapping? At the time of the exception, the container was: myApp.Web.Controllers.AccountController, resolved the parameter "userManager" to solve (none) constructor myApp.Web.Controllers .AccountController (myApp.Web.Models.ApplicationUserManager userManager) is resolving myApp.Web.Models.ApplicationUserManager, (none) determini...

java - DISTINCT query on multiple columns doesn't work - Google App engine Datastore -

I want to get different columns from the Google app engine datastore in the endpoint category I am using code but the problem is that if I try to bring only one column then only it works properly and returns different data. If I try to get multiple columns, then DISTINCT is not working and it returns any effect of a different query without all records. I do not know what is wrong with my code. Please suggest any solution and guide me where I am getting wrong. Thank you Code: @SuppressWarnings ({"uncheck"}) @api method (name = "joiningflow", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET, path = "UsendPoint (" Cursor ") string cursor string, @noble @ Nominated (" border ") integer boundary) {EntityManager mgr = null}; Cursor cursor = faucet; List of gt; query.getResultList (); cursor = jpacerhelper.gatecuser (lstnams); if (cursor! = Zero) cursorString = cursor.toWebSafeString (); lstString = New Arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); For (objec...

Replace OpenSSL by polarSSL -

I have a server that uses OpenSSL for its basic TLS / SSL services, if possible, I want to know how to change OpenSSL with PolarSSE, so I have to know whether we have programs for PolarSL support (especially my current program) for these services: Web server with SSL support (Currently I use Apache) SSH Cl Account / Server (currently I use OpenSSH) IPSec (currently I use IPSE-Tools) If nothing is there, then how do I change them from Polysl Can i Webber: I used Apache but now a happy user. Some time ago. Another major change is that OpenSSL has been replaced with PolarSSE. Unlike OpenSSL, PolarSSL is well documented and easy to learn. Hiawath's SSL library is very clean and easy due to PolarSSL. It does not have any more dirty callback stuff to work on.

javascript - Getting selected Radiobutton values into the Struts2 Action class -

I get the answer to the question and the javascript selected answer from the radio button and storing those values ​​in those two values These two arrays need to be stored in the Straits 2 action class and in store. Javascript code: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var nomrat = []; Var i = 0; Var calculation = []; Function Handler (_this) {var qno_name =; Var id = qno_name.substring (1); Var qid = $ ("# id" + id) .val (); // warning ("qid" + qid) var ans = _this.value; nameArry [i] = ans; // warning (ans); // warning (idle [i]); Count [i] = qid; I = I + 1; / * Document.write (nameArry); Warning (nameArry); * / /} & Lt; / Script & gt; JSP code: & lt; Table id = "neologist" class = "table-table-stripe table-barbed table-hover" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; SL.No. & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Question & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; T...

ide - Error(1,1)illegalcharacter '\ufeff' when compiling on android studio -

I found an eclipse project source code (I was told that on Android studios, maybe they are just confused), and I have to migrate the code to an Android studio rep for but this does not work. So I import this project directly along the way and it automatically transfers the Android-Studio project, but there is something wrong even when I compile. Error: (1, 1) error: illegalcharacter: Package com.bla.blabla; Please help me, thank you This is a problem Which belongs to the BOM (byte order mark) character. BOM is a Unicode character used to define a text file byte sequence and comes in the beginning of the file. Eclipse does not allow this character at the beginning of your character, so you should remove it. For this purpose, use a rich text editor, such as Notepad ++, and save the file with "UTF-8 BOM without encoding". This should solve the problem.

objective c - Implementing Critical section using GCD in iOS -

I have a very heavy job, and I do not want to block the main thread. That's why I'm starting a separate concurrent quote for this can be 4 examples of work. - (dispatch_queue_t) getConcurrentQueue {if (concurrent questions == zero) {concurrentQueue = dispatch_queue_create ("com.myself.HeavyTask", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT); } Return concurrent queue; } Now to start a heavy work with me - - (zero) start.tatas {// ..... // .. ... __Week type (self) weak Self = self; Dispatch_QI_T queue = [quiescupe calculator]; Dispatches_assink (Qatar, ^ {[weak selfie photo};}); } Now the method is heavy tasks like this - - (zero) heavy task {// ... dispatch_sync (dispatch_get_current_queue (), ^ {// To start the code for heavy work // This is important section 4. Only one of the concurrent threads can enter // .... while (position) {// display the meat of work } // ... Dispatch_asisk (sending_reference), ^ {// tidown code.freeing memory etc. It is also an importan...

javascript - window.close() not working in android webview? -

itemprop = "text"> Eclipse test on Android 4.1 device I am trying to open an html / javascript webpage, My localhost is hosted now, through a webview in my Android application. The page below estimates to close the bus after 2 seconds with the code I'm able to get a Hello warning using WebChromeClient. But the window is still not working. Any help would be appreciated. PS: Here's how I am loading the URL: WebSettings ws = webView.getSettings (); Ws.setJavaScriptEnabled (true); Ws.setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically (true); WebView.loadUrl (""); WebView.setWebChromeClient (New WebChromeClient ()); Try it out: WebChromeClient webClient = new WebChromeClient () {Close window on window (public window) {super.onCloseWindow (w); Log D. (Tag, "window closed"); }}; Description: Public Zero Variant Wide (WebView Window) To turn off the given webview Notify the host application and remov...

Php array : change the key number with a word -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक सरणी है & lt;? php Array ([0] = एरे (['ए'] = & gt; 'डेविड' ['बी'] = & gt; 'पॉल' [0] = & gt; 'टॉम') [1] = & gt; अरे (['ए'] = & gt; 'एंड्रिया' ['बी'] = & gt; 'क्रिस' [0] = & gt; 'मार्क'))? & gt; मुझे '0' कुंजी को 'सी' के साथ बदलना होगा। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? पहले बस $ array ['c' सेट करके सामग्री की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ। '] से $ array [0] और फिर $ array [0] : $ array [' c] को हटा दें '] = $ सरणी [0]; सेट नहीं ($ सरणी [0]);

android - RE: This AVD's configuration is missing a kernel file -

I am working on a GPS based application to find the user's current location and for this I use the AVD I am doing Google's API-API level 19 but when I launch AVD I am getting this error all the time. I have gone through the previous solution of the same problem but it could not be useful. I tried to do all things: 1) installed ARM EAB v7a system image 2) eclipse after restart installation 3) Google Play Services have been installed Still there is a single error all the time: "Emulator: Error: A kernel file is missing in this AVD configuration !!" There was a problem and it ended the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT setting. It was necessary to point out [ADT dir] \ sdk on my sdk \ tools and therefore failed.

c++ - Strange behavior of const_cast -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब निम्न कोड पर विचार करें: मैं एक नया संदर्भ अंत घोषित करता हूं उसे const_cast के माध्यम से मूल्य के लिए निर्दिष्ट करें। फिर मैं सिर्फ संदर्भ मान को पतों और मूल्यों को प्रिंट करने में वृद्धि करता हूं। #include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {const int = 7; इंट और बी = कॉन्स्ट-क्वैस्ट & लेफ्टिनेंट; इंटी & amp; & gt; (ए); ++ ख; Cout & lt; & lt; "पते" & lt; & amp; एक & lt; & lt; "" & lt; & lt; और amp; बी & lt; & lt; endl; Cout & lt; & lt; "मान" & lt; & lt; a & lt; "" & lt; & lt; b & lt; & lt; एंडल; } // आउटपुट पते 0x7fff11f8e30c 0x7fff11f8e30c मान 7 8 मैं एक ही पते में 2 भिन्न मान कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं ?? एक निरंतर ऑब्जेक्ट को संशोधित करता है, अपरिभाषित व्यवहार देता है, इसलिए आपका प्रोग्राम (सिद्धांत रूप में) कुछ भी कर सकता है। इस व्यवहार को छोड़ने का ...

java - Handle Exception with Mockito -

I am using mokita in my unit test. I have a method public status getResponse (request requset) throws DataException {} DataException My definition is that the exception Inherited from the class. In the case of my test static {when (process.getResponse (any (Request.class))). Then return (new situation ("success")); } This returns an error, unchecked exception: DataException to handle Mockito The method is to add this problem to your test method: @Test (expected = DataException.class) or use it: then (caught exception ()). isInstanceOf (DataException.class); There is no way other than trying-hold for a static-block. One way to change the runtime exception to DataException.

objective c - iOS 7 AutoLayout sticky button to bottom screen -

I've read a lot of documents and tutorials about autolayout and obstacles, but I do not know what I'm doing But the wrong example in my case does not work ... I know that this is a repeated question, but I do not know what I can do ... I have to fix the button below Trying the screen. The screen is perfectly fine with 4 distance down to 4, but when I disappear 3,5 ", then I do this: General button Select button and add lower position bar button choice looks correct when Screen resizes, button disappears Thanks a lot! You can complete the following steps to get it: Add the constraint, width and height below: Add horizontal center constraint: Now you can test on your storyboard by clicking Apply from the Factors button:

Migrating from ASP.NET MVC 3 to ASP.NET Identity 2.0 -

We are thinking that what is the best migration path for ASP.NET MVC3 project for identity 2.0? > ASP.NET membership with our custom project reset implementation in our current project. Migration requirements are as follows: We want to switch to bootstrap without any recycling Current Website Style / Layout We Want - Clearly - maintaining thousand subscription users at present in the database We: Migrate the first authentication logic, then a Create new VS 2013 project and control a clean bootstrap interface Copy the ideas and ideas First move on ASP.NET 4.0, compared to ASP.NET Identity 2.0, then create a new VS 2013 project and create a clean bootstrap interface For administrators and views, copy Create a new VS 2013 project, copy it to controllers and views, then try to implement the new authentication? Transfer first to ASP.NET 5.0 as ASP .NET Identification 2.0, then create a new VS 2013 project and copy the controllers and ideas of a clean bootstr...

r - How to hide selected correlations for corrplot? -

Trying to see a correlation matrix using corrplot , I'm new to coding and r. But do not want to show all relationship values ​​I want to hide / cancel a portion of selected columns and rows so that an inverted 'L' of values ​​can be shown. For example, see an edited code of the example here: Using these columns as indexed, for example M & lt; cor (mtcars [, - C (1, 3, 6)]] Where we call columns 1, 3, 6 (variable MPG, Disp, cob). In other ways, it will be specified which column should be evaluated mtcars [, c (2: 4, 7)] accounts Let's take you to columns 2, 3, 4 and 7. To get acquainted with coding conventions, see some R tutorials for beginners.

java - Vector, Point, Battleship, 2D -

Will I schedule some battles in Java for the battleship? Make a static point [] Make skip with the length (int.) p> bring , a random position on the field and a random direction, and gives a reference to the ship. The ship will be of type point and we will use the object vector as a container for all ships. I still have the full program code: import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.Point; Import java.lang *; Import java.util. *; Public class Programm34 {public int anzahlschiffe = 5; Public Point [] Skiff = New Point [Enhalskyf]; Public static zero main (string [] args) {vector v = new vector (); int i = 10; Double random = 0; System.out.println ("Zufolzzhelen:"); For (i = anzahlschiffe; i> i;) - {random = random (0,10); System.out.print ((int) random + ""); Println (""); } // test FRI method !! Int [] [] Spiegel = new int [10] [10]; Init (Spielfeld); For (int x = 9; x> = 0; x -) {for (int y = 9; y> gt; y -) {System.out.print...

node.js - Nodejs - Is there any module existing similar to request module in nodejs? -

I want to call the rest of the API from the node server. I currently have the module request in my mind, would you suggest any other best module for the rest of the calls (received / post) for production practice in nodes ?? Regards, Ram specifically restart API (web page rather than service ). And it can also say cool api.

sql server - How do I write a "pre-test" for more than one sql unit-test in Visual Studio 2013? -

वर्तमान में एक एसक्यूएल इकाई परीक्षण में 5 सेक्शन होते हैं: - पूर्व-आरंभ - प्री - टेस्ट - टेस्ट - पोस्ट-टेस्ट - पोस्ट-क्लीनअप कुछ परीक्षणों के लिए "प्री-टेस्ट" खंड समान है, और मुझे प्री-टेस्ट कॉपी-पेस्ट करना होगा कोड कई बार, कोड दोहराव एक बुरा विचार है ... तो मेरा सवाल है कि क्या पूर्व-परीक्षण कहीं एक बार कहीं और लिखने के लिए किसी भी तरह से इकाई परीक्षण परियोजना के भीतर एक फ़ंक्शन बुला कर चला सकते हैं? मेरे अपने testcases के पीछे मेरी वर्तमान सी # फ़ाइल का उदाहरण: [टेस्ट क्लास ()) सार्वजनिक वर्ग SqlServerUnitTestAssignUserToAssignment: SqlDatabaseTestClass {निजी TransactionScope trans; सार्वजनिक SqlServerUnitTestAssignUserToAssignment () {InitializeComponent (); } [टेस्ट इननिशियलीज ()] सार्वजनिक शून्य टेस्ट इनिशिएलाइज़ () {trans = new TransactionScope (); base.InitializeTest (); } [TestCleanup ()] सार्वजनिक शून्य TestCleanup () {base.CleanupTest (); trans.Dispose (); } // नीचे दिए गए कोड: डिज़ाइनर समर्थन कोड अतिरिक्त परीक्षण विशेषताओं [TestMethod ()] सार्वजनिक ...

php - codeigniter email keeps getting blocked -

Hello, I have a problem sending my script email. It has come to our attention that a spam blocking filter called barcakuda in my host And any email @ yahoo domain domain is blocked How can I see it? This is my email code: $ config ['wordwrap'] = false; $ Config ['mailtype'] = 'html'; $ This- & gt; email-> Start ($ config); $ One = $ this- & gt; Load-> View ('cart / email', $ data, true); $ The- & gt; Email-> ($ Data ['email'], $ data ['fname']. '' $ Data ['lname']); $ This- & gt; email-> (' '); $ This- & gt; Email-> Subject ('your order'); $ This- & gt; email-> Message ($ one); $ This- & gt; email-> Send (); Echo $ - THIS- & gt; Email-> Print_debugger (); If this is a hosting problem, then we can not do much about it . You can use a different and more reliable SMTP provider, such as Mandrill . It works great and has an extre...

android - Resetting backoff for 'Package Name' -

Hello I have created an Android application, in which I have a GCM Register ID. My code is - GCMRG.Start.Checkevice (this); GCMRegistrar.checkManifest (this); Final string regId = GCMRegistrar.getRegistrationId (this); If (regId.equals ("")) {GCMRegistrar.register (this, SENDER_ID); } Log.v ("REG id:", "" + regId); but returns this error - Reset Backoff for 'Package Name' What is the error? Have you added the following permission and please check if your Sender ID is live or not & Lt ;! - This app is allowed to register and receive data messages. - & gt; & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "" /> & Lt; Permission Android: name = "com.example.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" Android: protectionLevel = "signature" />

r - Errors when using stcontruct( ) or STFDF( ) to create STFDF object -

I am relatively new to R. So I apologize if I try to bother, what I'm trying to do I am I have a 'spatial' panel dataset and a size file in the long run. A long form table is a data. Frame and contains a column of dates (which has been changed to date using '') and an id column, which is equally different polygons, thus, in my long form dataset, a longer latitude value Does not happen that only matches polygon features in idfile). I want to create a spatyparty object of class ST from these two objects (size file and long form dataset). To do this I tried to use stcontrup () and STFDF () but with absolutely luck. Error ID, X $ date, spatial obz = poll, timeob = null, unknown parameter combination and STFDF () give me this error in stConstruct (x, x $): STFDF (figurefile, x $ date, x) error: nero (object @ data) == length (object @ sp) * enro (object @ time) is not correct I am stuck in the daytime, I can read whatever I can about the space time pa...

regex - Regular Expression In Android for Password Field -

मैं विशिष्ट अक्षरों को अनुमति देकर EditText को Regex के साथ वैध कैसे कर सकता हूं? । एक राजधानी एक नंबर एक प्रतीक (@, $,%, और, #,) जो भी सामान्य प्रतीक स्वीकार्य हैं। क्या मुझे पता है कि मेरे उद्देश्य को हासिल करने का सही तरीका क्या है? यह कोशिश कर सकता है ^ (? =। * [0-9]) (? =। * [Az]) (? =। * [ए जेड]) (? । * [@ # $% ^ & Amp; + =]) (? = \\ S + $)। {4,} $ यह कैसे काम करता है? ^ # start-of-string (? =। * [0-9]) # एक अंक कम से कम एक बार होना चाहिए (? =। * [Az]) # एक लोअर केस लेटर कम से कम एक बार (? =। *। [AZ]) # कम से कम एक बार (? =। * [@ # $% ^ & Amp; + =]) # एक विशेष केस कम से कम एक बार होना चाहिए आप अपने विशेष वर्णों (= = \\ S + $) के साथ प्रतिस्थापित कर सकते हैं # पूर्ण स्ट्रिंग में कोई सफेद स्थान नहीं है। {4,} # कुछ भी, कम से कम छह स्थानों पर $ # एंड-ऑफ-स्ट्रिंग कैसे छोटा सा भूत लिफाफा? सार्वजनिक वर्ग मुख्य गतिविधि गतिविधि को बढ़ाता है (संरक्षित शून्य पर क्रेट) (बंडल सहेजा गया इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceS...

java - Sort() "cannot find symbol" -

OK Collection.sort (myintarray); There is some problem with the line ... I can not find the symbol trying to sort the list, so that the lowest number in the array comes first. package uppgift.pkg1; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.Collection; Import java.util.list; Import java.util.Arrays; / ** * @ Author Friedrich * * / Public Class Uppgift1 {Public Static Zero Main (string [] Args) {// Undrop and Metod SkipAre (); } Public stable zero skapaArray () {List & lt; Integer & gt; Mantarare = New Arrestist & lt; Integer & gt; (); Int ints = 0; Int size = 1; While (ints & lt; size) {myintarray.add (ints); Ints ++; } collection. Sort (mointera); Println (myintarray.size ()); }} You should use: Java .util.Collections; More: Collections. Source (Mentare);

java - does -cp get honoured when we run a executable jar -

मेरे पास एक निष्पादन योग्य जार है MANIFEST.MF में क्लास-पैथ अब मेरा प्रश्न classpath में जोड़ा जाएगा जावा- cp "abc.jar" -जर & lt; निष्पादन योग्य.जर & gt; या केवल क्लास-पैथ में परिभाषित MANIFEST.MF का उपयोग किया जाएगा? -cp और -जर जोड़ नहीं किया जा सकता - आप उनमें से सिर्फ एक का उपयोग कर सकते हैं

ios - TableView setEditing also enables row deletion -

I want to rearrange the rows in my tableview I have already implemented these two methods. - (zero) table view: (UITableView *) table view invoice row: endpath: (NSIndexPath *) from InexexPath toIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) toIndexPath {NSLog (@ "Move Row in Index"); } - (BOOL) Table view: (UITableView *) Table view canMoveRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) Index pathway {nslog (@ "path index can go on path"); If (indexPath.section == 0 || (indexPath.section == 1and indexPath.row == 0)) {NSLog (@ "do not"); no return; } Yes return; } Now I want to reorder cells only and do not want the users to remove cells and do not want the user to remove the cells. But when I edit [tableView setEditing: yes animated: yes]; , it also enables the user to remove items from the table view, I want to show the re-arranged control in the table view, such as on an iPhone Settings- & gt; thanks Try to implement this way - (BOOL) table view: (UITableView *)...

c++ - insert arrays to vector -

I need to write simple code with vectors and I am a little struggling. I have the buffer array) which is received from any other program data in the callback, I need to insert vector-at the end of the entire array. vector & lt; u_char & gt; Vector; Callback (new data inside buffer) {copy buffer at the end of vector; } In the end, vector consider to include continuous data from the buffer. Is there an effective way to do this without inserting four characters with "for"? for (...) vector.push_back [i] = buffer [j] thanks! If you know the value, then you can insert a boundary: vector.insert (vector.back (), buffer, buffer + size); There is also a more general algorithm for this type of thing: #include & lt; Iterator & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; Std :: copy (buffer, buffer + size, std :: back_inserter (vector));

css - How to make slider text to appear in next row -

I am using a slider and my long text comes in a line. Please check the SS. You can place us on a div with CSS and width in width and height% auto and relative position, margin and pending.

Simulate multimedia key presses in Delphi -

I should use multimedia keys (like play / pause, back / next track, rewards / forward, etc.) ) In Delphi, I can easily simulate the 'normal' key using the next code: keybd_event (VK_SPACE, 0, 0, 0); Keybd_event (VK_SPACE, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); In addition, I have found a list of Mac / BREAK codes, but what should I do with them? MSDN says: VOID keybd_event (BYTE bVk, // virtual key code byte bScan, // hardware scan code DWORD dwFlags, // flags different function options DWORD dwExtraInfo to specify / data associated with additional string;); BBCK - The virtual-key code specifies that the code must have a value in the range of 1 to 254. BScan specifies a hardware scan code for the key - DwFlags - A set of flag bits which specifies the different aspects of the function operation. An application can use any combination of the following predefined constant values ​​to set the flag: KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY - If specified, the scan code was first by the prefix byte wit...

Wordpress: Function to add images in text editor -

I'm really new to Wordpress and gradually getting my head around it, but I have come into a problem and I do not know how to fix it. I am creating a page using text editor in backend and I paste the html there. All are working fine and I can output images to functions.php using this function (I've got this snippet anywhere but I do not remember) // Create shortcode template_url ($ atts, $ content = null) {return '& lt; Img src = "'. Get_template_directory_uri ().' / '. $ Content.'" Alt = "" /> gt; '; } // Add as shortcode code add_shortcode ("template", "template_url"); And I call it like this [template] picture / my-image.jpg [/ template] The problem is how do I add some alt text and add a class for the image You can add shortcode with your custom attributes like this: - Add the following code to add the shortcode: function template_url ($ atts, $ content = null) {extract (shortc...

c# - What is difference between Task.Factory.StartNew and new Thread().Start()? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मेरे पास एक DbContext (इकाई) फ्रेमवर्क 6.0) और 1,000 ऑब्जेक्ट्स। प्रत्येक ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए, मैं इसे डेटाबेस में सहेजना शुरू कर देता हूं या एक ही थ्रेड / टास्क के साथ अपने डेटा को उसी DbContext का उपयोग करके अपडेट करता हूं। यह वही है मुझे मिल गया: थ्रेड के लिए: EntityCommandExecutionException - पहले से ही एक खुले DataReader इस कमान के साथ जुड़ा है जो पहले बंद होना चाहिए। दूसरा भाषण शुरू होने के बाद यह अपवाद उत्पन्न हुआ। कार्य के लिए: सबकुछ ठीक है सभी ऑब्जेक्ट्स को जोड़ा / अपडेट किया गया है। मैं समझता हूं कि उसी डीबीसीओन्टेक्ट ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग करने के कारण और कई कॉल करने के कारण, इसलिए मुझे थ्रेड के साथ अपवाद मिला लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है। प्रश्न: मैं यहाँ थ्रेड के साथ मतभेदों के साथ-साथ अपवाद क्यों प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? मुझे बहुत समझ में नहीं आता कार्य और टीपीएल पुस्तकालय के बारे में मैंने पहले कई छोटे पैमाने पर परियोजनाओं के लिए थ्रेड का उपयोग किया है। कार्य .Factory.StartNew : एक नया कार्य शुरू करता है जो ...

proxy - Internet access via browser -

Is it possible to use the browser's internet connection for other applications? I am in the environment where the browser is the only application that can access the internet connection. Meanwhile, I need to run Maven projects which require internet access to download the necessary jars. I was thinking of making a proxy server in Chrome Extensions or other browsers but, I hope I can find one more easy way. Looks like what you need for a web device. You can try to redirect the download in the browser or try to emulate the browser according to the program.

php - Getting number of parameters for a class method -

मुझे पता है: फ़ंक्शन पैरामीटर ($ fn) {$ R = नया प्रतिबिंबण $ fn); रिटर्न $ R- & gt; getNumberOfParameters (); } समारोह स्वीकार कर सकते हैं पैरामीटर की संख्या देता है, लेकिन मैं यह कैसे एक वर्ग में मौजूद एक विधि के लिए कर सकता हूँ? उदाहरण के लिए आप अपने फ़ंक्शन में एक नया पैरामीटर $ क्लैज जोड़ सकते हैं, ताकि आपको तर्क की संख्या को पता चलाना चाहिए। ReflectionFunction का उपयोग करने के बजाय ReflectionClass के साथ ReflectionClass का उपयोग करें। फ़ंक्शन पैरामीटर ($ clazz, $ method) {$ C = नया ReflectionClass ($ clazz); $ M = $ C- & gt; getMethod ($ विधि); वापसी $ M- & gt; मिलन संख्याओफ़ पैरामीटर (); }

php - Permalinks don't work on WordPress installation on MAMP. -

I followed this guide to install WordPress multicite on MAMP: And it's okay doing work. I can access WordPress Admin and the site automatically. However, whenever I create a page and try to see it, I get a 404 error, such as the traffic URL is broken or something else, but I do not understand what is wrong. Example: mysite.domain.local & lt; - Works mysite.domain.local / wp-admin & lt; - Works mysite.domain Local / Page 1 & lt; - does not work, even though I have created the page "Page1" , my HTCS file looks like this, according to which I guide the following: RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ - [L] # Uploaded Files RewriteRule ^ ([_ 0- 9a-zA-Z -] + /)? Files / (. +) Wp-contains / ms-files.php? File = $ 2 [L] # / Add a vertical slash to wp-admin ^ ([_ 0- 9a-zA-Z-] + /)? Wp-admin $ $ 1 WP-admin / [R = 301, L] Rev. Crack% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -F [OR] Rev.% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -D Rivetrium ^ - [L] Rewart Rule ^ [_ 0- 9A...

ios - Using two tracking SDK in one application -

We want to use two tracking SDKs with our iOS apps (they track installs and in-app incidents Like - mobile app tracking). Are there any differences? There should be no contradiction because one tracking SDK will not affect another. But what does the use of two tracking SDK mean, if this is not necessary, avoid using two, there is a lot of tracking of SDK which is very good to track everything.

jquery mobile - Multiple columns sorting in backbone -

I have 3 columns that sort me individually However, if I click on the top of any column , Then it is sorted If I click on the second column header then the first column changes. I need the first column, to remain unchanged, while other columns need to be sorted based on the first column. Underscore.js or another library with similar API is already in your page. Underscore. JS has a static sorting method for archiving -

Android: How to scroll header to top when there is no/limited items in ListView? -

I'm developing an Android app in which I added header visit to the listview. Now I want the header view to display only then It should be done when a user scrolls down the list view. I tried the following, but was not successful in getting the required output. listView.setSelection (1) works well, but only when the size of the data is above the visible area, that is, the ListView scrolls. Android: Scroll URA is giving the required UI output but it is not easy to scroll headers under the list view, i.e. the search bar comes down by shock. I need the same behavior even when there is only one item in the list but when the list is limited in the list, the header is always visible. Any suggestions This effect can be easily obtained by a simple move, compile ' : be sure to include build.gradle in support-v13: 20.0.0 ' or if you are on eclipse, download the latest support jar file: Use the following XML layouts: & lt; Android.s...

sql - mysql right join not working as expected -

When I use to join correctly, I get the same result as joining the left or just joining. langugages id code for example: hoo "," n " language_default id text language_translation id Lang_ID (language id in FK) in the table of contents default_lang_id (languages ​​are the ID of the text in the default tab) text (translation) When I execute the following queries, I get all the translations of the language Expectations - Transaction Tutorial and Language _All text fields from the default table with zero values ​​where no Hungarian translations are. select language_translation. "Text", `language` default` text * by 'languages`,` language_ Enter the word 'language_ every' on the translation 'complete' language_default '. `` `Language_translation`' default_long_id` where` languages``````````````````` and `languages``````` `` _language_translation`` long_id` Instead of just receiving the text I am a langu...

opencart - store credits not deducting from total from checkout -

Currently in my opencart (1.5.6) I have enabled store credits to be used at checkout I've added $ 1000 worth of credit and when I buy products worth $ 1800, but show up at checkout Store credit: USD-18.00 Usually this reduces only 1% of the available credit. I will have to deduct all the available credits by car prices. I went through the store credit files and there is a place where its calculation could not be found. Anyone please tell me how I can use the total credit. You must enable the backend: Extension - & gt; Order total - & gt; Store Credit Then credit will be used indigenously! But the thing is: I found that it does not work for the backend. If I order in backend, the store will end in the order broken but there is no change in the customer's credit! link:

How to compose valid token depending on pre-defined macros (C++ preprocessor)? -

मान लें कि कुछ टोकन FOO , बार , और DUD (और संभवतः अधिक) #defined हैं या नहीं मैं एक मैक्रो विस्तार (नाम) करना चाहता हूं जो एक वैध विस्तारित नाम उत्पन्न करता है, उदा। #define FOO #undef bar #define DUD विस्तार (ऑब्जेक्ट) का विस्तार object_foo_dud क्या मैक्रो EXTEND कम से कम लिखना संभव है अगर n मैक्रो टोकन (जैसे FOO , बार , और n ) लाइनों की तुलना में > DUD )? मुझे लगता है कि यह (ओ) लाइनों के साथ संभव होना चाहिए, लेकिन कैसे? मैंने इस कोशिश की है : #ifdef FOO # ExtFOO (name) name ## _foo #else # define ExtFOO (name) name #endif #ifdef BAR # परिभाषित एक्स्टबैर (नाम) ExtFOO (name) ## _bar #else # परिभाषित ExtBAR (name) ExtFOO (name) #endif #ifdef DUD # परिभाषित करें ExtDUD (नाम) ExtBAR (name) ## _dud #else # परिभाषित करें ExtDUD (name) ExtBAR (name) #endif #define EXTEND (नाम) ExtDUD (name) लेकिन त्रुटि: पेस्टिंग का गठन ') _dud', एक अवैध प्रीप्रोसेटिंग टोकन EXTEND (ऑब्जेक्ट) ^ ## ऑपरेटर दो प्रीप्रोसेसिंग टॉकेन को...

firefox - python element is no longer attached to the dom selenium -

I get "element is no longer linked to domain" exception Although the element exists and is clickable, I try To click on the "Next" arrow on the Ryanair website, here is the html for the next button: & lt; li class = "newer" ng-class = "{'loadingsmall': loading}" & gt; & Lt; One ng-disabled = "loading" ng-click = "load more (0, 'select input $ LinkButtonNext1', 1)" title = "next week" href = "" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; I am located in many situations and clicked it: elem = WebDriverWait (Browser, 15). Until (EC.element_to_be_clickable (By.XPATH, "// [[title = 'Next week']"))) elem = Browser.find_alement_bibspace ("// [[title =" next week '] ") () and: area = browser.find_edit_b_spept ("// [[title = 'next week']) verb = WebDriver.ActionChinus (Browser) (are...

javascript - link doesnot changes when images changes -

& lt;? Php $ r = सरणी (array ("img_name" = & gt; "6.png", "लिंक" = & gt; "& lt; a href = 'http: //' target = '_ blank' & gt;"), सरणी ("img_name" = & gt; "7.png", " लिंक "= & gt;" & lt; a href = 'http: //' target = '_ blank' & gt; "), सरणी (" img_name "= & gt;" 11.png "," लिंक "= & Gt;" & lt; a href = 'http: //' target = '_ blank' & gt; "), सरणी (" img_name "= & gt;" 10.png "," link " = & Gt; "& lt; a href = '#' onclick = 'अधिकजीवीड ()' & gt;"), सरणी ("img_name" = & gt; "9.png", "link" = & gt; "& lt; a href = 'Http://

ios7 - LeadBolt Ads appear on keypad -

I am using the LeadBolt framework in my app. There is a problem appearing in the ad, keypad image as shown in the ad. please help .. Try this one [end.editing: self.view];

chef - Knife bootstrap does nothing -

When using a command knife, a node is run on bootstrap, it just boots up and then nothing does Pseudo Knife Bootstrap -x Root-P PSSword-N CFNnnode And Output is - Bootstrapping Chef at And then the execution of the order stops, what can be the reason, because I can ping Cheffer from workstation and vice versaI can ping from the node to the chef server, but the cook can not contact the server node. Could this be the reason? I'm not sure because this is not giving any error? Is there any way to see the log of this command because it can help pinpoint the problem Log on to the node and check the hostname. If you are able to bootstrap with hostname, then see I was also facing this issue. For some reason the IP you use is not specifically known by the workstation when you are on the wigrates hostnames can be obtained by running the 'hostname' command on the node. Apart from this, the second option for me was bootstrapped using SSH. Knife Boo...

Concat two ByteBuffers in Java -

How can I collect two byte buffers in a bytebuffer? The following does not work: Bytebuffer BB = Bytebuffer.Olock (100); Bytebuff BB2 = Bitebuffer.Olocate (200); bb.allocate (200) .put (BB2); Println (bb.array () length.); The BB length is still 100 . something like BB = bytefuffer.overock (300). Put (BB) Input (BB2); should work: To make the content of both buffers, make a buffer, and then use the relative put-methods to fill the first and second buffers. (The put method returns the method on which the method was called)

extjs - How to add custom code on the click of Today button with xtype: 'datefield' -

How to add custom code to the click of a button with xtype: 'Datefield' For example : Adding a custom date after clicking on "Today" button Ext.create ('Ext.form.Panel', {rendersTo: Ext.getBody (), width: 300, bodypadding: 10, Title: 'Dates', items: [[xtype: 'Datefield', Anchor: '100%', field label: 'to', name: 'from_date', maximum value: new date () // current date or Limited to the east;]}}); As As @ A RR pin states, there is an implementation here which gets the button from the picker. var picker = Ext.create ('Ext.form.field.Date', {anchor: '100%', field label: 'to', name: 'from_date', maxValue: New date ()}); Var Field = Ext.create ('Ext.form.Panel', {rendersTo: Ext.getBody (), Width: 400, Height: 400, Title: 'Dates', Item: [Picker]}); Picker.getPicker () TodayBtn.on ('click', function () {warning ('hello');});

android - define the targetSdkVersion depending on the device -

I have defined my manifest android: targetSdkVersion = "15" and I want to test With a device with 17 equal to API level minSdkVersion is set to 15. & lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "15" Android: targetSdkVersion = "15" /> I know that this will work because minSdkVersion is set to a lesser version of the device but my question is, should I change the target whenever I change the device? > You should not change the target version with every device, but with every new API level that is going on. As you already posted as a webpage: As Android develops with each new version, some behaviors and even That change can also change. However, if the API level of the platform is higher than the version declared by your SDKversion target, then the system can enable compatibility behavior to ensure that your app continues to work as you expect. And some lines are ahead: To maintain your application with each...

c# - Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'webmarketing' -

After completing the web application and publishing it online no matter that I'm getting the following error, Keep in mind that this should move locally ... Parser error message: 'WebKtype' type could not be loaded. me It seems that ran through the solution, although it is believed that I am doing the same as the solution, yet I am still facing the same issue ... Here is the rear code: using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Web.UI.WebControls; Namespace webmarking {public partial class masterpiece: system. Web. UI masterpage {secure zero page_load (object sender, eventArgues E) {string admin = (string) session ["admin"]; If (string.IsNullOrEmpty (administrator)) {logout.Visible = false; } Before CodeBehind / strong> to CodeFile and it worked. I remember it works in the locality but after uploading it was the problem.

java - org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject cannot be cast to org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapPrimitive -

I am trying to display a list view by receiving a date from the SOAP web service, but every time I get an exception Is: public -> org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapPrimitive Code can not be molded into class Client Reclamation Activity {public final string NAMESPACE = ""; Public end string SOAP_ACTION = ""; Public end string METHOD_NAME = "GetReclamations"; List view lv; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); setContentView (R.layout.clients_reclamations); lv = (ListView) findViewById (; AsyncCallWS function = new asynchronous (); Task.execute (); } Public class AsyncCallWS AsyncTask and lt; String, String, Arrayist & gt; {ArrayList & lt; Reclamation & gt; Results = New ArrayList & lt; Reclamation & gt; (); Protected Zero onPostExecute (ArrayList & nbsp;; Reclamation ...

html - IE Border radius display error -

I have a strange issue with border radius and IE 9 +. The browser is engraved on the left side in the rounded images. If you face such problems, please let me know your solution. I am also adding an example of CSS which is being used for success message: width: 100%; Padding: 15px; Background-color: # beef 97; Color: # 68bd45; Boundary-radius: 5px; -max-boundary-radius: 5px; -WebKit-boundary-radius: 5px; Edit: I have & lt; Meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = 9, chrome = 1" & gt; What I'm doing here is this: I just tested my JSFD demo with my IE9 + And there was no problem in relation to the wrong performance of boundary-radius property. IE9 (simulation) IE11 Edit You are not closing your meta tag & quot; Meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = 9, Chrome = 1" /> & lt; - that last slash should be present. Or you can try it & lt; meta http-equiv...

msbuild - How can I get "Build Agent Folder" from inside a custom build template? -

I'm trying to capture "build agent folder" to use in the custom build template. I know that I can go to the properties of Microsoft. Template.Build.activities.extension.Visitative Environmental projects but I can not find anything that gives me the "Build agent folder" Since I have many I want to use custom templates for projects and want to be able to set different "build agent folders" for each. You have to read. Is there any other place that I can read to find this property? Is there any property that holds this property? You can use the activity in the process template. In MSBuild, you can use the MSBuildThisFile directory to get the current directory of running scripts. If you have several mappings, access them. & lt; ForEach x: TypeArguments = "mtvc: Working Folder" DisplayName = "For Every Workflow Folder" value = "[workspace.folders]" & gt; & Lt; ActivityAction x: TypeErgagram = ...

javascript - How to Reload JSONObject Content -

The code below dynamically generates JSON data from the database. When the data is generated then it adds to a specific device. How can I reload the contents of JSONObject every 30 seconds, so that the content shows changes in near-real-time. & lt; Script & gt; JSONObject = & lt ;? Php echo include_once ('../ included / dashboard-stats.php'); ? & Gt ;; Document.getElementById ("today_visits") innerHTML = JSONObject.todayVisits. & Lt; / Script & gt; below JSONObject = & lt ;? The output of Php echo include_once is ('../ contains / dashboard-stats.php'); "Today": "212", "todayclix": "36", "nowadays": "nowadays": "3", "todayCalculateCR": "12%", "todayEPC": "0.08", "todayCTR": " "", "YesterdayEarnings": "0.40", "yesterdayClicks": "35", "yesterdayVis...

Compilation of .java files on tomcat server -

Is it possible to compile .java files in Tomato Server? I searched the net, but the required answer was not found, if yes, please explain how! PS: I am new to the development ... so apologies if this is a stupid question :) Not possible Tomcat is expected to code .class compiled Java files. But you can still compile the Java file to generate the .class file and replace it under the class folders in the tomcat and redoplen it. To Tomatik can not work with source files (* .java) For example you should compile your application with Javak and do some such war- Web Collection- A zip file that contains your compiled class and adheres to some EE standards that understands tokket (instead it is possible to use a folder instead of zip, but put it inside among others In this war (once compiled correctly) Your Compiler Sublet Class will be included in the HelloWall.class. Once Tomcat has started and recognizes your war file in the deployment folder, opens it and loads i...

java - Extract similar area of two images -

I'm surprised that it is possible to extract similar areas of images. If this is possible, then I am going to find the cover of that compilion that made it. Below are two images. There are red lines in the images that I try to find the area. The program is going to compare images of similar images. I tried to use it opencv, but i could not do it. Pictures in grayscale Divide the image into smaller areas (patch) When the entropy of the image is high, each patch must be labeled as 1 and 0 if less (without To discard the patch of letters) For two images, all the patches of images Based on the advanced descriptor (e.g. SIFT) (L2 normalization) : Histogram on Sobel image (Bhattacharya distance is normalized) Li> Wins the minimum distance You can reduce the '1' patch with a text detector ().

c - Deciding prototype of functions -

मेरे पास निम्न के रूप में 2 डेटा स्ट्रक्चर हैं: struct data_type {char name [20] ; Int (* check_equal) (शून्य * ए, शून्य * बी); } और संरचना attr_data {int data_type; शून्य * (* get_func) (शून्य * रिकॉर्ड); // इस फ़ंक्शन के प्रोटोटाइप के बारे में निश्चित नहीं है} वास्तव में एक स्ट्रिंग और इंट जैसे विभिन्न तार्किक डेटाटाइपों के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली एक संरचना है (सी का छोटा डेटासेट और इंट "इंट" "तार्किक प्रकार) इसलिए, मेरे पास इस डेटा_प्रकार संरचना की एक सरणी है जिसमें 2 तत्व हैं: स्ट्रिंग के नाम से एक और पूर्णांक के रूप में नाम के साथ दूसरे कोई। स्ट्रिंग के लिए "check_equal" फ़ंक्शन केवल एआरजी ए और बी के उपयोग से strcmp () फ़ंक्शन करने के लिए एक कॉल है, जो कि चार * प्रकार के हैं "पूर्णांक" तत्व के लिए check_equal फ़ंक्शन के साथ ऐसा ही मामला है लेकिन यहां ध्यान दें कि इस क्रियान्वयन में, "चेक_एजल" फ़ंक्शन को 2 इंटिजर्स के पास पॉइंटर्स की आवश्यकता होगी दूसरी डेटा संरचना वास्तव में किसी भी अन्य डेटा संरचना के लिए मेटा डेटा है...