
Showing posts from August, 2011

d - multiplying a string by an integer returns integers? -

So I was trying to create asterisk pyramid using D. At first I saw that the combination seems impossible. Writing something like writeln ("foo" + "bar") will give you a syntax error. Instead, I tried to multiply the string like a dragon, which did not work with double quoted strings, But there is something strange with single quoted stars. If you type in import std.stdio; Zero main () {foreach (i; 0 .. 10) {article (i * '0'); }} This will return a bunch of integers. Can anyone explain why this happens? And to tell me how to add a string, it really will be helpful. Thank you! '0' is not a string, it is a character that uses ASCII encoding. The number is being multiplied with the integer ID of the encoding. For example, encoding for ASCII's 'A' is 65. import std.stdio; Int main () {writeln (cast ('a'); Written (10 * 'A'); Return 0; } This program will print 65 and 650 because the character is being...

Emacs mode line shows AC is on but no autocomplete is happening -

मैंने ताजा इंस्टॉल किया है स्वतः पूर्ण पॉपअप और एएल-एनआरपीएल एल्पा से जब मैं emacs में एक क्लोज़र बफर दर्ज करता हूँ, तो एसी इंगित करता है कि स्वतः पूर्ण चालू है। लेकिन बफर में मैं जो भी लिखता हूं या करता हूं, मैं कुछ भी करने के लिए स्वत: पूर्ण नहीं मिल सकता। I'v थोड़ी देर के लिए इस समस्या का निवारण कर रहा था, किसी भी संकेत? मेरे पास यह भी मेरे emacs स्टार्टअप में है: (ऐड-टू-लिस्ट 'लोड-पथ' ~ / .emacs.d ") ('स्वत: पूर्ण-कॉन्फिग' की आवश्यकता है) (एसी (एप-हुक 'सीडर-रिप-मोड-हुक' एसी-एनआरईपी-सेटअप) (एड-हुक 'साइडर- मोड-हुक 'एसी-एनरिप-सेटअप) (eval-after-load "auto-complete"' (ऐड-टू-लिस्ट 'एसी-मोड' साइडर-रिप-मोड)) (सेट अप-ऑटो-पूर्ण- पूरा-से-बिंदु-फ़ंक्शन () (setq पूर्णता-पर-बिंदु-फ़ंक्शंस '(स्वत: पूर्ण))) (ऐड-हुक' ऑटो-पूर्ण-मोड-हुक 'सेट-ऑटो-पूर्ण-पूर्ण-पूर्ण-पर -पैंट-फ़ंक्शन) (ऐड-हुक 'साइडर-रिप-मोड-हुक' सेट-ऑटो-पूर्ण-के-पूरा-पूरा-बिंदु-फ़ंक्शन) (ऐड-हुक 'साइडर-मोड-हुक' सेट-ऑटो-पूर्ण को...

c# - Type safety of indexed columns in an in-memory database -

Root of the problem: I want to design a database entry member indexing API, for which the model definition does not require repetition and maintenance. A fair level of security of type. Dry Out-Explanation: I have a basic memory database of people in the table, the full name of each person and the key to their favorite celebrity. Public class IMDB {public dictionary & lt; Int, person & gt; People; } Public class person {public string first name; Public string last name; Public int favorites celebrity id; } Now the celebrities want to be able to find their fans quickly through favorite celebrity ID . An index is clear, and thinking for the future, I created this interface: public class IMDB {public dictionary & lt; Int, person & gt; People; Private dictionary & lt; Object, dictionary & lt; int, int & gt; & Gt; _rowContents; Private dictionary & lt; Object, dictionary & lt; Int, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; & Gt; _rowI... - vb net backgroundworker + progress bar -

I want to automatically create the progress bar which will pop up when I ran my program .. My program has 6 functions / sub which takes a considerable amount of time to complete the running query, it is input It is about 1-2 minutes for the backgroundworker to handle the thread and to combine it with the progress bar RunWorkerAsync Personal Sub ButtonX1_Click (ByVal Handle ButtonX1.Click) as the System.Object, as byVal e System.EventArgs. Click BackgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = True BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync () End Sub Do_work Private sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork (ByVal as the object, byVal e System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs ) 100000000 i as integer = 0 to create_tree handles for BackgroundWorker1.DoWork () localtree () Localfrek () create_combination () showresult () if I mo d 10000000 again background 1. Report progress (i / 100) end if the next ending sub progress progress 1_ProgressChanged by Private sub background (ByVa...

php - Writting query in Yii -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं। ..और मौजूदा क्वेरी में कुछ संयुक्त अतिरिक्त संयुक्त बयानों को जोड़ना चाहते हैं ... प्लेन एसक्यूएल क्वेरी पोस्ट करना ताकि यह मुझे पता चले कि मैं वास्तव में क्या देख रहा हूं। / * साधारण एसक्यूएल क्वेरी * / SELECT * से Job_profile उपयोगकर्ता पर उपयोगकर्ता को जुड़ें = job_profile.user_id INNER पर श्रेणी दर्ज करें श्रेणी.id = job_profile.category_id जहां श्रेणी_id = 1 और अनुभव = 2 और key_skills '% php%' की तरह LIMIT 0, 30 / * सरल एसक्यूएल क्वेरी * / मैंने अभी तक चलने की कोशिश की है। और अब तक इसका कामकाज ठीक है ... लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि संयुक्त वक्तव्य कैसे जोड़ना है। $ results = SearchEmployee :: मॉडल () - & gt; findAll ("category_id =: श्रेणी और key_skills जैसे: कौशल और अनुभव =: अनुभव", सरणी ('ca तकनीक '= & gt; $ श्रेणी,' कौशल '= & gt;'% '। कौशल'% ',' अनुभव '= & gt; $ अनुभव)); मैं सिर्फ उपर्युक्त बयान रखना चाहता हू...

PHP - Maximum size allowed for each element of array -

In my program, I have 12 multi-dimensional arrays, which vary in size between 200-7000, in each cell of the array There is a float number with precision (such as 0.0000000000000123344) and these arrays pass values ​​to each other for some calculations. At some time I get an error of memory loss in some arrays (I have changed all the configuration related to memory and This maximum stop It is). I am thinking that what is the maximum size to store float in a large array? Thank you. Finally I can find a solution I found that when the PHP collection is being loaded, There is no way to free it. Unset and gc_collect_cycles () are also not effective The only way to use the ** function ** on a separate section of code is in my case , I had a large script for loop , so I copied all of my code into the function, and I call the function in my loop. Every time the function quiets, the memory becomes free. You can test it once in your work by adding memory_get_usage () and see th...

javascript - multiple explode and foreach, while searching a `input` value in txt file html/php/ajax -

Actaully मुझे txt फ़ाइल से इनपुट मान खोजना होगा , जब कुंजी डाउन इवेंट शुरू हो जाता है (इसका अर्थ है कि खोज फ़ंक्शन को alphabetically के रूप में होता है)। उस txt फ़ाइल में एकाधिक पंक्तियाँ और कुंजी है। अब सबसे पहले मुझे उचित परिदृश्य के साथ पूरे परिदृश्य का वर्णन करें। HTML कोड: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "खोज" /> & Lt; div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('input')। Bind ('keydown', function () {setTimeout (खोज ($ (this) .val ()। ToLowerCase ()), 2000);} );}); फ़ंक्शन खोज (v) {$ .ajax ({url: 'search.php', प्रकार: 'प्राप्त करें', डेटा: 'sv =' + v, डेटाप्रकार: 'जेसन', कैश: गलत, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (आर) {$ ('Div')। रिक्त (); के लिए (var i में r) {$ ('div')। अनुलग्नक (r [i] + ",");}}, त्रुटि: कार्य (a, b, C) {$ ('body')। अनुलग्नक (b + '& lt; hr / & gt;');}}); } पीएचपी कोड: // एडीडी डेटा को T...

java - i have a DAO and i am retrieving values in select query how to print it in database in mysql -

I have a selected query where I am retrieving column values ​​such as Select City, Status, Country ABC and then get it using the result set city = rs.getstring (1 ), state = rs.getString (2) and so on now have to be printed as I live in the city in the city in the city I like% string a = "I'm %%%%%%%%%%%%% This will work using the %% symbol Below is the use of string contacting operator + : string A = "I" + + "in" + State + "in" + + Living in Country " I

c# - wpf : How to add items to autocompletebox dynamically? -

I am working on creating a desktop application using the c # wpf window in VS 2013. I have a AutoCompleteBox . How to automatically add the box to the dynamic and statically. This can help please specify in advance where you want the data in the autocomplete box

regression - R - setting assessment criteria for regsubsets in leaps package -

I'm trying to make a regression using the best subset selection. Here is the equivalent of what I'm doing based on chick white data from the dataset package as an example. leaps_test & lt; - Regsubsets (Weight ~ time + diet, data = chick white, nbest = 1) Still I want to be able to control that using the residual yoga classes (RSS) How is the best subset "evaluation done? If this happens, then Regsbates works by default, and I still want to know how to change this criteria, I want to evaluate on the basis of the criteria. ? Regsubsets.default Since this function returns the best models of all sizes till Nvmax and since different model selection criteria such as AIC, BIC, CIC, DIC, ... compared to the models of different sizes The results are different, the result cost-complexity is not dependent on the business option. However, if you have different associated parameters, you can specify a different scale in conspiracy command. plot.regsubsets ...

java - Maven : How to resolve the version conflict of the same jar package? -

मेरा मेवेन प्रोजेक्ट dbcp-1.4 और jedis-2.4.2 । लेकिन dbcp-1.4 पर निर्भर commons-pool-1.5.4 और jedis-2.4.2 पर निर्भर commons-pool2-2.0 । मैं इस तरह की समस्या को कैसे सुलझाऊं? कॉमन्स-पूल 2-2.0 मानते हुए पीछे की ओर 1.5.4 के साथ संगत है, pom.xml में आप कर सकते हैं कॉमन्स पूल पारस्परिक निर्भरता के बहिष्करण के साथ डीबीसीपी की निर्भरता घोषित करें पूर्व: & lt; परियोजना & gt; ... & lt; निर्भरता & gt; & LT; निर्भरता & gt; & LT; ग्रुप & gt; समूह-& lt; / ग्रुप & gt; & LT; artifactId & gt; विरूपण साक्ष्य-& lt; / artifactId & gt; & LT; संस्करण & gt; 1.0 & lt; / संस्करण & gt; ** & LT; बहिष्करण & gt; & LT; बहिष्कार & gt; & LT; ग्रुप & gt; समूह-ग & lt; / ग्रुप & gt; & LT; artifactId & gt; बाहर रखा गया-विरूपण साक्ष्य & lt; / artifactId & gt; & Lt; / बहिष्कार & gt; & Lt; / बहिष्करण & gt; ** & lt; / निर्भरता & gt; & LT; निर्भरता & g...

java - Check fails even if it exists in scala -

I entered a session in Scala, a request is failing, even if I see source And inspect element can see that tag. I tried other hidden fields, but it seems that it has not been found. Here is the script: val scn = scenario ("scenario name") .feed (csv ("user_credentials.csv") .exec (http ("request_1") .get ("/" Check out (1) .exec (. (". "" "" "" "" "" "," ("" "" "" ") .Perm (" "" c_username "," $ $ username} "). Param ("" "javax.faces.ViewState", "$ {seestate_id}"). ("" Error "which is found by me, ceeghaGatlingAynynHandlerActor - request 'Request_1' failed : Check 'exists' failed, found none tag me & lt; input id = "javax.faces.ViewState" has been found ... /> in the source, but this script is not able to find it. I have oth...

sql - limit and offset on joined table -

I have 2 tables category and items , let me show it Lift and offset by Categoy ID Descending sequence with category table: a | B ----- + ----- 1 | Cat 1 2 | Cat 2 3 | Cat 3 4 | Cat 4 5 | Cat 5 6 | Cat6 When this SQL code is run SELECT c *, F.Amount, f.Item FROM item_table f LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM range c LIMIT 'offset.', 3) ASCF CATIID = CID Order CID DED return me like this A | B Items ----- + ------------- 3 cat 3 | Items, items ... 2 | Cat 2 Items, items ... 1 | Cat 1 | Item, item ... but I should return it to me a | B Item ----- + ------------- 6 | Cat 6 Items, items ... 4 | Cat 4 Items, items ... 5 | Cat 5 | Item, item ... How can I do this? Add order by section within subquery. SELECT c. *, F.Amount, f.Item item_table f LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM range by c ORDER desc LIMIT). $ Offset ', 3) ASCF CATIID = CID Order ccid Ded

r - Plot with multiple graphs -

मैं निम्नलिखित की तरह साजिश उत्पन्न करना चाहूंगा: यह एक ऐसी साजिश है जो वावटलेट नामक फ़ंक्शन के" डायलन "और" अनुवाद "को दर्शाती है। फ़ंक्शन यहाँ महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है, लेकिन मैं इस तरह से एक साजिश कैसे उत्पन्न कर सकता हूँ। क्या कोई मुझे एक संकेत दे सकता है जो यह करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है? साजिश में छह समन्वय अक्षरों की तरह मैं कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? क्या मुझे par (mfrow = c (3,3)) से शुरू करना चाहिए ? अब तक मैंने इसे निम्न कोड के साथ प्रबंधित किया है: मो & लेफ्टिनेंट; -फंक्शन (टी, ट्रांस = 0, ओमेगा = 6, जे = 0) {डायल & एलटी; -2 * 2 ^ (जे * .125) एसक्यूआरटी ((1 / डायल)) * पीआई ^ (- 1/4 ) * एपीपी (1i * ओमेगा * (टी-ट्रांस) / डायल) * एक्सपी (- ((टी-ट्रांस) / डायल) ^ 2/2)} बराबर (एमएफआरओ = सी (3,3)) प्लॉट ( seq (-10,10, लंबाई = 1000), रे (मो (सेक (-10,10, लंबाई = 1000), ट्रांस = -3)), अक्ष = एफ, xlab = "", ylab = "", टाइप करें = "एल") abline (h = 0, v = 0) प्लॉट (सीक (-10,10, लंबाई = 1000), रे (मो (सेक (-10,10, लंबा...

vim - Directly switch to NERDTree window -

I have a NERDTree window and without 2 file view windows has been opened. In this case, the general way of switching to NERDTree (navigating with many Ctrl + w g / h / j / k) is not very easy as it is not universal for all open windows. Is there a way to switch the NERDTree (or any other, maybe) window directly? Depending on your window layout, if NERDTree is near the top-left corner, Can be a fixed window number ( : echo winnr () will tell you). Then you [N] & lt; C-w & gt; & Lt; C-w & gt; Use to go to the window number [N] . If your layout is more dynamic, it may mean to include the window number in your 'statuslines' : : set statuslines + = \% {Winnr ()}

Porting jdk1.6 compiled jar on android -

Is there a direct way to close the jdk 1.6 jar file in the Android project? We have the ID card reader jar file and its dependent jar file which is built using jdk1.6. Is the use of these possibilities on these plates? Android supports language features from Java 6, and in fact the entire Core Library (API 9 And some mistakes were made in 19). You directly use the compiled library for Java 6, there is no porting. Actually, Dex actually accepts Java 7 bytecok!

Admob http API instead of SDK - possible? -

I do not like how AdMob advertising shows my game has its own style and I use my fonts and looks I want to show ads in my style, but AdMob shows ads differently. The problem is that Admob gives me an SDK, but I would like to request advertisements via API, where I can get a JSON object with the title, description and path of the ad's image, so that I can add that ad Can I like the way I like and the way my players will like it, is the Admob API described anywhere? It is not possible Admob does not provide a http API for several reasons.

c++ - Can't we include windows.h while using native client toolchain? -

By compiling code using the native client toolchain - nickname 64 (using Visual Studio-10) Getting: logger.cpp (46,21): Warning: windows.h: no such file or directory Can not use windows.h using client toolchain ?? As you might have thought, Native Client is designed to create binaries Hosts can run on the operating system. Including OS-specific headers will not take your code in that direction If you are based on a portable that is being defined in a non-portable header, then redefine it in your own header.

ruby on rails - ActiveRecord::Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing -

I'm trying to make my first application on Ruby ... this is my test file is required File.dirname (__ file__) + '/../test_helper' class Supplier Teest & lt; ActiveSupport :: Test Season fixtures: suppliers DEF test_name supplier = supplier.Create (: name = & gt; 'JUAN', PROVISION = & gt; NIL) assert_equal 'juan', supplier.atenam and end and stability Juan: ID: 1 name: Juan province: zero and the results Psych :: Syntax Error: (& lt; Unknown & gt;): On Line 8 Column 1, ':' could not be expected while scanning a simple key YAMAL requires a space between : and the value, so try updating your stability on: juan: id: 1 name: juan province: (written in zero province will be "zero" ). Leaving it blank will be a true zero value)

objective c - AFNetworking JSON Request, neither success nor error block called -

I am trying to learn AFNetworking so that a simple block is written. I'm trying to retrieve & amp; Enter json from the site url below. NSString * string = @ " = 9deefeb1 & group = way "; NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: string]; NSURLRequest * Request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: url]; AFHTTPRequestOperation * Operation = [[AFHTTPRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest: request]; Operation.responseSerializer = [AFJSNRpsPensScierizer Serializer]; [Operation Set EndwatchWithoutSuccess: ^ (FHttpKAFIFFATION Open, Operation, ID Response Object) {NSDRIDE * MYDICT = (NSDrippress *) response object; NSString * key; (Key in mydict) {NSLog (@ "key% @", key); }} Failure: ^ (FHTPPKEAST Operation * Operation, NSERR * Error) {NSLog (@ "Error"); }]; Neither success or failure block is being called. Can anyone tell me what I have done?...

php - Wordpress - Woocommerce -

I found some custom field tutorials for WP and Woocommerce. So I played little with that. It all works well, but I tried to optimize the part that the checkbox saves prices while checking, and unfortunately I am not able to fulfill it. This is what I am trying to do, the code snippet in functions.php: // Custom field for the price label / display field add_action ('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'woo_add_custom_general_fields') ; // Save field add_action ('woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'woo_add_custom_general_fields_save'); Function woo_add_custom_general_fields () {global $ woocommerce, $ post; // checkbox woocommerce_wp_checkbox (array ('id' = & gt; '_primer', 'wrapper_class' = & gt; '', 'label' = & gt; __ ('primer', 'woocommerce'), 'description' = & Gt; __ ('Check Me!', 'Woocommerce'))); } Function woo_add_custom_general_fiel... - Lucene - Better ways to store text or index -

Actually I'm a C # developer, but in one of my projects I need to implement Lucene search. In short, this is a chat application and I need to find specific words used by any user Now I have successfully integrated Lucene.Net in my project I'm able. A text field with 5000 words (Lucene Index) > 500 fields (Lucene Index) in it With 10 words Sorry for its misinterpretation, but I really do not know how to describe it in the proper Lucene term. Thank you very much for your time and feedback. If you do not need access to the original message text, then the 'stored' attribute can be omitted. To find out which user has written a specific word in his message When industry is using query (Trmaik or other) to the message field

r - How to create a color image from matrix? -

I've got 500x500 double matrix and I'm unable to convert it to image with the image () function - it works, but the result is not visible even with white lines ... I have a lot All values ​​are around 0 and maximum 3.7. If someone can give some useful advice then it will be great Here is the image as a result of my read.csv (your_data) (your_data, col = gray (1: 32/32) What were you expecting?

c# - Fetch result from Raw SQL in MVC3 -

नियंत्रक में पब्लिक एक्शन रिजल्ट इंडेक्स (इंट आईडी) {string sql = string.format ("SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = {0}", 31 9 5); Var ret = db.Database.SqlQuery & lt; int & gt; (sql) .toList (); / / मैं क्वेरी क्वेरी से ऊपर प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं ... // क्वेरी के ऊपर 1 से अधिक पंक्तियाँ रिटर्न और 1 से अधिक कॉलम / जैसे ret.Column1 (row0) .value return RedirectToAction ("अनुक्रमणिका"); } मैं एक ही फ़ंक्शन में परिणाम कैसे ला सकता हूं .. मुझे कुछ गणना करने की ज़रूरत है और परिणाम को डेटाबेस में फिर से सहेजा गया है। आपको ऐसा करना होगा। सार्वजनिक वर्क EmployeeVM {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी (get; set;} सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग कर्मचारी का नाम {get; set;}} कार्यवाही: सार्वजनिक कार्यक्षेत्र सूचकांक (int id) {string sql = string.format ("SELECT Id, कर्मचारी नाम से emp WHERE empno = {0}", 31 9 5); Var ret = db.Database.SqlQuery & lt; EmployeeVM & gt; (एसकेएल) .ToList (); / रिडायरेक्ट करेंअक्शन ("इंडेक्स"); } याद रखें कि आपकी मॉडल ...

for loop - Unknown "for" statement (C) -

I came across this as browsing through a foreign code: for ( i = 0; i The following code is valid for (i = 0; i & lt; len; i ++, j ++); and is equal to for (i = 0; i which is equivalent to // Note- There is no Jammu after i ++; For (i = 0; i So there is no need to write J in your statement. Jammu has written for you (Statement), there is no function in it. Therefore, this program can be left without being effective. Note- The following codes are valid and do not give any errors, but this is meaningless. 10;

java - How to apply minus operation if only single query avaliable? -

I am creating a search application where the user can enter his criteria in the form for a search. I am using an internal API to create a query that is similar to the Hibernate Criteria Building. I am supporting the set operation between the selection criterion for better efficiency. Now how should I know how to make my criteria for zero on a single question? For example Case 1: In a simple scenario, the user enters the country, name and date of birth areas Select USER_ID from Table 1 WHERE COUNTRY = "INDIA" AND NAME = "xyz" AND DATE_OF_BIRTH = "01/05/1990" Case 2: Now users want to search in many countries. In one set will enter the country as "US" and in the second set will be "UK". I will create a union query on them like select USER_ID from Table 1 where COUNTRY = "US" union is selected from USER_ID 1 table where COUNTRY = "UK" Case 3: Now the user wants "U.K." from the user, but not ...

Extract url from string via preg match in php -

$ str = 'window.location.href = "";' मैं यूआरएल को $ str से निकालना चाहता हूं मैं preg_match () में अच्छा नहीं हूं। हालांकि निम्न कोड के साथ: preg_match ('/ (http | https | ftp | ftps) \: \ / \ / [a-zA-Z0-9 \ - \।] + \ । [A-zA-Z] {2,3} (\ / \ S *)? / ', $ Str, $ लिंक); अगर (खाली ($ link [0])) {गूंजती "कुछ नहीं मिला!"; } else {echo $ link [0]; } मैं परिणाम प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हूं " । मैं को बाहर करने के लिए preg_match () को कस्टमाइज़ करना चाहता हूं "; परिणाम से कृपया मदद करें! & lt; php $ str = 'window.location.href = " "; '; Preg_match ('/ window \ .location \ .href = "(। *?)"; /', $ Str, $ परिणाम); प्रतिफल $ परिणाम [1]; // & gt ;?

java - What is difference between and Collection.forEach()? -

I understand that With stream () , I can use chain operations like . Use filter () or parallel stream. But if there is a need to perform small operations (for example, printing of elements of the list), then what is the difference between them? (). ForEach (System.out :: println); Collection.forEach (System.out :: println); For ordinary cases such as an illustrated, they are mostly the same. However, there are many subtle differences in this that can be important. With a problem sequence, with Stream.forEach , the command is undefined . It is unlikely to be sequential streams, however, it is within the specification of stream.for you to execute in some arbitrary order. It is often in parallel currents, on the contrary, Iterable.forEach is always executed in the order of running renewable , if any is specified. Another issue with side effects is the non-interference task specified in Stream.forEach (see.) Iterable ForEach is likely to ha...

oop - Setting function name (for logging) when using prototype in javascript -

I am using prototype to define an object in javascript. For example. Listerly.prototype.init = function () { = new listListorage (); this.mainView = new ListerlyMainView (); } Everything works fine, but I am also trying to limit my console logging using the following simple logging method: Listerly.prototype.log = function (message) {if (this.loggingEnabled) {If (logic & amp; amp; and & amp; amp; arguments.callee & amp; amp; arguments; callee.caller) {var methodName =; console.log ("method name:" + methodName); If (this.logMethods ["*"] || this.logMethods [methodName]) {if (methodName) console.log (methodName + ":" + message); Else console.log (message); }} And {console.log (message); }}}; The problem is that the functions of the function defined by the use of prototype do not have a name, so is empty. Is there a clean way to set the name of the function...

python - How to check if Django 1.3 project is also compatible with Django 1.6 -

I am working on the project where I should use things from existing Django applications The application is written with Django 1.3. Is there a way to determine whether to use it for the project that uses Django 1.6 The best way to create Virtualenv with Django 1.6, install your app, and run its tests There is probably the possibility of some small breaks. Jay ango has changed from 1.3 but they should do relatively easy patch up.

linux - How can I create a ext3 filesystem with content (files/dirs) and pack them in a binary file? -

I would like to create a binary file that flashes on an SD card. This file should have an ext3 partition and some files / directories must already be in it. How can I save it from using any command which will require root privilege. As the user 3159253 said in his comment, I have used genext2fs with tune2fs to enable Janlong (ext3). . One block size and gt; 1024 bytes will have to make you the latest genex 2fs source, provided in Ubuntu 12.04 lts, ​​none of these options provide a bit out of date.

What is the point of renaming Types in Ada -

In Ada, I have usually seen something like this: Type number is a new integer; What does this mean? Can not you be happy with a integer ? I have also seen the code like: type Small_Number category 1..5; It makes sense to me; I can see why it will be useful, but why do you choose to use pre-instances in any case? More commonly I have seen the code like this: Type pound Is a new integer; Type Euro is the new integer; Type dollar is a new integer; This means that you are not allocating your pounds for the dollar to the Euro for the accident. If you want to convert between the two, then you have to either put a clear cast, or write a conversion routine, both will take the applicable exchange rate into account. (Now I think about this, float would be better than integer for this example!)

python 3.x - what is the difference between cur.execute and con.execute? -

In the Python Manual :. In some code: cur.execute (sqlite command), there are some code in: con.execute (sqlite command), What is the difference between them? From Docs for connection (see): Execute (SQL [, parameters]) This is a nonstandard shortcut that creates an intermediate cursor object by calling the cursor method, then implementing the cursor with the parameter given parameter. Then to answer your question: It just creates a new cursor and implements your statement. This new cursor

c++ - CGIR assertion 'fitsType()' failed -

I have a simulative model that I am trying to generate in C ++ DLL. I've successfully created similar models, but this is also giving me the following errors: CGIR assertions' fitsType & LT; Size_t> () Failed in 'b': \ matlab \ derived \ win32 \ src \ included \ cg_ir \ util_prim \ ../../../../../../ src / cg_ir / export / included / cg_ir / util_prim / Size64.hpp: 125 '[0] 0x5d20bde3 C: \ MATLABR2011b_x86 \ bin \ Win32 \ cg_ir.dll + 00,769,507 (CG :: Scope :: treeStackSize + 000019) [1] 0x5d200b68 C: \ MATLABR2011b_x86 \ bin \ Win32 \ cg_ir.dll + 00,723,816 (CG :: FCN :: stackSize + 000024) [2] 0x590d36e2 C: \ MATLABR2011b_x86 \ bin \ win32 \ cgir_xform.dll + 02242274 (CG :: Anfoststaklimit :: GetFcnStackSize + 000034) [3] 0x590d390a C: \ Metabel 2011 b_x86 \ bin \ win32 \ cgir_xform.dll + 02242826 (CG :: Infoststak limit :: Inishiylaijh_fkn_stak_sas_info + 000234) [4] 0x590d42bb C: \ Metabrit 2011 Bi_aks 86 \ bin \ WINDOWS \ cgir_xform.dll + 02245307...

java - Attempt to build example library fails in domino designer 9.0 with sparse info on error -

I followed the example given in IBM Domino Designer 9.0.1. Import all three sample projects without error, I have ensured that the dependencies have been set. When I try to create an update site, I'm not sure about "build fail: java.lang.NullPointerException" I'm not sure where the real cause of the error is here I also tried to create a separate plug-in project, which was on my scratch by my own sample control, ending with the same problem. What am i missing May not work in the DOMINOZ Designer, which is based on the ancient version of Eclipse. I just checked ... I have several plug-ins that were developed in the Domino Designer. There are builders on the possibility that a XPages project looks like this: One Builder for plugin-project (in Domino Designer) looks like this: Something can be broken into your establishment Check logs and trace files for more detailed error messages for domino designers.

java - ODataServices using ComplexTypes -

Are using complex types of know about any of the data types? There are many services at but they have properties which have simple types. You can try this:. It is one of the services provided by OditaOro.

c# - Autocomplete box popup not showing in landscape mode in Windows phone 7.5 -

पोर्ट्रेट मोड में खोज पाठ टाइप करते समय स्वत: पूर्ण बॉक्स प्रदर्शित होता है, लेकिन परिदृश्य मोड में प्रदर्शित नहीं होता है। यह सिल्वरलाइट टूलकिट स्वत: पूर्णांक बॉक्स के साथ एक ज्ञात समस्या है, और यह उस पर डिज़ाइन किया गया ताकि उस पर देशी अनुभव से मेल खा सके फोन, जहां अंतरिक्ष के कारण कोई स्वत: पूर्ण सुझाव लैंडस्केप मोड में नहीं आते हैं।

oracle - Using a table alias in a case statement in a where clause -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं: emp_id, emp_name, department, tbl_employee से वेतन चुनें एएमपी जहां (जब एएमपी डीपेमेंट = 'सी' का मामला होता है (चयन गिनती (*) से (सेलेक्ट वाई 'iscommissioner से tbl_emp_department टेड जहां ted.department = emp.department)) जब emp.department =' C 'तब (चयन करें गिनती (*) से (SELECT 'वाई' iscommissioner से tbl_emp_department ted जहां ted.department = emp.department और = 7)) END) & gt; 0 मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: emp.department अमान्य पहचानकर्ता मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत ? इसका मामला कथन के साथ कुछ भी नहीं है यह मुद्दा सहसंबद्ध subqueries के लिए scoping नियम है वे केवल घोंसला एक स्तर गहरी है इस समस्या के साथ एक और सवाल है। आपके उदाहरण के लिए, आपको नेस्टेड उपकुंजी की आवश्यकता नहीं है आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं: जहां (जब ईएमपी.department = 'C' तब (tbl_emp_department ted से ted.department = emp.department) का चयन करें (जब गिनती (*) का चयन करें जब emp.department = 'सी' तो (tbl_emp_departmen...

Forgetting to add close() when writing an array to file with Java's PrintWriter, the last part of the array will be left out. Why is that? -

I noticed that I did not know about writing an array to use the print-vaator class of Java. When I forgot to add the end () to the end, the last element of the array was not printed in the file. Why is it like this? Snippets from code: ... PrintWriter f; Try {f = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter ("out.txt")); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; Array.Label; I ++) {// array contains 5000+ birthdays f.println (array [i]); } F.close (); // The last element of the array will not be printed if this line has been removed} catch (IOException e) {System.out.println ("exception:" + E); } close () The method will close the stream of data, and any data will remain in the output pipes. So if you do not call the off () method, then the flush is not happening, and the resource is still closed after the gc is run, this unpublished streams You can get it, and it will be stopped suddenly, where you do not have a mechanism to flush the data into output (no output!) ...

c - How to add user in Linux with his information -

I want to create a C application for linking the user with the useradd command in Linux. I write this code while using the terminal print error message: prefix: useradd: permission denied useradd: / etc / passwd can not lock; Try again later This is my C code for adding as user as I would like to add user1 to write user1 char a [50]; Four commands [150]; Fgets (a, sizeof (a), stdin); Strcpy (command, "useradd"); Strcat (order, a); How can I solve this problem with the right syntax or command? If the sudo package is not installed, you can install it . Or you can create it as a root using su . This will ask for the root password after which you can use any superuser camayad.

F# Cumulative Product of an array -

Using F #, I would like to calculate the cumulative product of an array without any loop. First thoughts Array Folds and arrays will be used. Map does not see how I can use them. what is your advice? Or peharps using a recursive function? Many thanks in advance for your help. If you need the product of all elements, then you actually fold: & gt; A = [| 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 |]; & Gt; One | & Gt; Array.Fold (*) 1 ;; This value: int = 120 If you need an intermediate (cumulative) result, you can use the scan scan takes every element in the array And applies the element to a function (in this case the product), and the previous cumulative results. Starting with the value of 1 for the accumulator, we receive: & gt; One | & Gt; Array.scan (*) 1 ;; This value is: int [] = [| 1; 1; 2; 6; 24; 120 |]

c# - Sort a DateTime Column with a Calendar -

There is a dateTime property in the UserLoginPerDay column in my database It is that I catch that column with some other columns and display it in a grid view on my website. Although I have written this statement while writing this statement that I have to input the importance of one time, no one will show the record; I just want to be able to select one day in my calendar and every record that day Must show the equivalent of, ignore time. I have a SqlDataSource ASPX page & asp: calendar id = "calendar 1" runat = "server "Onselectionchanged =" calendar 1_selected "& gt; & Lt; / Asp: Calendar & gt; & Lt; Asp: SqlDataSource id = "SqlDataSource1" runat = "server" connection string = "& lt;% $ connectionSettings: log inproperty%>" SelectCommand = "UserLoginToday.UserId, Gebruikers.Lastname, Gebruikers.Firstname, UserLoginToday.UserLoginPerDay where selection Gebruikers.Use...

selenium webdriver - TestNg Assertions failure skip the test - data driven Iterator -

I am running a search with an iterator and using testNG Assert.assertFail I am pushing. I have to ensure that if the surrender fails, the code handles the code using the try {} hold {} mechanism to break the test but I think the code in case of a claim failure Breaks out, I am looking for a way by which the web driver should search with the next record in the Iterator list in case of failure. Please help .... while (Country Listener. HasNext ()) {Thread.sleep (2500); Country ListenerWeekly = Country Listener Xx (); SearchPop = Homotoschurch from SearchResultPO Search (country listeneraltwater); // Here is a pledge, if the test-ng fails to break the class without going to the next record, according to the design, it will fail / break. You must reassign the assertion by following the link ()


I am currently busy with some serious PL / SQL programming. Format for creating process [create [or change]] process process_name [[parameter [, parameter] ...)] [AUTHID {DEFINER | CURRENT_USER}] {IS | AS} [Predma Atonomos_TRACection;] [Local announcements] BEGIN Executable Statement [EXCEPTION Exception Handlers] End [Name]; and I place under the executable statement BEGIN . Why is not I allowed to keep the CREATE TABLE statement as an executable statement in a process? Because create table is a DDL statement, and you can use PD / SCL DDL can not execute the details from at least not directly). If (and this is one, you really need to do this, then you can either use the DBMS_SQL package or execute immediately (Easy): to create or replace the practicable do_it, such as immediately execute 'CREATE TABLE foo (pk number not null)'; end; But it is not generally necessary that people coming from the SQL Server background often have too many floats ...

c - Skipping strings between separator with sscanf() -

I have some strings such as this: 1 | 36 9 01 | O | 173665.47 | 1996-01-02 | 5-take. Clerical # 000000951 | 0 | Sleeps among the nstructions. I want to remove the field in the position of 0, 1, 3, 7 in this situation 1 , 36 901 , 173665.47 and 0 . I have tried sscanf (line, "% d |% d |% * C |% lf |% * |% * s |% * s |% D |% * s | ", and rec.order_key, and rec.cust_key, & rec.total_price, and rec.ship_priority); Printf ("% d% d% lf% d", rec.order_key, rec.cust_key, rec.total_price, rec.ship_priority); Expect to get more 1 36 9 01 173665.470000 0 Instead of me 1 36 9 01 173665.470000 1 So I think I have done something wrong with skipping, but I can not understand it. I understand that: sscanf () matches greed, so Leaving the string is too long. Using sscanf (line, "% d |% d |% * c |% lf |% * [^ |] |% * [^ |] |% * [^ | ] |% D |% * [^ |] | ", & rec.order_key, & rec.cust_key, and Rick Rick, & rec.ship_...

best structure for an Asp.Net Mvc ecommerce project -

I have read many discussions on this topic but I did not find a useful answer for my doubts. I will create an ecommerce with mvc but i do not know, what is the best solution? I do not understand that I have to set up a module for each table in DB or if it is possible to put one model in more tables such as the client, which is already in the client with all the strictly connected tables, therefore How many modules have I made? and how many controllers? How many tables, controllers, models are based on our requirement. First learn MVC. Unless you learn MVC, it is not confused and you do not understand. For the best practice of MVC see the link below.

ruby on rails - Model.to_a throws undefined method to_a -

I wanted to solve this Rail 4 dislikes warning: Relation # is all disliked if you If you want to load any relation anxious, you can call # load (eg post where (published: truth).) If you want to get a record from a relationship, you can call #to_a (like post. Where (published: true) .to_a). So when I change Model.all to Model.to_a, this undefined method throws to_a. When I try Model.Scoped.to_a, it works for example where and scope series. Should I go through a scoped or a better solution? If you really want an array, then you should use it: Model.all.to_a Since the Rail 4 all method return relationship, relation # all has been excluded .

Chutzpah Typescript compiler support for ...any params -

I am using the ChhotZip 3.2.1 command line in my teammates installation to execute some team level unit tests . I am getting this error when he tries to run: [Javascript test] Error: Error in [JavaScript runtime error]: [11:31: 03] [Javascript Test] C: /TeamCity/buildAgent/work/fd0bdc3857f5e4c1/Claims/Web/Scripts/app/search/SearchController.ts (77,16): Error TS2082: [11:31: Any of the supply parameters call target The signature also does not match: 03] [Javascript test] type of call signature '(Event: ng.injilatorEvent, Element: Jquery) = & g T; Zero and '(event: ng.injilatorEvent, ... args: some []) => There are any 'incompatibilities': This bit of code in question is: $ scope $ (EventConstants.TYPEAHEAD_SELECTED, (at event: .ng. IAngularEvent, Tip: FieldTapAiaHead Suggestions) => { (false);}); The definition of $ on angular.d.ts is: at $ (name: string, listener: (Event: IAngularEvent, .. .args : Any []) & gt; Any: Function...

ios - How do I rotate UIImageView on touch -

I am trying to get an image to go full screen, and if the image is the scenario, To rotate in The code works fine to make it fullscreen, but if I add rotation, the results are unexpected and the image rotates, goes to the left, but the fullscreen does not grow. P> Usage Code: [UIView animateWithDuration: 0.5 Delay: 0 options: 0 Animation: ^ {// Save the last frame to the last frame = imgView.frame; [ImgView Setframe: [[UIScreen main screen] border]]; ImgView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [IMV live Player setborderwidth: 0.0]; If (imgView.image.size.width & gt; imgView.image.size.height) imgView.transform = Siajifintronsformmackeroteshn (Dijiiariaco_radiyns (90)); } Closing: ^ (BOOL End) {isFullScreen = YES; }]; Not sure what I'm missing here, but is it possible to do something with rotation and image view limits? Try using CABasicAnimation instead, combine these examples: Size example: - (minus) resize layer: (CALayer *) layer: (CGSize) size {CGR...

Is "git clean" followed by "git stash clear" redundant when creating a pristine checkout? -

I would like to write a script that guarantees successful checks without user intervention. I am not dumping anything that can not be solved without user intervention: For example, without any latent change, I want to keep the files that I have clearly not seen (I consider them "under version control"). I've created a script based on fixing the problems encountered over time and fixing problems (as it does at all and not at all). Now I am concerned that my piece-script script has talent, or can be small. Is any of the following calls unnecessary? CD / Some / FDA GIT Clean-DF & amp; GIT Checkout GIT Stache GIT Steps Clean GIT Checkout Ao-Branch # or GIT Checkout-A Ao-Remote Some Branches [1] # Possible for Manual Call: GIT Bridge - Ribbase Ao-Remote [1] Can this call be git checkout -f and git checkout -fB ? is that I use one of my own build scripts with any branch in HEAD (in place of the HEAD ) to clean checkout or whatever you want, or use a ...

c - How does inetd know which process to send incoming data to? -

I am trying to replace an inetd / xinetd service with a standalone. What's the simplest I can do? What is some standard code to get started? how to find out what data to send incoming data It is created (usually using fork () followed by exec * () ), so its process-id. Is there a standard code to get started? What about it?

sql - LINQPad access multiple databases in single file -

I am using LINQPad, and am trying to work on the following scenario. I got a SQL Server connection, and an Oracle connection. Should I ask for both references within the same LINQPad file, I do not need cross-DB capabilities (server side, etc.) in accordance with the functions addressed in (), but to be able to freely reach everyone Need Is there any way to do this? The only way to do this is to reference the data reference (references) typed into additional visual studios, And then references to output assemblies from LINQPad.

MySQL query get column value similar to given -

Sorry if my question seems unclear, then I will try to explain. I have a line in a row, for example / 1/3/5/8/42/239/ , suppose I would like to find a similar place Where equally "id" is possible example: | My column | # 1 | 1/3/7/2/4 / | # 2 | 1/5/7/2/4 / | # 3 | 1/3/6/8/4 / | Now, by running a query on # 1 , I want to get the line # 2 because it's the most common to do something like this Is it the way or is it just my imagination? Thanks for your time. EDIT: Have suggested that I am expanding my question. This column represents a user's favorite artist from a music site. I'm searching for them like ' MyColumn like'% / id /% ' and by removing / id / with / Let me delete Since you have not really given much information about your data, I have to fill the gap with my estimates. then you have user table user table ----------- ID name other_stuff And if you want the artist who is a user's favorite then you shoul...

android - Check Location Provider Status -

I'm creating a test project to learn how to use in Android. I want as the default provider to use WiFi / 3G, but if there is set is not working (airplane mode on, for example), I switch to GPS Want to do My idea is to check the NETWORK_PROVIDER status. If this is not available, then check GPS_PROVIDER status if it is also not available, do not use the location and show a message. To do this, I need to check the current provider status, but I can not find the way. What is the way to do this? I tried with the provider, but this method only tells me what the provider can use or not, but if not really capable. The ideal idea is to call before the call request and sorry for my english to Czech this code location Manager mlocMan = (LocationManager) getSystemService (context.LOCATION_SERVICE); If (mlocMan .isProviderEnabled (LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER) & amp ;! & amp ;! mlocMan .isProviderEnabled (LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) {// both providers are ...

Create Vendor Bill from Netsuite Item Fulfillment or Item Receipt -

We're using advanced receiving and going in a special way, it's large for receipts and billing Netswite commands are especially difficult, order multiple times and receive partially every time. itempr = "text" > Billing Purchase Order A Purchase Order Billing reveals that you have received an invoice from the seller for the purchased item and can make a bill in the accounts payable. If you use advanced receiving, you can get an order and make bills in different steps. To get the advanced, go to Enable Setup> Features On the purchase transaction sub-tabs, check the Advanced Find box, and click Save. Note: When you make a standalone bill or bills the existing purchase order, the transaction requires an active account payable account. For an active account, you must be able to create an existing account payable account, create a new account payable account, or contact your system administrator. To get a purchase order bill with advanced: ...

c# - MSBuild trying to build exe instead of dll -

I have created the .csproj file to run command line tool using msbuild, though, when I run it Trying to create an exe as an example, how can I make it specially as a dll? Here below is the code in .csproj file and I execute a command prompt: version = "4.0" defaultTargets = "build" xmlns = " .com / developer / MSBuild / 2003 "& gt; & Lt; ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Include References = "System" /> & Lt; Include in context = "System.Core" /> & Lt; Include in context = "System.Data.Linq" /> & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Include Compilation = "C: \ test \ test.cs" /> & Lt; Include compilation = "C: \ test \ test.Designer.cs" /> & Lt; Include Embedded Resources = "C: \ test \ test.resx" / & gt; & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Target name = "build" & gt; & L...

android - File format considerations: tree structure with text and binary data -

We are currently writing an app for mobile platforms that is going to use a very sophisticated data structure. The data structure is organized into a tree structure and should include both data and text. Of course, XML is a great option to store organized data in a tree structure. Our problem is that we need blobs of raw data (some MBs in size) to be written in the file. While using XML, Blobs has to be encoded in Base 64 or similar, which will greatly increase the file size ... In this way, we consider making our own binary format. We do not have any experience in designing file formats and we have a hard time getting how to get a tree structure and variable length data block in a self-design file format. We need it to run on iOS and Android Thanks in advance! Does anyone have to do this or what to use for it?

android + mobile printing + phonegap ? it is possible -

I'm developing an app in Android. I want to take a print directly from my application, though my mobile app itself and I do not want to use Google Cloud Print. it's possible? Printer's name: Bixolon POC receipt printer model: SRP-257II

computer architecture - How do i calculate the size of a tag field? -

I'm amending an exam and I have a question that I do not know how to do, I have my notes Looked through and cant find anything on it, can someone help me? Looking at the 64Kb cache, which has 64 blocks per block with 1024 blocks, what is the tag field size for 32-bit architecture? The question is just 1 point, so I can not imagine that the answer is very difficult, but I can not find anything about it. You need 32 bit for the address offset of a block You need 6 bits You need 10 bits to identify one of the 1,024 potential blocks in the cache. It has 16 bits in total, so tags need to be 32 bit - 16 bit = 16 bits. I recommend the link which has been provided aruisdante and how to calculate it yourself.

android - sqlite 3 sum with inner join returns twice the value it should -

"itemprop =" text "> I'm running a question that looks like this select SUM (KILLCOUNT), TRIP_DATA.SPECIES = SPECIES.SPECIESIDNO on species TRIP_DATA.TRIPID = 413 group on species by .SPECIES TRIP_DATA.SPECIES from species TRIP_DATA. For this trip (413) I am getting production, 2 rabbits and 6 rabbits, although I have only entered a rabbit and 3 rabbits in the database, I do not know That is why I am returning the amount I want, any advice or improvement in my understanding will be very much received. For completeness I am doing two tables by joining me but making statements Gives "Table B Relationships are not present "+ TRIP_DATA +" (ID Integer Primary Key Etoincreate, Tripid Incinerator Faucet, GMTTMTAMAP Engineer is not faucet, Letitude is not real, "+" Longioed is not real, aliate real, true accuracy, speed real, spici Integer, Clint Igniger); and does not exist in the table "+ species +" (species text...

entity framework - Linq to Entities SQL Multiple LIKE statements -

I have to find an entity with some values, is empty I do not have to consider them, but I have other Linq To use a written statement using entities. The result I want to achieve should be similar to this SQL, ... like WHERE (@taxid = '' or 'mtxid') @Texide + '%') and @ (@ PersonalLeader = '' or @PrashinLit @Dransaction + '%') and (@Certificate = '' or MC certificate @ certificate ''% '') For my organizations my Linux looks like this: person = reference. Where (E => E. Texi Content (TaxID) & amp; Amp; amp; Individual Personal Contact (Personal ID) & amp; amp; e.Certificate.Contains (Certificate) ToList (); Any clues? You can include parameter probes in the query (Individual ID == "" || P. Individual Idi.Start (Individual ID)) & amp; Amp; (Certificate == "" || p.Certificate.Starts. (Certificate)) Select P or make query dynamic IQueryable & Lt; Person ...

usb - Portable Media PC Wifi Signal -

I prepared to make myself using Raspberry P & A; An electronics hoop. With the exception of my wireless signal, the building and testing have been fixed. I have an ADMX USB WiFi dongle, which is hosted in the case of aluminum, and when I close the case, the thick aluminum (Required) blocks the signal completely. I tried stitching antenna for the wire through the lid screws, but this did not work (sorry, if it was a stupid thing to do, I would like to know more about the antenna design Not even though the wire lid helps in closing and they are not connected). I realize that I can use external USB port, but I did not want to stop that key, it is very useful to hook up the keyboard or other external devices. Let me know if anyone has a great solution. I want to be able to keep the lid as close as possible, and to run everything, although in the back panel I have already installed other ports. Thank you very much, -3 Ninja You walk the antenna in the solar wiring b...

svm - Machine Learning Algorithm Confusion -

I have made a small application about cricket prediction using machine learning. I took a record of 10 years (2001-2011) of ODI matches and prepared a training set. Now to predict victory or loss for a particular team, I have considered several factors. For example, this is the India vs Australia match at Wankhede stadium, India. India's record in the last 10 years. India's record in the last two years. India has a record of the last two years in India. India's record in Wankhede in the last two years, India's record in Wankhede. India's record in Wankhede in the last two years. Australia's record in the last two years. Australia's record in the last 10 years. Australia's record in the last two years. Australia's record against India in the last 10 years. Australia's record against India in the last two years. Australia's record against India in the last 10 years in India. Australia...

[A]How to make a MP3 repeat in javafx? -

I want to repeat my MP3 file again and again. But I'm unable to make a loop to run my file over and over again (I use this code, but only after finishing it, only the first second of my file is played) Audio Clip My Mike ... setCycleCount (AudioClip.INDEFINITE); (); Edit: I used the Media Player but this cycle counter does not work properly, for example, for the first time I played my MP3 file and played it 2 times and stopped for a second time to play for the third time suddenly I My app was played again and it played 1 times and it is my code in the second half of the second time of play: url resource = getClass (). GetResource ("abcd.mp3"); Media Player A = New Media Player (New Media (Resources. Two String ()); A.setCycleCount (MediaPlayer.INDEFINITE); A game (); Any ideas? thank you in advanced. I found the solution I used the setOnEndOfMedia method: url Resources = getClass () GetResource ("abcd.mp3"); Media Player A = New...

php - Overriding a javascript function in a Wordpress Child Theme -

I am writing a simple Wordpress child theme. is a portfolio feature that uses FlexSlider to display the thumbnails from the most recent posts and when they click on it, to open the content posted in a single device on this page Uses AJAX. I've written a category page based on this, which pulls all post categories and shows thumbnails for recent posts. However, when I click on the thumbnail, I need a new page Going on and the content does not open in the devil. The problem is, I am reusing code which looks a bit like this: is_psoz ()): $ my_query-> The_post (); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "flexlider" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "slide" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "http: // the-url-here" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt ;? php echo $ ring [0] ;? & gt;" / & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php timeli...