
Showing posts from August, 2015

read from file only from one specific line to another C++ -

Is there any way to read the data in the second line from the file? For example: In these lines: Line 1: Empty row Line Line line: blank line Line 3: Robert W. Line 4: Take the frank Line 5: Sylvia ops Line 6: Blank line Line 7: Blank line Line 8: Andy SF And I only have to read from line 3 to line 6 Then the output will be: Robert V Frank le Sylvia op and my file has 300 lines thanks class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> This should do the trick: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {string line; Infinite Infile; ("putyourinputfilehere.txt"); While (Getline (Infail, Line)) {if (line! = "") {Cout & lt; & Lt; Line & lt; & Lt; Endl; }} Infile.close (); Return 0; }

java - Download files from clearcase dynamic view -

I have a requirement, here I need to explicitly download certain files programmatically from a dynamic view to a local machine It is possible that You can define load rules Compared to the same configured space Load the rules that will only load a subset of the files you want. Thus, in a programmatic way, you can see only the "cleartool update" snapshot view and it will only update those files. If you only want to use dynamic view, you will need to write a script that looks like ( M: \ yourDynView \ YourVobs \ ... / Or / view / YourDynView / vobs / yourVob /...) will copy the files from the code>) to your drive.

python - wondering why there is no space in front of the output(.join()) build in fnc -

कोड बहुत सरल है chrs = chr (int (ord ('a' ) + random.random () * 26)) भरी हुई = '' .जोइंड (5 * [चर्स]) + '\ n' क्यों नहीं chrs के सामने कोई जगह नहीं है ? क्या आप कृपया कर सकते हैं। एफएनसी वास्तव में काम करें। आउटपुट "a * b * c" / > आउटपुट "abc" स्ट्रिंग के सामने रिक्त स्थान के लिए, आपको कुछ संयोजन करना है: "" + "" .जोइंड (["a", "b", "c"]) आउटपुट "abc"

html - Place holder for with -

I want to give a placeholder for selectMenu. I am using the item to get value in the menu. & lt; h: selectManyMenu's requirement = "true" class = "select-group-select" value = "# {sentMessage selectedUserGroups}" & gt; & Lt; f: SelectionEdit value = "# {sentMessage.userGroups}" /> & Lt; / h: selectManyMenu & gt; Currently showing 'Select some options', but what do I want 'Choose user group'? I tried to use it, but there is still no hope. Try it out. & lt; h: selectManyMenu required = "right" Class = "select-selected group" value = "# {sentMessage.selectedUserGroups}" & gt; & Lt; F: SelectionEdit ItemLabel = "Choose User Group" Any SelectionOptic = "True" Item Value = "# {zero}" /> & Lt; f: SelectionEdit value = "# {sentMessage.userGroups}" /> & Lt; / H: selectManyMenu & gt;

Need to know the diference between predict() and predict.lm() in R -

I'm new to statistics and figures. So this question might be a little stupid, but I was wondering if there is any difference between the predict () and predict.lm () ? I think they are similar, but if they were then why do two different tasks? If there is a prediction class "lm" for the first argument then someone The difference will not be such as the prediction is sent for class-specific editions based on the name of the class. You can see which version of the prediction exists by implementing loaded namespaces: methods [predict] I have a lot of packages Loads are momentous so the list is quite long: & gt; Methods (estimates) [1] Forecasting: Predicting.Reg [3] Prediction.Reg.but prediction. Arima * [5] Forecasting. Arima * Prophecy. BJ * [7] estimated. BS * predicted. BSPline * [9] predict.coxph * predict.coxph.penal * [11] predict.cph * predict.dataRep [13] predict.glm prediction. GLM * [15] predict.glmmPQL * predict.glmtree * [17] predict...

sass - New to scss, "rule is empty"? -

यह सुपर मूल है $ span1Width: 10; $ मार्जिन व्याप्ति: 5; @ मैक्सिन अवधि-चौड़ाई ($ spannr) {width: $ span1Width * $ spannr * 1%; * चौड़ाई: $ मार्जिन चौड़ाई * $ spannr -1 * 1%; } div {@ उपयोग की अवधि-चौड़ाई (10); } कोडपेन के साथ सीएसएस का विश्लेषण करते समय "खाली नियम" उत्पन्न होता है। यदि आप मिक्सिक्स का उपयोग करने के तरीके के बारे में लिखते हैं तो आप उदाहरण देख सकते हैं: $ color: white; @ मिक्सीन रंग ($ रंग: नीला) {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: $ color; @सामग्री; सीमा रंग: $ रंग; } .colors {@ शामिल रंग {रंग: $ color; }} इसलिए आपको @ शामिल करना और इसके बजाय {} का उपयोग करना चाहिए। जैसे (इस उदाहरण में डिफ़ॉल्ट 5 का उपयोग करना): $ span1Width: 10; $ मार्जिन व्याप्ति: 5; @ मैक्सिन अवधि-चौड़ाई ($ spannr: 5) {चौड़ाई: $ span1Width * $ spannr * 1%; * चौड़ाई: $ मार्जिन चौड़ाई * $ spannr -1 * 1%; } Div {@ शामिल स्पैन-चौड़ाई {spannr: 10}; } आपको सही परिणाम देना चाहिए

java - JSTL.JAR can not be resolved -

I am getting the following error when using jstl in my spring mvc app. & gt; Org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Full Yuri: & gt; Http:// Either Web. Xml & gt; I have downloaded and copied jstl-api-1.2.jar in my code, WebContent / Web-NF / Lib / Directory similar to other libraries. My web.xml file looks like below. & lt; Web-app xmlns: Xsi = "" xmlns = "" xmlns: web = "http: //java.sun .com / xml / ns / javaee / web-app_2_5.xsd "xsi: schema location =" / xml / ns / javaee /web-app_2_5.xsd "id =" WebApp_ID "version =" 2.5 "& gt; & Lt; Display-name & gt; Spring3MVC & lt; / Display-name & gt; & Lt; Welcome-file-list & gt; & Lt; Welcome-file & gt; Index.jsp & lt; / Welcome-file & gt; & Lt; / Welcom...

methods - Summing digits of integers in an input file java error -

I am trying to read the integer from an input file "input.txt" and to separate the integer and add points . This code is telling me that the method for the amount is an illegal start. Any sign? public static zero main (string [] args) {// declaration boolean file open = true; Scanner inputfile = null; Int sum, number; // read the input string filename = ""; System.out.println ("Input file name to be opened"); Scanner input = new scanner (; fileName = input.nextLine (); {InputFile = new scanner (try new file (filename)); } Hold (FileNotFoundException e) {System.out.println ("--- file not found! ---"); File = false; } If (fileOpened & Input File. HasNext ()) {sumNum = sum (num); // When calling method (inputFile.hasNextInt ()) {if (inputFile.hasNextInt ()) {num = inputFile.nextInt (); System.out.println ("Number of + num +" is the sum of points: "+ sumnum); } And { (); }}} Public fixed int amount (i...

android - doInBackground(String... urls) ends incomplete AsyncTask -

onPostExecute () generally runs after the doInBackground () ends..I put Log.e () at the end of doInBackgound Tried to do) but I do not see any message in the log ... I'm making it difficult to leave frames messages, I am using asynctask. the class extends the RssFeedTask AsyncTask; String, zero, string & gt; {Progressive dialogue dialog; String feedback = ""; Activity reference; ArrayList & LT; MyItem & gt; Most recent item = new arreelist & lt; MyItem & gt; (); MyListAdapter adapter; XmlPullParser xpp; Boolean show all; Public Risks Feed Tasks (Activity References, Boolean Show All) {this.context = context; This.showAll = showAll; } @ Override Protected Zero at Prexactec () {Dialogue = New Progress Diigo (Reference); Dialog.setMessage ("Loading ..."); (); } @ Override protected string doInBackground (string ... url) {try {XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance (); Factory.setNamespaceAware (wrong);...

java - Need the explanation of code of string replacement using String buffer -

I got the following code from the site, but I can not understand it clearly whether someone helps me understand the code ? Replaces the code string. It replaces Strontotopelease with the replacement string. This character is substituting but I could not understand its detail. string strain = "al% hand% receivable number%% exam% is correct."; String stringolailease = "% return number%"; String replacement string = "12345"; String replaced string = null; Int idx = strIn.lastIndexOf (stringToReplace); If (idx! = -1) {stringbuffer result = new stringbuffer (strIn); Results.replace (idx, idx + stringToReplace.length (), substitution string); While ((idx = strIn.lastIndexOf (stringToReplace, idx-1)) -1) {results.replace (idx, idx + stringToReplace.length (), substitution string); } // system.out.printLN (result.trustring);; ReplacedString = results.toString (); } System.out.println (Replaced string); Output is Al% hand 12345% exam% has arrived OK. ...

Qt macdeployqt deploy not working properly -

I have an application using sqlite that runs it through the compiler Works fine (more in both debug and release) However, when I try to install it with macdeployqt , I get the following error: Error: There is no file on "/ opt / local / lib / mysql55 / lib / libmysqlclient" .18.dylib " When my AP is trying on Mac in which Qt not installed It crashes randomly after a few minutes. Any thoughts? I am not using mysql in my code just sqlite . I think you need to first.

vbscript - Delete registry folder and sub folder using VBS -

I want to delete the registry folder and sub-folder by using this vb script. In the reg file we can do the script as below: [- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ software \ abc \ prr] Under the script above, will delete sub folder How can one get the same using a VB script? I tried to use .RegDelete but I think it only works for the key and not for the registry folder. Thank you. [path] RegDelete [key] | [Value] The Path Path (hence Windows can find it) to download the paths Windows 98 Tips and tips on hacks pages to see Windows always find it. Do not start RegDelete with any user interface, or do not close key or values ​​in the inverted commas while typing the value to delete or delete. Key key to delete key always ends in a backslash if the key has a space then it must be attached in reverse coma. Keys and subkeys will be removed. Value Deletion value values ​​do not have a backslash at the back. If the key has a location then it should be enclosed in reverse comm...

ios - How can we pass multiple urls in collectionview -

I am creating a social networking application, using the horizontal collection view cell displayed for the post. My needs are, I have 10 differnt url api but initWithFormat: @ "acc_id = 104 & method = getHomeContents & amp; start_limit = 0 ") If I increase start_limit then I can get another post description. I have to pass this data at viewdidload but how to get this post data in viewdidload and collectionView numberOfItemsInSection time How can I suggest any ideas for this if (indexPath.item == 3) {NSString * post = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @ "acc_id = 104 and Amp; method = getHomeContents and start_limit = 0 "]; // NSLog (@ "% @", post); NSDTA * PostData = [Post DataUputing Encoding: NSITF 8 String Encoding Permission Loansy Conversion: No]; NSString * postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% lu", (unsigned long) [postdata length]]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init]; [R...

git - How to only push a specific tag to remote? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब क्या git push --tag tag_a ? मैं सिर्फ git push --tags । आप बस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: वैकल्पिक रूप से (मुख्य रूप से टैग / शाखा नाम संघर्ष को हल करने के लिए), आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं: > Git पुश मूल refs / tags / tag_a

javascript - document.createElements Throws InvalidCaracterError Exception -

Each time I am trying to use method document .createElements I get an exception invalid cronck error. I changed my input to a continuous string and even thought that it still does not work, the support will be very appreciable, please review the attached image. Thank you. What do you have to do var input = document.createElement ('input'); Input.type = 'checkbox'; You can not put it in a string that contains tags such as jquery.

jquery - Can't get the value of input method val() -

एक DIV है जिसमें इनपुट है: ये लेआउट है: & lt; div class =" input-daterange इनपुट -समूह afc "id =" datepicker-common-table "& gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "इनपुट-एसपी फॉर्म-कंट्रोल" नाम = "प्रारंभ" प्लेसहोल्डर = "Ð ?? Ð ° Ñ ?? Ð ° Ð" Ñ ?? нР° Ñ ?? Ð'Ð ° Ñ ​​?? Ð ° "& gt; & Lt; span class = "इनपुट-समूह-एडॉन" & gt; - & lt; / span & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "इनपुट-एसपी फॉर्म-कंट्रोल" नाम = "एंड" प्लेसहोल्डर = "Ð ?? онÐμÑ ?? нР° Ñ ?? Ð'Ð ° Ñ ?? Ð °" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; ये स्क्रिप्ट है जो मूल्यों को स्थापित करने के बाद प्राप्त करने की कोशिश करता है: $ (document) .on ('change', 'input [ Name = 'start'] ", फ़ंक्शन () {$ (दस्तावेज़) .on ('change', 'input [name =' end ']", फ़ंक्शन () {var startval = $ ("# datepicker-...

windows phone 7 - How to use the headphones jack to send data to a circuit board in WP7 or WP8 -

I just wanted to know that a circuit board such as arduino or custom circuit board through headphone jack that handles serial communication Or something like that if this is possible, but something There are a lot of warnings - headphone jacks are not unique resources by grouping all these facts, audio playback, and detail. Sound will not be too likely to be included in any "normal" phone sound Good discrimination against "incorrect" received board "Frequency" The above properties reduce bandwidth to achieve some baud In addition to this, simplifying connections, you should consider idempotency And send each order twice or more to increase reliability. How? Just play back the right sound in the right sequence for an order (maybe idempotently repeating), the received sounds decode the sounds and act accordingly. We have done this successfully with Android, but I do not think there should be any difference with WP, because p...

c# - Why is my nested CustomerViewModel null? -

I managed to register an applicant, and now I would like to request an HTTP GET that is currently logged in The account displays the details in an explanation. However, when I run the application and go to the "MyPage" view, I get an exception that the Nested Client View Model is a null. I have no idea at all why this is for some reason. This is the action taken in the Home Controller C. Public actions MyPages () {string userId = User Identity.GetUserId (); Var current user = _userRepository.GetById (userId); Var customer = _customerRepository.GetById (currentUser.Customer.Id); Var userview model = new userview model (); UserViewModel.Id = currentUser.Id; UserViewModel.UserName = currentUser.UserName; // This is where the exception is generated. Apperantly Customer ViewModel is the userViewModel.CustomerViewModel.Id = customer.Id; UserViewModel.CustomerViewModel.FirstName = customer.FirstName; UserViewModel.CustomerViewModel.LastName = customer.LastName; UserViewMo...

gwt - Google Cloud Storage file access control list public-read-write is not working in app engine java -

I am uploading an image in the Google Cloud Storage bucket. I want to give all the user READ permission. Anybody will tell me what I want in the set ACL () I want to get that image. is not a valid predefined ACL for the object, since the object, unlike the bucket, is actually Do not have a written permission in. You can public-read .

android - Making RelitiveLayouot view -

I'm new to Android so I spent hours trying to see it in the code like this . . Can anyone help on this? This is my endeavor: Relative layout photo = new relative layout (this); photo.setLayoutParams (New Responsive Layout. LayoutPrices (Relative Layout Layout Parm. WRAP_CONTENT, Density Topics (80))); Photo.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL); allphotos.addView (photo); TextView textView1 = new text view (this); textView1.setLayoutParams (new layout layout. layout (layout perm. WRAP_CONTENT, layout para. WRAP_CONTENT)); TextView1.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL); textView1.setText ("IDasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfd"); photo.addView (textView1); Relational layout. Layout Parameters = New Relative Layout Layout side (relative layout layout.png. WRAP_CONTENT, relative layout. Layoutpam. WRAP_CONTENT); Params.addRule (relative layout. ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT, relative layout. TRUE); ImageView img = New ImageView (this); Img.setLayoutParams (newest layout layout layoutperms ...

web - Server side programming language/framework that support hot-reload -

Is there any other server-side language (without or without framework) that supports hot-reload or live-coding , So when we grow, we all need: Start the web server Edit the source code Try on the browser ( Similar to PHP any other language that I am capable of doing: Ruby / Papara Sinatra-Reloader (Sometimes not working) Run again (* Nodes in the module module Node-Supervisor module Nodomone (* (* Automatically restart the server when there is a change Do not really hot-reload Is there any other language capable of doing this? And if possible, error on browser (file name and line number, or full stack trace) (terminal) In / Console Is not showing) does, so I have to switch to the browser, code-editor and then make it to the console to see the error. You can try Pearl with the Mozolistic Framework: (using the Morrow server).

sorting - Some questions about data structures and sort algorithm -

I am learning about data structures and sort algorithms and I have questions that I want to ask: When we select the array and when we select the linked list for the sort algorithm what type of algorithm should we use for small data and for larger data what should be done? I know that depending on the situation, we should select the available algorithms, but I can not understand the features. linked list array array is more general option . Most of the linked lists are used when your data is already in a linked list, or you need it in the linked list for your application. It is not that I have actually seen the proper reason for using one on each other (except that most sorting algorithms are centered around the array). Both can be sorted in (n log n), with the least comparison-based sorting algorithm. Who to use Comparison-based sorting, usually & lt; ~ 10-20 element, because it has less stable factors, even if it's time to run O (NA2). For more el...

javascript - AngularJS ng-repeat - retrieving data, but not displaying -

I am new to angular and am trying to integrate it into my application. I have a simple $ http.get Trying to use JSON file, which displays the mailing content in ng-repeat I get: $ scope.countries = []; $ Http.get ('/ resources / data / countries-report.json'). Success (data) {$ scope.countries = data.countries; // Alert (JSON.stringify ($ scope.countries)); Console.log (data.countries); console.log (data.countries.population) "{{" Name ":" France "," Population ":" Joe "," surName ":" blogs "," country ": {error ('error';}) 63.1 "}, {" name ":" span "," population ":" 52.3 "}, {" name ":" United Kingdom "," population ":" 61.8 "}]} Here's my HTML: li ng-repeat = "Country in Country" & gt; {{}} in {{country.population}} Population is when viewed in the browser... - Count Data from multiple tables -

मेरे पास 3 तालिकाओं T1, T2, T3 है उनमें से प्रत्येक का दूसरा संबंध है। का चयन करें T1.T1_Serno, T2.T2_Serno, T3.T3_Serno, T1.T1, COUNT (T3 .T3_Serno) count_1, T2.T2, T3.T3, T3.Quantity के रूप में टी 1 भीतर से शामिल हों पर T1.T1_Serno = T2.T1_Serno अंदरूनी टी 2 पर T2.T2_Serno = T3.T2_Serno ग्रुप द्वारा T1.T1_Serno, T2.T2_Serno T3 शामिल हों , T3.T3_Serno, T1.T1, T2.T2, T3.T3, T3.Quantity और परिणाम है मुझे यह दिखाने के लिए Count_1 प्राप्त करने के लिए देख रहा हूं कि रिश्तेदार के पास कितने T3 हैं और कितने नंबर हैं टी 3 की मात्रा की गणना मुझे एक परिणाम की उम्मीद है जैसे टी 2 टी 3 काउंटर_1 काउंटबॉक्स एप्पल एप्पल 1 3 80 एप्पल एप्पल 2 3 80 एप्पल एप्पल 3 3 80 ------- Google Google 1 1 40 ------ नोकिया नोकिया 1 1 15 इसलिए जब मैंने इसे ग्रिड में डाल दिया तो मैं पाइटर के रूप में गणना कर सकता हूं। ऐसा कुछ लेकिन प्रत्येक समूह के नीचे योग के साथ। का चयन करें t2.t2, t3.t3, योग (t3.Quantity) टी 2 से टी 2 अंदरूनी के रूप में T3 T3 रूप में शामिल होने पर t3.t2_serno = ...

javascript - Get one value of anchor tag -

मेरे पास ऐसा html कोड है & lt; article & gt; & Lt; h4 & gt; Lorem Ipsum & lt; / h4 & gt; लेबल: & lt; a href = "#" & gt; चित्र & lt; / a & gt ;, & lt; a href = "#" & gt; पैनोरमा & lt; / a & gt; स्पैन क्लास = "पोस्ट-लेबल्स" & gt; लेबल: & lt; a href = "#" & gt; ;, & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / लेख & gt; & LT; लेख & gt; & Lt; h4 & gt; Lorem Ipsum & lt; / h4 & gt; लेबल: & lt; span class = "post-labels" & gt; लेबल: & lt; a href = "#" & gt; फ़ोटो & lt; / a & gt ;, & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / लेख & gt; मुझे jquery में मूल्य (चित्र, फोटो) मिलना चाहिए और आलेख के वर्ग के लिए मूल्य जोड़ें $ ('आलेख')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {if ($ (this) .find ('post-labels')। लंबाई) { Var cl = $ ('a')। पाठ (); $ (यह) .addClass (cl);}}); पहले एंकर पाने के लिए जिसे आप उपयोग क...

Android app - delete item from list following an action in another activity -

I am creating an app where I display a list of pending challenges when the user clicks on the challenge, He can accept it or ignore it. What do I want to do here and I do not know how: If the user accepts or ignores the challenge, call it. And the challenge If the back button is pressed, do nothing, the challenge is still visible In short, if the user actually responds to the challenge I do not want it to appear in the list, but if he does not select any option and presses the back button, then he has not selected one of the two functions, so I have to choose that list Is still the challenge to appear I do not think that when I want to return to my main activity, it is possible to find out which buttons I pressed. I have thought of using global variables, but I do not want to abuse them. Just to be clear, I am not asking how the list is removing the item but depending on the actions of any other activity, it is time to know when to delete one. index your second ...

html5 - Which HTML 5 mobile game framework to use -

मैं एक मल्टीप्लेयर मोबाइल गेम को html5 और js के साथ विकसित करना चाहता हूं और मैं इसे आसान बनाने के लिए कुछ चौखटे, लिब्स, प्लेटफार्म या उपकरण ढूंढ रहा हूं। मैंने कुछ पाया, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं हो सका कि वे क्या प्रदान करते हैं जो मुझे चाहिए। ईजोजेनिक गेम इंजन मैं एक वास्तविक विकसित करना चाहता हूं -टाइम मल्टीप्लेयर मोबाइल गेम अब यह 2d होगा जो कि आईओएस और एंड्रॉइड पर होगा मुझे अच्छी तरह से प्रलेखित और सक्रिय रूप से विकसित की आवश्यकता है। यदि कुछ ऐसा है जो सर्वर-साइड खुद करेगा तो यह बहुत अच्छा होगा:) किसी भी सुझाव से शुरू हो सकता है? मुझे नहीं लगता कि कोई भी जेएस लिब्स है जो वास्तव में आप की अपेक्षा कर रहे हैं। आपको हमेशा अपना सर्वर साइड लिखना होगा, और उसी जेएस लिब को अपने सर्वर साइड की तरह करना चाहिए जिससे क्लाइंट साइड का उपयोग होता है क्योंकि यह आपके उपयोगकर्ताओं के डिवाइस पर गेम द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है। यदि आप जेएस लिब, जो आपके सर्वर साइड के साथ संवाद करने के तरीकों में निर्मित है जो एक अलग कहानी है। हालांकि मुझे यकीन है कि इसके लिए आपको एक अलग लाइब्रेरी का...

Spring: bean as constructor argument in Java Config -

translation Which is the correct way of this bean: & Lt; Bean id = "artifact binding" class = ""> & Lt; constructor-arg ref = "parserpool" /> & Lt; constructor-arg ref = "velocityEngine" /> & Lt; Manufacturer-Arg & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "" & gt; & Lt; Manufacturer-Arg & gt; & Lt; Bean square = "org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient" & gt; & Lt; Manufacturer-Arg & gt; & Lt; Bean square = "org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager" /> & Lt; / Creator-arg & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Creator-arg & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Processor" & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "" & ...

ios - What is the best way to fetch users list from XMPP roaster? -

I integrate XMPP chat server into my iOS application From DidReceiveIQ, it gives the list of users after connection to the XMPP server. But if I add a new user to the roam, DDREICIQ only gives to the newly added user, not the competition list. So, my question here is, what would be the best way to bring users to the roster? Check iPhoneXMPP with an example bundled with example: when you XMPPRoster Plug in the module with XMPPRosterMemoryStorage or XMPPRosterCoreDataStorage - then it will automatically synchronize users with the selected storage included in the future, and you can remove that storage As a data source for your UITableView , etc.

html - JavaScript libarary for coding in a textarea (with proper indentation) -

I'm looking for JavaScript Liberty (with proper indentation) for coding in a textarea. I found Behave.js () However, there is a lack of basic infrastructure in it: Indent a new line according to the last line indent This is only the braces And by identifying the brackets and doing automatic indentation, in addition, Codemirror and MarkItUp do not indent according to the last line, as far as I can see. Do you know either an optional library that is actually (and potentially more) or a way of adding (or capable?) That functionality in Behave.js? I need indentation like the last line, so that I want to be able to use a non-standard programming language. OK, I got the answer. Ace Editor is the perfect code editor for Javascript I can see. This has been developed by Cloud 9 and some time before the entire Skyware / Bespin team from Mozilla joined its efforts and merged some of its features in it.

javascript - Calling jQuery functions using call or apply -

मेरे पास निम्न HTML है: & lt; input type = "text" & gt; मैं इस इनपुट का मान सेट करना चाहता हूं: $ ("इनपुट")। (यह, "हाय"); jQuery एक त्रुटि फेंकता है: अनक्यूट टाइप एरर: अनिर्धारित कोई फ़ंक्शन नहीं है यह क्यों हो रहा है? मैं लागू या कॉल का उपयोग कर jQuery फ़ंक्शन को कैसे कॉल कर सकता / सकती हूं? मुझे लगता है कि समस्या यह है यह है विंडो ऊपर के मामले में यह यहां क्या मान लेना चाहिए? आपको समस्या यह है कि यह । क्षेत्र को jQuery ऑब्जेक्ट होना चाहिए $ ("इनपुट") । इसलिए: var myThis = $ ("इनपुट"); (मेरा है, "हाय"); अपरिभाषित समस्या यह है कि jQuery आंतरिक रूप से उस स्कोप ऑब्जेक्ट पर अन्य jQuery फ़ंक्शन को कॉल करने का प्रयास करेगा। और आपका यह (जो संभवत: विंडो है) के पास नहीं है।

php - Yii 2 path to frontend and backend -

I need to add / register a CSS file, but I get the path of the frontend can not do; Yii Yii :: app () - & gt; What is the base URL in Yii 2? I tried: Yii :: $ app-> Basapath and it gives me: c: / wamp / www / project / frontend Only me / project / frontend Yii :: app () - & gt; Base 2 is \ yii :: $ app-> Request-> Base URL

android - How can i deny activity to be destroyed -

I am starting activity "B" from Activity "A" when I use the last button or method () I am closing Activity B, then Activity A is being recreated how can I reject the activity to be destroyed? Actions in Android stat-stack in stat in stack, when you go to the next activity, When you go back, you pop the last element from the stack and do not say anything about it, so not destroyed is simply a waste of space! > Even if you override the back button to launch the previous activity with the noHistory or clearTop flag, delete the existing activity Will be done I suggest you read more

javascript - ajax and php error : Undefined index: userid in my case -

मैं गलत कहां गया? $ http ({url: "php / loaduser .fp? Userid = user_id ", विधि:" प्राप्त ", डेटा: {'user_id': '1'}})। सफलता (कार्य, डेटा, स्थिति, हेडर, कॉन्फ़िगरेशन) {mydata = []; mydata = data; Console.log (mydata);})। त्रुटि (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा, स्थिति, हेडर, कॉन्फ़िग) {// $ scope.status = स्थिति; चेतावनी (स्थिति);}); मेरे php $ _GET ['user_id'] गूंज; यह अपरिभाषित सूचकांक: user_id आपका कॉल होना चाहिए जैसा कि $ http ({url: "php / loaduser.php", विधि: "प्राप्त करें", डेटा: {'user_id': '1'}}) या फिर आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं $ http ({url: "php / loaduser.php? User_id =" + user_id, विधि: "GET"}) दूसरी विधि में आप सीधे यूआरएल के माध्यम से user_id पारित कर रहे हैं, जबकि पहले इसे आप एक चर ढंग से भेज रहे हैं

Find duplicate values in Semantic MediaWiki -

How do I list any duplicate values ​​for the property in Semantic MediaWiki? A MySQL query is fine, it is not through an SMW query. I found a way that works for me: with installed , Create a template {{duplicate search}} like this: {{ifeq: {{# var: a}} | {{# Vardefineecho: a | {{{2 |}}}}} | & Lt ;! - Duplicate found! Print some messages: - & gt; Duplicate found: {{{2}}} and ask the value like this: {{# ask: [[MyProperty :: +]] | | MyProperty | Sort = MyProperty | Format = template | Template = Detect duplicates}} It is important to sort out the results before sending them to the template, because the duplicate has to come to each other.

Dygraph - hide axis labels when not showing data -

I do not know how to hide axis letters from the graph, when the visibility of all the data in the series show that the pivot is hidden The axes are shown without any problem, but when the two series (under my code) is hidden a special axis, the axis is visible and the label changes from 1 to 1/10 in increments of 1. I am grateful for any suggestions below that I am using the code: I do not know how to do this through dygraphs API, but this One way to do this is to check your change event handler, which series is hidden and it determines which axes can be hidden then search all the text with the class - dygraph-axis-label-y and from them Repeat. If their parent DIV is correctly aligned, then this is a Y1 label, if it is omitted, then this is a Y2 label. Update: danvk commented that y2 labels have class dygraph-axis-label-y2 , so I I am updating my answer to use the fact. function changes (L) {chart .setVisibility (, el.checked); Var y1vis = ($ ("# 0: checked...

java - setRowFactory issue in JavaFX -

I have a problem with my app that uses Java FAX ... in a scene I have a tableview In which there is a list of people and I want to change the line style one person here is my code: personTable.setRowFactory (new callback & lt; TableView & lt; person & gt; TableRow & Lt; Person & gt; & gt; () {@Override Public TableRow & lt; Person & gt; Call (TableView & lt; Person & gt; personTableView) {New TableRouter Formats}}}} ... private classes TableRowRightFormat TableRow Expands {@Override protected void updateItem (Object O, Boolean B) {super.updateItem (o, b); if (o == zero) {return;} GetStyleClass (). Remove ("headerson"); Add (gettyplecass). ("Headpasaron");}}} and it is a person (id = 2) .getId () == 2) ), But when I scroll up my table and when the id = 2 person with the id disappears the other person! = 2 style that is called 'headpieces' (always on the visible elements in the tableview, the style of a p...

mysql - Do I need to close a database connection in a short python script? -

What dragon (version 2.7, 3.3) closes the database connection immediately after a program finishes? For example: Import MySQLdb conn = sqlite3.connect (host = "localost", user = "adam", password = "12345", db = "My_db") c = conn.cursor () c.execute ('SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE' '') cur.close () # Do I really need it? Conn.close () # Do I really need it? If I could have a problem with shutting down the connection to run this script again once again? ps Yes, I know that the best practice is to stop all the resources. As you have said that you should close the connection to your code explicitly SQLite will return any open transaction for example. In addition to this I have read somewhere you can use the statement with when you are using MYSQL, Google may be worth googling.

c# - Recursively search nested lists and get parent -

मेरे पास एक वर्ग है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग नोड {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग का नाम; सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; नोड & gt; बच्चे; सार्वजनिक नोड () {बच्चों = नई सूची & lt; नोड & gt; (); }} मैं सफलतापूर्वक खोज और विशिष्ट आइटम पुनः प्राप्त कर रहा हूं। मैं माता-पिता कैसे प्राप्त करूं? सार्वजनिक स्थिर नोड ढूँढें (नोड नोड, स्ट्रिंग का नाम) {यदि (नोड == रिक्त) रिटर्न रिक्त; अगर (नोड। नाम == नाम) रिटर्न नोड; विदेशी बाल (नोड में विभिन्न बाल। बच्चे) {var पाया = पता (बच्चे, नाम); अगर (पाया! = नल) रिटर्न मिला; } वापसी नल; } यदि आप संरचना को सरल रखने के लिए कोई पैरेंट नोड नहीं जोड़ना चाहते हैं आप रिटर्न प्रकार को बदल सकते हैं और नोड और माता-पिता दोनों को वापस कर सकते हैं। वर्ग SearchResult {सार्वजनिक नोड मिला; सार्वजनिक नोड अभिभावक; } सार्वजनिक स्थिर SearchResult खोजें (नोड नोड, स्ट्रिंग का नाम) {if (नोड == रिक्त) वापसी नल; यदि (नोड। नाम == नाम) नया खोज रिजल्ट लौटाता है {पाया = नोड, जनक = शून्य}; विदेशी बाल (नोड में विभिन्न बाल। बच्चे) {var पाया = पता (बच्चे, नाम); यदि (पाया! = नल) नय...

pug - Correct usage of setting a variable (i of for loop) as a class selector in Jade -

I am trying to create a list with each item respectively whose class is related to its respective order & lt; ol & gt; & Lt; Li class = "1" & gt; 1 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "2" & gt; 2 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "3" & gt; 3 & lt; / li & gt; ... & lt; / ol & gt; using the loop in Z ol - for (var i = 1; i & lt ; = 8; i ++) {li (class = '! {I}')! {I} -} Although this is not working What needs to be improved here? string projection syntax is # {variable} , not ! {Variable} : li (class = '# {i}')! {I} // or just li (class = i)! {I} Also, when you vs # ii for li For content, HTML institutions in the past will be saved while not later.

oracle - Log all errors for a value into error log if a single row fails -

I am trying to maintain data integrity and logging errors in the error table. I have 3 tables with unique tables and 1 error table: create table tbl_one (pass_no number, obligation tbl_one_u01 unique (pass_no)); Enter tbl_one values ​​(10); Insert tbl_one values ​​(20); Create table tbl_two (cus_no number, cus_name varchar2 (50), pass_no number, constraint tbl_two_u01 unique (cus_no)); Insert Tbl_two values ​​(101, 'Nmx', 10); Insert Tbl_two values ​​(102, 'name', 10); Insert Tbl_two values ​​(103, 'Names', 20); Creating table tbl_target (cus_no number, pass_no number, obstruction tbl_target_u01 unique (cus_no), obstruction tbl_target_u02 unique (pass_no)); Exec dbms_errlog.create_error_log ('tbl_target', 'tbl_target_err'); I'm trying to log all ORA-00001 errors from error table tbl_target_err : in tbl_target Tbl_one to b.pass_no = a.pass_no log errors in tbl_target_err deny range 10 select tbl_one from a.pass_no, b.cus_no; End;...

c# - Notify Collection changed across viewmodels -

I have a scenario in which the main control in the window is in the window, I through it switch the user control of the special view And I have a visual-model respectively One of my user controls has user control. Both have a visual-model & lt; UserControl DataContext = "ViewModel1" & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; ListView ItemsSource = "{Binding time slot collection}" & lt ;! - This collection is in ViewModel 1 - & gt; "UserControl DataContext =" ViewModel2 "& gt; & lt; Data Grid x: Name =" Data Grid "CanUserAddRows =" True "ItemsSource =" {TimeSlotCollection, Mode = TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged Binding} "/> I want to notify Visual Model 1 collection when View-Modal2 collection changes MyViewModel 1 Private Observe Collection & Lieutenant; Attendance SlotsModel & gt; _timeslotCollection; Public Supervision Set & gt; attendance slot mode...

html - Scan files sequentially in batch file by name -

I need to scan the file sequentially, because my script does not use this criterion. Before 1 HTML, before 1.html, before the 2.html, 3.html should be processed and then the file should be uploaded in the SLR with an ID equal to the name (hence 1.HTML should be id = 1 etc.) .) This is my script's script, but it seems that I do not have the exact behavior. @setlocal enabled extension enabled extension @ echo of set / A "I = 1" %% f (* .html) (set "N = %% f" curl " Http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / update / extract? =! I! & Amp; commit = true "- F" mime = @!!!! "Set / A" I = I + 1 ")) Endlocal The page is uploading properly in sulter, but the id does not match the page uploaded, for example, on page 9, talks about a football player, but a Other things about id = 9 years In solr page 9.html with Alapon. I think the error is a counter, I do not need it, it should be set to the value of the page name without ...

javascript - Dynamics CRM setFormNotification in Quick Create Form -

Field phone number, mail or business phone is empty, so I created a javascript to prevent the lead from saving. If any of these areas is empty, then I use the configuration notification so that the user knows that it is not possible to save it. My problem arises when I use the same code to create a lead quick form and setFormNotification is not shown. When I debug, setFormNotification shows an incorrect value, but I can not find anything in the SDK which says that set formulation is not available for the form of the cooke form. Another strange thing is that form a quick form, a form notification shows that if any of the necessary files are not filled, then it shows that the information of the form can be shown, but my cases In: Not from my javascript Does anyone know why this happens? And does anyone have to show form notifications in a quick create form? According to this, it seems that the setFormNotification for the Quick Create form is I still have to validate it w...

css - Modify table td width -

I work with XML and XSL. I want to create a table using XML and using XSL, my table in width XML will be: So, I have 4 columns. What is the best way to modify each width of 4 columns? Personally, I think why use XSLT to add a strange question markup This is html that you are creating, thus I believe that your live results show up in a browser in a way. Then I suggest that you use the old CSS for the plane to perform the presentation. To do this, just add a class to your table tag and then add CSS to the style. Example: & lt; Table class = "minwable" & gt; and then adding a style part (linked to inline or separate file) gt;

javascript - SVG HTML Not Drawing SVG Pattern -

Creating an SVG pattern in HTML and changing the user color and size etc. But its not working I I get an error about the load function on the body is. And then when I add the SVG placeholder to the SVG diagram then I have Here's the script: & lt; Script & gt; Var SVG = Document. GetElementById ("SVGIERIA"); Document.content.appendChild (SVG); Function drawCircle () {var svgLink = ""; Var center = document. CreateElementNS (svgLink, "circle"); Center.setAttributeNodeNS (zero, "id", "center"); Center.setAttributeNodeNS (zero, "cx", 230); Center.setAttributeNodeNS (zero, "cy", 0); Center.setAttributeNodeNS (zero, "r", 75); Center.setAttributeNodeNS (zero, "filling", "centreColour"); Document.getElementById ("svgArea") appendChild (center). Var group = document.getElementById ("svgArea"); group.setAttribute ("translate...

android - ICU for Mobile(iOS/Droid) devices -

Since use both ICU under the iOS and Android hood and some of the functions provided by the ICU in their own API ICEU is important in mobile app development. I am looking for best practices in mobile app development on such a scenario where I want to develop cross platform (iOS, Android) applications. There will be no benefit in the ICU compilation for both iOS and Android, and instead of using them using the ios / Android API (the one I see is the API in the same application code base). How to develop application developers who both know about their g18n requirements for iOS and Android. Thanks I am doing a cross-platform (iOS + Android) The app is developing, which makes heavy use of the ICU. According to the team that creates data for apps, neither do enough Android or iOS versions apply enough facilities to use it for us. So I have had to compile it for iOS and Android. / P> This proved to be relatively easy in iOS, I have spiked: and followed the instructions ...

javascript - Array not passing with ajax. -

This is a Java code code for AJAX calls. In this case, get the code variable AC program code and pass it on the compiler.php page. () {var code = Document.getElementById ("file_cont") value; Var arr = New array (code, "c"); Warning (arrival [0]); Var xmlhttp; If (window.XMLHttpRequest) {xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest (); } And {xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 & xmlhttp.status == 200} {//window.location.assign("login.php "); Warning (xmlhttp.responseText); }} ("POST", "server_controlers / compiler.php? Q =" + JSON.stringify (arr), true); xmlhttp.send ();} Ajax call works well but the case is in php file. I am decoding the Jason array for the $ arr variable but if I echo this way echo $ arr [0] This is empty but if I type the code for the array in the Java script like var arr = new array ("aaa...

html - How to make 2 different tables having different number of rows to be of same height -

I have 2 separate table variations in the number of rows in both tables. I need to display the same height of both tables .. I want to adjust the second table rows in such a way that it also spreads to the same height of 1 table. use $ ("# div2") height ($ ("# Div1") height ()). style = "height: 100%"

urlencode doesn't work in PHP (localhost) -

So I've worked in a project that I want to encode my URL For example, in my URL I have: $ url = ' bla' urlencode ($ url) ; $ Url = urlencode ($ url); In addition I tried the rawurlencode ($ url); and I got the same url without changes !! Therefore, if anyone has any ideas then I would appreciate it :) $ url = " bla"; Echo $ url = urlencode ($ url);

Searching link list recursiverly in c -

I'm new to data structures I've written a simple program to search for an integer in a link list function It is believed to bring the pointer back to the relevant position, but when it is called in the main () it can be empty (or just waste) (printf message is inserted for diagnosis.) Link list: structure list {int data; Structure list * link; }; Search function: struct list * search_list (struct list * head_ptr, int x) {printf ( "\ nfunc looking head addr: 0x% x ", Head_ptr); If (head_ptr == NULL) {printf ("got tap. \ N"); Return tap; } And if (head_prit-> data == x) {printf ("retaining element: 0x% x", head_ptr); Return head_ptr; } Else {printf ("not found, next"); Search_list (head_ptr-> link, x); }} Call inside the main: tmp_list_ptr = list_head_ptr; Tmp_list_ptr = search_list (list_head_ptr, 15); If (tmp_list_ptr == NULL) printf ("main: not found: 0x% x \ n", tmp_list_ptr); Other printf ("main:...

Drupal 7 custom content type theme hiding Header/footer from node.tpl -

I have a custom content type "mycustomcontenttype" and I have a list view for the content type. I also have a link in the title for each node when the popup Shodobox will open with the node description. My problem occurs when the statement comes in the popup I have the rest of the site layout with header / footer, while I only node description without header footer. My template file for node name - mycustomcontent.tpl I want to hide or disable the header and footer from this template. The solution finally got a solution. In Page.tpl.php I down an if statement set if ($ node- & gt; type! = 'Mycustomcontenttype') {print render ($ page [ 'header']); } Template (node ​​- mycustomcontent.tpl) actually separates the template to render the data; You can easily separate page.tpl.php for your content type. In the following thread, you will find several ways to create a template for your content type.

java - Which charset should I use to encode and decode 8 bit values? -

I have a problem with decoding encoding and specific byte values. I am applying an application, where I need to get string data, there is a need to manipulate it and return the second string. I currently byte [] String.getbytes () is manipulating, and then the string is generated by the string by the manufacturer (byte [] Data is returning . The problem is, when certain bytes have specific values ​​eg -120 , -127 , etc., coding in constructor ? returns the character, which is a byte value 63 . As far as I know, these are the values ​​that can not be printed on Windows, related to the fact that in Java there is -120 10001000 , that Is there a charset, do I properly code every byte value And can I use to decode (128 to 127)? : I would also say that, ISO-8859-1 charset works very well, but the code does not do special characters, such as ąęćśńźżół There is some confusion about encoding, will not be specific , so I will try to help clean some . There ...

Unable to access nested array in php -

I have an array like them, I would like to use this kind of sub category array currency ($ $ dollar as parent_category) {$ ndata = $ parent_category ['subcategory']; Where $ data is your main array print_r ($ data) this issue P> When I used this array I got an error undefined index: subcategory help me ... Array ([1] = & gt; array ([name] = & gt; Indian culture [subcategory] => array ([0] => array ([name] => Indain culture 1 [articleId] ] = & Gt; 10) [1] = & gt; array ([name] => culture-1 [articleId] => 22))) [5] => array ([name] = & Gt; ABC culture) ) As you are seeing, Here: [5] = & gt; Array ([name] => ABC culture) Your array does not have an element with the "sub-category" index, so just check that the index is present by invocation: ... if (isset ($ parent_category ['subcategory'])) {...

wordpress - Google search result showing shorturl instead of post url -

I have found a strange problem, some URLs in Google search results are cached by their permalink. In the same URL page source but there was no URL in the source. I tried different ways to solve this problem but did not find any solution and unable to find from where Google is crawling URL permalink instead of URL URL:

php - Laravel 4 - Hide variables from URL. -

मेरे पास निम्न रूट है: रूट :: संसाधन ('projects.deliveries कार्य ',' कार्यकंट्रोलर '); और निश्चित रूप से अगर मैं एक कार्य बनाना चाहता हूं, तो मेरा यूआरएल इस तरह दिखता है: http: // प्रोजेक्ट नंबर 1 और डिलिवरी नंबर 3 के लिए / डिलिवरी / 3 / कार्य / बनाएं लेकिन मुझे यह संख्या नहीं चाहिए यूआरएल में दिखाने के लिए, क्योंकि प्रमाणीकरण या लॉगिन के बिना कार्यों को सृजनात्मक होना चाहिए। क्या इन नंबरों को छुपाने का एक तरीका है, ताकि मुझे इस तरह एक साफ यूआरएल मिल जाए: http: // / बनाने के लिए और Laravel मेरे तर्क से समझता है, कि यह प्रोजेक्ट 1 और डिविविरी 3 है जिसके लिए एक कार्य बनाया जाना है? यदि आप ऐसा करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको अपने मार्गों को मैन्युअल रूप से निर्दिष्ट करना चाहिए। रूट :: संसाधन () का उपयोग करना अगर आप पूरी तरह से संसाधन (वर्बोस रूट्स के साथ) का उपयोग करने जा रहे हैं, लेकिन यह आपको बहुत लचीलेपन के साथ प्रदान नहीं करता है वास्तव में अधिकांश परियोजनाओं के लिए यह वास्तव में सिफारिश की...

ios - What retains a UICollectionViewCell? -

I have a custom UICollectionViewCell, after retrieving it from the data source of UICollectionView, what does it retain? The cell is added to the scroll view (= archive view) views retain their sub-views .

liferay - Permission issue with Asset publisher -

The following steps are needed to reproduce the issue with the asset publisher: Site Build Assign power users to this site. Create two public pages, Home and Blog. Add property publisher and blog portlet to those pages. Create a blog such as test users through an administrator account and then remove view permissions for guests and site members. Sign in with the power user who was provided this site in step 1. Although the user is not allowed to view the blog, this is listed in the property publisher for this user Now click on the title in the property publisher, the property publisher does not show anything , But the user throws principal exception on the back-end due to not being allowed to see it. But instead of throwing the error later, asset publisher should not be listed for itself for that particular user. This is the default behavior of the whole life and the rest of the properties such as documents & amp; Document for media, wiki etc. & am...