
Showing posts from April, 2015

ios ui automation - XCode - Data-Driven testing? -

I'm new to XCode Instruments Automation; I'm very curious about one thing & amp; I did not get any online help on this how to do data-driven automation? That is, I have a script to enter an application with a first name, last name and address details in a user. Like I need to register 500 users. I have my data in the CSV file. Is there a way to get data from CSV / XML / JSON / any other perspective that you suggest dealing with the scenario? Is "Registering 500 Users at Once" is actually a test case or test setup? If this is a test case, then it seems that you want to test your backend. This is not a good idea by using this UI automation, because it is very slow (which is hard to stress your backend) and is very complicated if you (tension) want to test your backend, test JMeter from server As with the device, if it is the installation of the test then you can call any shell command from your automation script. For example, you can write a script or progr...

java - Error while loading image -

यह मेरा कोड है: आयात करें java.awt.image.BufferedImage; आयात करें; आयात; आयात javax.imageio। *; आयात javax.swing.ImageIcon; आयात javax.swing.JLabel; आयात मॉडल। मैप; सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyView {निजी BufferedImage img = null; निजी स्थिर MyPanel पैनल; // init छवि {img = (नई फ़ाइल ("/ src / minepic / start.png") का प्रयास करें); } पकड़ (IOException ई) {System.out.println (e.getMessage ()); }} मुझे src निर्देशिका से पीएनजी छवि लोड करना है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि यह क्यों काम नहीं करता है, कोई भी मेरी मदद कर सकता है? त्रुटि कमांड में "पकड़ने की कोशिश करो" और नेटबैंस का कहना है कि "अपरिवर्तित अपवाद IOexception; पकड़े जाने या घोषित करने के लिए घोषित किया जाना चाहिए" एक और भी, मैंने भी पहले एक बफर्ड इमेज के रूप में आईएमजी को घोषित किया है, लेकिन कमांड में "पकड़ने की कोशिश" आईएमजी की तरह ही घोषित नहीं किया गया क्योंकि NetBeans में यह हरे, फिर भी काला नहीं बनता है। कोड के साथ कुछ समस्याएं हैं: यह ...

regex - XML snippet with substitution crashing sublime text 3 -

I am trying to write a sublime XML snippet but I have two problems. First of all, not appearing for full xml files, so the only way to activate the snippet is with cmd-shift-p they work in other file types So it is not sure why this is. More importantly, I am using regex in the snippet to force the input text to uppercase, so that I can work in the following scenario: & lt; Content & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Low: $ 1 and Upper: $ {1 / (. *) / \ U 1}}] & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; But if I try to do it with uppercase only: & lt; Content & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Only upper: $ {1 / (* *) / \ U \ 1 /}]] & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; ST3 accidents. I think you need the text to replace and why it crashes, but there is another way to do this? > Besides, I am thinking that this is a bug and should throw an error instead of closing the white ... (I have seen a bug report somewhere for this). In the default settings, the compl...

cygwin - Undefined references: cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list and cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list_buf_size -

I'm trying to compile a code in Sigwin and I'm getting an undefined reference error for "cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list" and "cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list_buf_size". Is there a missing library that I should add? I'm sure the win32 api packages are installed. Thank you for your help. tclEnv.o: tclEnv.c:. Text + 0xf6): Undefined reference `Cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list_to_win32_path_list_boot_size 'tclEnv.o: text + 0xf6): The transfer is truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 Unlike undefined Icons,` cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list_buf_size' tclEnv.o: tclEnv.c: . Text + 0x118): 'Cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list' tclEnv.o: text + 0x118): The transfer is truncated to fit: `cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list '/ usr / bin / ld: tclEnv.o against the R_X86_64_PC32 undefined symbol : 'Bad reloc address 0x0' .pdata 'collection in section 2: Error: ld 1 has made exit status Makefile: 550:' libtcl8.5.dll ...

c++ - What is the gl_NormalMatrix and gl_ModelViewMatrix in shaders? -

Many Google searches have made the impression that you represent these metrics, but I do not know. I have knowledge of vectors and matrix and their operation. I want to refer to the simplest shader code which I do not understand, putting normals and meridians in the eye space: // Vertex shader VC4 color changes; Curve 3n; VC3V is different; Zero main (zero) {v = vec3 (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex); N = normal (gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); Color = gl_Color; Gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; } My question: (i) In the form of a top shider loop through each head, does gl_ModelViewMatrix change with every top loop? Or is gl_ModelViewMatrix stabilized in every vertical walk and can turn any head in the eye? (ii) Similar to my first question, but what does gl_NormalMatrix contain information? Does it contain information on every general in the scene, and how can it change the normal of the current perimeter, which comes in place of eyes in the peak s...

javascript - d3 - required help in brush extent() -

Here it is. When I use a brush, the area of ​​color defines the X axis. For a line in the graph, I got a suggestion to add the clip-path: url (# clip) to line CSS. It works. After applying this, when using the line brush, x starts with 0 But when I .area.above and .area.below the same code, it does not work areas Is correctly cut, but by observing the elements in the browser developer tool, only one is displayed ..., apparently overlaying the other in one area. Help me out where I am making a mistake? Thank you in advance. Here's a fiddle which I think is what you want: The problem was that you can define only one clip-path for an element, then adding the rectangular clippadding: ... add ("clippath"). Attr ("id", "clip") .append ("rect") .attr ("width", width) .attr ("height", height); With clip-down and clip-up (overwritten in the & lt; path class = "area) Respectively ...

oracle11g - oracle function in sql developer -

फ़ंक्शन RETURN_TABLE रिटर्न t_nested_table के रूप में v_ret t_nested_table; शुरू v_ret: = t_nested_table (); v_ret.extend; V_ret (v_ret.count): = t_col (1, 'एक'); v_ret.extend; V_ret (v_ret.count): = t_col (2, 'दो'); v_ret.extend; V_ret (v_ret.count): = t_col (3, 'तीन'); वापसी v_ret; अंत वापसी_table; संकलन विश्लेषण टर्मिनेटेड आपको प्रकार परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता होगी अपने t_nested_table और t_col प्रकारों के लिए, उदाहरण के लिए: वस्तु के रूप में टाइप करें t_col लिखें (आईडी INT, नाम VARCHAR2 (20 बाइट) ); / T_cn के तालिका के रूप में टाइप करें t_nested_table; / FUNCTION RETURN_TABLE रिटर्न t_nested_table v_ret t_nested_table के रूप में बनाने या बदलने के लिए; शुरू v_ret: = t_nested_table (); v_ret.extend; V_ret (v_ret.count): = t_col (1, 'एक'); v_ret.extend; V_ret (v_ret.count): = t_col (2, 'दो'); v_ret.extend; V_ret (v_ret.count): = t_col (3, 'तीन'); वापसी v_ret; अंत वापसी_table; / आप इस तरह से फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर सकते ...

ios - Saving contact to sim card programmatically in iOS7 -

Can we contact SIM card in iOS 7? I found this very Google, but did not get any topic. It is not possible to use the address book framework nearest to you

XSLT importing a partial XML segment into XML with processing-instructions -

I have an XML document, in which I need to convert specific nodes into partial xml segments, with both nodes Along with processing instructions I want to preserve the PI but I am running into issues in the replacement. Segment Example: general.xml & lt; Root & gt; & Lt ;! - General Settings - & gt; & Lt ;? Mapping environment setting = "envname"? & Gt; & Lt; Setting name = "membership name" value = "*" /> & Lt; / Root & gt; Source xml: & lt; Environment & gt; & Lt; General /> & Lt; / Environment & gt; Transform - & lt; Xsl: template match = "* | processing-instructions () | comment ()" & gt; & Lt; XSL: Copy & gt; & Lt; Xsl: copy-of select = "@ *" / & gt; & Lt; XSL: implemented-templates / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Copy & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; Xsl: template match = "* / normal" & gt;...

java - Null Pointer Exception in FileOutputStream -

I am trying to run a simple program using FileOutputStream. When I run this program, the app shows the message "Unfortunately Closed App" Logger NullPointerException Displays What's Wrong in My Code ?? package com.example.storageinternal; Import; Import; Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android App Import android.content.Context; Import android.content.Intent; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.EditText; Public class increases main activity activity (personal editing tag editing name, editemail; personal button save; @ override protected zero creation (bundle saved instenestate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); setContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Editname = (EditText) findViewById (RID.EditTem); Editemail = (Edit Text) SearchVBIID (RID Edit Mail); Save.setOnClickListener ...

jquery - how to show list items separately in output using javascript -

I have created a html that has the search box after searching, I'm getting the data in the list but when I click on it I am getting the value of all the list items using this var text = $ (this) .text (); Method In my app, if I click on an item, then I should only give the list item the value which is not other I'm making a mistake somewhere, but not me I know. Here is my code: HTML & lt; Ul data-role = "Listview" class = "ui-li-icon" & gt; & Lt; Li id = "list" & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; And here is my javascript code: function success callback (feedback OBJ) {// warning (JSON.stringify (responseObj)); Form.reset (); Dataj = JSON.stringify (responseObj); Lane = dataj.length; (I = 0; i So when I'm searching for an item I'm getting a list of it: ab abc But when I clicked on it, I get the value of both ab and abc . I just want one value where I clicked. / P...

excel - How to copy selected data into specific cell (MATCH) -

I'm stuck at a problem: I have the information in column 3 of a worksheet (I call it Sheetin), it needs to be pasted in another sheet in another book. The copy destination is based on the RAO, which corresponds to one value in the column A in Sheetin and column, which corresponds to one value in column B in the sheeter, 1 to the offset on the right side. I think my problem copy is in the destination line. I have previously saved wbin, wbout, sheetin, sheet out as wire, my current code is as follows: For iMaxRow = 1200 dim subj1 string string subj2 as string as worksheets (sheetin) with iRow = 1 iMaxRow. Resume the bell (iRow, 3) error Next Subj1 = range ("b" and "iRow"). Text subj2 = range ("A" and iRow). Lesson Links Destination: = Workbooks (wbout). Worksheets (sheet) .Renze (worksheet function. Match_ (subj1, rows ("2: 2"), 0) + 1 and workout function. Match (sabz2, column ("b: b" and "*") , 0)) End with the next...

javascript - HTML Special Characters converted to question mark in Chrome & Mozilla -

á, Á जैसे विशेष वर्ण HTML ? क्रोम में & amp; मोज़िला। यह IE में ठीक काम करता है। जब मैं साइट के खोज बॉक्स में विशेष वर्ण का उपयोग करता हूं, तो क्रोम / मोज़िला और IE दोनों के लिए यूआरएल में एक अंतर होता है। खोज क्वेरी में विशेष वर्ण को इस रूप में कनवर्ट किया गया है: % E1 - क्रोम / मोज़िला के यूआरएल में, लेकिन टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड में इसे दिखता है?। % 26aacute% 3B - IE के URL में, टेक्स्टफ़ाइल सही ढंग से विशेष वर्ण दिखाती है साइट एन्कोडिंग का उपयोग कर सकता है: & lt; meta http-equiv = "content- टाइप करें "content =" text / html; charset = UTF-8 "& gt; आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। यह मेरे साथ हुआ एक स्थानीय साइट मैंने नोटपैड का उपयोग करते हुए index.html फ़ाइल बनाई है, और यह मेरी गलती थी। फ़ाइल को एएससीआईआई, या यूटीएफ -8 के रूप में पुनः सहेजने का प्रयास करें (दोनों की कोशिश करें) और उसके बाद इसे अपने वेब सर्वर पर फिर से अपलोड करें। mvc - Login Form in first page MVC -

I had to earn entry to enter the entry form on the site (like Gmail), then when users go to the site, most First it is the login form. I entered these codes in the Home Controller: Public Sector Home Controller: Controller {Public Performance Index () {Return View (); // (see) ~ / scene / home / index.cshtml} [htmlgate] public action result log in () {return see (); // (see) ~ / view / home / logged insmtmt} [hppost] public action result log (model user aporabic) {if (ModelState. ISI walid) {if (Isvidid (Aporabic. User name, Aporbic. Password)) {form attestation .SetAuthCookie (uporabnik.Username, false); Redirect Return Action ("Login in", "Home"); } Other {ModelState.AddModelError ("", "Error!"); }} See Return (Aporbic); // (see) ~ / scene / home / logged in. Cshtml} Public Operations Log () {Form attestation. Signature (); Redirect Action ("Index", "Home"); } Private Bool ISIIDID (String User SOL) {...} This cod...

arrays - Iterate JavaScript structure -

I am trying to parse the data using JSON.parse . I am getting under data after parsing. How do I recycle through the data parsed down? Perced data contains a range of arrays. {"BillRef": [{"BillRef": "B4944", "Client Balance": 100, "Client CR": 40, "Clients": 140, "Contracodes": " "Dosage", "Tale": "Test Narrative 1", "OfficeBalance": 90, "Credits:", "Depository credits": 20, "Depositary credit": 20, "Deposit amount": 50, "MA", "Riccill": Incorrect, "OfficeCr": 10, "Office": 100, "Outstation value": 200, "Postdate": "/ date (139814 93737) /", "post type" Reference ":" Refex "," Transaction Number ": 100," Undo ": Incorrect," Vectod ":" VAT 100 "," VAT Value ": 103}, {" Billerf ...

jquery - How to divide page with iframe -

How do I add "divide" page with "code" iframe if you see images I can? thanks & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; FRAMESET ROWS = "30%, 70%" & gt; & Lt; FRAME SRC = "Noname1.html" NAME = "frm1" id = "FRM1" & gt; & Lt; FRAMESET COLS = "25%, 75%" & gt; & Lt; FRAME SRC = "Noname1.html" NAME = "frm2" id = "FRM2" & gt; & Lt; FRAME SRC = "Noname1.html" NAME = "frm3" id = "FRM 3" & gt; & Lt; / FRAMESET> & Lt; / FRAMESET> & Lt; / Html & gt; non-GNOME 1.html & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ('# test'). Click (function () {Alert ('clicked');}); $ (window.parent.frm3.document) .find ('# test' ). ();}); & Lt; / Script & gt;

Open jquery ui tooltip programmatically with custom content -

I want to open jquery ui tooltip with a custom content tooltip in this way programmatically (do not hover) Any way? $ ('.link'). Tooltip ({content: function} {var $ this = $ (this); var extra = $ this text (); varLotext = " About" + Extra + " Learn more in mouseover () Try triggering the event Start the tooltip: $ ('. '). Tooltip (). Mouseover ();

javascript - Object in intel xdk cannot been preview in Smartphone (apps preview) -

I am creating an HTML5 app using Intel XDK. The object can be previewed in Intel XDK, but the problem is that the preview of the application preview on the smartphone can not be previewed only the blank screen was displayed on the app preview. To make sure this app previews in preview? get a known issue win version 505 Intel XDK, 769, fix this blank screen problem Does

android - How to get given date format in phonegap? -

I'm new to phone intervals. I want to send the date as a specific format to the server. For example, I like the string 20/04/2014 or 04/20/2014 or 2014/04/20 or 20 April 2014 .... I mean I get the same date in different formats. The date is required to be converted to a specific format, if it is any format. If anybody knows the solution Please help me. Thanks in advance. A related plugin is , I'm sure Is not that this is what you want, but why not try it? Hope this is helpful for you.

ruby - Defining a method visible only within a certain module/class -

define a method foo on module / class A Is there a way so that it will only appear within the module / class B , or its lineage? The following shows this situation: ANU.FU # => Undefined class b. ANU.fu # = & gt; Defined def bar ANUFU # = & gt; Defined enddef # = & gt; Defined end-end class C & lt; B ANUFU # = & gt; Defined def bar ANUFU # = & gt; Defined End Diffself.baz # = & gt; Defined End End I think that I feel easily that the soul was reformed, but it does not seem like what I want. this works ^ _ ^ class is a private def Foo "variable !!!" End and Class B & LT; A public: foo def initialize @foo = puts the end end " # { Rescue" ... Sorry, no. '} "= & Gt; ANUFu ... sorry, does not put" # { Rescue ... ... sorry, no. "} "= & Gt; BNEU FU !!! If you still want to use ANUFU in all subclasses using A clas...

laravel - Data missing error when trying to echo created_at or updated_at -

I have an updated user page in my webpad, and when I try to get information about a particular user I get a data missing error. As soon as I try to print the create_at or updated_at columns it works if I But as soon as I put it back in error, I am back. I have come in a while, thanks! You want to delete the $ this-> timestamp attribute or can be set to protected $ timestamp = ['created_at']. 'Updated_at', ...]; With your timestamp. Hope this helps you!

java - How to convert a LocalDate to an Instant? -

I work with Java 8's new datetime API. An instant on a local date? Me local date date = local date (2012, 2, 2) with an exception; Instant instant = instant. (Date); And I do not understand why. In order for you to immediately convert it, you should have a local datetime example, for example: (). AtStartOfDay () ToInstant (ZoneOffset.UTC)

javascript - Check if file exists in sails.js -

I created a pal service to load javascript files, depending on its controller name (or page and / Or if there is a session). I changed it (array) JS files into a res.local.js and in my layout. Loose it to include JS files in EJS, My HTML. For (i = 0; i .js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; } Question, how can I check that JS file exists before my inclusion in HTML? In PHP, we have functioned in the name of the function, there is the same function with Sails.js? Yes since you can create seals with Node.js. This will remove the file from the array if it can not be found. You can load it in your view how you were before. fs = require ('fs'); (I = 0; i & lt; loadJS.length; i ++) {fs.exists (loadJS [i], function (present) {if (! Exists) {// array loadJS.splice (i, 1 ) remove from; }}); }

cdi - javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException JSF 2.1 Apach Tomcat Eclipse Kepler -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मैं कुछ ट्यूटोरियल का अनुसरण कर रहा हूँ जावा ईई, मेरे लिए एक साधारण उदाहरण बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा है यहां तक ​​कि मैं अपने कोड में बिल्कुल उसी प्रकार टाइप करता हूं, यह काम नहीं करेगा अंतर (ट्यूटोरियल में मेरा और उदाहरण के बीच) है कि मैं ग्रहण केप्लर (NetBeans नहीं) और Apache Tomcat (GlassFish नहीं) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। HTTP स्थिति 500 ​​- javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: लक्ष्य अपरिवर्तनीय, पहचानकर्ता 'ग्रीटिंग प्रबंधक' का निराकरण करने के लिए हल यहां कोड है: index.xhtml : & lt;! DOCTYPE html सार्वजनिक "- // W3C // डीटीटी एक्सएचटीएमएल 1.0 ट्रांसक्रिप्शन // एन" " /xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> & lt; html xmlns = "" xmlns: h = "" xmlns: f = "http: // जावा "xmlns: ui =" फ़ोलेस "& gt; & LT; ज: शीर्ष & gt; ...

jquery - e.which: Non numeric comparison -

After I have a legacy jQuery method that starts like this: $ (function () {$ (Document) .keypress (function (e) {if ($ (document.activeElement) .is ('body')) {if (e.which == 48) {// I want to clear the code to clean it. How can I check that the user has pressed the '0' key? If the code works, it might be without magic number, but you want:, or you if (e.which == unkown_method ('0')) {... Solution I can now use this solution with the help of "Archer" using the code> I: var key = String.fromCharCode (e.which); if (key == "0") {...} else if (key == "5") {. ..} If you are asking if I think you are asking Then it should help ... if (String.fromCharCode (e.which) == "0") {etc .. Edit This next bit is actually not relevant after y is relevant Supports jQuery standardized, so it always uses which , but I will leave it for reference. Also, keep in mind that different browsers are slight...

Apache POI How to modify excel cell without loading whole excel (xlsx file) -

People, We have a requirement related to scalability for Excel updates. As we have an Excel workbook that has 10 work sheets, each has a lot of data. Now what we want to do, we have to change SEL in one of the sheets with 'new value'. But with Apache POI we got to understand that we have to load the entire work book even if we have to modify the data in one of the Excel Sheets. It is consuming huge memory and is not acceptable. Is there any cell-level reading (instant flush) feature or API for Excel? An XLSX file is actually a zip file that contains multiple XML files. You can extract the content (but retain the folder structure), only you want to change the XML file, compress it back, and replace the original.

c# - Remove specific string from given URL -

I have a URL example image1-resize.jpg , and I delete the I am trying to do this: and save image1.jpg to the new variable I How can i str1 + = " gt; & lt; a href = '# pic' + counter +" '& gt; & Lt; Img src = 'admin / temp / hotelimg / "+ temp_url. ToString () +"' / / gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; "; string; stt = temp_url.replace (" - size "," "); str2 + =" & lt; Div id = 'pic' + counter + "'& gt; & lt; img src =' admin / temp / hotelimg /" + stt.ToString () + "'width =' 550 'height =' 370 '/> ; & Lt; / div & gt; "; This should be your job: temp_url .replace ("- resize", ""); Note: Always search here before putting a question always, because sometimes it is really easy and requires little research on it.

c# - Use WIX without visual studio -

I am trying to create the installer of my C # application. I've found that using the Visual Studio but can not be used using the installer version. So I needed some free tools. So I tried to use WIX but I found that this Visual Studio and Visual Studio 2010 Is there any way to use WIX without Visual Studio anyway? and how to use WIX? I'm making the installer the first time so I'm new to it. Thanks for the support. You do not need a visual studio that you can use. Any Notepad of Your Choice (Notepad) It's just that you have to do Intelligence and VS I believe you are still VS You can use. Wxs / .wxi (xml) files to edit. You just need Wix Toolset and MSbuild (.net) to create. Working with MSBuild Documentation: mvc - Mvc HttpGetAttribute is accepting Http POST requests -

Does anybody know whether the [HttpGet] attribute is ignored? / P> I have a controller which is defined on [http gate] , which means that only GET requests are allowed and POST requests are generally rejected with 404 have been done. This action, locally under IIS, is capable of accepting the HTP POST request on the test server, but this is not the case of how it should be. It looks like we need to support post requests on controller tasks and we will add support for it. However, it raises the question that why IIS is accepting requests under the local copy of the site, I hope that 404 get rejected with the status of the HTPP. Apart from this, we have other sites running on the test server that are behaving just like my local server. I am not sure that there is something to do with this fact that the request is actually redirected to the request 'main site / portal' is an old ASP.NET web application application which is then the other 'routing' ASP.NET re...

java - ButtonClikListner event is not being fired in Custom_dialogue | Android -

मेरी एक गतिविधि में , मैं custom_dialogue का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ custom_dialog xml उपयोगकर्ता को संकेत देने के लिए उस संवाद बॉक्स में उस पर दो बटन होते हैं मैं बस दोनों बटनों के लिए क्लिक ईवेंट को संभालना चाहता हूं मैंने में हैंडलर लिखे हैं लेकिन इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा। custom_dialog.xml & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = " "Android: layout_width =" match_parent "एंड्रॉइड: layout_height =" match_parent "एंड्रॉइड: अभिविन्यास =" ऊर्ध्वाधर "& gt; एंड्रॉइड: टेक्स्ट एपरेरेंस = "एंड्रॉइड: attr / textAppearanceMedium" एंड्रॉइड: textColor = एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: "# एफएफएफएफएफएफ" / & gt; & lt; LinearLayout एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "match_parent" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉइड: गुरुत्व = "केंद्र" एंड्रॉइड: अभिविन्यास = "क्षैतिज" & gt; एंड्रॉइड:...

Integration of AGI and its Working in Asterisk -

I am a very newbie in the term of estisci telephony and how I am trying to learn how to professionally deliver it Asterisks can be used by customers. When it is searching on Google, it has come to know that Asterisk Gateway Interface is the way we can follow and write the dialplan and make necessary changes. Can move forward Apart from this I came to know that Ajive Toolkit ATK) is a Java based tool by which I can move forward. I have downloaded the ATK Toolkit but I do not know how to install it and use it from the Esteritic server. So my question is to set up ATK and use it with an asterisk? Also what else can I do using the AGI . Please help me in advance thanks. I can recommend you reading the book "The Future of Telefony Future" of Orlie. Before using the AGI, you have understood how dialplanes and commands etc. work. / html>

php - Laravel 4- redirect to a route inside javascript code Blade template -

I am trying to write a simple redirection using javascript and blade engine, and this is an example I Wish: Javascript code: & lt; P & gt; Click the button to go to the home page & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Button onclick = "myfunction ()" & gt; Click me & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; P id = "demo" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () {var x; Var r = Confirmation ("Are you sure you want to leave this page?"); If (R == true) {// Redirection at home} Other {// here to stay} Documents. Gate Element BIID ("Demo"). InnerHTML = x; } & Lt; / Script & gt; When I use Return Redirect :: Route ('Home') This does not work, what is the correct syntax for doing this, and my Sorry for the bad English. $ url = URL :: to ('af'); // Use the name of any other route, such as home, or URL :: route () & lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () ...

laravel - Can't use data in template's @foreach anymore -

मेरे पास नियंत्रक को ऑब्जेक्ट डेटा को एक दृश्य में उजागर करना है: $ artifacts = आर्टिफैक्ट :: के साथ ('उत्पाद'); वापसी देखें :: बनाने ('सूचकांक', कॉम्पैक्ट ('कलाकृतियों')); यह पिछले सप्ताह तक ठीक काम करता था कुछ कारणों से अब मैं अब टेम्पलेट में डेटा का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता हूं। // यह काम करता है & lt;? Php print_r ($ कलाकृतियों- & gt; पहले ()); ? & Gt; // यह वोरच नहीं है ($ कलाकृतियों के रूप में $ कलाकृतियों) & lt;? Php print_r ($ artifact); ? & Gt; @ एन्डेनेछा उत्सुक लोडिंग का उपयोग करते समय, आपको प्राप्त करना वास्तविक परिणामस्वरूप। $ कलाकृतियों = आर्टिफ़ैक्ट :: से ('उत्पाद') - & gt; प्राप्त ();

sql - How To Get The Number Interval Between Rows via MySQL -

We have a table with two columns- ID and value. The ID is an index of the table row, and the value in the database includes string and hexadecimal storage in the form of a string and a key (a number). Take 00001810010 as an example, fixed string is 0000181 and part key of the second is - 0010. Table ID value 0 00001810000 1 00001810010 2 00001810500 3 00001810900 4 0000181090a From the above table, I get the number interval between the rows I want to achieve, the result for the above version is [1, 9], [11, 4FF], [501, 8FF], [901, 909] I have all the records I can read in the memory and enable them to handle through C ++, but is it possible to implement it only through the details of MySQL? how? You need to have some mathematical operations between rows. This link can help you:

sugarcrm - CRUD operation with Sugar CRM -

I have installed Chinese CRM for the purpose of learning for my personal, I want to create a module with SMARTY and simple CRUD operation I went through the documentation but I did not find the right idea. I have tried to create a module with Hello World and it worked but I did not get the proper MVC flow. Can we create a module only through the module builder? If anyone knows about this then please help me. thanks you can CRUD Handling: Save task: Former> $ bean = BeanFactory: : NewBean ($ Module); // Create Bean $ Bean-> Name = 'Example Record'; // Beans Field Beta-Bean- & gt; Save (); // $ record_id = $ bin-> id; // Retrieve Bean ID Update Action: $ bean = BeanFactory :: getBean ($ Module ), $ Id); // Get the Been $ Bean-> update_date_modified = false; // set modified flag $ bény-> name = 'updated name'; // Update to field $ Bin-> Save (); // save Delete action: $ bean = BeanFactory :: getBean ($ module,...

java - How to open mutiple dialog using Primefaces dialog framework -

I'm new to JSF and primface, I need to open a search button that contains search result information whenever A search button was clicked. Before open dialog should always be shown, unless the user closes it, then I have more than one conversation open. I am using the techniques below, and my problem is that I want to use only one XHTML Template dialog which I call using the PMFS communication framework. What do I want from any idea? Jeffs 4.0 JSF 2.2 I have a sample code that I'm trying to do as a POC below I'm working fine, I can first display the dialogue, but I have no idea how to open another dialog after clicking the search button again. home.xhtml & lt; Div id = "searchBtnDiv" & gt; & Lt; p: command button id = "query networkwork" value = "search" ajax = "true" actionListener = "# {searchBean.querySubmit}" /> & Lt; p: Command Button ID = "Advances" value = "advance se...

c# - How to convert simple date from textbox to datetime in mysql? -

I have a date in the text box 2014-17-04 i.e. (YYYY-DD-MM) to put it For wnt 2014-04-17 00:00:00 databases like this, how can I do this I have tried like the following .. ssQL = "DateMaster (Birthday) values Include ('"+ Convert. Dataset (txtBirthdate.Text) +"') "; But this error returns that "string was not recognized as a valid date time", so how can I insert values ​​into the database using MySQL DATE_FORMAT? Try a date test or test the test Exam test datetime DT; If (DatedTimeTripesExact (TCTTTXact, "YYY-DD-MM", Culture Info. InverterTilter, Datetime Style No, Out DT)) Include {var insert = "DateMaster (Birthdate)" (@Barthadet) "; (SqlCommand CMD = Using new SqlCommand (insert, your connection)) {cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("Date of Birth", DT); cmd.Connection.Open (); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); }} yyyy-dd-MM matches the inputs you want and as @Jobsquet ...

g++ - Why gcc 4.1 + gcov reports 100% branch coverage and newer (4.4, 4.6, 4.8) reports 50% for "p = new class;" line? -

जब gcc 4.1 (जीसीओवी का उपयोग करके) अगली पंक्ति: p = नया वर्ग; को 100% शाखा कवरेज के रूप में रिपोर्ट किया गया है & lt; - यह मेरे लिए ठीक है। जीसीसी 4.4 और उसके बाद के संस्करण का उपयोग क्यों किया जाता है: [+ -] पी = नया वर्ग; (50% शाखा कवरेज) ... & lt; - यह 100% को कवर करने के लिए एक समस्या है! जीसीसी के रूप में उसी शाखा कवरेज की रिपोर्ट करने के लिए क्या मैं नए जीसीसी संस्करणों के लिए कोई अतिरिक्त विकल्प सेट कर सकता हूं? 4.1 के रूप में एकल लाइनों के लिए "p = new class;"। अग्रिम धन्यवाद। हल! हमारे पास कुछ सी / सी ++ फ़ाइलें हैं और बिना किसी अपवाद से निपटने के लिए, इसलिए प्रत्येक कोड ब्लॉक के लिए एलसीओवी / जीसीओवी प्रक्रिया "अपवाद प्रबंधन" है। सामान्य ब्लॉक के अंदर , उदाहरण के लिए: int main (शून्य) {... ... ... [+ -] printf ("हैलो \ n"); ...} जीसीओवी रिपोर्ट बताती है कि प्रिंटफ़ लाइन में 50% का "शाखा कवरेज" है - & gt; क्यों? क्योंकि अपवाद हैंडलिंग सक्षम है !!! इस समस्या को हल करने के लिए, निर्दिष्ट करें:...

spring-boot and AspectJ based LTW without Java agent -

I have a hard time working on my end, what I want to achieve is my spring-boot project I'm going to knit all Java classes with Espetsage when I just run Java Java Player App Gezer (using Tomcat 8 embedded) without Java Java parameter. Is this usually possible? itemprop = "text"> this is possible Maybe, but you probably need a custom main () method that created an LTW Classloader and used to launch your app. The default classloader will not be LTW-enabled in java -jar For any reason you do not want to use an agent (because you explicitly control the launcher)?

python - Readonly field is not saving in database in openerp? -

I am using Python and XML to create an OpenerPid module. I have created a module with many fields, all the fields are read-only fields except the customer ID field, when I fill in the customer ID in the customer area, the other fields are filled automatically. But this customer ID field is all in the database The field values ​​do not save. This will save when all fields are not readable only, it will not save when all fields are read only What do I need When I enter the customer ID, other fields should be filled automatically. All fields except the Customer ID field should be read-only. All prices must be saved in the database, when click on Save. Can anyone tell me? What should I do? Thank you in advance You state 'varaible' and especially 'state' For readonly = true, make their required variables. And to change the state to build or write your class. Example: Use your variable instead of client_id in the following code class archive_details (...

sql - Blank Characters in Stored Procedure Arguments -

I have written a stored procedure, which has two arguments that are both strings, strings can contain one or more spaces For example: exec usp_arch_ptask_assign_me system administration, workflow process manager or exec usp_arch_ptask_assign_me 'system administration' , 'Workflow process manager' or exec usp_arch_ptask_assign_me [system administration], [workflow process manager ] The first attempt gives a syntax error and the second and third attempt asks the stored procedure to think that the attached characters are part of the actual parameter value. Suggestions? Thanks! USE DATABASE_NAME; Go acac usp_arch_ptask_assign_me 'system administration', 'workflow process manager'; Go

reporting services - Create Optional Parameter conditionally -

I have two criteria called "loans" and "tier" ??? Both are the only select drop down list and I am getting value from these SQL queries for these parameters. Tier parameter is dependent on loan. There are SQL queries in order to bring the loan and tier: Choose the loan from the loan Choose from the loan from where credit = @ lotion There are some loans for which there is no data in the TIER table, hence these are displayed for loans and for the empty price level drop down. Apart from this, those who have some tires, for loans, etc., are displayed for the tier drop down. Now, when I select a loan (for which there is no level), select me clearly empty tier from the tier drop down, otherwise it gives me a pop up message saying That's "Enter the value for the tier". In this scenario, I want the user to clearly select the blank value, the user should be able to see the report, if he does not select the value for the level (pop Up message can...

Return the first occurance of a certain string length using itertools in Python -

I am generating Fibonacci sequence numbers using generator in Python (the generator works fine) The problem is that I did not know how to get the first n -digit variable and print it. Print list (Iterol) .takewhile (Lambda X: lane (str (x)) will come back [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987] In other words, in other words, it gives all the three-digit conditions, which is unnecessary because I wanted to include only 144. By limiting it, the two will not produce the next one which I want, and I do not think it is able to move only one more walk. In addition, this code will print the entire sequence, not only the last opportunity. I have taken a look through the docs but it does not seem to offer anything. I can live with it, but if it does, then it would be good. (Note: This project is Euler problem 25: First 100 digit Fibonacci numbers) Leave everything under 3 digits, then next with next () : print next (itertools.dort...

c# - Connecting to a database on a LAN network location -

I have an application that I want to access a file on a network. I am currently using this connection string string myconnectionstring = "provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source = \\". + PCName + "\\ datafolder \\ data.mdb"; The PC name is the name of the computer well, as I see on the network I use: Dll Netapi32 However, unless I Let's get the path correctly. My code should say, "C:" instead of path to "\ PCNAME \ datafolder \ data.mdb" I read a lot on this and because my code looks really As far as it should be, I understand no more than it's complexity. Your code line is looking great enough to add @ before the string or try to add it back \\\\ "+ PCName string myconnectionstring =" provider = slash like Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = \\\\ "+ PCName +" \\ datafolder \\ data.mdb "; If this still causes this problem, then that database is shared as a shared folder Map Dri...

ios - Why FeathersUI Label cuts letters -

I develops an app for the app with Air, Starling and Feather UI. I TextBlockTextRenderer (Flash.text.engine.TextBlock) with the label. I had to face the following problem: In short: some of the letters are being deducted. (This problem affects languages ​​that have high glyphs like Norway, German, Arabic etc. ...) I had already asked a question about the possible fix for this issue: but Recommended ideas are only good for a few cases. They do not solve the whole problem. What do I still know: Baseline zero properties do not work for me View details here: The setting works baselinefonts description, but can not be used as a proper compliance - you must manually measure baselinefontussize all the time. See details here: Any idea how to fix this problem?

php - How to render module view files of laravel 4 -

I have a Lavail 4.1 project with a modular system. Here is the tree plan. App / App / Module App / Module / Modulation / App / Module / Modulation / Controller / App / Module / Modulation / Controller / ModulesController File. FP App / Modules / Modulename / views / app / Modules / modulename / views / moduleviewfile.php I am trying to render visual files in module controllers as follows: See: : AddNamespace ('moduleFoldername', '/ app / modules / modules / views'); See Return: Create ('moduleFoldername :: moduleviewfile'); Then I get the following error: See invalid etching exceptions [Module-Video] not found. Which path is wrong in the code? Try one see :: addNamespace ('package' , App_path (). '/ Modules / modulename / views'); mvc 3 - how can i create wrapper class for ext.js custom control -

I made some changes to the existing ext.js calendar control. I removed the view and day view of this month. I now have only weeks view in the ext.js calendar. I've changed the views of the week, like every day looks like a day for a person. Five days a week, now looks like 5 days chosen. It works without any issues, now I want to write an cover for this modified calendar tool. I have experience in C # .net and MVC3 but I do not know much about Can anyone give me the direction of writing the cover class for this custom control? Thank you. is a guide.

getting 500 error in wordpress on file upload. its showing HTTP error -

Get 500 errors in WordPress on file uploads showing it's HTTP error screenshot attached Add it to your functions.php add_filter ('wp_image_editors', 'change_graphic_lib'); Function change_graphic_lib ($ array) {return array ('WP_Image_Editor_GD', 'WP_Image_Editor_Imagick'); }

virtualhost - sub server is not working virtualmin -

Mysql is not working after creating sub-server in virtualmen. After restarting MySql, it is working for some time and again it stops working. And also sub server always point to its main server landing page. Any help is most appreciated. Thanks to the user in the root user, it correctly changes it properly Something special for.

c# - 3 modules, but 1 installer -

In our current project, we have 3 module products, we only want to distribute one installer, ) Will allow you to select which modules to be installed. I have 2 plans: One. To create the Exe file in C # .4.0 Windows forms, which will invite the user to select which module (United Nations) to install. Each module will be coded into Wix. So when the user selects a module to install, then he will launch related MSI. But we only want to distribute one installer, not 3. To create an MSI with Vicks, but I want to enter install / uninstall mode only when the user "Install Module X" or "Uninstall Module X" pushbuten respectively. What are your suggestions? I recommend using the single installer with some ( How to read about features, components and how to organize them). Each feature can be installed in the "Change" mode of installation, or can be removed separately. You must use the dialog set or include the feature selection dialog

php - Grabbing last insert id sqlsrv -

I am working on a php code where I am in two tables and want to get an ID from the table first In which I inserted, I am getting this error right now: call undefined function sqlsrv_field () . I am trying to capture routine to routine_id . date_default_timezone_set ('Europe / Oslo'); $ Date = strftime ('% Y-% m-% d'); $ Time = strftime ('% H:% M:% S'); $ Value = $ _GET ['Temp']; $ Conn = sqlsrv_connect ('Bilal', $ conn_array); $ Sql ​​= "Routine (Date, Time, Value, Amp_ID) values ​​('$ date', '$ time', '$ value', (Select ID from EMPS where user_name = 'ardino')); If (sqlsrv_begin_transaction ($ conn) === false) {dead (print_a (sqlsrv_errors (), true)); } $ Query = sqlsrv_query ($ conn, $ sql); If ($ query === false) {dead (print_a (sqlsrv_errors (), true)); } Sqlsrv_next_result ($ query); Sqlsrv_fetch ($ query); $ Id = sqlsrv_field ($ query, 0); $ Sql2 = "measure_lays (routine_id, measure_id, ...

java - Autocompletetextview show keyboard doesn't work -

I'm sure that tried to Android application, with Autocompletetextview include pieces, I want to show keyboard When the piece is displayed. I have tried, some things, but have not been successful. Here is my code xml & lt; AutoCompleteTextView android: id = "@ + id / editArea" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: completionThreshold = "1" Android: singleLine = "true" Android: textcolor = "@ android: color / Primary_text_light "Android: gravity =" true "& gt; & Lt; / AutoCompleteTextView & gt; My java piece @Override public view onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, bundle savedInstanceState) {mLayout = inflater.inflate (R.layout. Change_area, blank, incorrect); Area = (autocomplete readview) mLayout.findViewById (; ShowHideKeyboard (right); Citieslist = singletonicitylit.Testinstance (). GetList ...

android - turn on p2p and perform discovery from the action bar -

How to do this on the phone ?? I have tried Google Sample App and how to turn on Pir and search from the action bar. Android P2P is now called WiFi Direct. Select Wi-Fi on the Settings panel You will see a list of WiFi networks, but you want to click the menu button on the bottom right (vertical ...). As a result of this, a submenu opens with Wi-Fi DirectX, as one of the options. Do this on your other phone. At the bottom of the panel is the 'Search of devices' button, it is killed on both phones and should be able to find each other. From one phone, press the name of another device and then 'Send Invitation to Connect'. Invitations should appear on other devices, accept it, if everything goes well then they will now be connected. I did this process and was able to get a sample app to work, transferring a photo from one gallery to another.

Shoutcast Radio on Android -

I'm making an app to stream radio content from the Internet! And I spent so much time trying to show a simple source code how to implement a streaming content! I found some useful links in stack overflow but nobody works for me !! I need your help ! Here's the piece of code I made but still does not work! And I do not know why! Ps: The URL of the radio station is working fine package; Import android App Import android Media. Audio manager; Import android Media. media Player; Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.util.log; Implementation of public class main activity activity increases OnPreparedListener {MediaPlayer mp; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Try {mp = new mediaplayer (); String url = ""; Mp.setAudioStreamType (AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); Mp.setDataSource (...

controller concerns in rails 4, sharing actions -

I am trying to share an action between controllers using a concern for example: Extend the module backend module ActiveSupport :: do the anxiety DRAF response_to | Format | [Edit] P> Are you seeing any problems with this? Should I never share common actions with rail worries? backend.rb ) You Concerns can create a file in the directory (such as your module: backend.rb ) and here is your code: Module Backend Df Show Answer- do do | Format | Format.xls {set_excel_headers "# {controller_name.classify} _ # {params [: id]} _ # {} .xls"} end and end Then you add to your controller: expansion backend

c++ - Little Endian Character in external file to INT32 -

So assuming I have a small endian formatted character in an external file, say 65535 (0x00 00FF FF) in the external file, 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 "(of Course's Ascii) was printed. How do I convert the external file's character to an INT32-bit number? The file should read in% c mode. Program "should" use C ++

c - Syntax error when trying to include header files -

I want to include header files in the My Library Project on the way to OpenSSL. But I can not work it Suppose my Library Project looks like this: C: \ MYLIB ├─ A │ ├─ EH │ └─ AC ├ ─ B │ ├─ BH │ └─ BC ├─C │ ├─ CH │ └─ CC └─ contains └─mylib ├─Ah ├─Bh └─Ch Now I have a new project Including helied files in mylib I have added C: \ MYLIB \ Add additional additional directories: My new project contains the statement: #include # Include & lt; Mylib \ b.h> Where there is only one line to direct mylib \ ah real a \ eh: ../. / and mylib \ bh Code> Just like the path of OpenSSL, however, my VS2010 is complaining " error C2059: syntax error: '.' , while the error leads to the first. In the mylib \ ah . Does it mean to join? I want to remove those header files from mylib How to properly include? this #include & lt ; Mylib \ ah & gt; Include & lt; mylib \ bh & gt; Looks wrong (or being precise: it hurts my eyes .....

mfc - CMFCRibbonBar: GetEditText() doesn't return the actual edit box text of a CMFCRibbonComboBox unless window loses the focus -

I have a VS-2008 project in which there is a 'Find' panel with an editable combo box, along with further Backward search button. When I press a search button, GetEditText () returns an old value. CMainFrame * pFrame = static_cast & lt; CMainFrame * & gt; (GetTopLevelFrame ()); CMFCRibbonBar * pRibbon = pFrame-> GetRibbonBar (); ASSERT_VALID (pRibbon); CMFCRibbonComboBox * pFindCombobox = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST (CMFCRibbonComboBox, pribbon- & gt; FindByID (ID_MY_FIND_COMBOBOX)); // This combo box returns the final value before making the editing field: pFindCombobox- & gt; GetEditText (); Is there a standard way to 'flush' the value of editing field content from the 'code' value buffer? GetEditText () ? I saw VS2010 in the SetFocused () member CMFCRibbonPanel class, which can be used to steal focus from combobox and possibly : Force GetEditText () to return the correct value, but this VS is missing in 2008. I am currently runnin...

linphone file Android -

I'm new using Linux and using Android NDK I have the following problem , I downloaded the Linfon of Jiaiti repository and what I do, to make it, I'm using windows CMD which use the following command: D: \ aelsayed \ Android_SDK_and_NDK \ NDK \ android-NDK-r9b & gt; Bash NDK- Building D: / aelsayed / a ndroid work / linphone- Android But I'm always following error: Android NDK: D :: \ aelsayed \ Androi d_SDK_and_NDK \ NDK \ android-NDK-r9b / JNI / / d / aelsayed / Android_SDK_and_NDK / NDK Your APP_BUILD_SCRIPT points to an unknown file / android-ndk-r9b / build / core / *** Android NDK: aborting .... Stop. I have the following configuration The Makefile: NDK_PATH = $ (shell dirname D: / aelsayed / Android_SDK_and_NDK / NDK / android -NDK-r9b ) SDK_PATH = $ (shell dirname D: / aelsayed / Android_SDK_and_NDK / SDK / tools ) SDK_PLATFORM_TOOLS_PATH = $ (shell dirname D: / aelsayed / Android_SDK_and_NDK / SDK in ... - Session_end with cookies values -

I am trying to save data from users ending in session session with session_end on global asax . The problem is that I am saving the user name in the m cookies` values ​​and when the session is over it can not reach this value, refernce is empty, What is my question, how can I save the username used by the session, later I can put it in the session_end method. The user starts with a login session, Can store HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie ("userName"); reaction. Cookies ["user name"]. Value = "Foonam"; Add cookie feedback. Add cookies (single);

java - Calculating weight on Saturn and Jupiter -

मेरे पास यह कोड है सार्वजनिक वर्ग ऑपरेटर {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] Args) {// कोड का यह हिस्सा पृथ्वी पर मेरे वजन के बारे में है System.out.print ("पृथ्वी पर मेरा वजन"); डबल एमडब्ल्यूओई = 66.2; // mWOE = myWheightOnEarth System.out.println (एमडब्ल्यूओई); // कोड का यह भाग बृहस्पति पर मेरे वजन के बारे में है System.out.print ("बृहस्पति पर मेरा वजन"); डबल एमडब्ल्यूओजे = एमडब्ल्यूओई * 2.54; // mWOJ = myWheightOnJupiter System.out.println (एमडब्ल्यूओजे); // कोड का यह हिस्सा शनि प्रणाली पर मेरे wheight के बारे में है। आउट। प्रिंट ("मेरा वजन शनि पर है"); डबल एमडब्ल्यूओएस = एमडब्लूईई * 1.08; // mWOS = myWheightOnSaturn सिस्टम.आउट.प्रिंटएलएन (एमडब्ल्यूओएस); }} मैं अपने कार्यक्रम को भार प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं और शनि और बृहस्पति पर वजन देना चाहता हूं। स्कैनर वर्ग का उपयोग करें। इसे आज़माएं: System.out.print ("पृथ्वी पर मेरा वजन"); स्कैनर = नया स्कैनर (; डबल एमवॉई = 0.0; यदि (s.hasNextDouble ()) {mWOE = s.nextDouble...

ios - Custom collection view layout with Indexpath of length 3 -

I am trying to create custom layouts and index paths of each layout attributes to some additional information such as sections, rows, columns Need to include To include in it, I assign the length of the NSIndexpath category which is Code NSIndexpath . Bellow class code snippet + (NSIndexPath *) IndexPathForColumn: Line for the column: (NSUInteger) Analysis for the line: (NSUInteger) section { NSUInteger index [] = {section, row, column}; NSIndexPath * returnIndexPath = [[NSIndexPath alloc] initWithIndexes: index length: 3]; Return return index; } I thought, I would get the same indicator path path collection archive data data method, but " view the collection of cellophore ITMT and xpath: length 2. I did not understand why is it that someone can tell me the reason behind this and what option is available to achieve the expected behavior? The answer is very simple and still unsatisfactory for you. This can not be done. The indexpath is created by the c...

jquery - Rails Not outputting Highcharts javascript graph -

I have a rail app on which I am trying to produce a high chart chart. My javascript code is located in the index.html.erb file, and the sample code is as follows: gt; stockquite.tellecom, "agriculture" => stockquote.gric} .eEEe | names, prices |%> gt; & amp; Lt;% = name% & gt; Point interval: , Points start: , Data: & lt ;% = (2 .map {.t Thi | stockquite.pr_one (date) .to_f}.%};}, );}); & lt; / scipt & gt; & lt; / div & gt; However, instead of showing the blank section on the quotation bid, where chart is considered, it shows me my actual javascript code. My application.html .erb file is as follows : & lt ;! DOCTYPE html> HTML & gt; & lt; top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Abacus & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt;% = stylesheet_link_tag 'app', media: 'all', 'data-turbo-lines-track' = & gt; True% & gt; & Lt;% = javascript_include_tag ...

c# - How to create query expression for Odata for get by Id -

I have created an Odata service and now I am trying to consume this service in customer favor. I want to create expressions like URL below in C # query expression - The above URLs are working fine in browsers but I want to create query expressions in C # above URL Any help for this would be very commendable. In DataServiceContext + data service service Remember to hit the System.Data.Services.Client URL, that a query is not executed before calling because of lazy loading. var reference = new data service service (new URI (""), Data Services Service Protocol.V3); Var query = context.CreateQuery & lt; Products & gt; ("Product"); Product Product = query.Where (P => PIID == 150). first (); The above should be solved in which you can check by looking at the query.Entities collection. There will be one URI in each unit in the collection. In addition, if your product category includes a navigation prop...

javascript function doesnt work -

I will repeat my question I have written this code and I do not understand that Why does it work? I wrote the sandwich option I wrote in the website that an order is made to make something that one person comes to the website and then It is sandwich displayed and content in sandwich (contents are all arrays) I also have my HTM Will add L code, and if anyone can write an example of the correct code will be very much useful for me. Javascript code: var avucado = ["eggs", "avucado", "tommato", "mayonnaise", "pickle", "gumba"]; Var Eggassald = ["Egg", "Dill", "Mayonnaise", "Pickle"]; Var tuna = ["tuna", "coriander", "pickle", "mayonnaise", "gamba"]; Var cheeze = ["Yellow Chase", "Mayonnaise", "Toetato", "Cucumber"]; Ware sausage = ["sausage", "mustard", "mayonnais...