xml - How i can have counter in xquery? -
I'm using XQuery in the present- db and I want to use a counter. For example, I have this code: Exquisite version "3.0"; $ S in $ P for $ S: = Data (DOC (Cockat ('/ db / index /', $ P, '.html')) // h1) $$ return as a result of IN $ S & lt; A class = "libraryIndexlink" href = "http://library.net/newindex.aspx?pid=102834&bookID=106201&pageIndex={$P}&language=1#p0" & gt; {$ Result} & lt; / A & gt; I need to post it as follows: language = 1 # p counter variable is as follows. For example: language = 1 # p0 "& gt; language = 1 # p1" & gt; I write this code: declare the function local: prod2ndDigit () {$ $ x (0 to 10 This code works, But there is a logical error. My second code is: local: prod2ndDigit () This code does not work. The final code is: Declare the function locally: prod2ndDigit () {$ x back in (from 0 to 10) $ counter to $ P for $ 351: Cou...