
Showing posts from June, 2011

NumberFormatException in -

I am working on it for a while and I keep getting a single error. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: for input string: "java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString ( on java.lang.Integer.parseInt ( in the Stars table in the Stars table.adray (stars table.javaedit) java.lang.Integer.valueOf (integer.jpg 82). & Lt; init & gt; (Stars Table.Java 24) Stars in the public. Stars (public jargon main) (String AGR []) {String infix = Args [0]; Stars Ebay stars = new star tables (infile); line 7 system.out.println ("program to output a star map."); System.out.println ("written by"); Println (stars.title () ); Integer [] [] a = stars.getArray (); for system.out.print ("-"); (int x = 0; x & lt; a.length; x ++) System.out For print ("-"); (int i = 0; i a [0]; length; i ++) {System.out.print ("\ n:"); For (int j = 0; J & LT; A Long; J +...

dojo - send a random generated value to javascript function onclick -

I have a scenario where I have to pass randomly generated IDs for the javascript function, but to recognize the javascript function is not. The Iam code below using the Ijo Dojo extended grid is: function (value, line index) {var id = this.grid.getItem (rowIndex) .ID; Warning ("id +" + id); // returning the id value correctly back to " Thanks in advance. There are quotations in the listener glitch. I use double quotation marks for HTML and script for single, and nest properly: return ' Finally, with a capital letter, the Convention is reserved for the constructor, so that you do not have id not id .

Create Image from numerical array of data in php -

My project is working with webservices. I am not sure about the banked logic that how they used to store images in the database. Aerray ([0] => 11 9 [1] => 80 [2] = 78] [3] => 71 [4] = & gt; 13 [5] => 10 [6] => 26. [3778] => 123 [3779] => 60 [3780] = & gt; -82 [3781] = & gt; -57 [3782] =) How can this numerical array transform into PNG image? I have created a new image file and that content in that file using file_put_contents ('downloads / myImage.png', $ profileImage) ; $ profile image variables include the above an array. This code creates a new image in which some dumps have datasets. I know that I have missed something by doing this. Please help me with this. I have used this code to create PDF files from the server in this same project. It's working fine thats why I tried to get my image with the same code but it Not working with images Your question is a bit unclear ???? I can not tell whether you want to s...

sql - Connect SYS DBA with no password using JAVA -

I want to connect the Oracle DB with Java, I have the code: class .forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); dbURL = "jdbc: oracle: thin: @localhost: 1521: db"; con = DriverManager.getConnection (dbURL, "system as sysdba", ""); Return return; This is not working, but I tried a command prompt such as this Con / sysdba, it can be connected. I'm goggling about this article but not all codes work. Anyone can help. Thanks JDBC to log on as a SYSDBA with thin driver You must configure the server to use the password file. So you need to provide the password for sys.

ios - RESTKit: Mapping JSON without mapping class -

नीचे JSON प्रतिक्रिया है जो मुझे वापस मिलती है: {"notificationId": 121 , "गतिविधियों": [143, 14 9]} नीचे मैपिंग है: आरके ऑब्जेक्टमैपिंग * मैपिंग = [आरके ऑब्जेक्ट मैपिंग फोर क्लास: [NSMutableDictionary class]] ; [मैपिंग ऐड ऐटिटिमेंटमैपिंगफ्रीमेशन: @ {@ "नोटिफिकेशन"): @ "नोटिफिकेशन इड", @ "एक्टिविटीज़": @ "एक्टिविटीज़"}]; आरकेआरस्पॉन्सडिस्क्रिप्टर * प्रतिसादडिस्क्रिप्टर = [आरकेआरस्पॉन्स्पेन्सर डिस्क्रिप्टर प्रतिक्रिया डिस्क्रिप्टरमाइटमैपिंग: मैपिंग विधि: आरकेआरक्वेंस्टमथगेट पथपार्टन: शून्य कुंजीपैथ: @ "" स्टेटस कोड: स्टेटसोडसेट]; [Self.objectManager postObject: आमंत्रण पथ: @ "/ सूचनाएं" पैरामीटर: शून्य सफलता: ^ (आरके ऑब्जेक्टआरिवेस्टऑपरेशन * ऑपरेशन, आरके मैपिंगआरिज़ल्ट * मैपिंग रीजल्ट) {एनएसएसटीइंग * नोटिफिकेशन आईडी 1 = [मैपिंगरेशल्ट डिक्री मानफोरकी: @ "नोटिफिकेशन इडी"]; NSArray * activitesArray1 = [mappingResult.dictionary मान ForKey: @ "गतिविधियों"]; NSString * अधिसूचनाId2 =...

java - How to stop to close the JDialog when esc key is press -

How can I stop JDialog to stop closing the Esc key. I want to keep it as it is. I have already tried to communicate. SetDefaultCloseOperation (JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); But it is not working on the ASC key I did not know that the escape key was automatically Will close the dialogue. At least it does not work on using JDK 7 on Windows 7. If it works on other looks and fails, then I think the LAF is using key binding. Try to use the dummy binding: key to avoid key; stroke = kitreak.gate's astroke (KAVENT.VK_SSKE, 0, False); InputMap im = getRootPane () GetInputMap (JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); Im.put (escapeKeyStroke, "nothing"); If it shows your problem, then it does not help in posting.

database migration - Adding column to rails table -

I'm running Rail 1.9.3 and I wanted to add a column to a previously migrated table. I made the following efforts: First of all I simply edit the migrate file and add my field and run the rake db: migrate command to see only the following error: NameError: 'Migrated' method for the undefined local variable or main: Object (IRB): From 13 / Users / Prewomen / RVM / GIMS / RBI-1.9.3-P448 / GIMS / RAI-4.0.0 / LB / RIL / Command / Console RB: 90: 'User / PrawnMode / RVM / Games / RB-1.19.3-P448 / GEMS / Reliance 4.0.0 / Lib / RLI / Order / Console. RB: In 'From' to 9: In / User / Parinemodi / RVM / Games / Ruby-1.9.3-p448 / gems / railties-4.0.0 / lib / rails / commands.rb: 64: in `& lt; From the top (expected) in the 'Start' & gt; 'From Bin / Rail: 4: In' Requirements' from Bin / Rail: 4: `& lt; Main & gt; ' Next I tried to run the following command from the Rail Console: Rail Migration adds to add_place_to_coo...

Design Custom Edit text in android -

I have to edit text like the image below. Please suggest some information! thanks You can use the following XML & lt; Remote layout xmlns: android = "http: // schema Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android:" @ drawable / bg_sm "Android: layout_height =" wrap_content "> TextView Android: id =" @ Android: layout_hearg = "wrap_content" Android: layout_centerVertical = "true" Android: gravity = "center_vertical" Android: text = "reference (optional) ) "& Gt; & gt; / TextView & gt; EditText android: layout_width =" wrap_content "android: layout_h android: layout_toRightOf = "@ + id / text field" Android: layout_centerVertical = "true" Android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: signal = "12345" /> and the background is ready & lt ;? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; Lt; size ...

php - curl 404 bad request -

I do not want to down the site or use the following php code $ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); $ Return_val = curl_exec ($ ch); $ Code = curl_getinfo ($ ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); Var_dump ($ code); This works fine for some sites but some sites like the CURLOPT_URL option get 400 code returns this URL also does not work I also tried to add but still not working What am I doing wrong ??? You want to ask for a HEAD at a specific URL. The server then says that the page / resource does not exist by sending you a 404 response back. This is not really a client problem, the server says that the page does not exist. If you get a different result without the set (which is sometimes the case), then you can actually convince the server not to properly HTTP compliant, but it will not please anyone. (Other answers may include det...

invalid property value for css h1 tag background -

Hi there is invalid asset price for CSS h1 tags here i H1 tag. header # header .logo {font: 0/0 a; Lesson: None; Color: Transparent; Background: URL ('../../ Style Library / Image / Logo Page') No-Encore Transparent; Max-width: 100%; Width: 100%; Height: 62px; Margin top: -16px; } & Lt; A href = "index.html" & gt; & Lt; H1 class = "logo" & gt; Canarbeco & lt; / H1> & Lt; / A & gt; font: 0/0 a; is not valid. The recognizer thinks that you are trying to set the font-size font size and line-height instead of 0 , I do not know at all why (I think the CSS parsing rule lets you type the font Are not designed to set the size in 0 ). This will be almost handy task to switch to using the long form properties instead of the short code property font . The appropriate solution, since your image is a content image and there is no background image, changing it is your markup: & lt; A href = "index.html...

How to write VoiceMail dialplans in asterisk -

I have some extensions for which I have written dialplan. Now I want to add voicemail feature in it but I do not know how to add it to the existing dialplan. What should I do to get this to happen? I am running an asterisk on Ubuntu machine. Here my extention.conf File is .. [other] [my phone] exten => 2000,1, Dial (SIP / 2000) exten = & gt; 2001,1, Dial (SIP / 2001) exten = & gt; 2002, Dial (SIP / 2002) Please help me because I am a very newbie in this field. thank you in advanced. When I was working with an asterisk, saved me several times. Here is an example of how to do extension configuration exten = & gt; 6000,1, North (500) exten = & gt; 6000, n, playback (hello-world) exten = & gt; 6000, n, hangup () exten = & gt; 6001,1, Dial (SIP / Demo-Alice, 20) exten = & gt; 6001, n, voicemail (6001 @ VM-demo, U) exten => 6002,1, Dial (SIP / Demo-Bob, 20) exten = & gt; 6002, N, voicemail (6002 @ VM-demo, U) exten => 6500,1, North (...

user interface - Force display of soft keyboard in Windows Phone 8 -

The Windows Phone 8 login screen and the Wallet provide a 'logon screen' where you can enter the PIN. (For example) I want to get it in my app, but I have a hard time compelling to show soft keyboard. Thank you Use InputScope to get to wp: & lt; Text box name = "txtphoneNumber" height = "100" & gt; & Lt; TextBox.InputScope & gt; & Lt; InputScope & gt; & Lt; InputScope name = value = "number" /> & Lt; / InputScope & gt; & Lt; /TextBox.InputScope> & Lt; / Text box & gt;

c++ - linker error - libraries in SDL - Visual Studio 2010 -

I used to work with SDL several times, but setting it up is a real pain in the back. Getting: "Error LNK 2001: Unsolved external symbol _SDL_Quit" repeatedly and then I added the directory, added specific libraries for the linker (I tried both x32 and x64) and I still have the same problem Even thoughts? If you link with both the libsdl and libsdlmain libraries, it seems that libsdlmain is unavailable. .

sql getting a complex average function -

IM is trying to get it: "Create a view that is used for all foods For a total consumption list, in a week, this view is used to help feed the food of the zoo's animals. Show food ID and name along with weekly consumption, fed with each meal and average consumption Number of animals going (Weekly consumption SELECT a.foodID, NAME, b.qtyperday * Below are my SQL queries: 7 "weekly consumption", COUNT (animal id), avg ((b qtpride * 7) / COUNT (animal id ) "Food consumption from" average consumption "as a food A, feed B WHERE a.foodID = B.FoodIDIIT I am not able to generate any data for average consumption Which may be the last condition, any solution ?? I believe that you can make every meal There is a need to obtain the number of different animals, for example: "code", "eggp ((bpr.propardae * 7) / COUNT" (different animal id) Select "code" as a.foodID, NAME, b.qtyperday * 7 as "Weekly Consumption...

32feet bluetooth c# which exception thrown when connected device switch off? -

I am developing a Bluetooth application in C # to read data from the sensor using the library. I am able to communicate with the sensor and I am able to read the values, I will send the command. The communication thread will either wait for the sensor to read or write. I expected that IOException would be thrown when a sensor suddenly stopped. But the exception was never found. Need help finding out what kind of exception would be thrown out when the sensor suddenly stops? should be an exception: after 20 seconds and next IO operation you do after that Waiting till that time? Or is your return call returning to zero? See # 2 on In my testing with Bluetooth it seems to feel that there is another tool for taking about twenty seconds for a device Gone - though it may be configurable. It is called "link supervision timeout" in Bluetooth so you have to wait for that long system to know that the connection is lost, and after that you will know on your next I...

python - os.rename() move the directory but does not removed the old one. it worked like copy -

I am running on 'C: \' and copying 'Y: in:' is it important ? My code: def Rename (src, dst): Try: if os.path.exists (dst): os.unlink (dst) os Renames (src, dst) Returns 0 except OSError, print: Print ("" '% s' to rename '% s':% (src, dst, os.strerror (err.errno)) shutil.move (src, dst), or should use to: If the destination is on the existing file system, then os.rename () is used. Otherwise, src is copied (using shutil.copy2 ()) and then DST.

gis - Create a shapefile from a python list using ArcPy? -

I'm exploring a way to create a shape file with a python list (in the case given below, unique list). Actually, I am using the cursor again through a shape file, and I would like to export the result as a shape file ... I tried copying ... but It also did not return an empty file. Nothing was returned. Arcpy.da.SearchCursor (unique_list for input in 'input_features, (' OBJECTID ',' SHAPE @ ') = [] arppy def find_overlaps (input_features, output_features) Import to . 'Name')): foundMatch = wrong for row2 in uniqueList: If the punch Tit [1] .equals (row2 [1]): foundMatch = true break if foundMatch == Incorrect unique. List (line) Unique Return ## Not working ## (Unique list, Output_ffecture) I think you should use the feature class first Arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_managment () in this function you can use the Template feature to specify the field. You can use your inputp_features and if you want only selected field...

Android controlling service with different applications -

I have an auto logout feature in which I auto-log user out of the timer (where user Recently I realized there were some other activities and I had to implement a global logout feature, so I used to do different activities on different timer and synchronize them Shish, but it was not a good way and it was a pain. Then I provided services on my behalf I need to know that there is a good way to control the same service in different applications. Any thoughts would be appreciated. You can enforce the bound service, start it, and bind it with two activities Can. You can find more information in official developer docs and

java - GWT: How can I reinitialize a widget in UI binder discarding all changes obtained during its life cycle? -

I have a UI-binder-powered composite that contains a lot of widgets and is used for item-specific information. Suppose, this is just a composite: ... & Lt; G: label ui: field = "description" /> & Lt; W: CustomPanel & gt; & Lt; W: customfu you: field = "afu" & gt; ... & lt; / w: customfu & gt; & Lt; W: Custom UI UI: Field = "Bar" & gt; ... & lt; / W: custombar & gt; & Lt; / W: CustomPanel & gt; & Lt; / H: FlowPanel & gt; & Lt; g: FlowPanel UI: field = "itemPanel2" & gt; ... & lt; / g: FlopNell & gt; ... At some point, I have to hide the first panel using the hide () method. However, the hide () method can not be sufficient if restart ( ) itemPanel panel, and possibly intended for free DOM resources Which can be allocated for CustomFoo and CustomBar components, please note that itemPanel.clear (); Destroys all nested widgets, so a consistent call...

Big reprojection error while using OpenCV cvStereoCalibrate to calibrate a pair of cameras with different resolution -

I have tried OpenCV cvStereoCalibrate function to fix the pair of stereo camera. The same resolution it works fine when calibrating a pair of camera but when I have 10 times larger in the very attempt to test a couple of cameras with different resolution of (the image on the left image). I got big re-launch error and did not get much meaningful results The code below is part of the cvStereoCalibrate phone in my program. Rprr = Kwsteroklibrte (& amp; _objektpoints, & amp; _imagepointsl, & amp; _imagepoints2, & amp; _npoints, & amp; _ml, & amp; _dl, & amp; _m2 & amp; _D2, twist, & amp; amp; amp; amp;;; & amp; _, & amp;; f; 100; 1e-5), cvclib_jiro_tangirl_5]; If you have tried rpErr = cvStereoCalibrate (& amp; _objectPoints, & amp; _imagePoints1, & amp; _imagePoints2, & amp; _npoints, & amp; _M1, & amp; _D1, & amp; _M2, & amp; _D2, imageSize, & amp; reload, & amp; _T, & amp; _E, & am...

Elastic search on both hibernate and mongodb domain classes together - Grails -

I am doing domain classes with both hibernate and mongodeb mapping. Then I installed the Elastic Search Garment Plug-In and mentioned it - "el.Instant.roovy" elasticSearch.datastoreImpl = 'mongoDatastore' " It works fine with the Mongoode domain classes How do I implement flexible search on remaining hibernate domain classes? If I put searchable = true, then this error returns. Use Hibernate Search, and its new flexible detection integration: Other organization You may also want to consider Hibernate NGM for mapping to the users in Mongodi: Then as you use a consistent programming model , And can integrate hibernate search with them. (Disclaimer: I am biased in the work as being in full-time hibernation, being able to actually work like a goram I did not know about Methods can not compare).

regex - Regular expression for 24-hour format in Perl -

I have a scalar variable, I have some string value. I now want to write a pattern match that checks Whether the value is in the correct format or not. my $ var = "2340"; Correct format My $ var = "23:40"; I tried to do this but did not work for me: / ^ (0 [1- 9] | 1 [012]) ( : [0 -5] \ d Time format can be 00:00 (format will be 2 digits first: and then 2 digits :) everything , Even under such circumstances They are very weird and it can understand a lot more to use something else. In your case, off-the-counter code (some syntax errors may not have been tested): if ($ var = ~ / (\ d \ d): (\ d \ d) /) {my $ hour = $ 1; my $ min = $ 2; if ($ hour & Gt; 23 || $ min> 59) {Print "Numbers Out of the Border!";} And {# Yes, Valid!}} {Print "Invalid Date Format!";}

continuous integration - Using XUnit with Visual Studio Online -

I have set up my build using the definition of build. I am using XUnit and locally my tests Are searched and run. I have tested the globe ** * * * spec * .dll and it finds all my tests DLL and build log shows that those DLSs are actually built. However, In these logs run the VS test runner, do not get any exam, make sure that the installed test finder & amp; Exporter, Forum & amp; Settings version settings are appropriate and try again. It is suggested that it is trying to use MSEst Test Runner instead of ExynT test runner. How do I tell the creation of Visual Studio to use the XUnit test runner and explorer? It is probably old now, but in this way I have this setup and working - Downwit and tell me that this is wrong and I will remove it. I found this blog post / MSDN page, but I can not find it in any way. First you will have to create a TFVC team project (no matter if you do not use it again). Checking these files with $ / MyTFVC / Buil...

c++ - how to use ordinary function with boost::bind -

I have two vectors, I would like to copy the vector elements with another change in the second, something like this: void addend (std :: string & amp; a, const std :: string & amp; b) {a.append (b); } Std :: vector & lt; Std :: string & gt; V1; Std :: vector & lt; Std :: string & gt; V2; ... std :: conversion (v1.begin (), v1.end (), v2.begin (), boost :: tie (attachment, std :: string ("b"))); How can I do this? I will do something like this (cuff off): For (string & s: v1) {s.append ("b"); } V2 = v1; Easy to write, easy to understand, Easy to optimize compiler, SO question is not required.

html - how to make input width larger and above the plant when focusing it? -

I want the style of the input element on top-left. When I click on input or type the command , the width of the input is larger and it exceeds these elements. After some searches, I do not know this approach to doing this is what I have tried: Thanks for any help. If you want to add a similar animation, you need to add an infection: #input-less {status: relative; Width: 200px; Transition: Ease of width in 100ms; } If you want the menu overlying effect, you can use it as the following point: HTML pre & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'text' / & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Item 1 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; ITEM2 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; ITEM3 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css div {status: relative; } Input {status: Completed; Width: 300px; z-index: 1; Infections: Ease of 200m width; } Input: Focus {width: 500px; } Input:...

linux - Sorting and using maps in Python -

रेखा, पी, एच, #, SET 0x53e9e0, 0, 0, 1, 55 0x53ea18, 0, 0 , 2, 55 0x53ea50, 0, 0, 3, 55 0x53ea18, 0, 1, 4, 55 0x53ea88, 0, 0, 5, 55 0x53eac0, 1, 0, 6, 55 0x53ea18, 0, 1, 7, 55 0x53eaf8 , 0, 0, 8, 55 0x53eb30, 1, 0, 9, 55 0x53eb30, 0, 1, 10, 55 0x53eb68, 0, 0, 11, 55 0x53eba0, 1, 0, 12, 55 0x53ebd8, 1, 0, 13, 55 0x53ec10, 0, 0, 14, 55 0x53ec48, 1, 0, 15, 55 0x53ec48, 1, 1, 16, 55 0x53ec80, 0, 0, 17, 55 0x53ecb8, 0, 0, 18, 55 0x53ecf0, 1, 0, 1 9, 55 0x53ecf0, 0, 1, 20, 55 0x53 ही 28, 1, 0, 21, 55 0x53e 9e0, 1, 0, 22, 55 0x53e9e0, 0, 1, 23, 55 0x53e9e0, 1, 1, 24 , 55 0 से लेकर 1024 तक के प्रत्येक सेट के लिए और किसी भी क्रम में होने वाली (ऊपर से मैंने केवल 55 वें सेट के पहले 25 को मुद्रित किया है)। मैं प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए P == 1 से पहले और उसके बाद एक एच == 1 प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। मुझे यह जानना है कि यदि यह 16 से कम है तो कितने रन चले गए हैं। उदाहरण के लिए: रेखा पर विचार करें: 0x53e9e0 में भौतिक रेखा 2 में पी और एच 0 है। आखिरी लेकिन तीसरी पंक्ति (रेखा 23), 0x53e 9e0 के...

javascript - How can I send an Ajax request to check a register user field when I don't have jQuery? -

I have a very simple registration screen with the following fields: & lt; Input id = "email" name = "email" placeholder = "email" required = "required" type = "article" value = "" /> & Lt; Button ID = "Register" type = "button" onclick = "location.href = '/ account / register'" & gt; Register & lt; / Button & gt; jQuery is not available in my registration screen. How do I create it so that after the user leaves the screen or click the submit button, an AJAX call should be called to check whether the user is already in the email system or not. You can submit a form using AJAX, but no jQuery. Includes using the JavaScript default Ajax API, XMLHttpRequest. See: For more information.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String PadLeft(Int32)' method -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर कृपया मेरी मदद करें मुझे क्या चाहिए इस कोड में इस त्रुटि के साथ करें: लिनक्यू को यूनिट्स 'सिस्टम। स्ट्रिंग पैड लेफ्ट (इंट्र 32)' विधि को पहचानती नहीं है, और यह विधि स्टोर अभिव्यक्ति में अनुवाद नहीं की जा सकती। प्री> var bookImagePage = (लिबसीम्स में बीबीएस से। पुस्तकालयों में बीबीपी में शामिल हों.बीबीएस पर बुक करें। बुकआईडी बराबर बीबीपी.बुकआईडी का चयन नया {बीबीएस। बुकआईडी, बीबीपी। वॉल्यूम, बीबीएस। एटोलिड, बीबीपी। पेज न्यू, ए = Bbs.AutoID.PadLeft (5, '0') + बीबीपी। पेज नं। पैड-लेफ्ट (4, '0')})। विशिष्ट ()। ToList (); आप एक Linq क्वेरी में तरीकों का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। स्ट्रिंग हेरफेर को तोलिये () के बाद लें। चयन करें (x = & gt; नया {// अब आप परिणामों पर तरीकों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं})

c# 4.0 - Converting to a specific type from a string value by passing the required type as parameter -

I am using the following method to convert string types to a common type Public stable Tea Parse & lt; T & gt; (String Value) {// or Convertform InvoertString If you are returning the serialization (T) type TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typef (T)). ConvertFromString (value); } I have to call it like this parse I'm trying to instead of giving that result clearly , I Pars & lt; Type.GetType ("Int32") & gt; (Some string value); The primary problem is that you are type identifier are trying to take a shortcut around a type of name not is just a type of name that you use in a program, that name space is also included in it , The display name of the assembly in which it is stored, the assembly number and assembly of the assembly Strong name received the public key token. In other words, type.edudoodquilified name For who you would like to write your code like this: Pars (type gatetype ("System.INT32, MScorril, version = 4...

iOS binary submission and encryption + KeychainItemWrapper -

I am trying to upload an app to iTunesConnect and it is asking the following yes / no questions: I used this code keychainItemWrapper class and security frame in my app How should the answer be given? If you encrypt any content in your app, then you should say yes There is, otherwise, No , according to my observations, the key is the eTammrapper is used when the data is encrypted, then you should say yes in that situation.

html - Slide out label with css3 transitions -

I have the following, this is the label with a numeric position with the number and marker text: & lt; span href = "#" class = "part-marker" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" class = "marker-label" & gt; 1 & lt; Span & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; Marker text & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; How can I slide it over the hover using CSS 3 transition? I have tried to use it successfully ?? See below a simplified version - here is the root that you can not make a transition to properties Which do not scale, so from where you have going from display: any t inline-block , this hidden is shown because there are no arbitrator digits I Instead you can use a combination of max-width and overflow in the form below. HTML & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; A href = '#' & gt; 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Label & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt;...

nginx - Facebook app using github-hosted page -

I need to present a small and static website inside a Facebook app so that A new tab for the Facebook page does this. To achieve this, I have to create a website, host it and then create a Facebook app to present the website inside it. The first problem was that I do not have a webhost with SEOL so that I can set up a secure URL in my Facebook app settings, so I decided to use the pages of pages. My site was very easy and stable, so although I would work for Jethub Page But when I configure my Facebook app to present my GIFT-hosted website, see error and my actual app settings: . I've read about nginx 405 error, and it seems that due to most webserver configurations, then my question is, how do I solve it for myself I can do? Github pages' webserver does not allow postal calls to static content, such as Facebook does.

html - Control of reqested files, how to? -

I have noticed that when navigating only received a file request from the server event, in the HTML while playing with Falcon Tutorial . http: // If you navigate between the menus, only GET is created, when F5 calls the Refresh page with additional files is done. In the same way I saw with other websites: StackOverflow has 9 files, while 29 are with F5, reddit typically has 15 files which are called 35 files refreshing F5. I want to know how it is achieved and how it can be implemented in other websites. Not only about the Falcon, but it's about you can read more about it And how to implement it, and mvc - SVG files in VS2012 -

When browsing my MVC 4 site, my SVG files are not displayed properly. They work fine in other projects and fix the images on the same project when ASP.NET is hosted in IIS rather than the development server. I tried to add MIME using the code given below, but this is nothing Revenge. It seems that it was literally all night long Really confused & lt; StaticContent & gt; & Lt; MimeMap file extension = ".svg" mimeType = "image / svg + xml" /> & Lt; / staticContent & gt; The best way to call SVG files is by: & lt; Object data = 'svg-test.svg' type = 'image / svg + xml' width = '500' height = '500' / & gt;

javascript - Backbone pushState routes -

I want to change the hashtag on beautiful urls to deal with backlone.js pushstate. Using the localhost and the path to my script is http: //localhost/test/backbone/test.html . But every time the click is thrown at me localhost / login what am I doing? var AppRouter = backbone.rotter.ex ({route: {"login": "getPost", "* actions": "defaultRoute"}}); Var app_router = new appraiser; App_router.on ('Route: Receive Post', Function (ID) {Alerts ("Login");}); App_router.on ('route: defaultRoute', function (verb) {alert (verb);}); App_router.navigate ("/ login", {trigger: true}); Backbone.history.start ({PushState: true, root: '/ login /'}); You need to add: $ (Document)) .delegate ("a", "click", function (evt) {var href = $ (this) .attr ("href"); var protocol = this.protocol + "//"; if (href .slice (Protocol.length)! == Protocol & Protocol! == ...

php - Enabling the OpenSSL in XAMPP -

I spent three hours but I could not find anything; I am unable to connect to an SSL enabled server. I want to go to the list as to what I did: Firstly I checked my PHP extension directory; The extension did not have, php_openssl.dll Then I opened my php.ini file but I could not find any extension = php_openssl. . Dll to reject the line. In addition, I searched on Google and saw people with the same problem. However, I also have OPENSSL_CONF C: /xampp/apache/bin/openssl.cnf ... openssl OpenSSL support OpenSSL Library version OpenSSL 0.9.8l 5 November 2009 OpenSSL Header version OpenSSL 0.9.8 November 5, 2009 no line What should I do? Please share your suggestions. Yes, you will have to open php.ini and remove the semicolon on it : ; Extension = php_openssl.dll If you do not have that line, check that you have the file (My PC D: \ xampp \ php \ ext ) And add it to php.ini in the "Dynamic Extensions" section: extension = php_openssl.dll ...

Nested array in android -

I want to create / handle nested arrays in Android. My nested array will be similar to this. [array name] = [1] = [1] = a [2] = b [3] = d [2] = [1] = a [2] = b [3 ] = D [3] = [1] = a [2] = b [3] = d I tried to do it with a hashmap and array list but I do not think Will it work .. Is there any idea of ​​working with such nested array ?? Try the following code: string [] [] array = new string [intis] [intisij] ; // print array in rectangular form (int r = 0; r & lt; array height; r ++) {for (int c = 0; c & lt; array [r] .length; c ++) {Array [r] [c] = c + ""; // your genre}}

javascript - "background-clip:text" has weird behaviour -

I am using a page that is -webkit-background-clip: text To work in browsers, with a polyphil, who do not support it. Obviously, some browsers use webkit (chrome, opera and safari) and some (firefox, IE), and I want to display the page similar (give or take a background clip) though Firefox is not working on Polyphilos I'm using, but I translate text in Firefox very freely. Strangely, IE works (though not polyfil). This is Firefox: A webkit browser is: And at the end it's IE: I am using polyphil I have tried to contact the person who had made it but he could not get any answer outside. Actually, I do not know why Firefox is translating all the lessons I want to do as an Internet Explorer and just display the text in white or display it correctly Want to do How would I go about doing this? If you need a page, to stop working, there is too much for JSfield but can get a link on the page. Creates an SVG for your polyfil firefox, but does not seem t...

c# - PropertyGrid validation -

मेरे पास एक PropertyGrid है। जब मैं एक खराब प्रारूप मान (अर्थात - एक पूर्णांक आइटम में एक स्ट्रिंग) दर्ज करता हूं, तो मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश मिलता है अगर मैं "ओके" पर क्लिक करता हूं, तब तक बुरा मान रहता है जब तक मैं इसे बदल नहीं सकता। अगर मैं "रद्द" पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो मूल मान वापस आ गया है। मैं बटन को नियंत्रित करना चाहता हूं ताकि "बटन" बटन को रद्द करने के बजाय खराब मान को दिखाने के बजाय "ओके" भी मूल मान को सेट कर दिया जाएगा। / p> मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? मैं उस पर क्रोनो में शामिल हो जाऊंगा, यदि आप पूछते हैं कि मैं उस संवाद को कैसे दूर कर सकता हूं , तो मैं जवाब दे सकता हूं अपने टाइप कनोंवर का उपयोग करें : पब्लिक क्लास इंटोकनवर: टाइपकॉन्टर {सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड बूल CanConvertFrom (आईटीआईपी डिस्क्रिप्टर कॉन्टैक्ट संदर्भ, प्रकार स्रोत टाइप) {रिटर्न सही; } सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड बूल CanConvertTo (ITypeDescriptorContext संदर्भ, प्रकार गंतव्य प्रकार) {वापस सच; } सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड वस्तु ConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext संदर्भ, Syste...

ios - UILabel does not update each time with for loop -

I am trying to revive my label in my UICollectionViewCell I want to randomly go through the array and I want to set the label randomly 10 times and then it stops on my random array from my array. The problem is, it goes through my array (it is debug with a simple NSLog) but the label set text is not used up to the last number of my loop and then The label is set. This is my code: - (zero) animate (long index); (* * Self) * cells in detail in view () * {NSINXAP * indexpath = [self-colon] indexingPathophorescel: cells]; if ([array calculation]> gt; = 3) {index = 2 * indexPath.section + {Index details of cells] set text: (index: 0 = 10; i ++) for {index = 1 * index page. Section +;} [[Array ObjectTitxx: Index] ReturnerRemandApout]]; [NSThread SOFT TimeInternval: 0.10]; NSLog (@ "% i", i);}}} and here my returnRandomOptie is from my custom cell class: - (NSString *) returnRandomOptie {NSUInteger randomIndex; NSString * string; if ([ Optics count...

.net - Pass info back to parent into its WebBrowser Control -

विजुअल स्टूडियो 2010, विजुअल बेसिक .नेट फिर से संपादित करें मैंने निर्धारित किया है कि मैं क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, ऐसा नहीं किया जा सकता। मेरे पास एक वेबब्रेसर नियंत्रण wbContent के साथ एक फार्म frmContent है। यदि आप wbContent में एक छवि लिंक पर क्लिक करते हैं, तो यह एक नया फॉर्म (frmImages) खोलता है और छवि को वेबब्रोजर wbImages में लोड करता है मैं इसके लिए एक वेबब्राउजर नियंत्रण का उपयोग करता हूं क्योंकि मैं html में लिखे गए टेबल को खोलने के लिए एक ही विंडो का उपयोग करता हूं। वैसे भी, जब उपयोगकर्ता wbContent में एक तालिका लिंक पर क्लिक करता है, तो यह frmImages खोलता है और wbImages । मैंने wbContent में जैसे wbImages में एक माउस डाउन ईवेंट श्रोता जोड़ा है जब उपयोगकर्ता WBImages के अंदर किसी तालिका में एक लिंक पर क्लिक करता है, तो यह माना जाता है कि इस लिंक को उसके माता पिता के रूप में, frmContent में खोलें। मैंने कोशिश की है wbImages.Stop () को रोकने के लिए wbImages से नेविगेटिंग, लेकिन वह काम नहीं करता है। मैं frmContent पर फ़ोकस सेट क...

Smooth animation (Java SWT) -

I have a question about animation drawing in Java (SWT). I try to attract some process animation. When I use the CanvasRread () program, it first erases everything that has been pulled and then pulls it again. Approximately 1000 rectangles in my program come at a per-time step (this big quantity is required), so the animation does not look smooth - it blinks all the time for example, for painting new objects on old objects, without erasing them ( Which will look better anyway) is this easy way? Fixing instability when using custom painting is to use double buffering, SWT canvas object is built in double-buffering Use it by adding the flag to the styles in the constructor: canvas myCanvas = new canvas (parent composite, SWT.DOUBLE_BUFFERED);

ios - load chain payment url to web view -

In my application, I want to use the chain payment because PayPal does not support the SDK chain payment. At the back end, they are giving me a URL, which I have to load in the web view. This URL series is of payment, the user will enter PayPal from that URL and will make the transaction. But after the transaction is completed I have to close that web view. How is that transaction detected in the web view complete? "itemprop =" text "> You need to set the controller as a UIWebViewDelegate and apply this method: - (zero) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) WebView {NSString * url = self.webView.request.URL.absoluteString; If you ([url isEqualToString: @ "URL of your confirmation page"]) {// dismiss view controller or go to a pretty confirmation view}} Of course, The view is the property on your view controller which indicates UIWebView.

html - Classic ASP - Retrieve Session variable in drop down -

I have a little issue with which I am stuck and the best way to solve this issue is not understood. . I have a drop down list, which is populated from a SQL result set. When the user makes an income on the next page, it keeps the "shortcode" in the session used in the next few steps, but when the user goes back to the new test page, I need a drop down menu. Which was earlier created through the session) How do I get it? Here is my ASP code: operator & Lt; / Optgroup & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; "Shortcode" is only the initial of the user who eventually returns to his full name to be included in SQL. The "shortcode" is stored in the session ("operator") There is a need to add the selected attribute to that option that should be selected. How it is: No response to rs. Written ("& lt; option value =" & amp; amp; rs ("shortcode")) if rs ("shortcode") & amp; ; "...

sublimetext2 - Go to file when file already open in other panes/windows open in Sublime 2 -

If I have multiple panes and CTRL + P (go to some) and type the name of a file Which is already open in another panel, Sublime will open this file in the panel, I started on anything . I want to move it to any other pan, instead of opening a new instance of the file, this file has already been opened. How can I get this? There are some packages / plugins that can be close to what you want: GotoOpenFile, you can choose from a list of views in the entire window or active group: or the new Zen tab, which also has some useful file status and tab management

android - Why do I get this error: /system/bin/sh: ./mksquashfs: not executable: magic 7F45? -

As I could not find the mksquashfs tool for Android, I compiled it for the hand using a cross compilation and made it The Toolchain also has the same for the kernel. I pushed / data / segmentation targets . > #: cd / data / #: mkdir xyz #: ./mksquashfs xyz xyz.sqsh error message is: / system / bin / sh: ./mksquashfs: not executable: magic 7F45 Please let me know how to get Macquash working for Android Please, if I'm missing a cross-compile toolchain. The Magic Number 7F45 specifies the extractable and linkable format (ALF) file type, which is not an executable. The reason for the ARM processor can either be an improper cross compilation or using the wrong toolchain. This problem should be corrected by using the correct toolchain

ios - Which method called when app killed from background. -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैंने उसमें एक आवेदन किया ऐप लॉन्च होने पर मैं NSUserdefaults में कुछ वैरिएबस बचा सकता हूं लेकिन मैं यह करना चाहता हूं कि जब एप पृष्ठभूमि से बंद हो जाए तो उसे सभी NSUserdefaults मान को हटा देना चाहिए। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ। कृपया मेरी मदद करें। आईओएस पर, पृष्ठभूमि में होने पर आपका ऐप मिट जाता है जब कुछ भी नहीं कहा जाता है उस बिंदु पर जहां आप पृष्ठभूमि से अग्रभूमि से आगे बढ़ते हैं, आपको अपने ऐप के लिए जरूरी सारी जानकारी संग्रहीत करना चाहिए, जो कि अपरिवर्तित दिखने के लिए वापस आ जाता है अगर इसे मारे जाने और पुन: लॉन्च किया जाता है। ऐसा करके, आईओएस को अपने ऐप को पृष्ठभूमि में किसी भी समय मारने की स्वतंत्रता है। यह आवश्यक है क्योंकि आईओएस आपको उदाहरण के लिए मार देगा यदि इसे अन्य ऐप्स के लिए अधिक मेमोरी चाहिए; उस बिंदु पर फिर से अपना ऐप शुरू करने के लिए पूरी तरह उल्टा होगा लेकिन आप क्या कह रहे हैं यह इंगित करने के लिए लगता है कि आप चाहते हैं कि ऐप अलग ढंग से व्यवहार करे अगर पृष्ठभूमि में मारे गए ऐसा करना गलत बात है उपयोगक...

c# - Select All object values to list from dictionary -

मेरे पास ऐसा डीटीओ है: पब्लिक क्लास ऑर्डर ड्राफ्ट {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग FTPUser {get ; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग AccountRef {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग SupplyFromWarehouse {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग UsePriceband {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग DocumentDate {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग डेट्राइक्स्टेड {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग तिथिप्रकाशित {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग CustomerDocumentNo {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; रेखा & gt; लाइन्स {प्राप्त; सेट; } पब्लिक एड्रेस डिलिवरीअवेस्टर {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग शिपिंग चार्जकोड {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक दशमलव शिपिंगफ़ी {प्राप्त; सेट; }} मैं इस तरह से ऊपर की एक शब्दकोश बनाऊँगा: शब्दकोष & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑर्डर ड्राफ्ट & gt; मल्टीऑर्डर्स = नया शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑर्डरड्राफ्ट & gt; (); अब मैं ऊपर multiOrders शब्दकोष से सूची & lt; orderdraft & gt; वापस करना चाहता हूं इसे प्राप्त करने के लिए, मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की: रिटर्न मल्टीऑर्डर्स...

DataTables plugin: fnDraw doesn't work -

I am using the dataTables plugin with the following configuration: As you can see that I use the fnServerData function to pass data to the server with the postal code I am here. This code works well but I have to refresh the table content on some events. I have tried the fnReloadAjax () but it is not set to right from bServerSide is. In addition, I have tried to fnDraw , but it does not work: no data has been sent to the server. Is there a solution other than destroying and reducing tables?

c++ - OpenCV Histogram to Image Conversion -

I have tried some tutorials for converting grayscale image in histogram and thus there is a comparison between the histogram. , I have received the value obtained in comparison to the function in double datatype. like . My problem is here now, how can I find out the "non-matching / error" between images? Would I want to get back the coordinates of those non-matching pixels and pull a rectangular or circle on that particular coordination? Or can I take any suggestions on algorithm? You can not compare directly to the histogram as described in the documentation, Use the function comparison to get a numerical parameter to get two histograms matching each other . This measurement is just a distance value that tells you how much two histograms (or how similar the two images are in the context of color distribution). However, how can you imagine how well the pixel A fits the color distribution (histogram) of an image B in the image. Take a look for OpenCV exam...

NServiceBus Pub/Subscribe using SQLServer transport - can the subscriber scale out? -

Using the latest version of NServiceBus 4.4. I believe that We are looking to implement NServiceBus and this section is using SQLServer as a transport. We want to pub / subscribe, which is fine, but how will it work with scaling customers? I have made a point where I used to run the endpoint that received a SQL Server transport several times and when a message came in, the first instance of the moving receiver was received and processed, resulting in The other process was not processed, which is correct. Subscribe to Architecture from Pub / Subscription to SQL Server Many examples of customer work are running and since we are using a common queue (SQL Server), it will sort itself and Many times the message will not process?

PHP - Convert multidimensional array to 2D array -

I have an array that is multi-dimensional like this array (0 = & gt; ; Array ('user' = & gt; array ('email' = & gt; ', testuser @', 'username' => 'test, testuser', 'description' = & Gt; 'description1, description2'))); I want to change this array to this form $ user = array ('email' = & gt; array ('test @ yahoo Array '(' test ',' tester '),' description '= & gt; array (' description1 ',' description2 ')) ; Please need help !!!. Index for only one: $ arrayTwoD = array ); Forex currency ($ valueMult [0] [$ user name]] as $ key = $ {$ array2 double [$ key] = array_push (explosion (',', $ value); } If you have multiple indexes in $ multArray : $ arrayTwoD = array (); Foreach ($ multArray as $ keyMult = & gt; $ valueMult) {foreach ($ value = '$' as valueMult ['user'] = $ v...

ios - UIPageViewController views jump when resizing superview after swiping -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I have a view controller which adds a UIPageViewController to a subview as a program (it is called "overlay") . Each page has a different height since the page view controller, I added an NSLayoutConstraint to the "Overlay" subview Swipe every I calculate the height of the upcoming view controller and accordingly change the overlay view size. - (zero) resizeOverlayToBottomOf: (UIView *) element {// parent size controller changes the size of the overlay so this element shows by boat bottomOfElement = element.frame.origin.y + element .frame.size Hi + 20; [Self. Point viewer Set overlayhitt control setsteen: below impressions]; [Self-portrait visualizer. Set up PlaywareView Set-up Dated Consultants]; [Self-portrait week controller. Overlay play sets set layout]; [Self-explanatory viewfinder. Operator View Layout Infied]; } Hope everything works ... unless I want to change the overlay size wit...

elasticsearch - PercolateException[failed to percolate]; nested - Percolate API on nested document -

I am using elasticsearch 1.1. Usually in this version, dripping should work on nested documents. However, I'm trying to do this, but I get the following error: failures: [{index test shard: 4 Reasons: BroadcastShardOperationFailedException [ [Test] [4]]; Nested: Perkel Expression [failed to recover]; Nested: elastic shirt allegal ergument upption [not wing]; }] I means of the percolator (sorry elasticsearch head removed all my quotes): {_index: test _type: .percolator _ id: 27 _version: 1 _score: 1 _source: {query: {filtered: {query} {match_all: {}} filter: {nested: {filter: {period: {city: London}} path: place}}}}} } And I am getting the error when trying to rotate this document: {...} "location": {"date" : "2014-05 -05 T 15: 07: 58", "Named place": {"City": "London"}}} Why no idea why not work Does it? Edit: I found more accuracy in error in the elasticsearch log: [2014-05 -06 13: 33: 4...

javascript - Donut Inner Text -

I have developed a donut chart using the Highchurch library. I need to include a label in the interior of the donut. Expected Result: JS: $ (function () {$ ('# container8') ['# 081969', '# 0e2569', '# 1e3b81 ',' # 08489, '' # 081969 ',' # 0e2569 ',' # 1e3b81 ',' # 284 9 2 ',' # 30509b '], title: {text:'}}, tooltip: { Enabled: false}, plot option: {Pi: {Inhers: 140, Depth: 45}}, series: [{Name: 'distributed amount', data: [['56% ', 56], ['44%'] , 44]]}]}})}}; Fiddles can be found here: Title: {style: {fontSize: '48px', fontWeight: 'bold'}, vertical alliance: 'medium'}, and finally }, Function (chart) {chart.setTitle ({text: chart.series [0]. Data [0] .y + '%'}); }); Demo : Related Questions:

php - Change Variable Values by Form -

How can any PHP variables change PHP variables? I am using PHP scripts to display values ​​on HTML pages but I do not want to edit values ​​by editing the PHP files but I do not know how to do this Here my PHP scripts [data.php] and html (to display values) [index.html] & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt ;? Php included 'data.php';; & Gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ web_title_en; ? & Gt; & Lt; / H1> & Lt; H4 & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ web_subtitle_en; ? & Gt; & Lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; If you want to process html form with php, you should read it. Your form will look something like this: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form action = "data.php" method = "post" & gt; Title: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "ti...

cakephp - Cake PHP Update single fields in View - Undefined Variable -

I search for a long time, but I do not find a solution to my problem. This is the case that I have some buttons Those who are integrated into my thoughts and are affected by updating an input field. The problem is that I have warnings, they are unspecified to see the variable I understand why I and others should suppress them, but I am not sure if this is a good solution, is there a better way to solve it? What is the best practice? Here is my code of file: Form- & gt; Input ('name'); Copy $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Input ('vlanNumber'); Copy $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Input ('description', array ('value' = & gt; $ description)); Echo $ the-> Form- & gt; Input ('preSharedKey', array ('value' = & gt; $ preSharedKey)); Copy $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Button ('Generate', array ('name' = & gt; 'generate button')); Now this $ -> gt; Form- & gt; Input ('Cus...

executable - objdump and gdb spits different assembly results -

आपको छवि में दिए गए निर्देशों को पढ़ने के लिए छवि को सहेजना होगा ठीक है, यहां समस्या है। मैं काम कर रहा हूं केवल एक समय के लिए बम ब्लाक पर और मैं इस मुद्दे के साथ रह रहा हूं ओब्जेडम्प और जीडीबी की अलग विधानसभा कोड जनरेशन। मेरा लैपटॉप 64-बिट उबंटू 14.04 एलटीएस चल रहा है और मैंने बम्ब्लाब पर काम करने के लिए 32 बिट ग्लिबैक स्थापित किया है (क्योंकि यह 32-बिट एंव में संकलित है) ठीक है, पहले प्रतीकों का प्रदर्शन नहीं हो रहा है और मुझे वास्तव में नहीं मिलता है क्या जीडीबी थूकना है? क्या कोई मुझे बता रहा है कि क्या हो रहा है? जब आपने phase_2 पर एक ब्रेकपॉइंट रखा, gdb 0x 8048b50 पर एक int3 निर्देश रखने के लिए चल छवि को पैच किया, जो अभी चरण 2 के बाद है की फ़ंक्शन प्रस्तावना ने स्टैक एफ की स्थापना समाप्त कर ली है टहनी। तो इसके बजाय 0x8048b50: 8b mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 0x8] 0x8048b51: 55 0x8048b52: 08 के बजाय अब 0x8048b50: cc int3 0x8048b51: 55 पुश ईबीपी 0x8048b52: 08 एक 'या' निर्देश के पहले बाइट और वह gdb है प्रदर्शित। आखिरकार चीजों को वा...

android - Align drawable image inside a text view to center -

I have a text view that has an image and some text. programmatic as I left the drawable Image text view txtIDFav.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds (R.drawable.fav_enabled, 0, 0, 0); I have combined the text view using the center txtIDFav.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER); Now the text is aligned to the center in the text view. But the image is on the left For example: .. The [image] _____________________ mytext used as _ to not place your permission I center the text to align image For example: For example: .. _____________________ [Image] mytext Please advice Thanks and appreciate. In I think textView width because it is set to Mac_perent or filling. Try textview width not only wrap_content and centering the whole textView text to try layout :? & lt; XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Fremleaut xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = ...

android - Facebook Application to test the "sharing" feature -

I want to share some content on Facebook using Facebook SDK on the Android application. To create a new Facebook application because the process is too long ... I have to provide a logo, icon, screenshot, privacy policy url, ... Is it possible to check in another way?

API jQuery AJAX load time double Browser load time -

I have been a page that loads some AJAX GET requests in parallel and in sequence. The source is a local server for testing. I have opened the Chrome Inspector to review how long each request is taking. While one of them is consistently ~ 1.5 seconds, when I right-click on a URL in the inspector on UPS and I open the link in a new tab, it takes constant ~ 500 m. There is some serious latency with the AJAX request here. How can I diagnose and improve these AJAX requests?

crossrider - sometimes not work -

I have a problem with crossword code. I want to show the indicator with this code: ({'name': 'my-notification-name', 'title' 'Title', 'body': body_popUp, 'theme': 'facebook', 'position': 'bottom-left', 'off': false, 'sticky': true, 'fadefitter': 1, 'width ':' 700px ',' closeWhenClicked ': false}); But sometimes work, sometimes do not work Do you have any ideas? I have to write any instructions before the phone. Show ()? Thank you in advance, Matia You do not show that Body_popUp is set up, but it is considered valid HTML and it is placed in the extension, the JS file, the code looks ok. Normal, note that the notification is smart and only appears when detecting the user's movement in the browser. [ Disclosure : I am a CrossReader employee) This algorithm is a way to ensure that notification is viewed, as the user cons...

javascript - Read data from a Garmin GPSMap 62 device -

I need to read data from a GPSMap 62 device using Device Control Javascript Library. Unlike the old device, the problem is that this device stores its GPS points in different ways. Javascript library expects that all tracks and ventenses will be included in the current.gpx file, but 62 stores them eg Waypoints_06-May-14 .gpx and so on every day. The lack of users that need to manually upload the appropriate file, has anyone become the DeviceControl library actually supporting newer devices with different GPX files? As an added bonus, the Garmin Device Control Library has been removed so that any updates are forthcoming some code startReadFromGps:. Function (deviceNumber) {This.plugin.StartReadFromGps (deviceNumber); // invoke external plugin}, I checked the plugin in the version (I do not know, what version you use). Actually startReadFromGps is the method: / ** is read from the GPS device which is inserted. Use finirard firmgips and getGpsProgressXml * Determ...

winapi - How can application recv data with WSA_IO_PENDING? -

After I am creating a sniper application using LSP / SPI. But I do not understand how this app works with the network. No one is "connected" or there are no WSX connect calls. I stop WSPRecv, WSPSend, WSPCloseSocket, but no WSPConnect Another funny thing - WSPRecv always shows WSA_IO_PENDING, but hEvent in lpOverlapped is empty, lpCompletionRoutine is also empty. And any call to WSPGetOverlappedResult (WSAGetOverlappedResult, GetOverlappedResult) and GetQueuedCompletionStatus (GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx) I bowed all the tasks, but no calls! How does this application read? Can you help me? how does it work? I miss something After text "itemprop =" text "> A parent listens for the connection process. After the connection was established, the parent process started a new hair procedure to deal with the connection. Handles the socket handle attached to the child's process. The baby's process communicates on the socket and eventually the s...

Storm topology reading from rabbitmq message queue at runtime -

Can a hurricane topology read from rabbit MQ Qi on runtime? The topology is stored in the cluster using the StormSabeter class. Yes, it can. You can do a lot more if you are asking if the Rabbit is a pre-made spawk for the MQ, I do not know one installed, but some are according to Google.

java - Is it possible to change Finish button text to Done in Wizard? -

I have created a custom wizard with a few pages of the Eclipse plugin. The Pages Wizard is created by increasing the page. The wizard has come back and the cancel button, and everything works fine. Now, I want to change the name / text of the button to finish / end. Is it possible to do this in eclipse? Or I'll need to provide all the buttons by myself, even it will be fine too. It should: @ Override protected create zero ButtonsForButtonBar ( Composite Parents) {super.createButtonsForButtonBar (guardian); Button over = getButton (IDialogConstants.FINISH_ID) finish.setText ("full"); SetButtonLayoutData (finish); } There is a related question.