vbscript - Checking OS version -
Hello I'm having trouble understanding this code. Can anyone explain to me what does this do? GetOperatingSystemVersion if OSVersion & gt; 6.0 then strCMD = "c: \ Windows \ System32 \ manage-bde.exe" otherwise the strCMD = "cscript.exe c: \ Windows \ System32 \ manage-bde.wsf" if the end gets' sub GetOperatingSystemVersion set objWMIService = GetObject ("Winmgmts: {impersonation level = impersonation}! \\. \ Root \ cimv2") set oss = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Choose Win32_OperatingSystem * from") OS OSVersion = OS = Left in each (OS version, 3) OSVersion = Round (OSVersion, 3) Next End Sub In my opinion, it will call GetOperatingSystemVersion and will check for loop. This is the part that I could not understand thanks in advance :) Actually, this operating system version Uses to retrieve The first two lines are only standard WMI-to-VBScript idioms. If you run a keyword search, you will find a lot of sample code and inf...