
Showing posts from February, 2014

ios - Is it possible to reverse engineering to get the original source code from .ipa file? -

I am currently an iPhone app developer and know how to create audio impulse by removing current IPA solution and gitub I am trying. Solution When used to remove the hopper, only recompile and incomplete assembly codes are generated. We can not see any objective class for further exploration. Is there any alternative to achieving this objective? There are things that IOS / Objective-C but still you can use the original source, variable name, comments, etc. Will not take back. So it's still a slogan. Instead of backing a person's app, why not ask questions on "Stackworflow"? ; -) In addition, you can see the defined category in the program, try nm .

git - Visual Studio Team Services with GitHub -

I'm looking at setting up CI workflow for my house (closed source) project I currently git / issue tracking My application is a desktop application (no cloud / server deployment), therefore it should be a workflow Master's commitment to Zythub Through CI Notify with Run MSBuild Run Test Release I I like the idea of ​​hosted CI system but I can not understand that the total commitment of Visual Studio Team Services is required or I can use it for CI Please inform check-in from Github via the normal Githab hook. I am not very interested in troubleshooting VS Team Services and migrating to GIT. My specific question is the hook mechanism inside Visual Studio Team Services when the remote GIT repo is received? Available in the visual studio team services, in the new version of our build system, we will call it on November 12, 2015 Were able to preview. This is the very last demo Hope it will work for you! You can also do it.

bluetooth lowenergy - Bringing application to foreground from background (iOS 7) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मेरा उपयोग मामला यह है कि जब पृष्ठभूमि में चलने वाला एप्लिकेशन iBeacon का पता लगाता है तो आवेदन अग्रभूमि में आना चाहिए। इसे करने का कोई तरीका है। ऐप्पल डेवलपर फ़ोरम के अनुसार iBeacons केवल अग्रभूमि में ऐप द्वारा प्रसारित किया जाएगा। "post-text" itemprop = "text"> यह संभवतः कोर ब्लूटूथ की शक्ति बचत विशेषताओं के साथ करना है। ऐप्पल को बीकन प्रसारित करने के लिए ब्लूटूथ विज्ञापन के सभी पहलुओं को संशोधित करने की आवश्यकता है और यह तब उपलब्ध नहीं है जब एप डॉक्स के अनुसार पृष्ठभूमि में है।

c# - Exporting excel error : File you are trying to open FileName is in different format than specified extension -

I used the following code to export data from a dataset to file excel: Public Zero ExportRecords (System.Data.DataTable dt, string filename) {try {if (dt.Rows.Count> 0) {string path = AllinAudio_Temp; String Timestamp = Convert. Toasting (; Timestamp = timestamp. Change ("", ""); Timestamp = timestamp. Change ("/", ""); Timestamp = timestamp Change (":", ""); FileName = fileName.Replace ("", ""); String filename = path + @ "\" + timestamp + "_" + filename + ".xls"; CarlosAge.XXLXMLR Workbook Book = New CarlosAge.XXLXMLR Workbook (); //// Add a worksheet with some data to CarlosAge.excelAclaimware. Worksheet sheet = book. Worksheets. Add ("Sheet1"); Worksheet style style = book. Style. Add ("Header Sky"); Style Font Bold = true; Worksheet style style = 1 book. Style. Add ("Headersitter 1"); style1.Font.Bold = True; Style1.Font...

javascript - Pass JSON object to Python Script -

I want to pass the form {key: value} to a JSON object which contains several elements of the Python script. Because I am able to send the JSON object from I can see that in Ajax function in the response variable in success. I am using the CDI. FieldStorage () to get post data I want to exceed the received JSON object elements and store the value and value in the variable. Later, I want to use those variables in the printing of HTML via that python script. I do not know how to proceed and repeat You cgi.FieldStorage Do not require, just read stdin: import system import json data = json.load (sys.stdin) on the client side, Data must be converted manually by a Jason-string: $. Ajax ({url: "/city/cgi-bin/", type: "post", type of content: "app / jason; charset = utf-8", data type: "jason", data: JSON. Stringify ({'lat': 30.5, 'law': 4.5}), success: function (feedback) {//window.location="http:// mycit...

sonarqube - error while executing sonar with ant file -

The lines below are the beginning of my entry build file and when I try and imarmnet sonar with it the following error Shows / P> The attribute "xmlns: sonar" is associated with an element type "project" in the '& lt;' Should not be the character. & lt; Project name = "doclink" default = "all" based = "." class = xmlns: sonar = "antibb: org.sonar.ant> gt; devEnvExample How DevEnv works & lt; / description & gt; "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You submitted an invalid XML file to ANT. You are missing an end quote around Sonar URI Are: $ xmllint build xml .. .. build.xml: 3: namespace error: xmlns: sonar: 'antibyl: org.sonar.ant & gt;' The following is a valid XML file: project name = "doclink" = default "Based =". "Xmlns: sonar =" antibu: org.sonar.ant "> gt; & lt; description & gt; create devEnvExample, t...

regex - Regular expression help - what's wrong? -

I want to ask for help with my regex. I need to remove the very last part from each URL. I have marked it as 'to_extract' in the example below. I want to know what is in the following reggeks when used with sed: sed 's / ^ [ht | f] tp Sample content of file.txt * http: // a / b / c / to_extract ftp: // a / b / c / to_extract ... I'm getting the right result for FTP link but not for the HT. Thanks in advance for your explanation on this I change [ht | F] to (ht | f) , will result in better results. [abc] means "a letter which is a , b or c ". [ht | F] means "a letter which is h , T , | or f ", Not exactly what you want. On some versions of sed, you have to call it from the -r option so that extended regags can be used: sed - R 's / ^ (ht | f) tp * \ /// 'file.txt If you want to remove the last part of the URL and do not want anything else, then you probably want Sed -rn 's / ^ (ht | ...

ios - Audio and video stream player -

I need to play audio and video streams from and youtube. And I need a free browser for it Is there any useful lbs? You should use the JW Flavidie Player. They provide XML files for all options such as source audio or video files. Follow this link

D3.js, position elements horizontally -

I'm a D3.js newbie, so I apologize if I ask something basic my There is a simple array in the form of a close dataset: [0, 10, 15, 20, 24, 35, 58] p> For each element of the array, I want to make a circle and horizontally starting those circles at the same distance (12 pixels) x = 10 (and y is continuously being 50). How can i do Thanks in advance. The basics that you need to know about d3.js , It adds data to SVG elements and makes the scene. To get the basics of D3 You can google around These are some of the sites I like to learn D3. - Absolutely government website with all the codes and examples. - Free for the original and you can also get a payment extension for further D3 tutorials. - You receive a free PDF with all the lines by line briefing in PDF The answer to this question is given here. This is very simple in creating circles in D3. Here is the code I used. Duplicate ('circle') .append ('svg') .attr ('height...

Converting a non-standard datetime field in SQL server -

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 I am given the data in which format mm / dd / yy : Mm: smmmm I have some examples here: 1/16/2013 10: 31: 38.000000 AM 11/12/2013 3: 42: 12.000000 Prime Minister 12/6 / 2013 2: 42: 46.000000 PM I want to convert to a datetime format so that I can work with them, but I'm having problems ... I found different sites Which is different date time formats (such as), but this format is not listed anywhere. I have tried to convert casting and many different ways, including the following: Select CAST (field as field) from the table; Choose from the table conversion (date time, field, 101); But I keep getting this error: "Message 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 conversion character string failed to change date and / or time." I think because my field is in the format, so the standard SQL can not recognize it? Any help would be appreciated. If already covered, I'm sorry - I have spent 4 hours looking for this and other sites b...

Merge two git branch with different folder names -

There are two branches in my project: R1 and OPE The original folder structure of both the branches was now We started working on the OEP branch and the root folder was renamed in the middle of the R1 branch - dev core / projectX / java-files original core now R1 branch The folder structure is: core / projectX / java-files and the folder structure of the OPE branch is: dev-core / projectX / java-files let me at R1 branch in my OPE branch Conduct must merge now that I'm looking for a simple Jiaiti merge R 1 do, Jiaiti R1 a dev-core folder branch and has to be repeated for all files. I tried to rename folders in OPE using git mv and then trying to git merge R1 Sending messages to almost all files: CONFLICT (rename / delete): core / project x / path / copy / java / file R1 has been removed and its name is changed to HEAD. Title of core / projectx / path / copy / java / file was dropped in the tree. Now when I am checking the file and looking for conf...

javascript - Site navigation bar for site -

I want to create a navigation bar as used in the site below. How to create a left-side navigation bar such as 1. Is used in the JS Libertarians? Find out jquery acordion menu .

wpf - What is [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator] in C# when implements INotifyPropertyChanged? -

मुझे INotifyPropertyChanged पहले एक: सार्वजनिक अमूर्त वर्ग देखेंमॉडेलबेस: INotifyPropertyChanged {सार्वजनिक इवेंट संपत्तिसभुगतित्तएवेंटहैंडलर संपत्ति परिवर्तित; संरक्षित आभासी शून्य OnPropertyChanged ([CallerMemberName] स्ट्रिंग propertyName = null) {PropertyChangedEventHandler हैंडलर = PropertyChanged; अगर (हैंडलर! = नल) {हैंडलर (यह, नया प्रॉपर्टी चेंजेड ईवेंटअर्ज (गुणनाम)); दूसरा}: सार्वजनिक अमूर्त वर्ग ViewModelBase: INotifyPropertyChanged {सार्वजनिक ईवेंट PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator] संरक्षित आभासी शून्य OnPropertyChanged ([CallerMemberName] स्ट्रिंग propertyName = null) {PropertyChangedEventHandler हैंडलर = संपत्ति परिवर्तित; अगर (हैंडलर! = नल) {हैंडलर (यह, नया प्रॉपर्टी चेंजेड ईवेंटअर्ज (गुणनाम)); }}} दूसरे संस्करण में आप देखें कि एक अतिरिक्त विशेषता [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator] विधि पर OnPropertyChanged मेरे मामले में दोनों एक ही व्यवहार करते हैं, लेकिन यह, क्या और कब [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator...

Bootstrap 3 modal overlay background color and animation -

I have some problems changing the background color when the modal window is displayed using Bootstrap 3. Ideally, I want to be more than a black and tone under a little ambiguity, but when you click on the box located here; In addition - how do I stop model sliding down? I just want to fade it out? I have seen some things here, but none of them really answers it ... thanks Rob You can use it to change backdrop colors: .modal-backdrop {background-color: # 0000ff ; } or separate in clauses: .modal-blue .modal-backdrop {background-color: # 0000ff; } .modal-white .modal-backdrop {background-color: #ffffff; } and then add a class to your div: & lt; div class = "modal fade modal-white" ... & gt; & Lt; Div class = "modal-dialog" & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Hope for this help, is concerned.

meteor - bootstrap3-datetimepicker: TypeError: undefined is not a function -

I want to use this package: I "above" but when I do it like this Attempt to add to my input field: time.html: & lt; Template name = "time" & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'text' class = "datetimepicker" /> & Lt; / Template & gt; time.js: template.time.rendered = function () {$ ('.datetimepixer'). datetimepicker ({pickDate: false}); I get the following error: Stop function function after Deep: TypeError: Undefined function is not Does anyone know what this means? The package is broken because it does not declare the moment dependency Moment package, so mrt add moment and then Edit: I have just seen that this solution is actually described by the package author himself.

java - How to close frame within applet? -

Friends to close the frame inside applet ... my program is working, but the problem is trying The frame that will be made is not locked in the applet ... What should I do ... This gives me the exception when closing the frame window: c: \ jdk1. 6.0 \ bin> appletviewer Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" ( And denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM.0) Access (AccessController .java: 546) This is my code: import java. Awt. *; Import java.applet *; Import java.awt.event. *; / * & LT; Applet code = "me.class" height = 500 width = 500 & gt; & Lt; / Applet & gt; * Width from frame / string {string msg; From the public () {msg = "This is the frame"; AddWindowListener (new window adapter) {Public Zero Window Closure (WindowEvent e) {System.exit (0);}}); }...

php - beanstalkd driver configuration error in laravel app -

I'm trying to use beanstalkd as QE driver for my laravel app I am I am getting this error when I'm trying to push something in the queue. Phenstalk_Exception_ConnectionException socket error 111: Connection refused (Connect to localhost: 11300) Please note that ' queue.php 'I changed' default 'to' beanstalkd ', but has not changed any settings for the driver. The settings for the driver are as follows - 'beanstalkd' = & gt; Array ('driver' = & gt; 'beanstocky', 'host' => gt; 'localhost', 'queue' =>, 'default',), Help with this Understand this. Do these two things - $ sudo vim / etc / default / beanstalkd & gt; Start Yes # Simulation $ sudo service beanstalkd start # Optionally: /etc/init.d/beanstalkd start found this link -

android - Adding library project and using it in main project -

I am trying to include and use the project in my app. So I removed it and added it as the Android project module for my main project. Then I added some XML of this category in my project. & lt; Com.edmodo.rangebar.RangeBar xmlns: custom = "" Android: id = "@ + id / rangebar" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "Wrap_content" /> After it launches, it crashes: Reason by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class not found "com.edmodo. Rangebar.RangeBar "on the path: DexPathList [[ZIP file" /data/app/" ],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/, / vendor / lib, / system / lib]] Do I need to define something else? Thank you for helping First of all, Bar as a module in your project (if the library provides a jar file, you can also add it to your libs folder.) Library What to do to add: File - & gt; N...

excel - Application defined or object defined error in VBA in passing parameter to a function -

I am trying to pass a worksheet variable as its parameter to the function here is a code Can someone tell me why I am wrong here ... ah = sheets ("wrk"); . / P> ah = wrk.Cells (b, varcol - 1)

php - Issue with utf-8 string on url when I send via form get method -

I have a form that needs to send the UTF-8 string parameters. & lt; Form relay = "search" action = "/ archives" method = "get" & gt; & Lt; input name = "key" type = "text" value = "تست" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; but changes to the URL http: // localhost / archives? Key =% 26% 231578% 3B% 26% 231587% 3b% 26% 231578% 3B And the value of this criterion is incorrect in the destination: * 3 * Is there a way to encode these URLs in this way: http: // localhost / archives? Key = تست Because if I http: // localhost / archives? Key = تست In my browser, the value of this criterion is correct in the destination ... even the URL has a coded signage The URL changes you are seeing are quite common: the browser needs a request to create a valid URL query string. PHP automatically decodes all the parameters, so you do n...

cocoa - Custom event handling in Objective-c -

I need to call a block call on [cmd + double-click] from NSTableView event. To set the selector for -setDoubleAction: I know about API; -Carddown: Representative method for handling key press events. What do I need to combine the combination of these 2 into a single customized event handler, a sign will be really appreciated P> Is a custom event registered to set up a callback selector? I'm not sure if this is good for you, but I declare a BOOL property, Which I have set for 'yes' on the key down event and KeyUp Event for the desired key In action for double click event, I will check the property of BOOL, if it says 'yes' - & gt; Otherwise return.

python - open all documents in a folder and make them in a list -

I want to open all the documents in a folder and give each document a list element such as: ["Dc1 "," Doc2 "," doc3 ", ...] For the file in DeepPath, DIR, OS Walk ('file path'): In the final match for filename. Text (files, '* - *'): Open as text (with OS path.join (dirpath, filename)): lines = text. Rolledline () print lines However, it only creates all the contents of documents in a string. Please tell me how to reach the expected result. docs = [] Os.path.join (dirpath, filename)): docs.append ( ()) print docs

java - How do I understand this sorting? -

int i, j, temp, size = 4; int [] बार = {6, 4, 7, 1}; (I = 0; i & lt; आकार - 1; i ++) {for (j = i; j & lt; आकार; j ++) {if (bar [j] & lt; bar [i]) {temp = bar [j]; बार [जे] = बार [आई]; बार [आई] = अस्थायी; }}} कृपया मुझे इस का अर्थ समझने में मदद करें। यह वास्तव में इन नंबरों को कैसे ठीक करता है मैं बहुत भ्रमित हो रहा हूं। यदि आप जानना चाहते हैं, तो प्रोग्राम में जो मैं कर रहा हूँ, इस पाश के पहले आउटपुट में संख्या 1, 6, 7, 4 के रूप में आती है। इसलिए कृपया मेरी सहायता करें और समझाएं कि यह कैसे सॉर्टिंग है! कदम से कदम की तरह! बबल सॉर्ट के लिए Google। उदाहरण के लिए, यहां एक नज़र डालें :

amazon web services - assignmentId not visible in MTurk accept URL -

मैं आईआरएमआर (बाह्य प्रश्न) का उपयोग करके एक एमटीर्क-हिट में अपने बाहरी HTML पृष्ठ को एम्बेड करने में कामयाब रहा हूँ। अगर कोई कार्यकर्ता मेरा एचआईटी स्वीकार करता है, तो जनरेटेड यूआरएल है: मैं यूआरएल का उपयोग करने के लिए कैसे assignmentId प्राप्त कर सकता हूं यह सबमिट करने के लिए मेरे फॉर्म में है? यह मेरा फ़ॉर्म है: & lt; form name = 'mturk_form' method = 'post' id = 'mturk_form' action = 'https : //'> & Lt;! - असली सबमिट उपयोग के लिए:> & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'छुपा' मान = '' नाम = 'असाइनमेंट आईडी' आईडी = 'यहां यूआरएल से असाइनमेंट आईडी सम्मिलित किया जाना चाहिए' / & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; क्या हो रहा है? & Lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & lt; textarea नाम = 'टिप्पणी' cols = '80' पंक्तियाँ = '3' & gt; & lt; / textarea & gt; & lt; / p & gt...

string - Java - cannot compare input -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मैं जावा के लिए नया हूँ ( और प्रोग्रामिंग) और मैं एक प्रोग्राम लिख रहा हूं जो एक इनपुट के रूप में इनपुट प्रदान करता है (हां या नहीं) वेतनमान / एक चर को घटाता है जो अंत में एक आउटपुट देता है जो उसके मूल्य पर निर्भर करता है। समस्या यह काम नहीं कर रही है !. यह हमेशा "हां" के साथ इनपुट स्ट्रिंग की तुलना करने में विफल रहता है। यह मेरा कोड है: सार्वजनिक शून्य इनपुटहैंडलर (स्ट्रिंग इनपुट) { यदि (इनपुट == "हां") {परिणाम = परिणाम + 1; } और {परिणाम = परिणाम - 1; }} क्या कोई मेरी सहायता कर सकता है? धन्यवाद। सार्वजनिक शून्य इनपुटहैंडलर (स्ट्रिंग इनपुट) {if (input.equals ("हाँ")) {परिणाम = परिणाम + 1; } और {परिणाम = परिणाम - 1; }} आप वास्तव में 2 वस्तुओं की तुलना करते हैं जो बराबर नहीं हो सकते। आपको सामग्री को ऑब्जेक्ट की तुलना नहीं करना है।

slashes are missing while updating filepath using Server.MapPath in -

While updating the file path using ABPL slash, any one of the DB Thanks in advance var filename = path. GetFileName (file.FileName); Var temp = path GetFileName (file.FileName); Var path = path Cobine (server.mappath ("~ / folder / images /"), filename); String extension = path GetExtension (fileName); String filenamename = path Gatefile extension extension without extension (filename); Var newFullPath = Path; Int Igmacount = 1; While (System.IO.File.Exists (newFullPath)) {string tempFileName = string.Format ("{0} ({1})", filename only, Imgnamecount ++); NewFullPath = Path.Combine (Server.MapPath (Url.Content ("~ / folder / images /"), tempFileName + extension); Temp = tempFileName;} File.SaveAs (newFullPath); Try using / instead of / sometimes (back) slash is used as escape character

python - Celery with RabbitMQ: AttributeError: 'DisabledBackend' object has no attribute '_get_task_meta_for' -

I'm running. We define the following work: Celery import seller app = cerari ('work', broker = 'AMPP: // guest @ localhost //') @EpTasKeepExclude (X, Y): Return x + y Then call it: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Add Import from Jobs & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Add.delay (4, 4) But I get the following error: attribute error: 'disabled backend' has no attribute in object ' _get_task_meta_for ' I am running celery and rabbit-amk server both. Oddly, celery worker reports the work to be successful: [2014-04-22 19:12:01 03,608: information / main process] Trial test_saleary.ed [168c7d96-e41a- 41c9-80f5- 50b 24dcaff73] succeeded in 0.000435483998444: 19 Why is not this working? Just continue to read the tutorial. It will be explained in the chapter. To start the series you only need to provide the broker parameter, which is necessary to send messages about tasks. If you want to get information about the state and the re...

ios - modifying copy of array object affect object stored in the array -

मेरे पास ऑब्जेक्ट प्रतिलिपि मुद्दा है। @property (nonatomic, strong) ITEM * editingItem ; Self.editingItem = शून्य; Self.editingItem = [[self.ItemsArray objectAtIndex: indexPath.row-1] कॉपी]; Self.editingrowIndex = indexPath.row; जब मैं किसी ऑब्जेक्ट को संपादन ऑब्जेक्ट को तालिका पंक्ति सेसिस में लेता हूं और इसे टेक्स्टफील्ड प्रतिनिधियों में संपादित करना शुरू करता हूं, तब जब मैं ऑब्जेक्ट प्रॉपर्टी वैल्यू बदलता हूं तो यह ऑरेजेन्ट में एक ऑरेंज में बदल जाती है। लेकिन मैं केवल संपादन करना चाहते हैं आईटम ऑब्जेक्ट में नए मान होने चाहिए। लेकिन सरणी के नवीनीकरण के बिना नए मानों को संपादन करने के लिए एटम में ऑब्जेक्ट में संग्रहीत किया जा रहा है। ओपी द्वारा प्रदत्त कार्यान्वयन, अन्य उत्तर में गलत है, क्योंकि यह उदाहरण चर की प्रतिलिपि नहीं करता है; बल्कि यह उनके लिए एक और संदर्भ बनाता है यह उन मुद्दों की व्याख्या करेगा जो ओपी अपने प्रश्न में देख रहा है (जहां उस कोड को प्रस्तुत किया जाना चाहिए था, और अलग जवाब में नहीं)। यहां एक बेहतर कार्यान्वयन है: - (आईडी) कॉपी विथ ज़ोन: (एनएस...

python - How to install python27-devel on Centos 6.5 -

मैंने अजगर 2.7.6 को स्रोत से स्थापित किया है, लेकिन Python 2.7 yum install python27-devel काम नहीं करता है इसे कैसे स्थापित करें? आपकी प्रतिक्रिया के लिए धन्यवाद सबसे पहले, यदि आप yum install python27-devel को चलाने का प्रयास करते हैं, तो आपको इस तरह से संदेश प्राप्त करना चाहिए: कोई पैकेज पैथॉन 27-डेवल उपलब्ध नहीं है फिर मैंने इसका पालन किया, yum खोज अजगर | Grep -i devel यह आपको दिखाएगा कि आपके ओएस एक 64 बिट ओएस है अगर आपके पास python-devel.x86_64 पैकेज उपलब्ध है। यदि मैं सही हूं, तो निम्न आदेश को स्वीकृत उत्तर में दिखाए अनुसार ठीक काम करना चाहिए: yum install python-devel.x86_64

Android automated test for activity destroyed and re-created -

We are trying to test the behavior of our application because it has different lifecycle states (active, paused, stopped, Destroyed) and then in those states, on the way back from the destroyed kingdom. We have the problem that when instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate (testActivity, New Bundle)) is called, 04-16 15 : 40: 20.840 8989-898 / 9? E / AndroidRuntimeï¹ ?? Fatal exception: main activity in java.lang.IllegalStateException: ( Android.f.fragmentManagerAmple.mouthoostat (FragmentmanGear.Javotel39) Android.f.fragmentmanagerimple.DispatchCreator ( : 1835) (Activity: Java: 9 16) Android. (FragmentActivity.java204) at com.test Test activity .onCreate ( *) at at ( / 158) ( co...

Calling web service using Async task in android? -

I have my own separate web service class in which I only pass the list of the response method, the URL and the array of data that Required to create Requests and feedback I call this web service in my login activity like this JifWebService webServices = new JifWebService (); webServices.Execute (RequestMethod.POST, Jifconstant.LOGIN_URL, blank, logged-in data); LoginResponse = webServices.getResponse (); LoginResponseCode = webServices.getResponseCode (); This login data contains an array list containing some data. Now I want to call this web service in the background using the async function. But I can not find it correctly My web service argument is written in a completely different Java file and its work is fine but I want to call my web service methods within async work. Enter the code here code You can see the code for a non-functional task below And call the web service in doInBackground : Import Android App Import; Import android.os...

hadoop - Hive: CREATE TABLE on unicode csv files -

On the HDINSite cluster, Unicode is trying to create hive tables on CSV files. AAHE-HY -CAKLINE @ "External table test, UNDIDE (Anmoric 1 INT, Anmeric 2 INT, EMERIC 3 INT, name string), form of textile location, defined by ROE format Teletated fields Stored in '//$containerName@$'; "@ but the hive Unicode strings are not properly identified, except for all Integer fields are loaded as tap. Change the encoding of TestUnicode.csv for UTF-8. works for me.

Installing MYSQL and PHP with Apache in Ubuntu -

I found this part of the Bash command on the forum and confused about why it has two parts. Install sudo apt-get php5 libapache2-mod-php5 -y What is libapache2-mod-php5? If php5 is used separately in php5 expression Thanks for any help. I just need help in understanding Bash expression. : This package is a metapase that is installed But, guarantees that you have at least four servers-side versions of PHP5 interpreter installed. Deleting this package will not remove PHP5 from your system, although it may remove other packages that depend on it. : This package contains PHP5 modules for Apache 2 webservers (as found in the apache2-mpm-prefork package). Please note that this package works only with Apache's prefork MPM, since this thread is not securely compiled. The following extensions have been created in these: BCMath BEZ2 Calendar Core CTEP Date DBA DOM ERGEFileInfo Filter FTP GETText Hash IQVL JSNLbxML Ambrstring Ampersons Explasam Forefront Paragraph Refle...

c# - An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Web.Extensions.dll but was not handled in user code -

Why is this error in this part of the code? this part var data = serializer. Dairyialize & lt; Email Template & gt; (HttpRequest.Form ["data"]. ToString ()); My process public int UpdateEmailTemplate () {HttpResponseMessage result = zero; ObjectService Upload File = New ObjectService (); & Lt; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Attachment & gt; Attachment = new list & lt; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Attachment & gt; (); Var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; If (httpRequest.Form ["data"] = = null) {var serializer = new javascript serializer (); Var data = serializer. Dairyialize & lt; EmailMetPlat & gt; (HttpRequest.Form ["data"]. ToString ()); If (httpRequest.Files.Count & gt; 0) {var docfiles = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Foreach (string file in httpRequest.files) {MemoryStream target = new MemoryStream (); HttpRequest.Files [file] .InputStream.CopyTo (target); UploadFile.AddObject (data.Id, "SU_ENTITY_MSG...

How to sideload json in Rabl -

I am trying to format some data for amber - so far I have this Jason for the user with ID The list is related to {"user": [{"id": 1, "name": "asiet", "usertag_ids": [1,2]},} I want to add a brother node to the user with the data of that object. ["Id": 1, "name": "idiot", "users"): [1,2]}], "uttarag": [{" Id ": 1," name ":" aziet "..ETc ..}} There are many users in a user backend Anyone appreciated Also consider

performance - Is There Some Plug-In About Altitude on Android App -

Now I am developing an Android, and includes these functions: Get GPS, Altitude and Speed, Let me know How to get that GPS, but I do not know how to get the height and speed, which some plug-ins know that can get both height and speed, please tell me! Readers like location with height and speed for the location provider, such as GPS_PROVIDER Provides access.

buttonclick - android widget update text using activity -

I want to update the widget item when I add the item using the activity on receiver () on my Welcome Widget class or Remove Public Zero on Recycled (Reference Reference, Intent of Intent) {Setup (Reference); If (datalist.size ()! = 0) {if (intent.getAction (.) Equals (ACTION_NEXT_TIP)} {mMessage = getNextMessageIndex (); SharedPreferences.Editor pref = context.getSharedPreferences (PREFS_NAME, 0) .edit (); pref.putInt (PREFS_TIP_NUMBER, mMessage); Pref.commit (); Fresh (); } And if (intent.getAction (.) Is equal to (ACTION_SETTING)) {intent of article endings = new intent (reference, LoremActivity.class); ArticleIntent.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity (articleIntent); } Else {refresh}}}} where the refresh method is: Private Zero Refresh () {Remote power RV = Buildupdate (MCTX); {I.ic. } The use of the animation is as follows: animation set farsiTelLogoAnimation = new animation set ( true); Rotate Rotation Animation = New Rotat Anima...

c# - How to display a child window on grid cell click using SelectedItem (mvvm approach) -

I am starting a C # Silverlight and I have to use the MVVM approach to achieve my work. I have already created a GUI that looks like this: & lt; UserControl x: class = "DEV_CENTER.MainPage" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " 2006 / xaml "xmlns: D =" "xmlns: mc =" http: //schemas.openxmlformats .org / markup-compatibility / 2006 "xmlns: vm = "Clr-namespace: DEV_CENTER" xmlns: data = "clr-namespace: System.Windows.Controls; assembly = System.Windows.Controls.Data" mc: Ignorable = "D" D: DesignHite = "300" D: DesignView = "400" & gt; & Lt; UserControl.Resources & gt; & Lt; vm: ProgramView Model X: Key = "ProgramWell Mode" /> & Lt; /UserControl.Resources> & Lt; Grid X: Name = "Layouts" background = ...

php - Slider create by Option tree plugin -

Hello friends I am a new user here. I have a problem, I have created the slider and I slider by the option tree plugin for a WordPress theme. But this does not appear on my site. I am using this php code Please give me a suggestion I think you used the List Item of the option tree to create the slider. See sample code to get the slider & lt ;? Php $ slider_data = ot_get_option ('your_slider_id_here'); Foreach ($ slider_data $ as slider) {// You will get the sub-field of the array in the array. Print_r ($ slider); }? & Gt;

c# - scrolling div issue when the google map direction details are displayed -

text after "itemprop =" text "> I have a Google Map which is a marker address and there is a text input that takes the destination address to display with is. When GetDirections is clicked on the button, then I get the information in the direction div The code is as follows: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; td width = "500" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "map-container" style = "width: 500px; height: 320px; border: 1 px solid black" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; td width = "280" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "directions-panel" style = "width: 90px; visibility: hidden; height: 320px; overflow: automatic, border: 1px solid black" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Table width = "300" style = "margin-left: 460px;" & Gt; ...

python - How to fix issue with the removed cssselect package in lxml? -

So they removed the cssselect package from lxml. Now my Python program is useless. I do not understand how I can work it: Imported: cssselect is not being installed. See I tried copying the cssselect directory to my code directory - & gt; I tried to rewrite my lxml.cssselect command but not any results. I have searched the entire internet, but no answer. Now I have just the line: to lxml.html import parse and the code that uses cssselect For internal: ... in b.cssselect ('p' for inner = html.xpath ('// * [[id = "content ...'] '') '): ... How to import either so that the original code works? Or how to find / replace code for it to work? (Oh and a note, the OCC I did was with the Cxselect installation The problem was established in both the / usr / local / lib / python2 / cssselect package instead of /root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ for some unknown reasons. Was installed in .7 / dist-packages / .pub Debi...

node.js - Parse request with JSON.parse -

I try to parse a request with node.js , then next I I create: app.get ('/ download', function (request, race) {var parseJSON = JSON.parse (request); on file = parseJson.fileName; res. Set the file; // set and send it.}); And I send a request with the Advanced Rest client: URL: http: // localhost: 5000 / download method: received raw logic: fileinfo: "C: //1//239698_n.jpg" And this gives me the next error: Syntax error: Unexpected token at o port at Object.parse (native) (c: \ node \ NodeJS \ express.js: 13: 24) On the callback (c: \ node \ NodeJS \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 164: 37) on the ultimate (c: \ node \ NodeJS \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 138: 11) near (c: \ n D \ NodeJS \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 145: 5) Router._dispatch (minus c: \ node \ NodeJS \ node_modules \ \ lib \ router \ index. Js: 173: 5 ) Object.router (less than c: \ node \ NodeJS \ node_modules \ e...

Html - IDM automaticlly download audio sound -

I have developed a simple music website like But I had a problem that when I open my website in Firefox, my IDM automatically downloads audio sounds so that I can listen to the music of the website. & lt; Hidden audio control autoplay = "true" loop = "loop" & gt; & Lt; source src = "rainsound.ogg" type = "audio / og" & gt; Your browser does not support the audio element. & Lt; / Audio & gt; My solution is to turn off options in Firefox in Firefox. However, I would like to know that in order to prevent IDM from downloading audio sound to solve this problem, it is intended by IDM to download all media files supported under the FILETYPE section in IDM by editing the code above. is. Enjoy

apache - Changing root directory in apache2 is giving 403 Forbidden error -

Although there are so many similar questions but I could not fix my problem with them. I have installed in Apache / 2.4.7 (Ubuntu) My Ubuntu (14.04) . I changed the two configuration files to change the / home / name / www DocumentRoot to apache to / var / www Given . The files I have changed are /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf . put in apache2.conf & lt; Directory / home / name / www & gt; Option Index Allow follow-up simlinks Override no need All necessary & lt; / Directory & gt; and changed to 000-default.conf , DocumentRoot / home / name / www drwxr-xr-x3 www-data www-data www code> But when I If I try to reach localhost from the browser, then I do not have permission to to access this server. What error am I missing? to apache change the default root directory / var / www to / home / The following changes have worked for me, I have edited the following value of the f...

javascript - Jquery Loop through table with multiple class -

After AJAX call I'm trying to loop through the table but ended using Jquery but I I can not loop through it. My HTML looks like this: & lt; Table id = "planyourwork" class = "data-view plan-internal display" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; All Headers & lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; Tr square = "weird" & gt; & Lt; Td square = "invisible" & gt; & Lt; / Td> .... .... & lt; Td class = "cell-status" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; Tr square = "weird" & gt; & Lt; Td square = "invisible" & gt; & Lt; / Td> .... .... & lt; Td class = "cell-status" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; Tr square = "weird" & gt; & Lt; Td square = "invisible" & gt; & Lt; / Td> .... .... & lt; Td class = "cell-status" & gt; ...

PHP - String Concatenation - By loop -

यह मेरा कोड है, यदि ($ _SESSION ["crossfit"] == "वाई") (यदि ($ _SESSION ["tr_duration1"] == 1) {$ dr1 = "1 महीना"; } और {यदि ($ _SESSION ["tr_duration1"] == 12) {$ dr1 = "1 वर्ष"; } और {$ dr1 = $ _ सत्र ["tr_duration1"] 'महीने'; }} $ C1 = 'क्रॉसफ़िट -' $ Dr1;} यदि ($ _SESSION ["मुयथई"] == "वाई") {यदि ($ _SESSION ["tr_duration2"] == 1) {$ dr2 = "1 महीना"; } और {यदि ($ _SESSION ["tr_duration2"] == 12) {$ dr2 = "1 वर्ष"; } और {$ dr2 = $ _ सत्र ["tr_duration2"] 'महीने'; }} $ C2 = ', मुयथई -' $ Dr2;} यदि ($ _SESSION ["mma"] == "वाई") {यदि ($ _SESSION ["tr_duration3"] == 1) {$ dr3 = "1 महीना"; } और {यदि ($ _SESSION ["tr_duration1"] == 12) {$ dr3 = "1 वर्ष"; } और {$ dr3 = $ _ सत्र ["tr_duration3"] 'महीने'; }} $ C3 = ', एमएमए -' $ Dr...

sql - How to make GROUP BY as a parameter without using CASE WHEN? -

I have the following table with the following tables and values ​​and types. Create a table example (fname text, lname text, value int); Enter the values ​​in the example ('doe', 'coin', 123), ('bit', 'coin', 434), ('light', 'coin', 565), ('dogs', 'mem' 183), ('bit', 'mem', 453), ('light', 'mem', 433); Create (name text, zodiac int) as a typed result; I would like to write a function, which is given by a function to the group. This example works: declare text $$ my_parameter; Result result []; Start my_parameter = 'last'; Result: = array (when my_premator = 'first' then fender occurs when my_parameter = 'last' then lname end, sum (pay)): Example group from example group when my_parameter = 'first' then fname when my_parameter = 'last 'And then' lname 'end); Increase notices '%', results; End; $$ language plpgsql; I have ...

ios - How to bake a framework into a static library? -

मैं एक स्थैतिक पुस्तकालय सार्वजनिक। ए विकसित कर रहा हूं जो कि गुप्त .framework पर निर्भर करता है । मैं अपने प्रोजेक्ट को Client.xcodeproj सीधे गुप्त। फ्रेमवर्क से लिंक करना नहीं चाहता हूं; मुझे पब्लिक। ए इसे 'बेक' में प्राप्त करना है ताकि क्लाइंट.क्क्सीड्रूज अपने अस्तित्व के आनंदित अज्ञानता में रह सके। दूसरे शब्दों में , मेरे पास है: सार्वजनिक.ए (सीक्रेट.फ्रेमवर्क के विरुद्ध लिंक) Client.xcodeproj (लिंक सार्वजनिक और एक्ट के खिलाफ। फ्रैमेकवर्क) मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं?

codeigniter - How to logout code igniter session without form -

I have a login and logout view but I do not want a form for logout. How do I use a button to log out my session? You can use a link because without the form, otherwise you will have to use AJAX & lt; A href = "& lt ;? php echo base_url ()? & Gt; control_classname_name / logout" & gt; Logout & lt; / A & gt; Function logout () {$ this- & gt; Session-> Sess_destroy (); Redirect ('controller_class / login'); }

Convert date from string "yyyyddmm hh:mm:ss" to String "DD/MM/YYYY" in JAVA -

Can anyone help me with this conversion? string datetime = "20140505 03:23:50" dateform formattor = new simpledetermut format ("DD / MM / Yay"); String date = formater. Format (datetime); I should have output in this format - "DD / MM / YYYY" which should be a string. You have to: string dateTime = "20140505 03 : 23: 50 "; DateFormat formatter = New SimpleDormat ("YYMMMD HH: mm: SS"); Date date = formatter.parse (dateTime); Formatte.applyPattern ("dd / mm / yyyy"); String date srr = formater Format (date); Before you change formatter.parse (string) by using your string from the date object On your string pattern, and then you can change your date in any string format by changing your SimpleDateFormat pattern Are there. Note: D: in the year and d: in the day D instead of D . You can use the correctness of the pattern in Java to format the date according to your requirement. ...

lucene - Solr Multiphrase query not able to generate result even when the token was present -

Hi I'm stuck with a problem: I have a field splited_data and field type (in my schema.xml ): & lt; Field name = "splited_data" type = "text_split" indexed = "true" stored = "wrong" /> & lt; Analyzer Type = "Index"> & lt; Tokenizer class = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase = "true" word = "stopwords.txt" enablePositionIncrements = "true" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts = "1" generateNumberParts = "1" catenateWords = "1" catenateNumbers = "1" catenateAll = "1" splitOnCaseChange = "1" preserveOriginal = "1" splitOnNumerics = "1" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" /> & lt; Filter class = "Solr .KStemFilterFac...

Tomcat :Url-pattern of resource for security-constraint in jsf -

There is a JSF application running on the Tomcat; I have the name of the directory names that I want to add to the security. I have a Tipica servlet mapping and to limit the records on path / users / * (where I have some file .xhtml): This does not work; But if I / the face / face appears to be coorrected in the certification form, then I try to use the application. What is the correct way to point to path app \ users \ file.xhtml? Send me any & lt; Servlet-mapping> tags?

php - How can I replace shortcode in wordpress -

I am new to WordPress Now I am trying to create a plugin using a static Sortkod the I [SRPMGT id = 12345] And this short code can be placed in any page. I want to change this shortcode with html content & lt; Div class = "result" & gt; Content for replacement ... & lt; / Div & gt; Note: This shortcode can be placed in any page. Please help me to solve it .. .. Thanks in advance .. You need to know. insert your functions.php: function srpmgt_shortcode () to change {return 'content ...'; } Aed_sortkode ( 'Srpangt_id = 12345', 'Srpangt_sortkode');

c# - Switch to local database -

I was suggested to have a question on time, so here it is. Being a local copy of a website-project, I was thrown with a lot of documentation and now I have to develop some things for this. What I want to do is to use the local database and not to be on the server to ensure that I can check things properly. I have a website error and can be run but need to redirect the database. And I'm not sure how to change it. & lt; ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt ;! Add name = "MySqlConnection" connectionString = "Data Source =; Database = Vebsaitnam; USER ID = websitename; PASSWORD = xxxxxx; port = 1234" / - & gt; & Lt; Add name = "MySqlConnection" connectionString = "Data Source = localhost; Database = Vebsaitnm; User ID = username; password = xxxxxxx; port = 1234" / & gt; I think I have "data source =;" Such as "data source = \ databasename.sql" or something like that. In...

How to install Ruby 2 and Ruby Gems on Ubuntu box with Ansible -

मैं Ubuntu Server मशीन को नवीनतम रूबी और Ansible का उपयोग कर> रूबी रत्न संस्करण मैं यह कैसे करूँ? रूबी 2.0 और को स्थापित करने के लिए ठीक है, तो इस समाधान का उपयोग करने की सलाह देते हैं I रूबी रत्न विश्व स्तर पर (सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए) यदि आप दूसरे संस्करण स्थापित करना चाहते हैं या अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं से अलग करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया समाधान # 2 देखें। यहां एक सरल Ansible प्लेबुक है जो नवीनतम Ruby 2.0 और रूबी रत्न आपके लिए: उबंटू 14.04 (ट्रस्टी तहर) - नाम : रूबी के नवीनतम संस्करण उपयुक्त है: pkg = {{item}} राज्य = नवीनतम with_items: - ruby2.0 - ruby2.0-dev - name: Symlink रूबी 2.0 फ़ाइल के लिए मौजूद है: src = / usr / bin / ruby2। 0 dest = / usr / local / bin / ruby ​​state = link - name: सिंबिंक रूबी जेम्स 2.0 फ़ाइल के लिए मौजूद है: src = / usr / bin / gem2.0 dest = / usr / local / bin / gem state = link उबंटु 13.10 (स्यूसी सैलामेण्डर) - नाम: रूबी के नवीनतम संस्करण को उपयुक्त रूप से इंस्टॉल किया गया है: pkg = {{ आइटम}} राज्य = नवीनतम with_items: ...

matlab - How to avoid the multiple use of 'unique' to filter inconsitent datasets? -

I have two corresponded (one relation and one dimension) Dataset: time salinity Some data is repeated in the time dataset. I can remove the duplicate value as: Time_new = unique (time, 'rows'); But this salinity will not be consistent with dataset. How can I adjust similar lenant data? Thanks (from the adoption) Use output arguments: [time_new, idx_un, ~] = unique (time, 'rows'); Celinity_nu = salinity (idx_un, :);

sql - Select rows having the same features than others -

मेरे पास 3 कॉलम के साथ निम्नलिखित तालिका है: Id, FeatureName और Value: आईडी फ़ीचर नाम मूल्य - ----------- ----- 1 एएए 10 1 एबीबी 12 1 बीबीबी 12 2 एएए 15 2 एबीबी 12 2 एसीडी 7 3 एएए 10 3 एबीबी 12 3 सीसीसी 12 .. ........... प्रत्येक आईडी में अलग-अलग विशेषताएं हैं और प्रत्येक फ़ीचर के लिए उस आईडी का मान होता है। मुझे एक प्रश्न लिखना है जो मुझे आईडी देता है जो कि एक ही विशेषताओं और मूल्यों को दिया है, लेकिन केवल उन लोगों को ध्यान में रखते हुए जिनके नाम 'ए' से शुरू होते हैं उदाहरण के लिए, शीर्ष तालिका में, मैं उस प्रश्न का उपयोग उन सभी आईडी के लिए कर सकता हूं जो एक ही विशेषताएँ हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, उन मूल्यों के साथ सुविधाएँ जहां आईडी = 1 का परिणाम आईडी = 3 होता है, उसी विशेषता के साथ 'ए' से शुरू होता है और इन विशेषताओं के लिए समान मूल्य। मुझे यह करने के लिए कुछ अलग तरीके मिले, लेकिन सभी उनमें से बहुत धीमी गति से जब तालिका में बहुत सी पंक्तियां होती हैं (हजारों से अधिक सौ) जिस तरह से मैंने सबसे अच्छा प्रदर्शन प्राप्त किया है, वह अगली क्वेरी का उपयोग कर रहा है: ...