javascript - Why won't JSON accept my PHP variable? -
I can not get jQuery.ajax calls to use my PHP string variable $ defaultTicker . I have tried encoding for utf8 and trim any kind of "special" characters, but nothing has been able to help if I see the page source, then I see a valid JSON array : {"ticker": "spy", "startday": 1, "and de": 30} . Here's my jQuery for submitting data: $ .ajax ({url: "findCorrelated.php", // why not As an idea why failing to deposit using PHP variables? If I type SPY to & lt; Default of in the hardcode , then it will be successful. However, when looking at the source, the results appear the same. Note: I am not using json_encode on a PHP array, because startday and endDay value coming Client-side JavaScript EDIT: The real problem was with Chrome's browser settings in fact it was caching my JavaScript and ignoring any updates in the files, so I kept the change and did the same Received results. itemprop ...