
Showing posts from March, 2013

java - Sms Permissions not working. No matter where I put the permission tag -

I'm just trying to send a simple text to myself ... exception is java.lang. Exception: Sending SMS Message: uid 10263 does not have Android Permission. SSMS This looks like what's my manifest file & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.example.homesafe.MainActivity" android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; & Lt; / Application & gt; & Lt; / Reveal & gt; Right now it is under the manifest tag. But even if I get permission under the application ta...

how to activate bold tags when click and deactivate when click again in HTML/javascript/jquery -

I would like to know whether HTML / javascript / jquery contains a bold button like MS.WORD When we click the bold button, we write in the text box / tetheraria, any text will be bold, but when we click on the button again, whatever text we type will be normal, but bold text Still will be bold Any suggestion would be highly appreciated Thanks It is not created in this way, the presentation and the data are separated through CSS and HTML. There are several html5 wysiwyg editors that provide this ability

php - How do I echo out multiple overridden methods of an extended class? -

For this example assume that I have a file named base.php , this By way: class baseClass {function testMethod ()} {// some default stuff}} I have another 'example1.php' File, which is like this: class example1 increases the base class (function testMethod) {echo 'hello world!'; }} I have another file named 'example2.php': class example2 baseClass {function testMethod () {echo 'bye world!'; }} Finally, if I want to output anything that overrides that method and something like this: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hello World! & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; goodbye World! & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; How can I go about doing this? Echo to return your class and then try this way: $ c1 = new example1 (); $ C2 = new example 2 (); $ Text1 = c1-> testMethod (); $ Text2 = c2-> testMethod (); Echo & lt; & Lt; & Lt; EOD & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P &...

python - Finding occurence in list of lists -

I have a list of different description lists that have populated in such a way: ['Ski', '3', 'Bachid', 4], ['scooo', '9', 'bachid', 5], ['scooo', '3', 'bachid', 5] , ['Ski', '3', 'Bachid', 5]] I need to find the phenomenon of 4 elements in the list of lists and display them in one Appear more often. Any list of lists will be appreciated. Expected Output: {"3": [['' '9', 'Bachid', 5], ['' '' '' '', '3' ['' '' '' '', '3', 'Bachid', 5] ['Skew', 5], ['' 3 '' '' Bachid '', 5]], "1" , '3', 'bachid', 5]]} count the fourth element Import from import operator import item from counter to counter (counter (map (3, LCT))) # counter ({5: 3, 4: 1}) and This will work as a standard dictionary or get ...

database - cannot update data in codeigniter -

I can not update my data in the database here My code is: Controller: public function update_contact () {sleep (1); $ Data ['validation_error'] = ''; $ This - & gt; Load - & gt; Library ('form_validation'); $ This - & gt; Form_validation - & gt; Set_rules ('name', 'name', 'required | maximum_long [40] | callback_lafa_dish_space'); $ This - & gt; Form_validation - & gt; Set_rules ('email', 'email', 'required | max_lamp [40] | valid_email'); $ This - & gt; Form_validation - & gt; Set_rules ('phone', 'phone', 'required | maximum_long [[15] | alpha_numeric'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; Set_rules ('cbo_list', 'group name', 'required'); If ($ - - - gt; form_validation -> run () == incorrect) {$ message = "& strong> strong> edit fail!"; $ This - & gt; Json_response (wrong, $ message); } An...

django - Twissandra Deploying Error -

While deploying twasandra with the steps outlined in the link: There is an error running me: pip install -U -r requirements.txt What to do? Error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat ----- ------------------------------ ----- Clean up ... Removing temporary DIR c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip_build_faria ... command C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ scripts \ python.exe - C "import setuptools, tokenize; __ file __ = 'c: \\ users \\ faria \\ appdata \ \ local \\ temp \\ pip_build_faria \\ blist \\'; exec (compile (getattr (tokenize , 'Open', open) (__ file __). Replace ('\ r \ n', '\ N'), __file__, 'exec')) "install - record c: \ users \ faria \ Apdata \ local \ temp \ pip-zumdku-record \ install-record.txt --single-version-external-managed --compile error code 1 in c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip_build_Faria \ blist exceptionInfo: Traceback (most recent call final) failed: File ...

php - A better way to check If a user bookmarked a post -

I am facilitating a small bookmark for a site, where a user can bookmark a post when a user is someone Bookmarks the post, it is added to the table postmark . The way I am currently presenting the main post from the table is Post and then every postId = id and Select count for userId = currentUser from the table postmarks . Is there a better and more efficient way to do this instead of running two separate statements? The way I am doing it is quite inefficient. My code is all below because it has not been implemented yet, so I can make changes. Post "id" "PostTitle" "1" "Heading 1" "2" "Heading 2" "3" "Title 3 "" 4 "" Title 4 "" 5 "" Title 5 "" 6 "" Title 6 "" 7 "" Title 7 "" 8 "" Title 8 "" 9 "" Title 9 "" 10 "" Title 10 " Postmasters ...

javascript - Custom "cellfilter" in Angular js -

I am working with NG-Grid in Angular JS. I have this line of code that defines the type of filter. important column In the value "H" "L" and "M" is the normal (alphabetical) sorting, I can get a type of H-L-M but as "H-ML" One way to define filters is by Kiss Also help is appreciated !! Thanksgiving Use a custom sort function: var result = 1; var test = "HML"; function impSortFn (a, b) {a = test.indexOf (a); b = test.indexOf (b); if (a = = B) returns 0; if (A and lieutenant; b) return -1; return result;} $ Scope.gridOptions = {data: 'myData', columnDefs: [[field: 'name', displayName: 'name' }, {Field: 'age', displayName: 'age'}, {field: 'imp', displayName: 'important', sortfane: importfo}] - How to Loop through BOLD lines over Richtextbox? -

रिच टेक्स्टबॉक्स टेक्स्ट है: कोड की कोशिश की: I के रूप में पूर्णांक = 0 को richtextboxBold.lines.length-1 यदि आइलाइनबॉल्ड (richtextboxBold.liines (I)) तो richtextboxOutput.AppendText ("रेखा" और "मैं बोल्ड है") अन्यथा richtextboxOutput.AppendText ("रेखा" & amp; I & amp; "बोल्ड नहीं है") यदि अंतिम फ़ंक्शन islineBold (स्ट्रिंग के रूप में बेवल स्ट्रिंग) के रूप में बूलियन एंड फ़ंक्शन आउटपुट आवश्यक: रेखा 1 बोल्ड है - लाइन 2 बोल्ड नहीं है इस तरह से कुछ प्रयास करें: पूर्णांक के रूप में स्ट्रिंग डिम आईकंट के रूप में मंद लगाना (मैं पूर्णांक के रूप में = 0 से rt.Lines.Lenght - 1) sLine = rt.Lines (i) rt.Select (iCont, sine.Length - 1) यदि आरटी। सेलेक्टफॉन्ट.बल्ड तब रिच टेक्स्टबॉक्सऑप्टपुट। ऐपेंडटेक्स्ट ("लाइन" और I + 1 और "बोल्ड" है) अन्य रिच टेक्स्टबॉक्स आउटपुट। ऐपेंड टेक्स्ट ("लाइन" और "I + 1" और "बोल्ड नहीं है") अंत यदि iCont + = sLine.Length लूप जहां rt रिच टेक्स्टबॉ...

c# - Is there something known as Private Class -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब 4 जवाब अगर हम सार्वजनिक / निजी / संरक्षित नहीं निर्दिष्ट करते हैं, तो यह क्या होगा? क्या कोई निजी वर्ग के रूप में जाना जाता है? 1: यह इस पर निर्भर करता है कि वर्ग नेस्टेड है या नहीं आंतरिक के लिए एक शीर्ष स्तर वर्ग डिफ़ॉल्ट निजी के लिए नेस्टेड क्लास डिफॉल्ट। वर्ग TopLevelClass {class PrivateClass {}} 2: हाँ, लेकिन केवल इसके लिए नेस्टेड कक्षाएं: वर्ग TopLevelClass {निजी वर्ग ExplicitlyPrivateClass {} कक्षा ImplicitlyPrivateClass {}}

matlab - reconstruct time series from given matrix -

Assume that we are building the following metrics with the given signal function [x] = create_matrix1 (b, l) n = length (b); M = N-L + 1; X = zero (m, l); I for = 1: m x (i, :) = b (i: i + l-1); End; For some example window for example X = [2; 1; 3; 4; 5; 7] X = 2 1 3 4 5 7> & gt; & Gt; B = making_matrix1 (x3) b = 2 1 3 1 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 7 If we have given the length of matrix and windows, then how do I rebuild the original signal Do you? I know that the windows are length 3, thanks in advance, I think I should add elements to the anti diagonal and this anti diagonal should be divided by the number of elements, but how can I do this by code? Thanks in advance B and can be rebuilt. Like: & gt; & Gt; X_reconstructed = [B (1,1: end-1). '; B (:, end)] X_reconstructed = 2 1 3 4 5 7 If the matrix B is some noise matrix and you want to actually average the diagonals With: & gt; BB = Flippler (B); & Gt; & Gt; X_mean = arrayfun (@ (i) ...

c# - Converting JSON object to dynamic object -

I need to get the value of my JSON object at the back end using C # I JSON object is as follows : "StudentName": "Michael Lumb", "Topicode": ["1", "2"], "Grade": "3"} I have tried that this code is: public string addStudent {jobbaked student data} {dynamic dObject = Jobbject.Parse (studentData.ToString ()); String _studentName = dObject.StudentName; // fine string [] _subjectCodes = dObject.SubjectCodes; // returns error 'indirectly can not change type ....'} I need to get the "theme code" in the form of a string array How do I get it? install newtonsoft: install-package Json: string json = "{'studentname': 'Michael Lambs', 'themecode': ['1', '2'], 'grade': '3'}"; Student student = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; Students & gt; (JSN); Change to json: string json = JsonConvert.Serialize (studen...

.htaccess - PHP - URL rewrite not working in htacess. -

I have created dynamic product such as URL like mini shopping cart I saw this link in the browser http: //localhost/sd/view.php?prode= PD1001 I want to rewrite the URL and want to manage SEO & lt; Ifmodule mod_rewrite.c & gt; Option + Coordinate options + reciprocal link rewriting engine rewrite / rewriteconconction% {QUERY_STRING} hack rewrite% {HTTP_COOKIE}! Rewrite Rule - [F] See Recharge ^ ^ php? Procode = ([a-zA-Z0-9] +) $ view / $ 1 / $ 2 & lt; / IfModule & gt; I need something like this http: // localhost / sd / view / sunglasses / http: // localhost / sd / view / iphone6 / Http: // localhost / sd / view / androidphonefx1 / Change your href: & lt; a href = "/ sd / view / product_code. '/'. $ obj-> product_name ;; & gt; & Gt; View & lt; / A & gt; Then use these rules in your `/sd/.htaccess: & lt; ifModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; Option + Sequential Options + Follow-up Link - Multimedi...

string - Confusion in file functioning and append function using Python -

मेरे पास परीक्षा के लिए दो प्रश्न हैं। t2 = ("A", " जवाब: पूर्व> कोई नहीं मैंने सोचा था कि यह [â € ??? Wilmaâ ????, (â € ??? ए, ????, एक होगा) ???? ???? ????, ????) हैलो ????)] और फ़ाइल में है: जेम्स, 8 9 सोनिया, 7,6 क्लार्क, 4,5 कोड: endofprogram = गलत प्रयास करें: infile = open ("Names.txt", â € œ râ ????) को छोड़कर IOError: print ("फ़ाइल पढ़ने में त्रुटि") endofprogram = true if endofprogram == गलत: infile में पंक्ति के लिए: line.strip ('\ n '' '' जेम्स '', '8', '9', ' क्यों नहीं '\ n' है ['सोनिया', '7', '6 \ n'] ['क्लार्क', '4', '5 \ n'] अभी तक वहीँ? निश्चित रूप से: def बदलाव (aList): aList = aList.pop () aList.append (5) वापसी def main (): mylist = [1,2, [3]] परिवर्तन ( Mylist) प्रिंट (मेरीलिस्ट) मुख्य () उत्तर: [1,2] क्यों यह जवाब है? [1,2,5] list.append एक इन-प्लेस ऑपरेशन है, यह सूची... - String was not recognized in valid datetime -

I tried with different formats but still giving it an exception. I am trying to show the dataset in Gridview using the selection command. I used the expansion column in the form of a date datatype in the SQL Server table. My code is here. using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Web.UI.WebControls; Using System.Data; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Public Partial Segment Consolidated Bimonath: Systems Web. UI page {double grade = 0; Protected Zero Page_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {} Secure void btnShowExpenses_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {string month = DropDownList1.Text; String no muff = ""; String day = ""; Switch (Month) {Case "Jan": No Moff = "01"; Day = "31"; break; Case "February": No Offmon = "02"; Day = "28"; break; Case "March": No Moff = "03"; Day = "31"; break; C...

gnome - VNCViewer Timing out on redhat 6.4 -

Can you please help to identify the problem here: I used the Redhat 64bit 6.4 version The firewall is disabled after configuration, vncserver started successfully, but I can not still do vnc (from a window VNCviewer client) in the server (redhat). I see it in the $ HOME / .vnc / * .log file (gnome-volume-control-applet: 13945): warning **: connection failed, reconnecting ... This is my setup: [root @ ip-172-31-47-86 ~] # cat / home / dave / . Vnc / xstartup #! / Bin / sh [-r / etc / sysconfig / i18n] & amp; Amp; . / Etc / sysconfig / i18n export lang export sysfont vncconfig -iconic & amp; Unset SESSION_MANAGER DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS OS = `uname -s` if [$ OS = 'Linux']; Then "$ WINDOWMANAGER" in "gnome *" if [-e / etc / SUSE-release]; then path = $ PAT: / OPT / GONOOM / bin export path FI;; ASACI FI [-x / etc / X11 / xinit / Xinitrc]; then exec / etc / X11 / xinit / xinitrc fi if [-f / etc / x11 / xinit / xinitrc]; then exec sh / e...

Managing custom cookbooks in a chef repo -

I was wondering how the chef user organizes custom cookbooks in connection with the main chef store, I have a repository Launched, and then installed custom cookbooks in the chef repo (i.e. the cookbook code is managed in the chef repo codebase). Although it has become an incompatible - especially when we want to work on different versions of a cookbook, and I'm wondering if it is more intelligent to build independent kitchen books and then to draw in cookbooks with Berkleshof Makes - What are the best practices in terms of best practices and how are you doing it? Keeping cookbooks in a GIT does not scale well, I would like to cook my cookbooks one of the chef servers For example, working as a cookbook repository (I do not connect VM to this chef server) It is designed to fulfill my development dependence (or) in the Java development to fulfill the same purpose. While loading a new chef server, I download the dependence of my kitchen books using Berkshale, this Chef serv...

linux - Can not start IntelliJ IDEA by Clicking ICON from Launch bar on ubuntu 13.10 -

Ubuntu running on my PC is version 13.10, I have recently moved from windows to Linux Ubuntu, I have installed Intelie IDEA. With full configuration set, and I'm using it for two weeks. The problem I have been facing for 1 day is that I have IntelliJ IDEA icon in the launch bar, but do not click on the icon Muhammad @ Rai-PC : ~ $ CD / Home / Muhammad /IDEA/idea-IU-133.696/bin Muhammad / RAIS-PC: ~ / IDEA / Idea- IU-133.696 / bin $ ./idea. sh Although it is working fine, but since it does not open on click by mouse, I have got a solution to any one problem, please share it with me , create file IntilliJ.desktop , input content as a fellow Do: [desktop entry] name = IntelliJ IDEA Comment = IntelliJ IDEA IDE Exec = / home /nufail/apps/idea-IC-107.587/bin/ Icon = / home / NoFell / App / Idea-IC-1077.587 / bin / Idea_ CEO 028.png Terminal = Wrong Startup Notificat = Right Type = Application Categories = Development; IDE; Then move the file to ~ / .local / ...

python - HTTPError when sending POST with urllib2 with params -

I am trying to send a post request using some of the following criteria using this code: def _ws_save_manifest (self): url = 'http: // localhost: 8000 / extras / save_manifest /' xml_string = 'example' params = {'xml_string': xml_string} data = urllib.urlencode (params) requests = urllib2.Request (url, data) request.add_header ('user-agent', 'mozilla / 5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; d; rv .: gicco / 20091102 firefox / 3.5 5 ') request.add_header (' Content Result ['OK']: 'Return', 'Application / X- www- Form- Url encode ') response = urllib2.urlopen (requested) #response = urllib2.urlopen (url) result = json.load (response) if the result [' ok ']: return true return false Although I get the following error: file "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 528, HTTPError in Http_error_default (req.get_full_url (), code, msg , hdrs, fp) urllib2.HTTP Error: HTTP Error 403: FORBIDDEN ...

angularjs - How to pass data to an angular-foundation modal $scope? -

I am using angular foundations and especially modal, how do I data a model when using a controller I'm confused about passing, I want to assume an array and want to update the model to show a specific user information, ex: $ scope.updateUserInfo = $ scope.user [index], the only problem is how The model has to pass data. myApp.controller ('user', function ($ radius, $ location, $ http, $ modal, msg) {$ http.get ('api / v1 / users') .success (Function (data, position) {$ scope.user = data;}) panic (function (data, position) {$ location.path ('/ login');}); $ scope.showWrite = function () { $ Scope.write = true;} $ scope.closeWrite = function () {$ scope.write = false; $ scope.newUser = '';} $ = function () {$ ('api / V1 / users / store ', $ scope.newUser) .success (function (data, position) {$ scope.user.unshift ({id: data, first_name: $ scope.newUser.first_name, last_name: $ scope.newUser last_name , Email: $ scope....

apache - .htacess need help for removal of multiple dots in urls -

I am trying to redirect to a URL, but giving it an error, we can use ISAPI on our Windows server The URL you are using is trying to redirect me, but it is not redirectioning. The problem is many points. rewrite ^ keyword1 / 2 \. \ $ $ Http:// [R = 301] In the above example it is not escaping dots I have other URLs RewriteRule ^ keyword1 / 2 \. \. \ ./ Product / 21.htm [R = 301] I have used the escape characters for this one again, But it does not seem to work. Can you please help This URL ... should be removed: RiverEngine on Rev. Raul ^ Keyword ... / (. *) $ / keyword / $ 1 [L, NC, R = 301] Regent rules ^ keyword /(.*)/(.*) $ / keywords / $ 2 [L, NC, R = 301] Edit: try it rewrite ^ bathroom-furniture-shower-null / 2 ... $ / bathroom- flooring-top-hat / 22456 html [l, nc, r = 301]

erlang mnesia create table error -

I am trying to create a table from Erlang Shell to the Menecia table. I got the error and the same error for the syntax copied from the Manisa help documents. Manasseia: create_table (employee, [{attributes, record_info (field, employee)}]). error occurred record employee undefined tried different combinations, the same error is happening in Manisa Has already started. you rd (employee, {emp_no, name, salary, gender, phone, room_no} ). In the ARLing Shell rd (Recondem, Record Definition) defines a record in the shell. RecordName is an atom and records the define field names and default values. Usually the record definitions are known for the shell using the RR commands described below, but sometimes it is easy to define the record on the fly. Please refer to this link:

c# - How to apply StringFormat to a wpf textbox conditionally -

I have a text box that pops up with DB. DB value should be due to string format which is due to string formatting. This value can change the user. If the user edits the value in a different format then string formatter should not be reformed. How can I get it? & lt; TextBox x: name = "txtStartDate" height = "24" width = "80" padding = "0" maximum length = "10" text = "{binding path = selected date, string format = 'deed, ddmmm', relative sorce = {Relative Abras ancestor type = {x: type date picture}}} "/ & gt; There is a custom control in the textbox real project. e.g. DB sends a value, as it changes in May 30 and is displayed in the text box, it is expected that if the user changes it back to May 30 then it should not be changed and May 30 be displayed needed. What really is happening is that the value is formatted back in 30 months, so once the user wants to stop formatting after touching the va...

javascript - How to expand height of the container div whenever child divs are expanded -

In my HTML page I have some & lt; Div & gt; s, which is also my requirement if I click on that link, its original container size is & lt; Div & gt; should be expanded (simply spreads as an andarean). This is what I have tried to do: $ ('add-comment'). Height ($ ('div. Height () + $ (' ') height ());}) ; The above statement adds the height of , but the problem is that unless the code is executed, The altitude of -1 ends. 1. Edit $ ('height. Click on 'stream-widgets-block-comment-box') (function () {var vHight = $ ('div.extra'). Height (); $ ('Div.extra'). CSS ('height' You can use .css () and var.

Python CSV transpose data in one column to rows -

मेरे पास केवल पहले कॉलम में डेटा युक्त एक सीएसवी फाइल है, मैं अजगर का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं , उदाहरण के लिए, पंक्ति 1 से पंक्ति 4 को पहले पंक्ति में ट्रांस्फ़ॉर्म किया गया; फिर दूसरी पंक्ति, ... आदि के लिए पंक्ति 5 से पंक्ति 8 को ट्रांसपोज़ किया गया, और अंत में हम सीएसवी फ़ाइल में 5 * 4 मैट्रिक्स प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यह कैसे करने के लिए एक स्क्रिप्ट लिखना है? कृपया मुझे कोई संकेत और सुझाव दें, धन्यवाद। मैं विंडोज 8.1 x 64 के तहत अजगर 2.7.4 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। अपडेट # 1 मैं थोरफ़ेय द्वारा प्रदान किए गए निम्नलिखित कोड का उपयोग करता हूं, आयात सिस्टम, ओएस ओएससीडी ('सी: \ यूज़र्स \ हैनज \ डेस्कटॉप') प्रिंट ओएसएटीएसीडीडी ( ) के रूप में ([i.rstrip ()] + नक्शा (str.rstrip, के लिए) के रूप में open_file के रूप में open_file के रूप में open ("test_csv.csv") के साथ itertools आयात के साथ इस्त्लाइस आयात करें ("आउटपुट.csv", "w" इन_आईफ़, 3)) में I के लिए in_f: आउट_फ़ाइल.लिखित ("\ t" .जोइंड (रेखा) + "\ n") इनपुट सीए...

css - Smarty - How to hide questions under each section in a long form -

I am very new to tricks and I am trying to explain a way to hide the questions under each section title long form. I will need to name the section name and some division in the questions under this specific section title so that I can target them in CSS or JS, but I'm breaking my head to find a way to do this With peak This is my code: {if! Empty ($ question list)} {foreach = $ questionList key = 'section' item = 'questions'} {If! Empty ($ section)} & lt; Tr class = "ow_tr_first" & gt; & Lt; Th colspan = "3" class = "section_label" & gt; {Text key = "base + question_section_` $ section`_label"} & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; {/ If} {$ = $ question item = name 'question' by name * 'question' name = 'question'} & Lt; Td square = "ow_value" & gt; {Input name = $} & lt; Div style = "height: 1px;" & Gt; & Lt; /...

c# - Func as input parameter -

I have the following method in C # with some parameters: public static void DeleteSingleItemInDataGrid (DataGrid DataGrid, String IDcolumnName, Func & lt; int & gt; afterCompletionMethod_ToRun) I type the third parameter type to Func & lt; Zero & gt; But I can not do how can I do it? In other words My question is how can a method (or function with zero result ) pass as a method parameter? A representative refers to a method that returns "return" zero to The name of the representative is also in the Action .net language, and so on: Then your method will sign it: And not back int , it will be: public Nick Static Zero DeleteSingleItemInDataGrid (DataGrid DataGrid, String IDcolumnName, Action & lt; int & gt; End End Method Method) / Code> This is a method adopted by taking a int parameter Does not return anything (aka "back" zero ). It also means that you can not create a general method whi...

kendo ui - remove selected elements from multi list view -

Using the Candido UI, please tell me how we can extract elements from a multi-list view. When I select any item, it is giving me, but I am unable to remove the selected element. {Id: 3, text: "lesson 3"}]; Var d = $ ("# listview"). KendoListView ({Data Source: Data, Template: kendo.template ($ ("# template") .html ()), select: "Multiple", change: function () {var index = (). ), Data item = this.dataSource.view () [index]; var d = $ ("# listview"). Data ("candlestivo"); warning (de.liment. () .first ()); d.remove (DataItem.text); // log ("id:" + + ", text:" + dataItem.text); var selected = $ .map (select it), function (item) {returns Data [$ (item). Index ()]. ​​Id;}); //data.remove(; //console.log(data); console.log (selected); //console.log ( "[" + Selected.join ("," "" ");}}}); to remove element It is: / Th...

delphi - How to return an embedded window to windows as parent -

I'm using ShellExecute to launch Adobe Reader. After that I will get the window with WinApi.Windows.SetParent Redirecting to a panel. Now when I close my app, Adobe Reader is still active in memory and I must finish the process in Task Manager before opening a new session. My questions are: How do I get Adobe Reader in my app? How do I talk to it? (Stop sending messages and minimizing it) and how do I return them to the windows as parents? Edit Delphi XE5: This is the code that I use to set up new parents: ShellExecute (handle, zero, picarah ('c: \ tool \ temp.pdf'), zero, zero, SW_SOWNOWNMAL); Sleep (500); WHandle: = FindWindow (zero, 'Temp.pdf - Adobe Reader'); WinApi.Windows.SetParent (wHandle, Panel1.Handle); Here are my answers to my questions: I have been saved in the WH and Wear because this is a global variable, so I can get it anywhere in my code. Like my form's on-close event To 'talk' to the ebob reader, I have to us...

opencv - How to convert a component from HSV to RGB and viceversa -

I have to convert a component color from hsv to RGB And for example if I have vector hsvcomponent = {30, 80, 100} , then I want the same color in the RGB P> How can I do this in OpenCV? I know that OpenCV has cvtColor with CV_BGR2HSV but this function works with images I want something simple. What can I do? None applicable Opencity I know the work, but I suggest you should check it out :

javascript - Is there a way to detect IE from IE8-IE11 without using user-agent? -

People, Just upgrade from jQuery 1.8.3 to 1.11, browser Object 1.9 has been removed and with the decision user-agent is not recommended. But I still have to find out if the browser is IE or not, at a certain point in my code. The conditional stylesheet is supported only with IE6-IE 9, I search and search and it only looks for user Is there any way to do this? Is not using User-Agent and works from IE 8 to IE 11? Text "> "), that is, div.innerHTML = "& lt ;! - [If IE 5]> 5 & lt ;! [endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 5.0] & gt; 5 & ​​lt ;! [Endif] -> "+" & lt ;! - If [IE 5.5] & gt; 5.5 & lt ;! [AndIf] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 6] & gt; 6 & lt ;! [AndIf] - & gt; "+" & lt ;! - [If IE 7]> 7>! [AndIf] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 8] & gt; 8 & lt ;! [AndIf] - & gt; "+" & lt ;! - [If IE 9]> 9 & lt ;! [Andif] -> gt; if (div.firstCh...

python - What does it mean to have two parameters in a getattr()? -

अजगर आधिकारिक डॉक्टर से, मैंने getattr () की सामान्य अभिव्यक्ति देखी; getattr (ऑब्जेक्ट , नाम [, डिफ़ॉल्ट]) मैंने इसे बहुत अच्छी तरह समझ लिया उदाहरण के लिए, मैं कर सकता हूँ: > gt; & gt; def a (): ... pass ... & gt; & gt; & gt; C = 2> gt; & gt; & gt; Getattr (a, 'b', c) 2 लेकिन अब मैं देख रहा हूँ कोड में, लेखक एक पैटर्न का उपयोग करता है: getattr (ए, बीएक्स) (द्वारा) और मुझे 'ए' ऑब्जेक्ट में 'बी' भी नहीं मिला! यह मुझे बहुत उलझन में है, क्या करता है इस कोड का मतलब है? परिशिष्ट 1: getattr () आयात के बहुत सारे बयानों के बीच है। और मूल अभिव्यक्ति की तरह है: से टर्नडाडो। विकल्प आयात परिभाषित करें, विकल्प आयात सेटिंग्स सेटिंग Getattr (सेटिंग्स, options.env) (options.server_name) बी एक वस्तु है, शाब्दिक नहीं इस कोड के लेखक कह रहे हैं कि "मुझे a की विशेषता प्राप्त करें जिसका नाम जो कुछ भी bx है, और इसे जो कुछ भी पास करता है है "।

jar - How to include a android native extension (.so) into an AIR native extension (.ane)? -

I am currently trying to resolve the original extension of an AIR with the C-library for Android which is a JNI . So far, I tried to break into a jar, after which it was packed in AE. As I have learned, to open it to me. If it is first to enter it first. When the code seems to be working for a regular Android project, unfortunately when it is done to do so Which then one. It is packed in, it starts losing the scope, resulting in a FileNotFoundException: File path / in / my / lib was not found inside JAR I have already checked the double and triple all the way and the content of my jar. It's all right there and it's right spelling. Question 1: How can I enter the action sequence? Question 2: There is no other way than the package. Apart from this, regular extension-jar in AE? Question 3: I do not really know much about the inner workings of this mechanism. Is it also possible to leave Java-wrapping and use it directly from the action sequence? As always, many t...

ios - How to save users data on last action? -

I have to hide the view in a game, but only in the final level code: - (IBAction) btContinueClick: (ID) sender {if (nCurrentLevel == [first_wordlist count]) {UIAlertView * info = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "well done" message: @ " The game is complete! "Representative: Cancel SelfTown title: @" OK "button button: zero, zero]; [Show information]; //// game end message [self shotgun viewer unpacked: true full: zero]; [Saved Stoke Set Object: [Flowweight with NSNumber Number: [First keyword counting] -1] Cake: @ "CurrentLay" "]; [SavedStock writeToFile: path atom: yes]; }} If I do not conceal it (hidden matchview), then they will be able to make more coins to countless! Extra Character: NSMutableArray * firstword; NSMutableArray * firstjumbledword; NSMutableArray * first_1st_WordCount; Int nCurrentWord; IBOutlet UIView * MatchView; NSMutableArray * First Matworld; NSMutableArray * FirstWorldTemach; NSMutableArray * F...

Meteor JS, allow update -

I'm trying to update the Mongo record and am getting the error "Unwanted error: Not allowed. Untrusted The code can only update the documents by id. [403] " This is an example of code .toActive ': function () { // ... var teamId = session.get ('teamId'); console.log (teamId); Teams.update ({_ ID: Team ID, "":}, {$ set: {"players. $ Status": "active"}}); } Teams.allow ({update: function (userId, doc, fields, modifier) ​​{// ... true true;}}) What should I do in this case ? I think you only have trouble updating by _id. Teams.update ({_ ID: TeamID}, {your updates}); Instead of }}); You are updating your subdocumented way differently how to manage it.

How to convert String into DateFormat in java? -

I am working on Java. I have a string and I want to convert it to date format. Please see the code line for more details. string dateString = "4:16:06 pm"; I want to change it to date below: date changed date = 2014-04-22 16:16 : 06.00 How can I do this? Try this: // Get the current date SimpleDateFormat DateFormat1 = new Simple Format ("yyyy-MM-dd") format; String A = Dateform 1 Format (new date ()); // Add a current date to your time string string dateString = a + "4:16:06 PM"; SimpleDetform FormatDormat2 = New SimpleDatormat ("YYA-MM-DD H: mm: SSA"); Try {// Pars it. It is the date object you date d = dateFormat2.parse (dateString); } Hold (ParseException pre) {ex.printStackTrace (); } - Page Server Error in '\' application -

This is working on my local machine but it is not working on the server error This is looking like Parser error details: An error occurred during parsing the required resource for the service of this request. Please review the following specific analysis error details and modify your source file properly. Parser error message: Unknown server tag 'ASP: chart' source error: Web Add the following to the config section: & lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; HttpHandlers & gt; & Lt; Add tagPrefix = "asp" namespace = "System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting" assembly = "System.Web.DataVisualization, version =, culture = neutral, publicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35" /> & Lt; / httpHandlers & gt; & Lt; /system.web>

javascript - Not Building jQuery ajax data correctly -

I have the following JS code in Aspx page: $ .ajax ({type: 'post', url: '/ reporting / landing.aspx / update user reporting settings', data : "{'Reporting Settings':" + Columns Include () + "'}", Content Type: "Application / Jason; Charset = UTF-8", Data Type: "Jason", before: Function , Opts) {}, success: function (data) { = "landing.aspx";}, error: function (excerpt, AjaxOptions, thrownError) {warning ('error Word '+ thrownError;) warning (' error '+ xhr.responseText);}}); Columns have been created above like this: $ ('# currentColumnsList'). Each (function () {// it is internal scope, .phrase element var column = ''; $ (this) .find ('li') in context. Each (function () {// cache jquery var var current = $ (This); // Check our current children (Sub Elements) // If this happens, leave it / ps, you can work with the first child / with an ...

php - Codeigniter WHERE OR AND with Array from Session -

मेरे पास session-> userdata ('usershop') में निम्नलिखित सरणी है : मुझे किसी अन्य तालिका से डेटा का चयन करना है: केवल पंक्तियों को लेना है जहां chain_code और shop_code इस तालिका से मिलान करता है। मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की: foreach ($ this- & gt; सत्र- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता डेटा ('usershop $) = $ Usr = & gt; $ usrshop के रूप में) {$ जहां = $ this- & gt; db- & gt; जहां (सरणी ('चेनकाइड' = & gt; $ usrshop ['shop_chain'], 'shop_code' = & gt; $ usrshop [ 'shop_code'])); } $ $ -> (- 'wd2dbschema_config.cfg_shop') प्राप्त करें- & gt; परिणाम (); लेकिन यह सब गलत पंक्तियों को ले रहा है क्योंकि इसका परिणाम है: SELECT * FROM "wd2dbschema_config"। "Cfg_shop" जहां "chain_code" = '9001' और 'शॉपकोड' = '1' और 'चेनकाइड' = '9002' और 'शॉपकोड' = '1' और 'चेनकाइड' = '9 001' और 'शॉपकोड' = ...

java - how do i create and post a multipart/mixed http request using Apache HttpComponentst? -

I am using Apache HttpComponents v4.3.3 (Maven httpclient and httpmime). I need to upload a file with some metadata. The curl command, which works, looks like the following. curl -k-i-h "content-type: multipart / composite" -x POST --form 'field1 = val1' - --form 'field2 = val2' --form ' file; Type = application / zip ' I have tried copying this curl post as the following. HttpEntity unit = MultiPartEntityBuilder .create () .addPart ("Field 1", New StringBody ("VAL1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)) .addPart ("field2", New StringBody ("val2 ".htpPost post = new HttpPost (" File "," File ", New FileBody (New file (" "), ContentType.create (" application / jip ")) .build () Https: // www ("content-type", "multipart / mixed"); However, when I use HTTPL to execute the HTTP post, Exceptions (Server code is also running on ...

sql server - How to count values from rows and display the result in columns -

कृपया मेरी मदद करें ओरेकल | स्थिति | अन्य स्तंभों | 41 | ए | 52 | डब्ल्यू | 41 | ए | 52 | डब्ल्यू | 41 | डब्ल्यू | __________________ मुझे एक परिणामी क्वेरी की आवश्यकता है जो प्रत्येक ओरेकल में स्थिति की गिनती को इस तरह दिखाती है: ओरेकल | कुल (ए) | कुल (डब्ल्यू) | 41 | 2 | 1 | 52 | 0 | 2 | यह कोशिश करें सीटीई के साथ पीएसटी के रूप में ([ए], [डब्लू]) में स्थिति के लिए सीटीई पीवोट (गिनती (स्थिति)

c# - Command options for an Exe -

I have a console application written in Fast, which takes some command line arguments from the command prompt. Now it will take some action based on the given option for the application. Like bellow & gt; TestExe.exe Option 1 (this will do action 1) & gt; TestExe.exe Option 2 (this will do 2) & gt; TestExe.exe Option 3 (this will do 3) What do I need now when the user types the name of the application and press the tab instead of getting the user all the options. Instead of remembering this option the application makes the user friendly. Can someone give me some direction ..? What you are asking is not possible. Instead, four are executable, one of which is the program you are describing above, you have three others, representing one of three options (three batches) Files will also work, and possibly a little easier to maintain / maintain). These three execute the first with three suitable options. Now, because you have four genuine files, the command w...

ruby on rails - Thinking Sphinx - nested association with boolean field -

मेरे पास Rails 4 पर रूबी परियोजना सोच 3. स्फिंक्स 3 के साथ है। मेरे पास कुछ मॉडल हैं: वर्ग निवेश & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है_माइंड: निवेश इक्विटी एंड क्लास इनवेस्टमेंट पार्ट & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_many: निवेश है_माया: चेक_आर्डर, आश्रित:: नष्ट है has_many: legal_entity_insurance_companies, के माध्यम से:: चेक_आर्डर, क्लास_नाम: "कानूनी एंटिटी :: बीमा कम्पनी" एंड क्लास चेकऑर्डर & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस के लिए संबंधित: legal_entity_insurance_company, class_name: "LegalEntities :: InsuranceCompany" belongs_to: investment_part end मुझे CheckOrders द्वारा निवेशक खोजना होगा, जिनके पास बूलियन फ़ील्ड हैं स्वीकृत । create_table "check_orders", बल: सच do | t | ... t.boolean "स्वीकृत", डिफ़ॉल्ट: झूठे अंत इसलिए मैंने कोशिश की: ThinkingSphinx :: Index.define: निवेश, के साथ :: सक्रिय_रेकॉर्ड करें इंडेक्स इनवेस्टमेंट_परेट्स.चेक_आर्डर। स्वीकृत, जैसा कि:: विवरणीकृत निवेश के अंत लेकिन खोज कुछ भी नहीं खोज: 2.0.0p353: 0...

Content-Type must be application/json error with python 2.7.5 and couch DB 1.30 -

I'm running on Python 2.7.5 and couchDB 1.3.0 Win7 (64) and when I left a JSON document: Couchdb.http.ServerError: (415, (u'bad_content_type ', u'content-type must be application / json)). ... kkey = 'schluessel' vvalue = 'wert' str1 = [kkey, vvalue] str2 = json.dumps (str1) oup.write (str2 + '\ n') # Thanks for the help div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> First of all JSON is trying to save the document, which is represented by the JSON object type, but the JSON array which is not a document at all. Try instead: kkey = 'schluessel' vvalue = 'wert' str1 = {kkey: vvalue} str2 = json.dumps (str1) oup.write (str2 + '\ n' ) # Lines given above: {"Schlusel": "wort"} doc_id, doc_rev = (str2)

c++ - Win32 resource.hpp Why Such High Resource IDs? -

I'm learning Win32 GUI programming today and I have a question that I have not received the answer to. Why Resources Do HP files define resources with such high ID numbers? For example, I am using 2 resources in the resources of the following tutorials. RC - One menu and one ICON. There are 3 total menu totals in the menu. Here is the resource of tutorials. Hpp (which defines the int id for these resources): define # IDR_ MYMENU 101 / MENU ID #define IDI_MYICON 102 // icon id #define ID_FILE_EXIT 40001 // MENUITEM 1 ID #define ID_STUFF_GO 40002 // MENUITEM 2 ID #define ID_STUFF_GOSOMEWHEREELSE 40,003 // MENUITEM 3 ID Why not use instead #define IDR_MYMENU 1 // Menu ID #define IDI_MYICON 2 // Icon id #define ID_FILE_EXIT 3 // MENUITEM 1 ID #define ID_STUFF_GO 4 // MENUITEM 2 ID #: ID defined as ID IDF_GOSOMEWHEREELSE 5 // MENUITEM 3 ID More resources added May include, if you only increase in number I can understand the buffer to isolate MENUITEMS the ICONS am an...

Sonarqube: Squid Rules customization/suppression -

I have spent a day migrating all PMD and checkstall rules to new squaw laws, as indicated by the PMD / checkstyle However, some fine tuning options I've used with PMD / CS are not present in Squid. As a result, Sonar is full of thousands of issues which do not tell anything about the real value. Example 1 Rule: BadConstantName_S00115_Check / S00115 All of our enums are applied with the camelcase instead of CONSTANT_NAME, example: public enum classification {Purnimus (1), poor (2), porplus (3 ), Easy to read from Normal (4), Normal (5), : public enum classification {POOR_MINUS (1), poverty (2 ), POOR_PLUS (3), This is a Otherwise referred to when readability code is done (using constant imports) Therefore, what I see is a way of suppressing this rule for enums, Because we want to keep the rules for the "real" constant. Example 2 Rules: Legitimate amalgamation After migrating this rule, the complexity report for all equality and hashcode m...

javascript - Ajax upload a file from browser to FTP server -

Is it possible to upload files from a browser using AJAX? No Browsers do not give API an API that allows JavaScript to be written. You can use the server side code and can use it to push it to your FTP server.

web services - Compile Scala classes on the fly to implement webservices -

How do I add some webservices dynamically? I am using Scallet for the websary framework. I am the developer would like to be able to change the certification, for example, that instead of using hard-coded credentials, instead using the database or password file or they need whatever I also want to allow them to add new web servers inside the servlet. So, what I want to do is load it in the bootstrap code and then compile the client again and then use that version. I have seen it, but I do not have to reconstruct the whole class of snippets. This is what I have tried, but I have added a " . class ScalatraBootstrap LifeCycle extends {override def init (context: ServletContext) {val sourceDir = new ( "C: /Temp/MyServlet.scala") Val sse = Skalskriptenginekoochangerefres (Sursedir) Sekrifres Println ( "*** -" + Sekkpiltionsatuskstarttime + "" + Sekkpiltionsatuskstoptime) Contekstkmount (Sekget [Misserwlet] ( ...

php - Mysql Variable Calculation -

How would you calculate the difference between 2 variables in MySQL with phyp for example For example, would be a difficult example (table user , not to make sure where to place it): $ vipdays = "UPDATE` vipdays` SUBDIFF ( TO_DAYS (`vipdate)`) - vipdate is in SQL date format, and changed from vipdate to days I think that TO_DAYS does this, though it does not After reducing the VPD (after getting the date VIP) and VPID (VIP purchased days), the variable VPDs will be updated in the correct number of days for the user. This SQL query runs when VPID is checked on the site, but days need to reflect the correct number of days. Here's an update: I have $ curdate = $ db-> query (" SELECT TO_DAYS ("SELECT TO_DAYS)" $ vipdate = $ db- & gt; Query ("Select TO_DAYS (from users") now ()) "$; $ vipday S = $ db-> Query (" Select from user "premium); $ days expired = $ curdate - $ vipdate; $ Balance = $ VPADA - $ days ...

ajax - CSRF validation needed or not when using RESTful API? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> The following is written on the page of FOSRestBundle: "CSRF Verification When creating a single application that should handle forms through both HTML forms as well as a rest api, a CSRF token runs in a problem with verification. In most cases it enables them to make HTML forms Is necessary, but it does make no sense to use for a REST API. For this reason, there is an extension of the form to disable CSRF verification for users with a specific role, of course, it is important that other API users get themselves certified and assign a special role. " Is this explanation correct? Can you explain the reason that this is correct? Thank you! After CSRF token validation is not actually used to implement actual web services because This violates the initial principles of REST ( REST stateless , no customer reference is being saved on the server side), instead, any referrer can see the header (for ...

php - TCPDF change font inside html -

I want the .ttf font (3 files), and give them the TCPDF font folder. This classic $ pdf- & gt; Set font (); This works fine when using calls, but the problem is that I do not know the HTML which was later changed to $ pdf-> Write html (); , this is called the X font. For example: $ pdf-> Setfont ('Dejaav Sans', '', 10); $ Html = '& lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; span style = "font-family: x;" & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; '; $ Pdf- & gt; Write HTML ($ HTML, true, false, true, false, ''); What do I want, first & lt; & lt; inside td & gt; Span & gt; Exclude , using the dejavu sans font through all documents; tag, where I need the ...

node.js - Log file disappeared on cloudfoundry -

When I modified the code and updated my application on cloudfoundry cf push app-name used, those log files generated by winston disappeared Do anyone know how to solve this kind of problem? Thank you. Apps running in the cloud foundry are given a short-lived file system, which has closed an app Has been started and has started again, is pushed again, etc. You can not trust anything written on the file system. You must configure your logging library to write all your output on stdout and / or stderr. This way the logging subsystem will capture the log output. It will then be made available through "CF Log AppName", and allows logs to dry in external storage and analysis systems.

python - pyzmq installation error with dependency on gcc -

I tried to install ipython as pyzmq as install. But there is dependency on PEMMAC which depends on GCC. I already have a GCC installed but I still get the following error when installing pyzmq. Compilation Finished Error: Setup script exited error: The command exited the 'GCC' status failed in 1 in the script Also the following is: If you hope to link against pyzmq installed Libya, please check to make sure: * You have the C compiler installed * A development version of Python Installed (with header) * A development version of ZMQ & gt; = 2.1.4 is installed (including header) * If ZMQ is not in a default location, provide logic - zmq = & lt; Path & gt; * If you recently installed ZMQ on a basic location, try to recreate the LD cache with `SUD LD config` or specify the location of zmq with` --zmq = / usr / local` You can know / wait nonessance to leave if you want to pyzmq to bundle libzmq as an extension by passing: `--zmq = bundled` I now create Libzmq...

mongodb - Mobile Meteor App - calculating nearby locations and storing as sortable collection -

I'm putting a mobile meteorite application that I use to use local (within 20 miles radius) features Want to I have a collection of these features, which I would like to be able to pass in my current location (using Cordova) with current lately data and generate a list (/ archive?) First of all to generate Sorted I have two specific problems on which I get some advice! Can I use this for Mongo's $ pass or should I use it to calculate the distance node.js add-on (like 'Geolib '-)? How do I get a temporary (locally stored) collection of these places to display in my list? Maybe if I do not use near $ then I have to calculate the distance at all those places, and then any distance must be returned, but it is below a certain limit, but This is a costly way to do this when my location list grows and grows. Sorry, this is the first time I have tried to do something like this; Edit - My code (Why is not it working ?!) I am collecting collection of such pl...

In grails application message file content changed in UI -

मेरे grails आवेदन में UTF-8 प्रारूप में एक संदेश_म_फ्रै.प्रोप्रोर्टीज़ रखें, लेकिन यूआई में यह संदेश कंटेंट बदल गया है। उदाहरणः संदेश फ़ाइल में फ्रांसीसी चरित्र 'एएएएए'एसीक शामिल करें । लेकिन यूआई में इसे 'ÃÆ'à ¢ एक ÃÃ⠀ SA, एक मुझे यह एक ही समस्या थी (जीजीटीएस के अपने पहले प्रयोग पर)। यह Grails के साथ एक समस्या नहीं थी, लेकिन पाठ संपादक (यूटीएफ के बजाय मैकब्रिन) -8)। आप अपने वेबपृष्ठ की एन्कोडिंग भी देख सकते हैं।

javascript - Max char length of a js associative array on IE8 -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 उत्तर अधिकतम लंबाई क्या है IE8 पर एक एसोसिएटिव सरणी? Ex: _EnsureJS नामस्थान ('एएए। बीबीबी'); AAA.BBB.Res = {रद्द करें: 'रद्द करें', बदलें: 'बदलें।', ....}; मेरे पास एक सरणी है जिसमें 36000 वर्ण हैं, और जब मैं कंसोल में सम्मिलित करने का प्रयास करता हूं मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है ... (प्रासंगिक नहीं> "लापता:" - इसका कारण यह है यह सरणी को जोड़ता है) त्रुटि केवल अगर मैं 30 000 से अधिक वर्णों को सम्मिलित करता है, तो यह कम है, कोई समस्या नहीं है। धन्यवाद! यह IE8 में एक कंसोल सीमा थी, एक सरणी सीमा नहीं।