
Showing posts from May, 2013

qt5 - Cannot create certain QML types in a singleton -

A QML Singleton to use the style defined as I have defined: Pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.2 Import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1 QtObject {property ProgressBarStyle progressBarErrorStyle: ProgressBarStyle {background: Rectangle {radius: 2 color: "lightgray" border.color: "gray" border.width: 1 implicitWidth: 200 implicitHeight: 20} progress: Rectangle {color: "orange" range: color: "red"}}} I can import the object and am using it , Though progressBarErrorStyle is always given the code ProgressbarStyle_clataipe 7 / . If I change it to rectangle , then it is typed correctly as QQuickRectangle . QtQuick.Controls.Styles defines import ProgressBarStyle , and QtCreator is I can not find any syntax errors ... so my object runtime But why is the wrong type given? After the text itemprop = "text"> you should use as the property type: import QtQuick 2.2 Import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 Impor...

three.js - How to get Physijs and Threejs to work together with tQuery -

Good evening, I recently changed three JS from EaselJS, it's amazing! I have tried to include a physical engine named Physiz and used it with tQuery, but it is not working. Head: & lt ;! - Physics Engine - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "lib / tquery-bundle-require.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "lib / ammo.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "lib / physi.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "lib / tquery.physi.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;! - Games and Gymkor namespace - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "js / game.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text...

javascript - How to add Html element to dynamic list in jquery -

I'm new to web programming. Actually I want to make a list in which I have to add elements to the unseen list. I've added elements to the list dynamically but I need to anchor each list item for the tag. Please help me HTML: & lt; div data-role = "main" square = "ui-content" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" id = "btnid" onclick = "getData ()" /> & Lt; P id = "p1" & gt; Insert content here & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Ul data-roll = "listview" data-inset = "true" id = "false" title = "nodes list" data-inset = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Javascript: for (var i = 0; i & lt; jsonData.Element.length; i ++) {var counter = jsonData .Element [i]; //console.log(counter.counter_name); Var Newsletter = $ ("+ lt; li & gt;" + counter.nodeName + "" + counter. Activate + "...

javascript - Check if object is in AngularJS array that is in localStorage -

I have this angular array: $ scope.fav = [] where items (objects) Meet the function call added with it. An example of these items is {citation: "some text", controller: some_controler} when I add a new object to the array, the array is saved in the local store. The array really sets me how to print it in console.log (), how does it actually work to drop it? I get many [objects, objects] that I have just taken, the way it has been printed. This is not the main issue, because the array works how to do it. The problem I am trying to figure out whether an object is already in an array or not. I have tried if ($ scope.fav.indexOf ({citation: q, controller: c}) == -1) and It did not seem that because every object was also index-1, even if it was already in the array. I guess this is because this object is not reading properly. Finally I have supported this function: $ scope.containsObject = function (obj, list) {Var i; (I = 0; i & lt; list.length; i ++) for {if...

msbuild - app.publish components not getting copied after build -

I have a release. Proj file that I am running during the daily build. It should create my cloud service and then copy the content of the \ bin \ app.publish folder to another newly created folder. It is preparing the solution but the content is not being copied. I have also tried to use the DependsOnTaret property, it seems like the problem of the time Falling looks like my release. Proj file: & lt; copy source files =" @ (package) "destinationfolder =" $ (release folder path) \ package "/> & gt; & gt; Target & gt; & lt; / Project & gt; ; The estimates of files in "AzureCloudService \ bin \ release \ app.publish \" will be created during MSBuild published calls, right? If so, transfer the definition of your item group to the target: & target; target name = "prepare release" & gt; & gt; MSBuild target = "publish" projects = ".. .. AzureService.sln" property = "configu...

android - Pass data to BroadcastReceiver from Activity using DownloadManager -

I am trying to pass a broadcast receiver to an object that will do something when the download completes. How can I use intent objects in the Broadcast Reserves Recipe? I have this activity in my: DownloadManager manager = (DownloadManager) getSystemService (context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE); Long id = manager. Nq (request); And I have it in my broadcast receiver, when the download is complete, stuff happens: DownloadManager mgr = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService (Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE); All this works well, my broadcast receiver does the work that I need when the download is completed. But now I want to pass the object to the Broadcast receiver with my object. Generally, I will make just one intent and add the object to the intent. But, I have not made any intention in my code because the broadcast receiver answers the download using the reference. DOWNLOAD_SERVICE In my broadcast receiver, I want to get the object to get data from the object (on) method here: ...

python - flask "no module name config" -

I am creating an SMS API in the flask when I try to run it through the dragon runner, then it is configuring any module name Do not say, but I have that file in it api_version, secret_key and all are included I do not know what went wrong. Can somebody help me out. To import a Python file, it should have an extension in .py . So rename the file from to and try again.

python - Trouble in saving a list to csv -

I am saving a list from a csv module using a writer's feature in a CSV. Something went wrong when I opened the last file in MS Office Excel. Before I have to face this problem, the main problem I am trying to deal with is that the list is being saved in every row, saving every row in line one in line 1, I made some minor changes Now it has happened that I am very confused as a novice dragon man. Import CSV inputfile = open ('small.csv', 'r') header_list = [] header = inputfile.readline () header_list input (header) input for row in input_lines = []: Input_lines.append (line) inputfile.close () AA_list = [] for the range I (0, lane (input_line)): if (input_lines [i] .split (',') [4]) == 'AA': # Column 4 has different names including 'AA' AA-list .append (input_lines [i]) full_list = header_list + aa_list result file = open ("aa 2013.csv", "w +) Wr = Csv.writer (resultFile, delimiter = ',') wr.writerow (full_list) ...

qt - How to work with QGraphicsScene::addPixmap when it only accepts const QPixmap? -

I would like to display QGraphicsScene through some QImage My code is very straightforward: mainwindow.h QImage * sourceImage; QGraphicsView * imageView; QGraphicsScene * imageScene; mainwindow.cpp imageScene = new QGraphicsScene; ImageView = New QGraphicsView; ImageView-> SetScene (imageScene); SourceImage = new QImage; SourceImage.load (": / targetimage.png"); ImageScene.addPixmap (QPixmap :: fromImage (sourceImage)); And after that the complainant has stated that whatever I did wrong: only accept const QPixmap as argument, and I QImage const QPixmap is not allowed, because accept const QImage within QPixmap :: fromImage , such as Const hell This method does not make much sense to me, if I want to create an image viewer, for example, and during the runtime, I definitely have to load different images QImage sourceImage , and how can I do that a const QImage ? Using this problem has become sick, thanks for any advice, can you give...

c# - Custom RoleBased Application -

I have an application that authenticates a user using a remote system. The user present in the remote system does not have any role because its multilateral nature I want to give every user some roles which is authenticated and valid. Can I use custom membership and role management? Can I use a dynamic access level to inject an authorization on the page? Yes, you can do something similar in some apps. Simply use the remote system to authenticate, but if you create a local user (or reuse multiple trips) using authenticated subscription then you can play that role "local user" Hence the remote system is used only to authenticate / authenticate user credentials, but the membership made in ASP.NET MVC and its role Anything managed at the local level using the management. / html>

ios - UITableViewController horizontal swipe pagination? -

I am trying to implement horizontal endorsement in my UITableViewController. A new set of items with each swipe will be displayed in the UiTable view. So far, I have tried to do it with a set of UTIBL Vuii Controllers, UISCrolvee and UIPAs Control. It works, but it has two issues. Not initially able to load all UITableViewControllers in memory. When the UITableView is still the answer to swipe vertically swipe so that it gives an unpleasant impression. An app that I want to do can be seen here I have a horizontal paged UITableView? I recently behaved a lot using a UIPageViewController And UITableViewController 's for the content to give an example: You need the UIPageViewController which is UIPageViewControllerDataSource implements the issue. The data source asks for resources: - (UIViewController *) pageViewController: (UIPageViewController *) pageViewController viewControllerBeforeViewController: (UIViewController *) viewController; and -...

qt - detect when graphicsitem boundingRect exceeds scene rect -

I am adding a qgraphicsTextitem when the user clicks on the graphics and I setteextInteractionFlags (using QT to edit mode for GraphicStepTimetime). Will set: TextEditorInteraction); But the problem is that the user can edit the text and the text viewpoint is more than the visible area or the visual rectangle. The user should restrict the given text to the inside of the scene, how can I do this in the graphics frame Even when texttime text starts in the middle and logs in If I get out of the text, then I have to move the text to the left side. You must explicitly sceneRect to QGraphicsScene . Otherwise, it will automatically develop. Again, you need the QGraphicsTextItem subclass, or create your own QGraphicsItem from scratch. You may override the virtual QRectF boundingRect () const , you can call the base boundingRect , make an inquiry that this view reset , And move the item with setPos to the left . Remember that the Bounding Rect item is in the coordi...

How to create an installer for java web application -

How to create an installer for the Java web application which will install PostGrace, JR and Tomcat with the application? thank you in advanced. It depends on the forum. For Windows, I want to see InnoSetup:

Python beautifulsoup not grabbing full table -

I'm not sure that it is not holding the full table due to mechanize This works: Beautiful soup import page to import from imports = ' .jsp 'r = request.get (page) r.encoding =' utf-8 'soup = beautiful soup (rtext) div = soup.find (' div ', class_ =' main right '). Find_all ('div') [1] for cell in table row ('TD', recursive = falls) = div.find ('table', recursive = False) in the row. Find_all ('tr', recursive = falls): print cell.text.split () but it is not: Import import import imports BS4 Import Beautiful Soup Import Request URL = 'http: //' control_year = ['2006', '2007', '2008', '200 9 '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06 ',' 0 ',' 0 ' 07 ',' 08 ', '09...

flash - Remove menu on right click in Action Script 2.0 -

How can I disable the menu on the right click in the Action Script 2.0 or just hide zooming from the menu? setting stage.showmenu = false show help only settings and right click Adobe documentation will keep in the menu:

ruby - Publish to redis is blocking my process -

यह मेरा रूबी कोड है: 'redis' redis = थ्रेड की आवश्यकता है .new do redis.subscribe ('foo_bar') करें | पर | On.message do | key, id | क्या एंड्रॉइड एंड एंड एंड रिडीज। पब्लिश ('फू_बार', 1337) क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है, पिछली पंक्ति में "प्रकाशित" निर्देश क्यों मेरी प्रक्रिया को अवरुद्ध कर रहा है? धन्यवाद ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि redis.subscribe ब्लॉकों में पुनः प्रवेश संपूर्ण प्रक्रिया। इसलिए जब आप इसे ताले प्रकाशित करने का प्रयास करते हैं। समाधान: subscribe के बजाय मतदान का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करना: समाधान 2: कई रेडिस कनेक्शन का उपयोग करें, यानी आरडीआईएस कनेक्शन बनाएं पूल

php - How can i get id from url -

How do I get this ID from the URL? I am not the only one for all IDs I tried: $ id_z_url = $ _GET ['id'] & amp; Amp; $ _GET ['id'] == ''. $ Gildia ['id']. ''; But it does not work. You should try this: $ id_z_url = $ _GET ['Gildia']; With the name of the params, in your case gildia . When you want to use $ id_z_url = $ _GET ['id']; In this way you need to set the name id in the URL:

c++ - int a[0]; What is the use of this statement? Where does it makes sense? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब 8 जवाब मैंने संरचना के अंत में ड्राइवर कार्यक्रमों में इस बयान का उपयोग देखा है। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि इस कथन का क्या उपयोग है? और यह आंतरिक रूप से कैसे काम करता है? मेरा मतलब है कि संकलक क्या इसे सरणी या एक चर के रूप में मानता है? सी में, यह आपको अनुमति देने के लिए एक चाल है संरचना के अंत में एक चर-आकार की सरणी को डालने के लिए, निश्चित आकार के दोनों क्षेत्रों के लिए पर्याप्त स्मृति आवंटित करके और जो भी आप सरणी में चाहते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए: स्ट्रेट सरणी {size_t आकार; इंट ए []; // कड़ाई से, यह शून्य आकार के बजाय अपूर्ण होना चाहिए;); स्ट्रेट सरणी * मेकअरे (आकार_टी आकार) {स्ट्रेट सरणी = सरणी = मॉलोक (आकारफ (संरचना सरणी) + आकार * आकारफ (इंट)); सरणी- & gt; आकार = आकार; वापसी सरणी; } स्ट्रेट सरणी * array = make_array (2); सरणी- & gt; एक [1] = 42; // कोई समस्या नहीं: दो सरणी तत्वों के लिए पर्याप्त मेमोरी है सी ++ में, यह मान्य नहीं है। इसके बजाय std :: vector का उपयोग करें।

html - Text difference from Firefox to Chrome -

& lt; div id = "slide1" & gt; & lt; span id = "tf1" & gt; अपने घर का निर्माण & lt; br & gt; कमज़ोर और वार्म & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; # tf1 {अस्पष्टता: 0.9; रेखा-ऊंचाई: 50px; पाठ संरेखित करें: केंद्र; प्रदर्शन क्षेत्र; रंग: / * # 505050 * / # 505050; टेक्स्ट-छाया: / * # a8a8a8 * / # 9f9f9f -2px 1px 1px; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 41px; फ़ॉन्ट-परिवार: ग्लोबर्ब; } # Tf1 :: प्रथम-पंक्ति {रंग: / * # 323232 * / # 323232; टेक्स्ट-छाया: / * # 969696 * / # 8c8c8c -2px 1px 1px; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 60px; फ़ॉन्ट-परिवार: ग्लोबर्ब; प्रदर्शन क्षेत्र; } # स्लाइड 1 {/ * परिणत: तिरछा (0deg, 5deg); * / अस्पष्टता: 0; स्थिति: पूर्ण; पैडिंग-टॉप: 40px; मार्जिन-बाएं: 1 9 .7 9 16%; मार्जिन-टॉप: 0 पिक्सेल; } समस्या यह है कि फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में, पाठ 2 लाइनों और सभी चीजें अच्छी लगती है, लेकिन क्रोम में यह तीन पंक्तियों में जाता है मुझे नहीं पता कि यह क्यों है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि सीएसएस के माध्यम से कुछ प्रकार के फ़िक्स हैं? & lt; html & gt; ...

HTML time tag - correct date format -

I want to use the right format and standards to keep time tags in my HTML document. Is this the right way to do it? & lt; Time datetime = "2014-03-26 T12: 48: 42.733Z" & gt; 26/03/2014 & lt; / Time & gt; Thanks format is YYYY-MM - DDThh: mm: ssTZD Specifying the date or time. Component Interpretation: YYYY - year (as of 2011) MM - month (for example January 01) DD - day of month (like 08) T - a necessary separator if time is also specified HH - Hours (eg 22 AM 10.00 AM) mm - minute (55) SS - Seconds (like 03) TZDD - Time Zone Designer (Zed Zone, also called Greenwich Mean Time) then yes

java - reason of IllegalMonitorStateException if I use wait within sync block -

I try to understand Java core synchronization. I wrote a code sample: write program left right 10 times package concurrency; Public square LeftRightWaitNotifyExample {last fixed string str = "1"; Public static zero main (string [] Args) {New LeftLegThread (str). Start (); New RightLegThread (str) Start (); }} Class LeftLegThread thread {String Monitor} extends; Public LeftLegThread (string str) {monitor = str; } @ Override Public Zero Run () {try} {makeStep (); } Grip (Interrupted ejection) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); }} Private Zero makeStep () throws interruptedException {synchronize (monitors) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 10; i ++) {println ("left"); stop(); }}}} Class extends the RightLegThread thread {String Monitor}; Public RightLegThread (string str) {monitor = str; } @ Override Public Zero Run () {try} {makeStep (); } Grip (Inhibited Aspen E) {}} Private Weed Mastep (Interrupted Interrupted Expressions) {Synchro...

c# - Set subreport text object in Crystal Reports -

I wanted to set the subreport headers text through the resource file. I have tried this code below report document rDocument = (report document) session ["report source"]; (TextObject) rDocument.Subreports ["HollidayShub Report"]. ReportDefinion.ReportsObjects ["Hollidaystriulle"]). Text = resource Resources. HoliseDual; But here I am getting the error because is not set for example object reference object How do I solve this issue I can. Appreciate any help. text object txtpentotal = (TextObject) objRpt.Subreports ["Subreport.rpt"]. ReportDefinition .Sections ["Section4"] ReportObjects ["txttotal"]. Txtpentotal.Text = Pen. Text;

Google Geocoding stopped to work for Crimea, Ukraine -

I have discovered a very strange problem that the Geocoding API stopped suddenly to work for Crimea coordinates. Example: Simferopol city: But it works for any other place in Ukraine and Russia. Example: Kiev, Ukraine Recently the API worked properly. Please tell, is this Google's ban due to political incidents in Ukraine? Service should work again, and when? Our application depends critically on the user's geographic location, and this problem blocks the workflow. Thanks a lot! Yes, it is banned due to political events I have received this reply from Google Support: Since the Crimea is currently a disputed area (), the Geocoder result will not currently give results for reverse geocoding.

bluetooth - When does the BluetoothGattCallback and onConnectionStateChange been called in Android for BLE? -

I'm studying about Bluetooth low energy (BLE, Bluetooth 4.0) for Android. I have a reference document such as links. This method uses the connectGatt () to connect to the GATT server on device-A , strong > Like following. mBluetoothGatt = device_A.connectGatt (this, false, mGattCallback); And it has on connection connection at onCharacteristicRead , etc. mGattCallback . is the question: When is 1 BluetoothGattCallback called? 2. Any change for all attributes on Device-A on Device- A will return a mBluetoothGatt message to on connection connection / Code> ?? , Or does it only return the specificity which was brought to me by the specificity ?? After the first connection all (you gatt-client as gatt-client Gatt-server) You should call the services of the discovery device After some changes, you can send that device to the conversion rate on but this is a case when the BLE The device can be in the form of gatt-client and send...

c++ - Resize Column Width QTableWidget -

मुझे QTableWidget के साथ बनाया गया यह विजेट है: और मैं चाहूंगा कि मेरी मेज का कॉलम विजेट के पूरी चौड़ाई पर कब्जा करने के लिए आकार बदलता है, जबकि पंक्तियों के लिए ठीक है क्योंकि यह है । मुझे पता है कि मेरे जैसे एक समान प्रश्न हैं लेकिन मैं इसे इस तरह हल करने में सक्षम नहीं था .. यह मेरा कोड है शून्य MainWindow :: createTable (int पंक्तियाँ, इंट कॉलम) {mainList = नया QTableWidget; QStringList हेडर लेबल्स; हेडर लेबल्स & lt; & lt; "शीर्षक" & lt; & lt; "निदेशक" & lt; & lt; "वर्ष" & lt; & lt; "काउंटर" & lt; & lt; "रेटिंग"; mainList- & gt; setRowCount (पंक्तियाँ); mainList- & gt; setColumnCount (कॉलम); mainList- & gt; setHorizontalHeaderLabels (headerLabels); मुख्यलिस्ट- & gt; सेट एडिटट्रिगर (QAbstractItemView :: DoubleClicked; QAbstractItemView :: SelectedClicked); mainList- & gt; setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView :: SelectRows); mainList- & gt; resizeColumnsToCon...

javascript - When we store a method in a variable and then call it, Why does the context object change to the global window object? -

नीचे उदाहरण jqfundamentals से लिया गया है, var person = {firstName: 'Boaz' , अंतिमनाम: 'प्रेषक', नमस्कार: कार्य () {लॉग ('हाय,' + this.firstName); }}; Var sayIt = person.greet; // एक चर में विधि को स्टोर करें यह (); // logs 'हाय, अपरिभाषित' - उह-ओह स्पष्टीकरण के रूप में, जब हम एक चर में ग्रिट () विधि को संग्रहीत करते हैं तो इसे कहते हैं और फिर कॉल करें SayIt (), संदर्भ वस्तु वैश्विक विंडो ऑब्जेक्ट में बदल जाती है, व्यक्ति ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं। चूंकि खिड़की ऑब्जेक्ट में कोई प्रॉपर्टी नहीं है, इसलिए जब हम इसे एक्सेस करने का प्रयास करते हैं तो हम अनिर्धारित होते हैं। मेरी समस्या है जब हम एक वेरिएबल में ग्रिड () विधि को संचित करते हैं तो इसे कहते हैं और फिर कहते हैं यह () क्यों संदर्भ वस्तु वैश्विक विंडो ऑब्जेक्ट में बदलती है? यह युक्ति है, P> निम्न चरणों का पालन किया जाता है जब फ़ंक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट F में निहित फ़ंक्शन कोड के लिए निष्पादन संदर्भ में प्रवेश करता है, एक कॉलर यह प्रदान किया गया, और एक कॉलर प्रदान की गई तर्क: यदि फ़ंक्शन कोड ...

events - Trigger click on link on jquery mobile not working -

I Tried to trigger a link through the trigger () function but Click $ ("# Redirectprofile_btn") ($) or $ ("# redirectprofile_btn"). Itemprop = "jquerymobile" text "> Use event.prevent default () after event.stopImmediatePropogation and then replace the href href attr value.

override - Overrride TD CSS with TR CSS -

In my HTML table, I have different colors for rows and columns. But on the intersection of a row and column, TD CSS takes precedence but I want to ride it with TR CSS. How can this be done? Here is an example of my work I have to look like brown in the first line in all the colors / columns. This is an incomplete row. But the column overrides the CSS line CSS. You can try to override this particular TD with TD with transparent color. Something like this: table tr Dsaatted td {background-color: transparent; } If your CSS declaration column is more accurate for TD, then you need to add more accuracy to this declaration (possibly adding a CSS class or exact like Html body table tr .disabled td ).

caching - Best practice for cache requests on persisted objects in Play/Scala -

I'm trying to exclude caching in my play app, and it looks like it's working, But the code hopes me to get more verbose, and I appreciate some comments on the simplification or something else I remember. This question is a bit of an extension code (the presentation is a bit simplified here): def findById (id: int): option [lerner] = {cache.get [lerner] ("Learner." + Id) match {no case = & gt; DB.withConnection {built-in C = & gt; // - No cache, db sql ("select from learning *, where id = {id}") .on ('id -> id) .as (learner p.oneOpt) match {case something (learner) = > And gt; {// - Detected, set the cache cache .Set ("learner.", +, learner) some (learner)} case _ = & gt; None // - no address in DB, no cache set}} Case (= learner) = & gt; Some (learners) // - Value of return in cache}} EDIT: The learners (in this case) are important to set cash values ​​anywhere or have been set. Installing is necessary...

.net - Tutorials and Samples for Host Integration Server -

I am quite new in the cross-over integration of enterprise applications like MS and IBM systems. I have to know that anyone can redirect me to any website or link which shows some samples of communication with mainframe servers using the .NET applications through the Host Integration Server. I thank you very much. Thanks Mohit B. You can go through these links:

TCP send message to localhost on port - node.js -

I try to use the nodes core only messages sent to one server by another server (Customers are not just server-to-server) In fact, both server servers are sent between both apps, which should not be linked together. One has to get a remote message from each other. I am looking at all Google stuff and node docks, but can not sense the parts of the code to send. The first server should only receive the message: var net = require ('net'); Var server1 = net.createServer (function (net) {nets.addListener ('message', function (data) {console.dir (data);});}); Server1.listen (8000, 'localhost'); Only send messages to another server: var net = require ('net'); Var server2 = net.createConnection (8000, 'localhost', function (nets) { ('connect', function) (nets. Written ('message', {'a': 1, 'foo': 'bar '});});}); I'm having trouble understanding the docs, though, I need to use t...

sql - Oracle create user statement produces error -

I copy and paste the exact example user / schema creation script from the Oracle website and try to create a new user as shown below Key: Identify the user's password p455w0d Default TableCasecak tbs_perm_01 Temporary Tablepace Tbs_temp_01 TTS_TM_01 at 10000mm; I found the following error: error in command line: 2 column: 18 error report - SQL error: ORA-00 9 22: Missing or Invalid Option However, I do not know what could be wrong with the supplied password to supply passwords without quotation marks around it Feel weird about, but you do this. This works for me (tablespace changes names that are present) When you copy / paste the query, there is no space between the password and the default keyboard?

visual c++ - LoadTypeLibEx is failing while running an application in session 0 (service session) -

Text after " In my application, I'm loading a type library like this ITypeLib * Typelib = zero; Tlbpath = "some path" hr = LoadTypeLibEx (tlbpath, REGKIND_REGISTER, and typelib); HR = Register Type Libuffer User (Typelib, TLbpt, Faucet); When I run as Administrator / User, I am able to load TLB and all entries are loaded in the Registry. When I run the same application through the service in the session 0, I am typing as TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY . In addition to this, UnRegisterTypeLibForUser is created with all entries that will remove, while LoadTypeLibEx In my case, UnRegisterTypeLibForUser is executed but entries are not being deleted in the registry I use the code given below Done UnRegisterTypeLibForUser (tlibatr-> GUID, tlibatr-> wMajorVerNum, tlibatr-> WMinorVerNum, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, SYS_WIN32); Can tell for some reason why the LoadTypeLibEx failed to register the running application in session 0 and how to fix it? I...

javascript - $http angularjs POST don't send my data? -

मेरे angularjs $ http userId = '1' ; $ Http ({url: "php / loadTab.php", विधि: "पोस्ट", डेटा: userId})। सफलता (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा, स्थिति, हेडर, कॉन्फ़िग) {console.log (डेटा);})। त्रुटि (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा, स्थिति, हेडर, कॉन्फ़िग) {}); हेक, डाक मेरे php को डेटा नहीं भेजता है मैं $ _POST गूंज करता हूं ['यूज़र आईडी'] ने इसे अनिर्धारित सूचकांक लौटाया मैंने भी डेटा की कोशिश की: 'userId': '1' कोणीय भेजता है डेटा JSON के रूप में, एन्कोडेड कुंजी / मान युग्मों के रूप में नहीं है, ताकि आप डेटा किसी ऑब्जेक्ट पर सेट कर सकते हैं आप लगभग इसे अपनी दूसरी कोशिश पर रखते हैं लेकिन आपको घुंघराले ब्रेसिज़ को शामिल करने की आवश्यकता होती है, जो ऑब्जेक्ट को परिभाषित करती है: डेटा: {'userId': userId} अब, PHP पक्ष पर आपको इस तरह से JSON को डीकोड करने के लिए कच्चे POST डेटा तक पहुंचने की आवश्यकता है: $ data = json_decode (file_get_contents ('php: // input')); प्रतिध्वनि $ डेटा- & gt; यूज़र आईडी;

PHP - Find the difference between two times -

I try to calculate the difference of time between two times inputted through a time-pecker (in hours) I've done a javascript code, but to calculate it, the server side code has to be used because it is very important if you want me to post the JS code that works, let me know in the comments. The difference between time is quite easy to calculate, but I need output in a specific format, for example, in the inputs of '07: 30 'and '14: 00' instead of 6.3, return 6.5 Will. The reason for this is that to calculate this time making use of the difference is easy for me. I have tried PHP code: Effort # 1: & lt ;? Php $ start_time = New date time ('07: 30 '); $ End_time = New Date Time ('14: 00 '); $ Time_diff = date_diff ($ start_time, $ end_time); Echo $ time_diff-> Format ('% h.% I'); ? & Gt; Expected 6.3 returns. Effort # 2: & lt ;? Php $ start_time = "07:30"; $ End_time = "14:00"; $ Start_ti...

python - Formatting X axis with dates format Matplotlib -

I have written a code that gives a plot to the user for the stock market for the last seven days over the last seven days is. The problem I have is that I want to format X axis in a YYMMDD format. I do not even understand what the meaning of 2.014041 A7 at the end of the X axis is. Values ​​for X are: 20140421.0, 20140417.0, 2014041.0, 20140415.0, 2014.04.0.0, 20140411.0, 20140410.0 There are values ​​for y: 531.17, 524.94, 519.01, 517.96, 521.68, 519.61, 523.48 My The code is: mini = min (y) maxi = maximum (y) min = mini-75 max = maxi + 75 min2 = int (min (x)) maxi2 = int (max. (X)) plt.close ('all') fig, ax = plt.subplots (1) pylab.ylim ([minimum, max]) pylab.xlim ([mini2, maxi2]] ax.plot (x, y) ax.plot (x, y, 'ro') ax.plot (x, m * x + c) ax.grid () ax.plot () When you use your method If you plot your data using, then you are just plotting your y data such as against x numbers in x 20140421.0 (which I think you want to mean by date 2... - How to play wave data from UDP stream (c#) -

I want to create an app that will get wave data through the network through UDP broadcasts. How can I set up to play the wave data obtained using the MSDN components (without any third party's Liberty or software)? I have tried to search with Google, but no help is yet not successful any help or hints would be appreciated Thanks in advance. Documentation for UdpClient Article using DirectSound, from DirectX, With C #

How to communicate between via wifi iOS and android? -

I need to communicate between iOS and Android. Bluetooth bluetooth does not support communication of iOS. So I have chosen Wifi to communicate in any way? AIM: I need to send json datas between this and recive. Any ideas? See AsyncSocket () for IOS and Server socket for Java / Java. Socket

objective c - Weakly retaining container class -

Objective-C contains a container square that will keep objects in it weakly, I know that NSARRA and NSSite them Will maintain the objects firmly but what is something that they can not be used by any other (and update accordingly)? Is there an inefficient version of this? I need this to keep track of some items, but I do not want to keep them. et al. Do the job, you want NSPointerArray * PointerArere = [[NSPointerArray alloc] initWithOptions: NSPointerFunctionsWakMemory]; mvc - Model Binding not working in MVC 4 -

I have a form that I am posting in the following controller verb. But the currency value is meaningless. Why is not the model being binding? I used the same method in other forms and it used to work fine. I do not know why this is not working. ("edit")] [http post] edit public proceedingsCurrentTab (CURRENCY currency) // currency = null; {Dal Lib = new DAL (); Int state = lib.UpdateCurrency (currency); If (State == 1) {Return Redirect Action ("Details", new {id = Currency. ID}); } And {look back ("error"); }} See // what I am posting: @Model Library. CURRENCY @ {ViewBag.Title = "EditCurrency_GET"; } & Lt; H2 & gt; EditingQuality_GET & lt; / H2 & gt; @using (Html.BeginForm ()) {@ Html.AntiForgeryToken () @ HTML.ValidationSummary (true) & lt; Fieldet & gt; & Lt; Story & gt; VFS_CURRENCY & lt; / Narrative & gt; @ Html.HiddenFor (model => model.ID) & lt; Div class = "editor-label" ...

c# - What type to PInvoke for a char** -

निम्नलिखित सी फंक्शन पर विचार करें: शून्य get_lib_version (const char ** ver_string); मैं इस तरह PInvoke के साथ सही कैसे मार सकता हूँ? प्रलेखन कहते हैं कि यह एक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग के लिए एक सूचक देता है। मैंने सोचा कि यह ऐसा करेगा: [DllImport (DllPath, कॉलिंगसंचार = कॉलिंगसंचार। CDEcl)] सार्वजनिक स्थिर extern int get_lib_version (StringBuilder संस्करण); लेकिन मुझे जितना मिलता है, वह कमजोर है। फ़ंक्शन रिटर्न एक नया सी-स्ट्रिंग पिनवोक मार्शलर हमेशा यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि एक मूल स्ट्रिंग को स्टोर करने के लिए आवश्यक स्मृति को फिर से जारी किया जाता है। यह एक अच्छा अंत नहीं होगा, निश्चित रूप से इस समारोह के कॉलर इसे रिलीज नहीं माना जाता है। const कीवर्ड एक मजबूत संकेत है कि मूल कोड एक संकेतक को एक स्ट्रिंग में लौटा देगा जो ढेर पर आवंटित नहीं किया गया है। ऐसे सूचक को जारी करने की कोशिश में आपके प्रोग्राम को बाद के विंडोज संस्करणों पर क्रैश हो जाएगा, जिस प्रकार का सख्त ढेर कार्यान्वयन (XP के बाद) है। आपको मार्शलर को ऐसा करने से रोकने में मदद मिलनी चाहिए। इसके लिए आपको तर्...

postgresql - How to unnest an array for supply a sequence of arguments? -

PostgreSQL 9.2 के साथ काम करता है, SELECT प्रारूप ('% s% s!', 'नमस्ते दुनिया'); लेकिन मुझे SELECT स्वरूप ('% s% s!', सरणी ['हैलो', 'विश्व']) की तरह कुछ चाहिए। या, विशेष रूप से, मुझे कुछ convertToArgs की आवश्यकता है, SELECT प्रारूप ('% s% s!', ConvertToArgs (सरणी ['हैलो', 'दुनिया']); नोट: वास्तविक समस्या सामान्य है, किसी भी संख्या के साथ (सरणी और संगत प्लेसहोल्डर में) चुनें प्रारूप (टेम्पलेट, कन्वर्टटॉअर्स (मान)); इस सुविधा को तर्क दिया जाता है। आप कॉल कर सकते हैं VARIADIC कीवर्ड: SELECT प्रारूप ('% s% s!', 'VARIADIC') में शामिल होने पर VARIADIC पैरामीटर भी, एक सरणी के साथ। ARRAY ['हैलो', 'विश्व']); संपादित करें : जैसा कि बताया गया है, यह 9.2 में काम नहीं करेगा। इसलिए नहीं क्योंकि VARIADIC तर्क कॉल, और न ही प्रारूप () असमर्थित है दस्तावेज़ के अनुसार concat , concat_ws और प्रारूप को इस तरह से नहीं कहा जा सकता (9.3 से पहले - तथ्य के बगल मे...

php - How can I insert text in an html element stored in a variable? -

I have a program copying text from another website and showing it. This is accumulating text in a variable $ string . There are variables containing html tags and I want to add text before the html tag stored in the variable. . For example: $ string = " I want to add code before div whose ID is game . To add text before the divi whose ID is 'game' simply use: $ string = "& lt; div id = '1' & gt; div id = 'game' & gt; & lt; / div & gt;"; $ New = "TextInstruct"; $ Pos = "& lt; div id = 'game' & gt; & lt; / div & gt;"; Echo str_replace ($ pos, $ new. $ Pos, $ string);

fedora - cannot open shared object file -

I searched the net for this question and I have not received the appropriate response. I'm running an in-house application for But I am getting the following error: Error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto .so.0.9.7: Can not open shared object file: There are no such files or directories I came across two solutions on the net: Creating the symlink with existing libcrypto files. Install some packages that contain this library file. I'm running this on a Fedora system. I can not find the package on the net covering this library. Available only for openSUSE and Mandriva To create a simulation, I have a and file available. I'm not sure that I'm allowed to symlink to the new version. It would be very helpful if someone could provide suitable solutions for this scenario because I have encountered it several times in different systems. Thank you in advance! You can sometimes get al...

multithreading - How do I write an asynchronous C extension to Tcl? -

I have a C function that I would like to make available to Tcl. The thing is, I want to make calls from TCL asynchronous in the same fashion: Thread :: Send, ie? -Sync? And? Vernamus? Flags I do not asynchronous C API understanding of TCL, and how to use it it can not find any examples. The C, I can create a thread to work, but do not know how to handle how the signal to set the variable specified by Warnm place in the thread how to signal when it is finished, and Tcl command is. For this problem, I use another process would not be able to use a simple asynchronous solution TCL side, such as a pipe, TCL threads, or library that COM. The reason for this is that C call loads are allocated in a large data structure, and other C calls that come in front of TCL (which is out of necessity) that the structure was allocated in the same thread as Tcl Interp. . Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Write the easiest way C code is synchronous with a simple API, and client dat...

sqlite - Temp. table in an android application -

I have created a phone app. I want to give call waiting facility. Assume that call waiting is enabled Now I get a new call on my phone with number + 1-646 123 4564. I answer the call now I get another call, while I'm talking to the first caller - the screen shows the number + 1-646 321 4568 I do not answer the caller. Disconnects the second caller. Now I would like to display the first caller number which is + 1-646 123 4564 How to store the first caller number temporarily? Is this possible without using the database? if so, how? Or there is no temporary database that can be made and removed. The problem I am facing is that whenever I receive a call, the activity is refreshed. Therefore, they can not put them in a variable Update: Try the shared choice to save the number Shared References. Editor Editor = getPreferences (MODE_PRIVATE) .itit (); Editor.putString ("incoming suspension", incoming number); editor.commit (); To get the number: Shared...

sharding - MongoDB routes all data to one server in a shard cluster -

I first set up a MongoDB push cluster on windows, as explained here: I used the following scripts to get config server, mongos instance and Mongo data server. function get-cnfgServerObj ($ port, $ path) {$ firstCnfgSrv = New-Object PSObject $ firstCnfgSrv | Add-member noteparty -name port-value $ port $ firstCnfgSrv | Add-member nodeproperty -name path-value $ path return $ firstCnfgSrv; } $ Mongodpath = ".. \ mongod.exe" $ mongosPath = ".. \ mongos.exe" $ cnfg server = @ ((get-cnfgServerObj -port 20001 -PAT ".. \ data \ configdb20001"), (Received -CnfgServerObj -port 20002-path ".. \ data \ configdb20002"), (get-cnfgServerObj -port 20003 -ppt ".. \ data \ configdb20003")) $ dataServer = @ ((get-cnfgServerObj -port 27001 - Path ".. \ data \ shdb1"), (get-cnfgServerObj -port 27002 -ppt ".. \ data \ shdb2")) #Mango Config Server First Make $ cnfgServers | foreach {if ((test-path $ _ path) -a $ false) {new object-p...

python - regex or other way to fetch data from a line with variable entry -

In Python, the lines I am trying to fetch data from a line look like this: 1. cpasite = 5 nsubl = 4 cpatypes = 3,4,5,6 2. cpasite = 6 nsubl = 2 cpatypes = 7,8 3. cpasite = 7 nsubl = 4 cpatypes = 9,10 4. cpasite = 8 nsubl = 2 cpatypes = 11,12 5. cpasite = 9 nsubl = 6 cpatypes = 13,14,15,16,17,18 I've regexed it in this form : pattern = r '(\ d +) \. \ S * cpasite = (. *) \ S * nsubl = (. *) \ S * cpatypes = (. *) ' The problem is, I need those sites (like 3, 4,5,6) different, so that I can use them for my purpose. Why not use your regex and then the fourth captured group , Which will be as follows: '3,4,5,6' You can divide that string to get the values ​​of your codes on , , Those you can work differently: s = '3,4,5,6' S = map (int, s.split (',')) print [3,4 , 5, 6] & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print [2] 5

sql server - Converting datetime to month-year only - T-SQL -

I want to change the date-time value in a month (note that (-) ). I want them like January-2015, February 2014, March-2014, April 2014. I have tried SELECT Convert (varchar (7), getdate (), 126) select correct (convert (varchar, getdate (), 106) , 8) But the first line gives me the 2014-05 (I need it like May-2014), while the second line is missing as it is in May 2014 (May-2014 ) You were almost there: select replace (Right (convert, getdate (), 106), 8), '', '-')

hadoop - flume doesn't work with hdfs -

I had set the flu with two nodes. I want to load hdfs data from slave01. Slave01: agent.sources = baksrc agent.channels = Memory Channel Agentis = Aveiro-Forward-sync agent.sources.baksrc.type = exec agent.sources.baksrc Command = tail -f /root/hadoo/test/data.txt agent.ources.baksrc.checkperiodic = 1000 agent.sources.baksrc.channels = Memory Channel Agent.Cannel. Memory channel.type = memory agent.channels.memorychannel.k -alive = 30 agent.channels.memoryChannel.capacity = 10000 agent.channels.memoryChannel.transactionCapacity = 10000 agent.sinks.avro-forward-sink.type = Aveiro agent. Sinks.avro-forward-sync.hostname = Master Agent Sinks.avro-forward-sink.port = 23004 = Memory Channel Master: agent.sources = avrosrc agent.sinks = hdfs-write agent.channels = memory channel agent.sources.avrosrc.type = aero agent.ources.avrosrc.bind = Master agent.ources.avrosrc.port = 23004 agent.sources....

XPATH - Ignore 1 page element, grab the rest -

I do not understand this due to the square bracket problem. I have an HTML page that is full of the H3 tag with hrefs that I have to catch, but there is a class on it that I do not want. Example: I want all H3 s hrefs but this does not: & lt; H3 class = "Leave_this" & gt; & Lt; A href = "test" & gt; Leave me alone! & Lt; / A & gt; I'm using this to catch all hrefs : // h3 / a / @ href Tried some differences but no luck. Deleted Confusing Examples, Apology

c++ - DLL Loading in Windows Programming -

I wanted to use a set of API native GetProcAddressto. The method that was previously used by GetModuleHandle was considered on DLLHandle then the API address which is my wish, is taken by GetProcAddress. This works for ntdll functions, but the user32 and advapi32 give zero value for the GetModuleHandle function. To solve this problem, what is your suggestion? Enter code here Handle Process = GateCurrent Process (); HMODULE hNtdll = GetModuleHandle (TEXT ("ntdll.dll")); FARPROC function_address = GetProcAddress (hNtdll, function_name); requires DLL to be preloaded: Recovers a module handle for the specified module The module should be loaded by the calling process. ntdll.dll will always load but user32.dll and advapi32.dll Is not loaded originally. Based on your details, it looks like code calls GetModuleHandle () first, which will fail if DLL is not already loaded (check the value in case of failure). Use LoadLibrary () for the DLL not loaded ...

java - how to convert nativeselect selected value vaadin -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक देशी चयन होता है: occupationSelect = new NativeSelect ("occupation: "); occupationSelect.setRequired (सही); OccupationSelect.setRequiredError ("खाली नहीं होना चाहिए"); occupationSelect.setImmediate (सही); occupationSelect.setWidth (COMMON_FIELD_WIDTH); occupationSelect.setNullSelectionItemId (0); कब्जाशक्ति .सेटआइटम कैप्शन (0, "- चयन करें"); occupationSelect.addItem (1); OccupationSelect.setItemCaption (1, "स्थिर"); मोडल क्लास में पंजीकरण। जावा निजी व्यवसाय बीन व्यवसाय बीन; व्यवसायीबीन.जावा निजी लंबे व्यवसाय आईडी; निजी स्ट्रिंग व्यवसायनाम; इस फ़ील्ड को बाध्यकारी बाइंडरफिल्ड ग्रुपपर्सनल डिटेल्स। बिंद (व्यवसाय चयन करें, "occupationBean.occupationId"); मुझे यह त्रुटि मिल रही है: टाइप करने के लिए java.lang.Integer प्रकार के मान को परिवर्तित करने में असमर्थ मॉडल प्रकार वर्ग java.lang.Long कोई कनवर्टर सेट नहीं है और प्रकार संगत नहीं हैं। पूर्णांकटोल के लिए कोई डिफ़ॉल्ट कनवर्टर नहीं है मैं इ...

c++ - Word 2013 : OLE in place editing not working? -

I am struggling to fight with In-Place-Editing to work with OLE Objects in Word 2013 64bit. I took Microsoft's own OLE sample Windows 7 64bit Office 2013 64 bit OLE object is compiled in Visual Studio 2012, 64 bit release Another trial with the compilation of Visual Studio 2005 64 bit is the same The result is produced, so the MFC version is unlikely to affect this behavior. Editing in place works with Powerpoint 2013, but not in Word 2013. In Word 2013, I get an "out-of-play" edit. In Word, I can add Excel objects and can in-place-edit with it. The in-place-editing (both in PowerPoint and Word) with the following setup in the same sample project: Windows 7, 64bit Compile to Visual Studio 2012, Win32 Targeted Drop a scribble document in Word 2010 32 bit: Editing works in place Word 2013 is not working in 32 bit with the following setup: Drop a scalable document in PowerPoint 2010 32bit: Windows 7, 64bit Visual Studio 2012, target Window...

java - How to load once (when Tomcat starts) some data (HashMap) to Tomcat's cache? -

I am working on some Java EE application which is to find some data in the HashMap. The problem is that I want to load this Hashmap only once - when Tomcat starts and I do not know how to do it. Can you give me some suggestions? "itemprop =" text "> Assuming that you can only do this for a web application when you load this container Want to load the HashMap settings for your app (hereafter reads the web.xml file). To do this, you can create a class that implements ServletContextListener in its contextInitialized method to create the HashMap you are interested in, and Add as attribute for ServletContext . Can not just be an ServletContext example for a web application and this example is available for all servlets / so they can get that property later with the map set before you JSP. Example: class ContextListenerImpl implies ServletContextListener {@Override Public Zero contextDestroyed (ServletContextEvent SCE) {// can be empty for now} Pub...

python 2.7 - How to return HTTP 400 response in Django? -

If I receive the request received data is invalid and can not be parsed then I will return an HTTP 400 response from my DjangoView function Want to do How can I do this? It does not seem that the corresponding exception class is for 404: raise http404 From my previous comment: You can also return , you have an exception sub-class Http404 can make your own HTML 400 exception. Regards,

ubuntu - Can't disable Ansible's host key checking -

मैं Ansible 1.5.4 का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ मेरे उग्र 1.4.3 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS पर बॉक्स। मुझे निम्न त्रुटि संदेश वर्बोस मोड में मिल रहा है: @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @ चेतावनी: रिमोट होस्टिंग पहचान बदल दी गई है! @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ फोन पर जाएँ; @@@@@@@@@ मैं कर सकता हूँ: निर्यात ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING = गलत और मेरे पास ~ /। .cfg : [defaults] host_key_checking = गलत लेकिन यह मदद नहीं करता। क्या हो सकता है समस्या हो सकती है? धन्यवाद! UPDATE # 1 मैं इसे सीधे इस तरह बुला रहा हूँ ( vagrant कमांड का उपयोग किए बिना): उत्तरदायी-प्लेबुक प्लेबुक.आईएमएल-आई इन्वेंट्री.ini - यूज़र = व्हाइरेज --कक-पास-वीवीवीवी इन्वेंट्री है: [डिफ़ॉल्ट] स्थानीय होस्ट: 2222 आपको इसे परियोजना के आव्रजनफल जब आवेशपूर्ण उत्तरदाता प्रावधान करता है तो उत्तर-प्लेबुक को हमेशा पर कॉल करता है। खुद जवाबदेह इसलिए वाजिंट आपके ansible.cfg में प्रयुक्त मान को ओवरराइड करेगा। इसलिए आपको बस कुछ चीज़ों की आवश्यकता है: machine.vm.provi...

Does Git warn me if a shorthand commit ID can refer to 2 different commits? -

In the ID, cee157eb799af829a9a0c42c0915f55cd29818d4 and cee1577fecf6fc5369a80bd6e926ac5f864a754b Git Warn me if I type in git logs cee157 ? (Or Git (Apple Git-48) allows me to type in Git log cee1 ). I think it should be, although I can not find any official source that says it will be. This should give you something like this: $ git log Cee157 Error: Small SHA1 cee157 is unclear Error: Small SHA1 cee157 is unclear. Fatal: Uncertainty logic 'CE 157': unknown modification or path in the work tree. Use '-' to separate the path from the modifications, such as: 'git & lt; Command & gt; [& Lt; Research & gt; ...] - [& LT; File & gt; ...] ' I have just tested this on a real Git repository, thus finding it with duplicate prefixes: git rev- List master | Cut-C-4 Sort | UNIK-C | Sort-nr | Head takes the list of amendments in master , removes the first 4 characters and removes the rest, counts the du...

hadoop - Optimised Hive query with JOIN , having million records -

मेरे पास 2 टेबल हैं - bpm_agent_data - 40 मिलियन रिकॉर्ड, 5 कॉलम bpm_loan_data - 20 लाख रिकॉर्ड, 5 कॉलम अब मैंने हाइव में एक प्रश्न चलाया - चुनें count (bpm_agent_data.AgentID), count (bpm_loan_data.LoanNumber) bpm_agent_data से JOIN bpm_loan_data जहां =; जो पूरा करने के लिए लंबा समय ले रहा है। HIVE में क्वेरी लिखने का आदर्श तरीका क्या होना चाहिए ताकि Reducer को इतना समय न लेना चाहिए। उपरोक्त क्वेरी के लिए समाधान मिला, जहां पर काउंट (bpm_agent_data.AgentID), गिनती (bpm_loan_data.LoanNumber) से bpm_agent_data पर जोड़ें bpm_loan_data पर ( = );

SQL calculating sum based on another column -

I have a table with the following data: account number amount 13 40 34 30 14 30 13 60 14 10 How can I write a question to return the following information account number total amount 13 100 14 40 34 30 The query should calculate the sum of all the quantities in the amount column that shares the same account number. Any help would be appreciated! Please try: select [account number] The amount (amount) amount of yourtable group by [account number]

c++ - CGAL Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets -

I set out through a point Kinect, now I want to make a trap. I am trying to use CGAL libraries and are following me I am using VS2010, it runs without any error, but certainly the file can not request "" line: std :: ifstream stream ("data /"); If {std :: cerr or & lt (Section || CGAL :: read_xyz_points_and_normals (stream, std :: back_inserter (points), CGAL :: make_normal_of_point_with_normal_pmap (PointList :: VALUE_TYPE ()))!); & Lt; "Error: file data /" can not read & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Return EXIT_FAILURE; } 1) * .xyz is a file extension? 2) How should I store the data in this file? 3) Where can I find the file xyz is a very simple format in which each line 6 Floating Point numbers are the coordinates of the first three point, the next three are consistent general, the data stored in those files is trivial. You can find If you examples / Surface_rec...

Android - How to sent Data to Arduino through Headphone Jack -

How to send / receive data via headphone jack in android How to start the code for Android Is the sample? As I have come across various sites, they were told that digital data from Aridis should be sent as an audio signal for the smartphone and it has been demoded in the smartphone and vice versa, but I have to start this process. For better sampling has not been received, so anyone can recommend a sample to start. I also checked it, but it is not clear

c# - Get exception when I try to raise an event -

मुझे एक एन्यूम मिला है: सार्वजनिक एंमान स्प्रेग {dansk, svensk, norsk} एक विधि में मैं एक घटना बढ़ाऊंगा और जानकारी को चलाने के लिए enum का उपयोग करूँगा: सार्वजनिक प्रतिनिधि शून्य BrugerSprogChanged (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, Sprog sprog); क्लास क्लैज {सार्वजनिक आयोजन BrugerSprogChanged brugerSprogChanced; सार्वजनिक क्लैज () {} निजी शून्य कॉम्बो बॉक्स डायोमेट्रसप्रोग सेलेक्ट इंडीज बदलना (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएरग्स ई) {स्पॉगर स्पॉग = खोजस्प्रोग ((स्ट्रिंग) (कॉम्बो बॉक्स) प्रेषक)। चयनित ईटम); DocumentSprogChanged (यह, sprog); // & lt; - यहां हमारे पास समस्या है}} जब कोड घटना को उठाएगा मुझे एक अपवाद मिलता है जब दस्तावेजप्रोग्राफिक चेंजिंग (यह, स्पर्ज) कहा जाता है: ऑब्जेक्ट संदर्भ किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के उदाहरण के लिए सेट नहीं किया गया था "यह" और "स्प्राग" शून्य। किसी भी सुझाव? आसान तरीका है यूनम् को छोड़ना और इसके बजाय एक पूर्णांक / स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग करना है, लेकिन फिर मैं कुछ बदसूरत कोड के साथ समाप्त होता है। आम तौर पर एक घटना को कॉल करने के लिए आप...

entity framework - How to perform gridview edit with old filtering data in Asp.Net Dynamic data web application -

I have an asp net dynamic data web application page with search filter provided for grid view and filtering data. When the user provides some search criteria and clicks on the edit option on the grid view without clicking on the search button, the grid view is binding with the data based on the search criteria provided by the user. Is there a way to bind the grid view to the original data instead of the search results in this case? Thanks, Pravin Protected Zero Page_Init (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {table = DynamicDataRouteHandler.GetRequestMetaTable (reference); GridView1.SetMetaTable (table, table.getColumnValuesFromRoute (reference)); GridDataSource.EntityTypeFilter = table.EntityType.Name; }