
Showing posts from April, 2010

apache - multiple RewriteCond or multiple RewriteRules, which is more efficient? -

क्या अधिक कुशल होगा? एक RewriteRule के साथ [OR] सूची RewriteCond : RewriteCond% {QUERY_STRING} ^) के साथ आईडी = 8 [3- 9] $ [या] रीराइट कंडोम% {QUERY_STRING} ^ आईडी = 9 [0-2] $ [OR] पुनर्लेखन% {QUERY_STRING} ^ आईडी = 35 $ पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ index \ .php $ / go- यहाँ/? [एल, आर = 301, एनसी] या एकाधिक पुनर्लेख नियम , प्रत्येक एक RewriteCond : पुनर्लेखन% {QUERY_STRING} ^ आईडी = 8 [3- 9] $ पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ .php $ / go-here /? [एल, आर = 301, एनसी] रीराइटकंड% {QUERY_STRING} ^ आईडी = 9 [0-2] $ रीरेमिट नियम ^ index \ .php $ / go-here /? [एल, आर = 301, एनसी] रीराइटकंड% {QUERY_STRING} ^ आईडी = 35 $ पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ .php $ / go-here /? [एल, आर = 301, एनसी] मैं पहले विकल्प की ओर झुका रहा हूं क्योंकि कम लाइनें हैं, लेकिन संभवतः क्योंकि तर्क अधिक जटिल है, दक्षता खो जाती है? एक बार आप फिर से लिखना लॉगिंग को चालू करने पर ध्यान देंगे, यह एक RewriteRule को पहले लागू किया जाता है, तो अगर वह पैटर्न यूआरआई से मेल खाता होता है, तो RewriteCond स्थितियों की जांच की जाती है इसका म... - Hidden set in the view but null in controller -

I try to get a value in my controller, it is set in the view (in the hidden area), but Once the posting area is zero, my model: public partial class customer {public full customer ID {receive; Set; } Public String CompanyName {get; Set; } Public int? Customer Adwords Id {Received; Set; } [Foreign Key ("Customer IDS")] {Receive Public Virtual Customer Subscriber Customer Record; Set; } Public int? Receive customer edderbid { Set; } [External ("Customer AddressBilling ID")] Public Virtual Customer Updating Consumer OfficerBilling {Receive; Set; } Public int? Receive Customer Bank ID { Set; } [Foreign Key ("Customer BankID")] Public Virtual Customer Bank Customer Bank {Receipt; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Customer Link & gt; Receive customer link { Set; }} My view: @using (Html.BeginForm ()) {@ Html.AntiForgeryToken () & lt; div class = "form-horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; @html Validity valid (tru...

Schema Name Sql server from java jdbc connection -

मैं jdbc conjunction का उपयोग करके जावा से संग्रहीत कार्यविधियाँ कॉल करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं एसक्यूएल सर्वर से कनेक्ट करने के लिए स्ट्रिंग संग्रहीतProcd = "{call TEST_PROC (?,?)}"; कॉलबल स्टेटमेंट = डीबीकनेक्शन। प्रीपेयरकॉल (संग्रहीतप्रोक्ड); कॉलबल स्टेटेट .सेटआईंट (1, आईडी); कॉलबल स्टाटामेंट। सेटस्ट्रिंग (2, इकाई का नाम); callableStatement.execute (); callableStatement.close (); समस्या यह है कि मैं JDBC url में स्कीमा नाम सेट नहीं कर सकता, यह ठीक काम करता है अगर मेरी संग्रहीत procuders डिफ़ॉल्ट स्कीमा में हैं जो कि dbo लेकिन क्या हुआ अगर मेरी संग्रहीत प्रक्रियाएं अन्य स्कीमा में हों? किसी भी एसक्यूएल संसाधन के रूप में आप प्रक्रिया का नाम उपसर्ग कर सकते हैं स्कीमा नाम के साथ: "{call schema.TEST_PROC (?,?)}"

php - My code is not working properly when I attempt to login -

This is my first time that I am using mysqulli, maybe I made a mistake. Well, I have successfully inserted all the data from the MySQL database for the registration purpose, including the following password hash. $ Random_salt = hash for password ('sha512', uniqid (openssl_random_sese_bytes (16), true)); $ Pass = hash ('sha512', $ password. $ Random_salt); Well, when I login with the following code it is showing my custom error message "Email address or password is not correct" & lt ;? Php ob_start (); Session_start (); Require_once ("include / config.php"); $ Email = inputvalid ($ _ POST ['email']); $ Password = inputvalid ($ _ POST ['password']); // $ random_salt = hash ('sha512', uniqid (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes (16), true)); // $ random_salt = hash ('sha512', uniqid (mt_rand (1, mt_getrandmax ()), true)); // $ pass = hash ('sha512', $ password. $ Random_salt); $ Salt = mysqli_query ($ mys...

python - How to hide an ActionButton in Kivy? -

I am trying to modify the visibility of the current view of the action button (using the screen manager). I could not find the visible property or something that could just toggle visibility (neither for actionbutton nor for general widgets) Suggestions to change the texture of the button, but I do not want to believe that on such a hack to accomplish such a simple task, besides, the background of my app will be variable . Regardless of its unnecessary complexity, I modified the widget to work in my case (Actionbars and Actionbuttons), so I cleared the widget from ActionView and then adding ActionButton I tried to collect both a weak and self member, I got the following error with both: widget expression: , it is already used by parents and lt; 0x7fcd3fe22870 & gt; on kivy.uix.actionbar.ActionView object Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. I am working with Dev version, but it does not work with 1.8. Edit I tried the following code: & lt; AppActionBar ...

regex - How to remove the infront regular expression? -

'http' या 'https' और 'www' को कैसे दूर करें, फिर '' पर छोड़ दिया जाए, '? no_http_URL = regexp (domain_URL,' [az] +: // ',' match ',' one ') उपरोक्त कोड मुझे परिणाम के लिए 'http' लौटाओ, जो मेरे उत्तर में उलटा है। no_http_URL = Regexp ('', 'https ?: // (?: Www।।)? (। *)', 'टोकन', 'एक बार') no_http_URL = regexp ('http: // www ',' https?: // (?: Www।)? (। *) ',' टोकन ',' एक बार ') no_http_URL = regexp (' ',' https ?: // (?: Www।।)? (। *) ',' टोकन ',' एक बार ') no_http_URL = regexp (' https: // ',' https?: // (? : Www।।)? (। *) ',' टोकन ',' एक बार ') no_http_URL के ऊपर अभिव्यक्ति में 1x1 सेल सरणी । यदि आपको स्ट्रिंग मान तक पहुंच की आवश्यकता है जिसे आपको निम्न निष्पादित करने की आवश्यकता है no_http_URL = ...

java - "Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerPart." issue in adt ( v22.6.2) -

I get this error in my ATT Eclipse I am using the updated version of Java. Please help me solve this issue. I found the same bug in eclipse at a time. This happened to me after a Windows update. What I did to solve my problem (again) "Full control" / "Admin read" permissions of the Eclipse folder "C: \ eclipse-jee-kpler-SR2-win32-x86_64" (Right click, then properties -> safety tab, and at least edit your user there - with full control) Windows Update has changed this for some reasons .

javascript - Tab "shown" event not firing - Twitter Bootstrap -

When a tab changes, I'm trying to fire an AJAX call. However, I may not even want to do this basic test work: & lt; Ul class = "nav nav-tabs" & gt; & Lt; li class = "" & gt; & Lt; A data-toggle = "tab" href = "# gqs-uploader" id = "gqs-uploader-btn" & gt; Uploads & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; Data-toggle = "tab" href = "# gqs-results" id = "gqs-results-btn" & gt; Results & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li class = "" & gt; & Lt; Data-toggle = "tab" href = "# gqs-download" id = "gqs-download-btn" & gt; Download & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; and javascript: (function ($) {"strict use"; $ (function () {$ (document) .on ('shown' Has been done, a [data-...

database design - HIPAA Compliant Architecture -

I am developing a medical billing software and should have an HIPAA complaint. My current architecture is using different databases for every tenant but I need to convert it to a multi tenant architecture. So, is there any problem with HIPAA with multi tenant architecture? Is it possible to get document / proof related to this topic? "a database for every tenant" is a multi-tenant architecture ; On the spectrum of architecture, the other include "a schema per tenant" and "every tenant's share every table" for example, and especially see the articles linked in the end. As far as I can tell, your source should be on the web site for proof.

javascript - Wait for AJAX to finish before proceeding with the loop? -

Why is it that whenever I put an AJAX inside the loop, it does not synchronize well? function addToUserGroupList () {_root.qDomId ('js-assignGroupArrBtn'). Disabled = true (var i = 0; i & lt; selectedIds .length; i ++) {$ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: 'groupManage.ashx', data type: 'text', Data: 'type = get input and group id =' + selected EGS [i], success: function (result) {if (result! = '') {This.groupName = result.split ('& amp;') [0 ]; this.groupNotes = result.split ('& amp;') [2]; userGroupList.push ({'UID': PARASANT (Selected EIDS [I]), 'name':, 'adminStr': this.groupNotes}); _root.userListObj.gourpInst.gourpTB (userGroupList);}}, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, status, error reporting) {warning ('Adding to user group Failed. ")}}}); } _root.qDomId ('js-assignGroupArrBtn'). Disabled = false; SelectedIds = []; } Why this calls selectedIds = [...

elisp - How to customize Emacs keyboard shortcut for deleting current line -

I would like to delete the current row when alt , and the letter d is pressed twice. How can I get it inside my Emacs configuration file? Currently I have it in my .emacs : (global-set-key (kbd "M-0") 'other-window) (universal-set-key (kbd "M-9") 'back-window' code> You can use your own keymap: (defvar (definition-key somdename-map (kbd "Md") 'kill-line' (define-key somename -map (kbd "Mw") 'kill-line' (definition-key somename-map) (global-set-key (kbd "Md") somename-map)

In twitter boostrap data table the confirm dialog is working on page1 in other pages not working? -

I am using the Twitter Boostrap Data Table in my page. In the same page I called the Delete option for each row in the table. When I click on the deleted button in Page 1, it opens the confirmation dialogue to delete the record, but it does not work in other pages. Please see my workout code here. My code: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Data table with all features & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link href = "css / bootstrap.min.css" rel = "stylesheet" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Div style = "width: 900px; margin: 0 auto; range: 0 px green dashed;" align = "center" & gt; & Lt; Table class = "table-table-range" id = "sample_1" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th ...

openerp - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_default_company' -

वर्ग बिक्री (osv.osv): _name = 'sale' _columns = {'name': fields.char ('कंपनी का नाम', आकार = 128)} def get_default_company (स्वयं, सीआर, यूआईडी, प्रसंग = कोई नहीं): कंपनी_आईडी = सेल्फ पॉयल.एट ('रिज। यूज़र')। ब्राउज़ करें (सीआर, यूआईडी, यूआईडी)। कॉम्पैनी_आईडी .id, return company_id बिक्री () मैं कोड के ऊपर प्रयोग किया है, सब ठीक है लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि मेरे फ़ंक्शन को कैसे और कैसे कॉल करें get_default_company () । जैसा कि मैं इस पद्धति को कॉल करता हूं जैसे cr और uid invalids ऐसा लगता है कि आपको अपनी कंपनी के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट मान सेट करने की आवश्यकता है इसके लिए आपको _defaults मॉडल विशेषता का उपयोग करना होगा जो आपके फ़ील्ड के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट मान सेट करता है। जैसे _defaults = {'company_id': get_company} इस विधि से आपको get_company विधि को परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता है जिसे कंपनी आईडी जैसे वापस करना चाहिए def get_company (स्वयं, सीआर, यूआईडी, प्रसंग = कोई नहीं): user_rec = self.pool.get ('res.users')। ब्राउज़ करें (सी...

msdn - Azure - Credit spread across multiple subscriptions -

I have 2 memberships on Ezur, both of which have MSDN credits related to each subscription. At every subscription has the same amount, though all my virtual machines and cloud services live on one membership, which means that the credit runs very quickly from other subscriptions available. Is there a way to transfer or migrate credit in all memberships, so can I make the most available credit? You can not transfer free loans between them. Not for production), those who have a subscription, so things should be routinely broken regularly. "organization accounting" is coming into the auction (I think it is still in the preview.) Although it does not unite personal allowance, it allows the control of individual accounts. / P> Blue MSDN Benefit Details

scala - How can I return failed response from spray directive? -

I am implementing a simple HTTP routing server for which some fields need to be analyzed in the incoming request and If it is sent to the internal server, then it should answer the caller because it is. I want to log the time spent waiting for an internal server to respond. My instruction looks like this Complete {Vail Pipeline: HTTPEEST = & gt; Future [string] = post ~ ~ Unmarshal [string] val response: future [string] = pipeline (post ("https: // my_internal_serverservices / MainService", payload.stosting ()) response but it only works Another return code for HTTP 200 replies is never completed for the future. Can you demonstrate how to apply it properly? Ideally I want to request in the original situation - all with the http headers and etc. As Rudolph reported that the problem was in the use of unmarshal .

ios - Dismiss UIview form the popup IOS7 -

In my application I'm displaying UIView as a popup when the user is now on the button The problem is that when you click somewhere in the application, please tell me how to dismiss UIView popup. Here's the code for the user to popup. - (zero) showPopView {self.popview.alpha = 1; [Self. POPView Setframe: CGRactMake (15, 100, 300, 300)]; // [self-rejecting papermeer: ​​not]; } Popup button code. - (IBAction) click: (ID) sender {[self showpiece View1]; } in viewDidLoad I have used this code. self.popview.alpha = 0; The above code I used to display as UIView as a popup, please tell that when users click out to dismiss the popup . Thank you. What will I do that adds a tactile overlay behind your popup. In your .h @interface yourController: UIViewController {UIView * overlay; } Loaded in your view overlay = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame]; Overlay.bakcgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; UITapGestureRecognizer * singl...

c# - The item with identity 'Id' already exists in the metadata collection. Parameter name: item -

मेरी सभी संस्थाओं का आधार वर्ग है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग इकाई & lt; TKey & gt; : आईएरिटीटी & lt; टीके & gt; {गतिशील आईईआरटीईटी.आईडी {प्राप्त करें} इस आईआईडी; } सेट {this.Id = मान; }} सार्वजनिक TKey Id {get; सेट; }} उदाहरण के लिए स्थिति इकाई: [मेटाडाटा टाइप (टाइपफ (स्टेटसमैटडेटा))] सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी की स्थिति: इकाई & lt; बाइट & gt; {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग शीर्षक {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} जब मैं डेटाबेस के विरुद्ध क्वेरी चलाऊँगा तो मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: "पहचान 'आईडी वाला आइटम पहले से ही मेटाडेटा संग्रह में मौजूद है। पैरामीटर का नाम: आइटम" क्या यह तय करने का कोई तरीका है या यह किसी वारसा के कारण हुई समस्या है और मैं किसी भी वर्ग से अपनी संस्थाओं का वारिस नहीं कर सकता हूं? यह एक सामान्य त्रुटि है, कुछ जानकारी के लिए खोज करते हुए, मैंने देखा कि: दो तालिकाओं को एक प्राथमिक कुंजी के लिए एक ही नाम हो सकता है लाइटस्विच टेबल्स को देखो, उन सभी को एक प्राथमिक कुंजी है जिन्हें आईडी कहा जाता है। इसलिए, मैं सभी संस्थाओं की समीक्षा करता ह...

Calling c++ from python using ctypes: g++ undefined reference -

Text after " I have a camera (Thorlabs dcc1645c) that comes with "uc480.lib" to a "uc480.h". I have found this program with my problem with C ++ that I need to use the camera with Python, so I tried to call a C + + class with Python, as Florian pointed out : This is my c ++ code (cam 2. CPP): \ # include "uc480.h" of the class Cam {public: UC480_CAMERA_LIST * pucl; Int nNumberOfCameras; Int GetNumberOfCameras () {return is_GetNumberOfCameras (& amp; nNumberOfCameras); }}; Extern "C" {Cam * Cam_new () {New Camera Back); } IntCm_GetNumberOfCameras (Cam * Cam) {cam- & gt; GetNumberOfCameras (); }} I tried to compile with G ++: G ++ -fPIC -c Cam2.cpp -O Cam2.o G ++ Shared Room - Wl, - Returns an error on the other side: Cam2.o: Cam2 CPP :( .text $ _ZN3Cam18GetNumberOfCamerasEv [Cam :: GetNumberOfCameras ()] 0x1A): `__imp_is_GetNumberOfCameras Undefined Reference ': Error: Collect2.exe ld Return Status of 1 '...

regex - convert NFA to regular expression and tell whether it is multiple of 3? -

I am practicing and just want to confirm that I have correctly spoken and a multi- As to recognize the expression? this is correct Expression and my answer: (AAA) * + (BBB) ​​*) Expression 3 shows a string length multiple by + or (BBB) ​​ + . If you want, you can make it your DFA below: __bbb __aa || || One ?? ¼ | One ?? ¼ | - Q º ((Q0)) --- AAA --- â ?? º ((Q1)) Where Q0 and Q1 are both final states (Q0 starts) state). Side note: You can replace 'AAA' with label 'AAA' on the side of 'BBB' and 'BBB' so that one can get the other form of the same DFA. In addition, in the standard form of DFA an emblem can be a symbol of one language

ruby on rails - Sending notifications by schedule -

I need to send mail to the scheduled timings. I can specify two days in which the mail is sending mail. I use when for this. class email & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base Confirms: Name, Specification: The Correct Final Category CreateEmails & lt; ActiveRecord :: migrations deff changes make_table: email | T | t.string: name t.string: value t.index: name, unique: true t.timestamps end end end set: output, "# {path} /log/cron_rails_app.log" every 5.minutes rake "delivery_campaign_status: ? Start ".: Price @campaigns = Campaign.where (notified: incorrect) End class NotifyEndedCampaigns DEF @end_day = Setting.find_by (name 'notify_day_from') started .where (" end_at & lt; ", + @end_day @ campaigns.each do | Campaign | CampaignEndedMailer.notify (campaign, @end_day) .deliver campaign.notified = true requires end-end end 'notify_ended_campaigns' namespace: delivery_campaign_status desc start' ...

Java Play Framework 1.2.x unit testing send cookie -

I am working with Java on Play Framework 1.2.x In one of my unit tests, I want to send cookie information as part of my functional testing case. I have tried the code below but it is not working. Once in the controller, I read the cookie, it is getting empty. Any thoughts that I remember here? cookie cookie = new cookie (); = "testTimeZone"; Cookie.value = "-330"; Cookie.maxAge = 30000; Request.cookies.put (cookie name, cookie); Feedback = ApplicationTest.POST (Request, URL, empty, empty); OK, here's how it has been solved. I found that this is a bug in Play 1.2.x. Therefore, I have implemented the functional test class provided by the overriding framework on spreading it and post method. Added this code to the override POST method if (savedCookies! = Empty) {// savedCookies is in the FunalTest class (if request.cookies! = Null) {Request.cookies.putAll (savedCookies); } Other {request.cookies = saved cookies; }} and then use th...

Android:show views while progressdialog running -

मेरे पास एक वीडियो गतिविधि है जिसमें कुछ TextViews के साथ videoview । मैं सर्वर से वीडियो लोड कर रहा हूँ अब मुझे ये textviews दिखाना है, जब progressdialog चालू हो रहा है। मेरे मामले में यह केवल एक प्रगतिशील चल रहा है और जब वीडियो लोड हो रहा है, तब यह दिखाता है कि पाठ दृश्यता के साथ एक रिक्त स्क्रीन दिखाती है। आपको पारदर्शी के रूप में पृष्ठभूमि बार का पृष्ठभूमि रंग का उपयोग करना होगा।

c# - The remote server returned an error: "(405) Method Not Allowed" -

After reading different answers against a single thread, I mentioned almost all the options in my discussion, Also getting the error: Error number 1 : Remote server returned an error: (404) not found. Error code 2 : Remote server returned an error: (405) method is not allowed . Below is my code: var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ("url? Parameter1 = PC and user = U1 and password = P1 "); HttpWebRequest.ContentType = "App / Jason; Charset = UTF-8"; HttpWebRequest.method = "POST"; HttpWebRequest.Accept = "App / Jason"; Var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest.GetResponse (); I get an error on the last line i.e. var httpResponse = (HTTP webbense) httpWebRequest.GetResponse (); If I use httpWebRequest.Method = "get" then I get the error number 1 mentioned above and if I httpWebRequest.Method = "Post" I get error number 2. Use: [Operation Contract] [WebInvoc (me...

javascript - Google Maps on site HTTP/HTTPS error -

I'm requesting Google Maps on my site (latest API, AFAIK ), console An error is occurring in and some Google has not tricked I & lt; Requesting a map via iframe src = " + 93,3311 KB, Dordrecht + Netherlands And zoom = 13 "& gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Another error is seen in the image below. Note: In regular English, "Anonyine Fantastic" means "Anonymous Function". All I can think is because of me the error is that my site is moving Other maps on HTTP (non-SSL) can not run on HTTP and HTTPS is required - & gt; HTTP vs HTTPS I hope someone can help me solve this problem. Thanks! Update : I have just seen that the problem only appears in Safari. I think the link to your site is not correct at first sight The implementation code looks fine

android - Checkbox looses state on ListView scrolling -

I have a list view with one checkbox in each row to check for several items at a time when I list If I scroll down, my checkbox loses the state (this means I can not check all items at a time) I have read many posts here and on the internet. Said that I was able to share my checked items in 'Areelist' Must Freiheit which I had tried before, but it does not work. At the moment, I store the state checked in the objects with all the other items on my list. Here is the code for my adapter: Public category GalleryListAdapter extends Bid adapter {@ Override public view getView (last integer status, see conversion view, ViewGroup parent) {last Seeholder holder; If (convertView == empty) {convertView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.gallery_list_item, parent, wrong); Holder = New Viewholder (); // .. Other accessories holder Chkbox = (checkbox) ConvertviewfindbackBiID (RID Caxbox); ConvertView.setTag (holder); } And {holder = (seeholder) ConvertView.gettag (); }

php - Search an array for the specific value and return its key -

I have a multi-dimensional array that I want to search and return its related key so that I can use the key again Returns more information from that related array. This looks my array $ add_admin_menu_page = array (); $ Add_admin_menu_page [] = array ('dashboard', 'dashboard.fp', 'dashboard'); $ Add_admin_menu_page [] = array ('post', 'post.ppp', 'post'); $ Add_admin_menu_page [] = array ('comments', 'comments.php', 'comments'); $ Add_admin_menu_page [] = array ('tools', 'tools.php', 'tools'); What is it currently doing to make this work The text "itemprop =" text "> Here is an example from the bodal: function recursive_re_search ($ needle, $ hansstack) {foreach ($ haystack $ key = & gt; $ value) {$ current_key = $ key; if ($ needle === $ value or (is_array ($ value) & amp; amp; amp; & amp; recursive_array_search ($ needle, $ value )! =...

Wordpress thumbnail post after latest update not working with facebook share -

वर्डप्रेस वर्जन 3.8 में फेसबुक पर पोस्ट साझा करते वक्त यह वर्डप्रेस वर्जन 3.9 में कोई छवि नहीं है, कोई उचित लिंक नहीं है दिखा रहा है मैं अपना वर्डप्रेस ब्लॉग लिंक साझा कर रहा हूं फेसबुक आपको एक ही त्रुटि मिलेगी धन्यवाद अग्रिम में मैंने आपके यूआरएल को फेसबुक डीबग टूल के माध्यम से चलाया और यह अब काम करता है असल में ऐसा लगता है कि फेसबुक के अंदर खराब कैश्ड संस्करण था और डीबग टूल ने कैश को तोड़ दिया।

c# - Get hang on when query data -

I am using source code like this: database db1 = new database (); // init 1db connection db1.bigtitrainsignation (); // This function is used to view the client present / present in this function, I also use the database db2 = new database (); Db2.Close (); CheckExistCustomer (); InsertCustomer (db1, strInsert); // This function works fine, use DB1 if (iErrorCode == ErrorStatus.SUCCESSED) db1.CommitTransaction (); Second DB1 Rollback transaction (); As you see, I have 2DB connections, can I use them? When db2.Close (), it will not affect current DB1, right? Should I Use Only 1 DB Connection (DB1)? When I run CheckExistCustomer (), the program will hang out. I do not know why any clue? Please advise. I'm very epiactive to help you. You are managing transactions in this code. In the transaction, you are operating on two DBs, it is called Distributed Transactions, I think the BeginTransaction () method does not support distributed transactions, please use the Tran...

php - Find table name & then get data from that table. -

मॉडल ID मॉडल 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 10 मॉडल-तालिका आईडी model_id table_name 1 1 टेबल 1 2 3 टेबल 2 3 4 टेबल 3 नोट: यह महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है कि प्रत्येक मॉडल के लिए तालिका_नाम की आवश्यकता होती है। मुझे मॉडल चौड़ाई आईडी 3 के टेबल_नाम का पता चलता है, यह table2 है यह बहुत आसान है, इसे खोजने के लिए, मुझे यहां अपना एसक्यूएल लिखने का कारण नहीं दिखाई देता है table2 को खोजने के बाद, मुझे table2 से चयन करना चाहिए और सभी पैरामीटर्स खोजें इस मामले में मुझे दूसरा एसक्यूएल लिखना चाहिए table2 नोट: हम 3 के साथ मॉडल_id के सभी पैरामीटर्स पा सकते हैं। table2 आईडी model_id param1 param2 param3 1 3 0 5 10 मेरा प्रश्न: मैं जिस तरह से ढूंढ रहा हूं, सबसे पहले model_table और table_name प्राप्त करें, फिर table_name से चुनें और सभी पैरामीटर्स को 1 एसक्यूएल के साथ लाएं। नोट: मेरे PHP पृष्ठ पर आईडी और मॉडल_आईड चर है I । इसलिए, हमें सीमा 1 का उपयोग करना और 1 आईडी और मॉडल_आईडी को उचित डेटा प्राप्त करना होगा। आपको ऐसा दो प्रश्नों में करें क्योंकि टेबल के नाम गतिशील नहीं हो सक...

sql - Error happend when using "with as " and "listagg" in oracle -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मैंने नीचे एसक्यूएल चलाया है , लेकिन एक त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई, कोई मुझे मदद कर सकता है? के रूप में टी के रूप में ('ए' को पी के रूप में चुनें, 'ए' को दोहरे संघ से एन चुनें 'बी', 'ए' से दो दोहरी संघ का चयन 'डी', 'बी' से दोहरे संघ का चयन 'ई', 'बी' दोहरे संघ का चयन 'एफ', 'बी' से दोहरे संघ का चयन 'सी', 'ए' का चयन करें सूची (पी, ',') समूह के भीतर (आदेश द्वारा n) टी धन्यवाद। आपके पास ओरेकल 10 जी में लिस्टाग नहीं है ओरेकल 11GR2 में या तो कोशिश करें क्योंकि फ्रैंक ने उल्लेख किया है। यह बिना किसी त्रुटि के ठीक काम करता है या wm_concat या xmlagg जैसे कुछ विकल्प हैं। मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से xmlagg फ़ंक्शन पर wm_concat पसंद करते हैं

portaudio - Time between callback calls? -

I have a laboratory project that primarily uses PyAudio and to understand the way it works I have done some measurements in this case between the callback (using the callback mode) I gave it time and found an interesting result (@ 256 Chuck size, 44.1 Km FS): 0.0099701; 0.0000365; 0.0000201; 0.0201579 This pattern is turned on and on. Between two long calls, we have two small calls and sometimes short calls (you note that I do nothing from the time of callback in the program) . If we do this outside the average we get our desired callback time: 1/44100 * 256 (approximately 5.8 m) Here's my measurement: So someone can tell that what really happens under the hood here? What happens under the hood in PortAudio, which is dependent on many factors Which Original Audio API PortAds You Pa_OpenStream () Li> Including audio hardware and its drivers' capabilities, its supported buffer size, buffering model, and features of time. In some ci...

php - proc_open Too many open files in long running Symfony Console app -

I have created a console app with a SIM console console component. It was going to run for 5 hours but after running 2 hours I have a proc_open (): Many open files in the pipeline error Symfony \ Component \ Console \ Application.php On-line 985. I tried to gc_collect_cycles in my code, but got the same error. Is this a Symphonic Console component bug or should I not run any app for this long time (but I have to)? This problem relates to: Obviously you have many resources in your app It's not a symphony console bug, but it's a PHP bug. You can modify your program by using another programming language to open fewer files.

javascript - Angular JS. hide a div inside a ng-repeat -

I do not know how to hide a progress bar for me ng-repeat . I think I have to use ng-hide but maybe this does not work because I have many iterations and div for the same code with ng -hide . I want to show that div when a user clicks on a button. How can I do this? Thanks Daniel Edit To be honest, I did not do this because of what I said to it because I expected the other behavior of AngularJS, but now I have written what I wanted on the planker And it works. What I needed was (simplified) two columns: one column with one button and another with progress bar. If I click on the button on that row, its progress bar has been shown. I thought AngujarJS would show all progress bars because all the time the same tag (ng-hidden = "bar", for example) and For this reason I opened this question. If someone needs a code, then you can see it on the plunker. Seeing how fingerprints work, I now wonder how to run it, whose ID is 5, if I repeat Can you click on the bo...

python - Is it Possible to open a popup with some kind of transition as we have transition in Screen -

popup during we changed open during the opening of the screen, we can transition = FallOutTransition () are . Is it possible to do this in case of popups? If not: I was thinking of creating a custom popup where I can use the screen class and can transse it but I can not understand it. Anyone have any ideas? View the sample code below: import import app from kivy.uix.screenmanager import screen from ScreenManager, screen, kivy.clock from FallOutTransition Import kivy.core.window from window by clock kivy import. Import Popup UIP popup from Kivy.uix.label import Label Class COPOP (screen, popup): def __init __ (self, ** kwargs): super (CPOpup, itself) .__ init__ (** kwargs) self. transition = FallOutTransition () # Self.title = "I popup ... LOL" class A (screen): def __init __ (self, ** kwargs): Super (A, self) .__ init __ (** kwargs) self.transition = FallOutTransition () self.add_widget (label (text = "I label on the main widget!")) popup = pop...

Yii, filtering and ordering column in grid view that has data from custom model function -

This question is followed: I found that cell It's working, but now I do not know how to sort it and filterable (the filter field is hidden). See: $ this-> Widgets ('Bootstrap .widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array ('id' => User-Grid, 'Detector' => $ model-> Search (), 'Filter' = & gt; $ Model, 'column' = & gt; array ('user_name', 'favorite_color', array ('value' = & gt; '$ data-> getAllDates ()',),),)))))); A user may have multiple dates which can be a single date or date range, so I have found the AllDates function that receives all of them and all of them in the string So that the user can represent within a single cell. Model: Public function relation () {return array ('listofdates' => array (auto :: HAS_MANY, 'dates', 'user_id') ,); } Public function getAllDates () {$ data = ''; Foreign currency ($ this-> listofdates $ date) ...

making a conditional statement with a string containing all possible combination of four digits in 'C' -

I have a problem collecting four digit combination (person id) using the PocketSfix C program code. All my other orders were detected and operated correctly. But I do not know how to prepare a conditional statement, which will be selected when the detection of the selected four digit combination. Please suggest how I can do this !! printf ("Processing ... \ n"); fflush (stdout); / * Finish decoding, get results and print * / ps_end_utt (ps); Hyp = ps_get_hyp (ps, NULL, and uttid); // printf ("% s:% s \ n", uttid, hyp); fflush (stdout); If (half) {sscanf (half, "% s", word); If (strcmp (hype, "leshhe fehryplan") == 0) {counter_correct = counter_correct + 1; Printf ("LASCHE FAHRPLAN is confirmed \ n"); Printf ("Count the correct number of statement, the total number of statements% s \ n", counter_correct, uttid); } And if (strcmp (Hype, "Lesch Warscau") == 0) {counter_correct = counter_correct + 1; Printf (...

ruby on rails - listing other than windows images from amazon using fog -

I am using fog for one of my projects, I used description_images with filter parameters, but now I only have windows images, so there is no way to change the parameters to other AMIs? For example 'platform = & gt; Something like Body ["imagesSet"] ​​# list id, space for architecture and key in 0 ... my_images.length print my_images [key] ["imageId"], "\ t", my_images [key] ["architecture" ], "\ T \ t", my_images [key] ["image location"], "\ n"; According to ... windows Use if you have Windows based examples; Otherwise, leave blank. Therefore "window" is a valid value for that filter, currently, and accordingly, there is currently no way to filter for non-Windows instances: It appears that there is currently no way that filters for using the EC2-description-examples for Linux instances. At this time behavior is expected and there is no easy solution at this time. We will updat...

memcached - php memcache not working with mvc -

I have two different controllers. I am working with Zend Framework MVC Controller 1 Set up the data Controller 2. Get the data and display so I just do it: Controller 1. $ memcache = new mail; $ Memcache- & gt; Connect ('localhost', 11211) or die ("could not connect"); $ Data = array ('id' => 1, 'name' = & gt; 'jones'); $ Key = "PersonalDetail"; $ Memcache- & gt; Set ($ key, $ data, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, 1200); Controller 2. $ memcache = new mail; $ Memcache- & gt; Connect ('local host', 11211) or die ("could not connect"); $ Key = "PersonalDetail"; $ Data = $ memcache-> Get ($ key); Var_dump ($ data); // is not getting anything I have checked the key if it is set or not and I find that it is set to controller 1 but when I run the controller2 code And then check the key..I was not there. Is this happening because I am connecting Memkesh again to get the data? ...

java - Cannot find JAVA_HOME in Red Hat Server -

I am trying to find a place where the JAVA_HOME env variale is set and I ~ / .bash_profile , ~ / .bashrc and / etc / profile but could not find the env variable. But when I $ JAVA_HOME its value / usr / local / java Where else happens JAVA_HOME env variable BTW This is a Red Hat Linux server. file /etc/bash.bashrc , sometimes even starting Is used for bash. If not, then with grep -r BASH_HOME / etc UPDATE Man Bash: When Bash is brought as an interactive login shell, or with the --login option as a non-interactive shell, it will first command the file Reads and implements ~ / .bash_profile , ~ after reading that file if that file exists, / .bash_login , and ~ / .profile , and initiatives Does exist reads commands and executes and readable. Any more: When an interactive shell that is not a login shell, runs and executes commands with / etc / bash .bashrc and ~ / .bashrc , if these files are present. So there is only one file you can not ...

windows authentication - ASP.Net MVC app- Authorization performs differently on staging server -

We are developing an ASP.NET MVC intranet style app and are trying to take advantage of window authentication because users The vast majority of are pre-certified for local domains. Authentication is implemented in a fair standard way, for information about role only which we have chosen to store in our database, we have implemented it in two different ways (custom rollspeaver And override context. User - IS INOL) both of whom are required without the need of the development environment hosted on both IIS Express and the local IIS server. And fulfill the work. The problem once we move the app to a staging environment, which is still on the same local network / domain, neither the authentication method works with both the Windows certification role provider It is not taken into consideration. To display this I have a part of the code in my Home / Index page that calculates the Windows Domain Group and tests for the user. Each of them, besides user.IsInRole ("user") (...

multithreading - PhantomJS-Node in a for Loop -

I am trying to implement a screen-scraps application that opens a URL in which a parameter changes as it is for a loop: var data = [ '100', '101', '102', '103', '104']; (Var indexA = 0; indexA & lt; data.length; indexA ++) for {Phantom Generation ({'port': freeport}, function (pH) {ph.create page (function (page) { ("http: //...++ data [index B] +" ... " , Status {console.log ("open site:" + data [index B], position); / * OLD * / indexB ++; page evaluation (function () {// page scrape and an object Return}, function {console.log (result.dataRequest); // here is the problem}); / * new and fixed * / indexB ++} first console Logs it: Open Site: 100 Success Opens Site: 101 Success B Ola Site: 102 Success Opening Site: 103 Success Opened Site: 104 Success Which is good. Data is verified in scrap HTML and from index to array Matches. So in page 101 I scrap '101 and retrieve' and pu...

objective c - Download video even if direct link access restricted by .htaccess in ios -

I want to download videos from the server in iOS. This video is restricted by .htaccess, so that if I use a direct link (ie) it will not give me video content I can set the filter like If the user is a iOS or referral, then allow them to access the video link directly. But in iOS, I could not find such information for filtering in .htaccess. Can anyone help me download this restriction and download it in the iOS app? Thank you. Especially look at setValue: forHTTPHeaderField: Can add / change HTTP headers

php - Combine JSON array into single value -

I am trying to insert several JS key key values ​​so that I can return only one value with all the data. For example, in my code, I want to add address 1, address2, address 3 to address Is it possible. I have tried several ways to experiment. = But anything seems to work. Gratefulness will be appreciated on any head. Thanks $ query = "Select-from company_com"; = 0 to $; $ From = 30; $ Query = "LIMIT". $ From ",". $ To; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query) or die ("SQL Error 1:". Mysql_error ()); {$ Line = mysql_fetch_array ($ result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$ clients [] = array ('address1' => gt; $ line ['address1_com'], 'address2' = & gt; $ line ['address2_com '],' Address3 '= & gt; $ row [' address3_com ']); } Echo json_encode ($ clients); You can type this very well .. $ client = array (); $ I = =; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query) or die ("SQL Error 1:". Mysql_error ()); W...

realloc - finding reoccuring string in I/O stream -C? -

I am quite new to C. I am trying to write a code that finds a string in the I / O stream, and I do not know what I'm doing wrong I know that the error is probably in the loop in a big time (in the code below) . I want the function to return the location in the bytes from the beginning of the stream and -1 if fails for some reason. It keeps returning -1 for any file. I try it. long search_string (const char * str, const char * filename, long offset) {FILE * f = fopen (filename, "r"); If (! F) {return -1; } Int s = 0, c; C = fgetc (f); If (C == EOF) {return -1; } char * check = malloc (sizeof (char)); Fseek (F.L.L., SEEK_END); // and how long the file is long sz = ftell (f); fseek (F.L.L., SEEK_SET); If (fseek (F, offset, SEEK_SET)! = 0) {// Offset return-1 condition is found; } While (fgetc (f)! = EOF) {c = fgetc (f); If (C == SR [0] and F (F) & lt; SG) {check [0] = C; Offset = ftell (f); } S ++; (Unsigned int r = 1; r Any help is greatly appreciated It ...

android - Enabling XEP-0198 in aSmack -

I am currently using asmack against an XMPP server which has XEP-0198 enabled. I am trying to enable this feature from the asmack library but I can not find any information about how to do it, so I know that I have to send this feature enabling : & lt; xmlns enable = 'cache: xmpp: sm: 3' /> But I do not know how to do this, because it is not a reader, any help is appreciated. Edit: As Dant3 has said that XEP-0198 is not supported in Scout, but I still want to send that simple XML to Smack, I do not know how to do that. It seems as if you taste, you can not enable it. It would be nice if you contribute to it in the sky (and thus - for asmack). Edit: Taste 4.1.0 now supports XEP-0198 stream management. See it for details.

mifare - 3des authentication no response -

I am sending Command 1A: 00 using an ADD command to the MF UltraLite C tag - / P> Write passive target: read 4 A1: 4 B1 1 444 7 7 C 2 35 CA 2 C2C 80 Writing: 40 1 1 A. code > I do not know when I send 1A 00, did not he respond with the RDA? My code is: bool success = nfc.inListPassiveTarget (); If (success) {uint8_t auth_apdu [] = {0x1A, 0x00}; uint8_t response [255]; uint8_t reaction = lang = 255; Success = nfc.inDataExchange (author_apdu, sizeof (auth_apdu), responses, and reactions); If (Success) {Serial.println ("\ n successfully sent 1 auth_apdu \ n"); Serial.println ("\ nThe response is: \ n"); nfc.PrintHexChar (response, response length); } When I try to read the pages with command 0x30, it works fine, but the authorization order is not: 1A: 00 - I do not know what to do wrong. The answer is that instead of inDataExchange in CommunicateThru code> (0x42) should be used (0x40). This should be the correct command: 0x42 1A 0

tortoisesvn - Can SVN ignore local changes to a file until a newer modification? -

Some of my current code files were changed for testing purposes (a separate continuous price or some comment-out line) is . There is nothing like what I should do because it is not a proper change in code, just temporarily. Even so, the files change while checking changes (quite normal!) It will not be bad unless they are never changed (I can use a change), but many Once again, I have to change these files for other reasons, for whose content I want to do I know that it is not a question about restoration after commitment and how my issue to partial file is that since ever since the files appear changing all the time, Even when there is some reasonable change in the end There is no trick to keep the file out unless they make appropriate changes? I was thinking of something like "ignoring these changes", where SVN will only show the file as a change in the changes in other compared to the initial set of changes Type ... local temporary committment, if this make...

sql - Rewrite MySQL query without using UNION -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब 1 उत्तर मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं जो सही परिणाम देता है, लेकिन मुझे यकीन है कि इन परिणामों को पाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका नहीं है ... से चुनिए * फीचर्स से फीचर्ड_अरिया = 0 ऑर्डर करें, जहां फीचर_एरेआ = 0 ऑर्डर द्वारा अपडेटस्टैम्प डिस लेड 1) फीचर_1 यूनियन द्वारा सभी चुनिंदा * से (* फीचर्ड_अरेआ = 1 ऑर्डर द्वारा अपडेटस्टैम्प डिस लेम 1 तक फीचर्स से चुनें) सुविधा के रूप में फीचर्ड यूनियन सभी विकल्प * से (* फीचर्ड_एरेआ = 2 ऑर्डर द्वारा अपडेटस्टैम्प डैड सीमा 1 के रूप में सुविधाओं से * चुनें) सुविधा के रूप में यह रिटर्न परिणाम जो कुछ ऐसा दिखता है ... आईडी सुविधा_अरे शीर्षक अद्यतनस्टैम्प ---------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------ 103 0 यह एक शीर्षक है 2014-04-15 09:26:14 102 1 अन्य शीर्षक 2014-03-27 14:09:49 98 2 अधिक शीर्षक 2014-01-21 16:00:55 यह यूनियनों के बजाय जुड़ने का उपयोग करके सुधार किया जा सकता है और यदि आप मुझे सही दिशा में बता सकते हैं तो कृपया। संपादित करें: अन्य विकल्पों पर ध्यान द...

html - SelectAll button using JavaScript -

I have the following code. I want to check all the check boxes on the button click. How can I do this using Javascript? & lt; Div id = "blocked_list_add_website_help_text" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" id = "blockSelectall" class = "secondary" & gt; Select all & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" value = "box 1" /> Box 1 & lt; Input type = "checkbox" value = "box 2" /> box 2 Box 3 Pure JS: document. getElementById ("BlockSelectAll"). Onclick = function () {var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName ("input"); (Var i = 0; i & lt; inputs.length; i ++) {if (input [i] .type == "checkbox") {inputs [i]. Checkeded = true; }}}

unix timestamp - Moment.js: javaScript analogue -

1 जनवरी 1970 00:00:00 यूटीसी simular () javaScript फ़ंक्शन? उपयोग करें एक पल वस्तु पर valueOf विधि: स्थानीय समय के लिए: पल ()। ValueOf (); यूटीसी के लिए: पल ()। Utc ()। ValueOf ();

ios - How to auth in instagram with cookies? -

Then I have a code for auth instagram, but it does not work and the message " code> you have to switch cookies ". what I must to do? thanks for answer. Now I try to get a token from instagram: NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init]; [Request URL: url]; [Set http system: @ "gET"]; [Request Set HTTPSHowld Cookies: Yes]; NSDTA * URLDATA; NSHTTPURL response * feedback; NSError * Errors; urlData = [NSURLConnectionSynchronousRequest: Response Returning Request: And Response Error: & amp; Errors]; NSString * string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: urlData encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSRegularExpression * regex = [NSRegularExpression Regular expression: @ "csrf_token \": \ "(. *)," Option: 0 error: zero]; NSString * Token = String; NSTextCheckingResult * Match = [regex firstMatchInString: Token Options: 0 Category: NSMakeRange (0, [...

encryption - Why do AES decryption methods take IVs as arguments -

I am still new to encryption normally, and I understand why an IV is required, but IV embedded Not in encrypted data? Thus, any decryption implementation should first be deducted from the data instead of the requirement of this supply? I think that Ivy is embedded in data because some libraries / devices do not require it to be supplied for example JavaScript, for CryptoJS. CryptoJS.AES.decrypt ("U2FsdGVkX1 / l3HWODO9GX23rvF0KHmDR6z8XTpYYpe8 =", "password") toString (CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)); and openssl: echo "U2FsdGVkX1 ++ PGG + oWqZbIjccV1NiV2pc1QrQtw0wp4 =" | Openssl AES 256 CBC-D-Passed A-Pass:. Password And that AES encrypts, really like any True Application , like TrueCrypt is a library that looks like IV: mcrypt for PHP: In the SymmetricAlgorithm net: I'm having some confusion No, the fourth can be equally derivative. The only reason to include IV with Ciphertext is when the key is reused for encryption and when IV can ...

c++ - How to build static executable that depends on libcurl? -

I have an application in Linux under C ++ (kdevelop). I want to make it static, and I am using the CMAC. The application is using the curl library and I am getting many errors and warnings. I think that is due to curl dependence Is it true that there are many dependencies in curl? Who are they? Do you know what is the way to fast them all? I know that it was a lot of time, the question was asked, but I do the same problem I am also stuck on this. First of all, about libcurl, if you download the source, it is possible to configure that only the features you make are included in it Reduces the number of libraries that it depends on configure the script For example, ./configure --disable-ldap will delete the LDAP features and thus its dependency Will remove. I explained my whole problem, maybe what I did can help you!

python - Celery: When and where to use the return value of a .delay() running @task to update DB? -

I am creating a degena app with celery. I have @task which I set a fire on .delay () . . Once the work is completed, I will have to use the return value (string) to update my PostGrace DB. I'm not sure where should I put the DB update code? What do I do: a) return_value = My_task.delay (..) (ORM - DB update code) b) my_task.delay (..) # & lt; - Task updates the DB What is the correct path right here? You should use the second approach, because the delay method immediately ends so that your work ends Could not wait to do And the return_value variable will be an example, not the value that you wanted to get back from my_task. So if you want to update the DB when you are done, then do this in the work. Alternatively, you can use the on_success handler of the working class: class MyTask: def run (auto, * args, ** kwargs) : # Your execution code def on_success (auto, retval, task_id, args, kwargs): put retval in #db

com - Why we want to use BSTR -

I'm new to COM according to BSTR, there is a string with the prefix I am thinking that its purpose for BSTR In which case we have to use BSTR instead of string type? If one can be an example, please? Thank you First of all, sometimes you have to use BSTR. For example, if you call a com method and call Cali a BSTR, then do not pass any other string type - otherwise they can call SysStringLen () and Can run in undefined behavior. Use BSTR when an API description says that you should use BSTR. In addition, there are useful features in BSTR : (most importantly this) is allocated on a separate pile managed by the com And so if your application has different modules using different modules, then any module can be assigned a BSTR and any module can free it easily with other dynamic allocated accessories. This is not an example New is very useful when for example you have an existing string, Cali or have to be specified: it preserved or re - without a single stack and a se...

php - Prestashop Webservice Add product -

I work with Prestashop 1.5 and I try to put a product with Prestashop's Webservice API PHP, but It never works ... For example, I found a category entry script, but it does not work: ex> & Lt ;? Php require_once ('./PWWebServiceLibrary.php'); Define ('DEBUG', true); Define ('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'http: //dev.************************************); Define ('PS_WS_AUTH_KEY', '*****************************); $ WebService = New PrestaShopWebservice (PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG); $ Xml = $ web service - & gt; Obtain (array ('url' = & gt; PS_SHOP_PATH. '/ Api / categories? Schema = summary')); $ Resource = $ xml - & gt; Children () - & gt; children(); Unset ($ resource -> ID); Unset ($ resource - & gt; position); Unset ($ resource - & gt; date_add); Unset ($ resource - & gt; date_upd); // Unset ($ resource -> id_parent); // If the unset category will be root. If set, then it should...

apache - Web application could not be started -

I am trying to use the Apache 2 and Mod Traveler to run my Rail app. My setup is working fine when I use Ubuntu 12.04. Now I have been updated to 14.04 and my application is trying to run. But I always get the following error. /home/sandeep/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/json-1.8.1/lib/json/common.rb:67: [bug] Segmentation error ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 Amendment 43786) [x86_64-linux] - Control Frame Information ------------------- ---------- ------------------ C: 0057 P: ---- s: 0163 B: 0163 L: 000162 D: 000162 CFUNC: C to begin: 0056 P: ---- S: 0161 B: 0161 L: 000160 D: 000160 CFUNC: New C: 0055 P: 00 99 S: 0158 B: 0156 L: 000155 D: 000155 METHOD / Home / Sandeep /. RVM / Gems / Ruby - 2.1.1 / Gemstones / Jason-8.8 / Leeb / JSN / General. RB: 67C: 0054 P: 00 9S: 0147 B: 0146 L: 000145 D: 000145 Class / Home / Sandeep /. RVM / Gems / Ruby -2.1.1 / Gemstones / Jason-1.8.1 / Leib / JSN / Extra RB: 17C: 0053P: 0011S: 0144B: 0144 L: 000143D: 000143 Class / house / sandip / .rvm / gems...