
Showing posts from July, 2012

javascript - Web Application - Dynamic Image Rendering -

When it comes to web applications, I am a complete Noah I created a network visualization toolkit based on Google App Engine I am doing I have implemented the Spanning Tree Protocol as a sample. This is what it does: Take the network topology as an input from the client Generate a network graph based on 1, and the image to the customer Generate trees spanning the MST protocol presenting the image of a tree spreading to the user I can go to the demo to see my professor to stay away from javascript Have been instructed by. If you see, the application runs properly. Here's the problem: The MST protocol is a step-by-step algorithm. Currently this application runs the entire algorithm in the backend and gives the final result. What is my profile? I want to do this, add a 'step by step' button. If the user clicks on that button, then the entire MST protocol is run one step at a time so that the user can work on MST Could imagine the actual simulation of ...

svn - Tuleap Subversion 404 page loading issue -

After creating a new project in Tuleap in the Subversion tab, when I browse the SVN tree tab I see the following error message: An exception has occurred The root "short-no" is unknown if you think the value is correct, please Double check your configuration HTTP response status 404 repositories could not be found. Where do I need to check my configuration? You will activate the backend: "Service Tillap Start" (as root)) and the queue Wait for Pure (You can view the System Event Monitoring page as a site administrator)

Generating excel sheet from PHP code -

I want to generate Excel sheet from PHP code. I went out and found some solution, one of them is directly generated from the http header On the other hand, using PHPExcel class is another way of using the Jquery HTTP header is the right way to use or to do this Another easy way is using Excel I recommend that: & lt ;? Php header ("content-type: text / csv"); $ Out = FOPAN ('php: // output', 'w'); Fputsv ($ out, array ('this',' something ',' csv 'stuff ", you know.')); Fclose (outside $);? & Gt; This file can be easily opened in Microsoft Excel or any other CSV viewer - personally, I like.

What's wrong with my javascript? it keeps giving me an error in dreamweaver -

Text after "itemprop =" text "> On line 29 (pixelScan) it shows an error in my Dreamweaver that I want to know what is wrong, please help me Do not know what is the error, if I am a noob on javascript please help me: 120 & amp; 2 & gt; 50 & amp; RK & lt; 165 & amp; end of & lt; 60) [i + 3] = 0; } This.videocontentPlayer2.putImageData (frame, 0, 0); Return; }} & lt; / Script & gt; is a missing comma separator: } , // here pixel scan: function () {

android onBackPressed method in fragment need help for exit from application -

I'm using piece in an application. Now I want to add the AlertBob to the back key press but I In the expanded category, the backdrop () method is not able to get public naught on. How can I achieve this? My main activity increases the piece activity. backdone at public zero (super.onBackpressed (); Alertbox ("myappname", "Do you want to exit?"); } But it does not display a dialog, or if it shows that it disappears in 1 second. What am i doing wrong Use it to exit Code Override public boolean on KeyDown (int keycode, KeyEvent event) {if ((keycode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)) {AlertDialog.Builder alertbox = New AlertDialog Builder (main activity.); alertbox.setTitle ("Do you want to exit?"); Alertbox.setPositiveButton ("Yes", New DialogInterface.OnClickListener () {click on Public Zero (DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {// Finish to Deletion End Activity ();}}); Nothing will be done when clicking on Alertbox.setNegativeButt...

c# - Odata url conversion of date using between -

I have such a question select xxx from 'where date' 2012-10 post-text "itemprop =" text "> It can be inquired like this: http: // service / odata / products? $ Filter = dates gt datetime'2012-10-26 'and dates are Lt. Datayam' 2012 -10-27 '

Postgresql stored function returning only values not with column names -

I'm new to Postgresql; I have just created the function with the overall type after my code is : (find_id bigint, result_name character different, different result_loc character, RESULT_TYPE character different, result_pic character different) Create type_ search_type; Create or function search_result REPLACE ("@ search_text" character different) SETOF gives $ search_type $ body $ declarative as search_type% rowtype; As a result, "user_id" as "user_id" in the form of "user_id" as "user_firstname", "user_firstname", "user_firstname", "result_name", "user_loc" result_loc, result_pic as 'user_picurl', 'user' As the result_type users_list where CONCAT ("Context" ("@ search_text", '%') to proceed LOOP RETURN; User_firstname ",", "User_lastname"); For "end loop" r "SELECT SELECT" Community_id "result_id...

unity3d - Unity increases size of imported sprites -

Perhaps you are misleading the physical texture size of PNG, which is 37.2 KB as you specify, with the size of the texture in the memory. It does not matter if your file is JPG, PNG, or psd, the size of the game memory will take you as much as you specify. If you specify the maximum quality, which is 32 bit RGB uncompressed then it is 800 x 294 x 4 bytes (32 bit) = 235 200 x 4 bytes = 940 800 bytes = ~ 0.9 MB If you want to use less memory, then you can reduce the quality to 16 beats (4 beats per channel), or you can compress in memory types, however, give this texture Need the power of dimensions, and square (on iOS) again In this case, you have 1024 x 1024 x 0.5 bytes (4 bit per pixel PVRTC4) - 524 288 bytes = ~ 0.5 MB These compressed textures were kept compressed. GPU memory is available on PowerVR's GPUs and many others, using them, you will reduce your memory usage, and even rendering time - there is less data to process, they are not exactly as 32 btr RGBA , But ... web api - How to use Azure Service Bus between Website and REST Web API -

I have done a ton of research and can not figure out how to use the service just in the real bus scenario. I have a web site that communicates with a restore API and I just want a service between the two. By working in the service bus queue, while my web site is sending things to the REST API in the background, stay fast I think this is a common scenario. PS My REST API uses basic authentication. So right now I am looking for sample code to handle this specific scenario, but nothing can be found. I have two ideas, but not sure what the service can just handle ... Do not just serve the entire line of the queue and keep it to rest Is able to deal with API and authentication? ... or just in the line of the bus holds that ID that I use to pull data from SQL and to act on the task? In other words ... I need a "listener" app that chooses the queue and takes bits to create the message and sends it to the rest api. No one who will handle this scenario will n...

3d - Best way to plot an updating webGL mesh/surface -

I need to create a surface or mesh (or particle system) in WebGL, which is a new line of time Updates with This is essentially a spectral performance (similar to a waterfall, but it should be in 3D) in which every 2 seconds, the display must be added to the extra column of spectral information. I want it to grow slowly into a surface with colorful diamonds / faces / particles based on relative height relative to the total height. Everything was a very easy effort, I guess. Still, I want to use it to make the best use of the geometry for reasons of performance. Ultimately, creating a surface is 1000x1000 points, and at this time there are at least 2 such surfaces in this scene. I have included the options played around so far: Using a buffided gatometer with particle system content, it seems to be performing the best, but I can not find a great way to update it in real time. So while updating it, the whole view is locked. Using a trap but there is no easy way to add a line ...

How to replace the "?" using sed -

I would like to know that ? Within a string using Sed % 53 . I without success in CSS? has tried to avoid. Example: "string?" | Sed 's / \? /% 53 / g ' . I tried \\? , [?], [\?], [\\?], \ X53 Is it also possible, using sed? Simple quote between normaly directly without ASPA code (AiX / Bash / Pausix sed and cyan on GNU Test) probably with the -r option linux / bash / gnu sed sed 's /? /% 53 / g on

css - Remove iOS input shadow -

On iOS (Safari 5) I have to follow the following for the input element (Top Interval Shadow): I use the top shadow, bug -webkit-appearance is not left. The current style is: Input {boundary-radius: 15px; Border: 1px dashed #bbb; Padding: 10px; Line-height: 20px; Text align: center; Background: Transparent; Profile: None; -WebKit-Presence: None; -Mouse-presence: none; } you -webkit-appearance: none; To override the default IOS styles, however, the selection of just the input tags in the CSS will not override the default iOS styles, because iOS is an attribute selector input [type = text] to add styles to it. That's why your CSS will need to use an attribute selector to impose the default IOS CSS styles that are pre-set. Try it: input [type = text] {/ * first remove * / -webkit-appearance: none; -Mouse-presence: none; Presence: None; / * Then style * / boundary-radius: 15px; Border: 1px dashed #bbb; Padding: 10px; Line-height: 20px; Text align: cent...

audio - how to convert downloaded video file to text file -

I downloaded many video files and it should be converted to text files. Can anyone help me convert a video file into text? This is very important for my project. Please reply as soon as possible .. Thanks in advance Normally I recommend converting files to Base64 . On Linux, you can use the base64 command line tool to convert the binary file to a text presentation. base64 file.avi & gt; To decode file.txt text file: base64 -d file.txt & gt; File.avi

php - Yii CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton always submits data in POST method -

When I used the CFTL :: AjaxSubmit button, I came to this problem, some data was found in the form of the GET method To deposit in No matter what I try, it always submits data as a POST method. Can anything go wrong? Here's my code. Echo CHtml :: Startup (array ('ShoppingCart / Ed Itam', 'GET')); Echo CHtml :: textField ('qty', 1, array ('size' => 3); Echo CHtml :: hidden field ('product_id', $ model-> product_id); AnchoCOMTL :: AjaxSubmitButton ('Submit', array ('Shopping Cart / Ed Itam'), array ('type' = & gt; 'GET', // 'data' => (array)), ); Echo CHtml :: endForm (); It is designed according to you instead of CHtml :: ajaxbutton : CHtml :: Ajax Button ('My label', 'Controller / verb', array ('type' = & gt; 'GET',), array ('Type' = & gt; 'submit',);

python - Should manual logservice flush work with automatic flush enabled? -

Send me an email message is a cron job, to be within the GAE quota, after each email it will be sent to 8 seconds ( Sleeps for time.sleep (8) ). As a result, the work runs more than 60 seconds and I get the CancelledError: API Call Log Service. Flush () has been explicitly canceled exception I have found the solution and call it manually after calling logservice.Flush () It has started, but it does not help. Therefore, I am trying to understand this reason. Should I change from AUTOFLUSH_ENABLED to using false ? Why are not you using a cron that closes the e-mail sender's job , Then you have 10 minutes to run the job instead of 60 seconds.

c++ - cocos2dX Orientation Support -

मुझे एक साधारण अभिविन्यास परीक्षण करते समय यह समस्या हो रही है। मान लीजिए कि मैं एक डिज़ाइन के प्रस्ताव का उपयोग कर रहा हूं लैंडस्केप के लिए 480 * 320 और पोर्ट्रेट मोड के लिए 320 * 480 अब मेरे पास चौड़ाई 480 का एक बड़ा प्रेरणा है जो चित्र मोड में खुद को प्रदर्शित नहीं करता है। फिर अभिविन्यास बदलने पर, मैं इसे पुनः रखता हूं ताकि इसे ठीक से दिखाना चाहिए। ऐसा करने के बाद, मैं सफलतापूर्वक सही ढंग से स्प्राइट जगह, निचले बाएं कोने में प्रस्तोता, लेकिन स्प्राइट अभी भी पूरी तरह खुद को प्रदर्शित नहीं करता है & lt; -। पोर्ट्रेट मोड & lt; - का स्थान बदलने के बाद परिदृश्य कदम पुन: पेश करने: 1) create_project उपकरण 2) संपादित करें रूप didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation करने के लिए इन 3 लाइनों को जोड़ने का पालन के साथ एक डिफ़ॉल्ट परियोजना बनाने: (UIInterfaceOrientation) fromInterfaceOrientation ऑटो डम = निदेशक :: getInstance () - & gt; getRunningScene () - & gt; getChildByTag (13,579) - & gt; getChildByTag (24,680); dum- & gt; setPositi...

javascript - How to use scripted web API code in to HTML documents -

I am trying to implement the speech recognition interface in one of my HTML documents . I searched for it and found the link below. But I do not know how to embed the interface code into the HTML document. Can anyone help me how to use it? What does the interface of the formal W3C specifications call you usually when you have an object-oriented language The work specification specifies that a web-browser needs to be implemented in its Javascript library to complete the specification. Unless you are developing your own web browser, you do not apply anything you only use the implementation provided by web browsers. From now on (April 2014) the W3C Speech API, which is linked to you, is just an experimental recommendation. . Experimental implementation determines all text-to-speech objects with webkit , so SpeechRecognition becomes webkitSpeechRecognition . No other browser currently applies it at all, and it is not yet sure that they will ever do so. For this r...

c# - Change sprite in Prefab -

I have a range of management of the game's user interface. Public class game manager: Mono Behair (ArrayList sprites; // initialize it for zero start () {sprites = new ArrayList (); Sprites.Add (resource load (" Sprites. Sprites. Sprites.Add ("Load" ("donut", typef (Sprite)); Sprites.Add (resource load ("ice cream", typef (sprite)); Sprites. Add (resource load ("letter", typef (sprite)); Sprites.Add (resource load ("paper", typef (sprite)); Sprites.Add (resource load ("pecricope", typef ( Sprite)); Sprites.Add Sprites.Add (source "load" ("sock", typef (sprite)); Sprites.Add (resource load ("tag", typef (sprite) );); Sprites.Add (for resource load ("underwear", typef (sprite)); for (int x = 0; x & lt; 5; x ++) {for (int y = 0; y & Lt; 5; y ++) {GameObject go = Resources.Load ("ItemPrefab") as GameObject; Go.GetComponent & lt; SpriteRenderer & gt; ...

Object instantiation in Python -

I have the following Python code for the category PortDataState below. class PortDataState (dict): # dict: Port Class - & gt; PortData class # slimed down version does not support Python 2.6 as an ordered date. _PREV = 0 _NEXT = 1 _KEY = 2 def __init __ (self): Super (PortDataState, itself) .__ init __ () self._root = root = [] # Centennial node root [:] = [root, root, any No] # [_PREV, _NEXT, _KEY] # doubly linked list self._map = {} def _remove_key (self, key): link_prev, link_next, key = self._map.pop (key) link_prev [self._NEXT] = link_next Link_next [self. _PREV] = link_prev def _append_key (self, key): root = self._root final = root [self._PREV] last [self._NEXT] = root [self._PREV] = self._map [key] = [last, root , Main] def _prepend_key (self, key): root = self._root first = root [self._NEXT] first [self._PREV] = root [self._NEXT] = self._map [key] = [root, First, key] def _move_last_key (self, key): self._remove_key (key) self._append_key (key) def _move_front_key (...

android studio - Scroll from source keymap / go to file / locate file in project view -

I've searched a lot of articles but have not received a reply, some have come up with a solution but actually did not answer the question. is . I want to find a file in the project view in the files. In this project, to see a button with scroll name from the source, it does what I want but I want it as a keyboard shortcut, as if in many commands The shift is alt l. I There is always an option in the project view to scroll through the source These options are useful but do not solve my question. It seems that it can do this, but I do not want to scroll up and down at all times to see the project on the file. I want a keyboard short cut because it feels the fastest to work with me and makes it more comfortable. It is possible to get it by typing itemprop = "text"> Alt + F1 and entering enter . If you want to change it to a button press then your best bet is to record those commands as a macro. To do this edit> Macros & gt; Start Macro Recor...

windows - How to change console code to 1252? -

I am trying to use PostgreSQL on Windows 8 using the command line provided by GT Bash so that I I can run commands such as Unix. When access to postgrades with the following command: psql -U postgres I get: Warning: console code page (850) windows code page (1252) etc. is different from. .. In the Windows Command tool, I need to type chcp 1252 before reaching postgraduates so that the warning is not visible. What is the equivalent command in Unix / GIT Bash? I tried git bash to chcp 1252 or chcp but it outputs: sh .exe ": chcp: command not found Any ideas? Try " 1252". Git does not consider bash ".com" as an ineffective executable postfix. "Chcp" can not expand to fix it If you are executable, you should type "" completely.

python - Regular expression for matching numbers and strings -

I have a series of words below 476pe e586 99 99 rrr ABCF I have to write a regular expression that will match letters and numbers to characters. From the above stars, I only need to match 476pe e586 99 99 ^ [\ D] * [0-9] + [\ D] * $ I tried writing the regular expression below but this does not work, I have an online regax tool , And it shows that the entire string is matching. The problem with your regex is that \ D excludes any number can be anything , so that will match the character with special characters incorrectly, and will fail to match the stars with more than one, instead, ^ [0 -9a-zA-Z] * [0-9] [0-9A-ZA-ZE] * $ . It will match any number of numbers or letters, after a number and then any number of numbers and letters will match. And here one ...

php - MYSQL to sqlsrv -

Working on converting my mysql php code into sqlsrv, but there is a problem finding the same task. This code is: $ result = sqlsrv_query ($ conn, $ sql) or die ("The query can not be executed: & lt; br & Gt; "Sqlsrv_error ()." & Lt; br & gt; "sqlsrv_errno ()); $ File_ending = "xls"; $ Reals = array (); // Header Info for Browser Header ("Content-Type: App / Xls"); Header ("content-dispute: attachment; file name = $ filename.xls"); Header ("Prestama: no-cache"); Header ("End: 0"); / ******* Start formatting for Excel ******* / // Define Separator (defines columns in excel and tab in the word) $ sep = "\ t"; // Tabbed Character // The name of the printing column names as the name of the MySQL field / * ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; slslsrv_num_fields ($ result); $ i ++) {$ type = sqlsrv_field_metadata ($ result , $ I); Echo sqlsrv_field_metadata ($ result, $ i). "\ T"; If ($ type ...

javascript - Set the background size to 100% initially but ignore div expansion -

I have some problems with background-size: auto 100% my Inside the BTN -con class I know what is happening right below, there is no problem in it. When the button text is counted, a new line is created, which means that the icon should be increased to 100% of its new original height. I need to change and change background-shaped behavior: auto 100% so that it initially its height to the original height of 100 %, But then if it was expanded due to a line break, then it remains exactly the same size, therefore not taking 100% height of the height of the new parents. A clean, perfectly shaped icon: Ugly icon: HTML: & lt; A href = "#search"> & Lt; Div class = "button" & gt; & Lt; div class = "btn-icon" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "btn-lesson" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "title" & gt; Search & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "subtitle"...

python - Update DNS record in route53 using boto -

I try the following error when trying to update a DNS record in R3 using BRO: tracebacks (most recent call final): file "", line 106, The following tasks have been used to update the DNS entry: def UpdateDns (zone_id = r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name (& lt; domain_name & gt;) for print zone_id change = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets () RONSRORSORDERED connection = r53, hosted_zone_id = zone_id) change.add_change_record ("UPSERT", boto. route53.record.Record (name = & lt; name & gt; type = "CNAME", resource_record = load_blaner_dns, ttl = 300)) change.commit () print "changed record" returns no return Did not have (Lod_blalensi_ DNS) participate in any such issues from the first update? I'm having a similar problem for this, so in the form of "debug" exercise, I have print zone_id I noticed that the object was a dict / JSON response, so I zone_id = self.r53 changed their code to .ge...

sqlite - Best Possible way to Store Data (Lot of Strings with Images) in android application -

I'm trying to create an application that will be of an eBook type (lots of theory and figures). Or simple text files I am also very worried about the data protection. This will be a paid app, I want to secure the data and it's fast and convenient too. In addition to this, I thought about changing the doctor files (data) in the App Format & amp; So use the app API to access the data and display it on the Android app screen, will it be a traitorous idea? Compared to the above methods? Which is more secure, fast, flexible & amp; easy! Depending on what is more important to you - speed or security Speed ​​ Definitely SQLite, it's not quite clear, but definitely the fastest way. Security Custom files that are encrypted - it will take some time for the entire file to decrypt it and display it, Ensure that the attacker will use encrypted files and without the knowledge of encryption - that data will be useless for that. E...

php - HTML and Clickable table cell -

I need to create a cell in the clickable HTML table. When this event occurs, a pop- Up or window is shown with some information. My current HTML code here: & lt; Table class = "table 1" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th scope = "colonel" & gt; AAAA & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th scope = "colonel" & gt; BBBB & lt; / Th & gt; .... & lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ mystring = ""; ... resonate '& lt; Td scope = "line" style = "width: 300px" & gt; ' $ Mystrin '& Lt; / Td> '; Echo & lt; td style = "background color: #fffff" & gt; & Lt; / Td> '; ...? & Gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; Now, "mystring $" is displayed inside the cell I want to paint a cell (i.e., background color: # 388643 ") and ...

html - How can I make the number input only accept a certain ammount of charaters? -

I am registering my ID for people cheaper. All IDs are 17 characters long. How can I make it so that the number of numbers they post should be up to 17 characters? Example: ID number 76561197969408686 The input field can only accept 17 long IDs EDIT: If you have the same problem with Chrome , Please see my answer below You can use the pattern-attribute, Returns the output: & lt; Input pattern = "[0- 9] {17}" expected title = "17 characters are required" & gt; In Javascript, you can test it like this: var input = getElementById ("yourID"). Value; If (input.match (/ ^ [0-9] {17} $ /)! = Null) {// true} In PHP, it should work like this: if (preg_match ("^ [0-9] {17} $", $ _POST ['userid']) === 1) {// right} else {dead (please 'Your Identity'); }

ios - kCGImagePropertyOrientation incompatible pointer -

I am implementing Auto Enhancing in my app. My code goes like this: cimage * toBeEnhancedImage = [CIImage imageWithCGImage: _originalImage.CGImage]; NSDictionary * Options = @ {CIDetectorImageOrientation: [[toBeEnhancedImage properties] valueForKey: kCGImagePropertyOrientation]}; NSArray * Adjustment = [toBeEnhancedImage Automatic Adjustment Filter Options Options: Options]; Before running the code, I get the following error next to the NSDictionary: Incompatible pointer type 'const cf string reef send (aka' const struct__CFString const ) type NSString * in parameters When I run the code, it crashes. I know what the error means but the code is actually taken from Apple's documents and it does not work! Is there any remedy? Your CFStringRef variable nsstaining * . Change the second line of your code with the following line: NSDictionary * options = noil; If ([[toBeEnhancedImage properties] valueForKey: (NSString *) kCGImagePropertyOrientation] == ze... mvc 4 - Integrate restaurant Point of Sale with a Web App -

I am developing a restaurant order system based on MVC. I have been asked by my clients whether it is possible to integrate this application with their POS (Point of Sale). Actually when someone orders on my web app, they have to go to their POS system too. I did some research on the internet but I could not find anything. Is there anything that is possible to do? It may be possible to contact the company who makes their POS and see that they have an API , Or if they are ready to develop one for you.

Which of the following are the section of an XML document? -

दस्तावेज़ प्रोलॉग बॉडी पार्ट्स हैडर पार्ट्स रूट तत्व उत्तर चुनें: ए। 1,2,3 बी 2,3,4 सी। 1,2,4 डी। 1,2,3,4 (मुझे लगता है कि 1 और 4 सच है, लेकिन क्यों प्रश्नों से अधिक क्या है?) मैं आपके मूल्यांकन से सहमत हूं: 1 & amp; 4 एक्सएमएल सिफारिश एक के बोलती है: [1] दस्तावेज़ :: = prolog तत्व विविध * [22] prolog :: = XMLDec? Misc * (वैचारिक विविध *)? [परिभाषा: बिल्कुल एक तत्व है, जिसे रूट कहा जाता है, या दस्तावेज तत्व, जिसमें से किसी भी भाग की सामग्री में प्रकट नहीं होता है। किसी भी अन्य तत्व के लिए]। अन्य सभी तत्वों के लिए, यदि प्रारंभ टैग किसी अन्य तत्व की सामग्री में है, तो अंत टैग समान तत्व की सामग्री में है। अधिक स्पष्ट रूप से कहा गया है, प्रारंभिक और अंतिम टैग द्वारा सीमांकित तत्व, एक दूसरे के अंदर ठीक से घोंसला। बॉडी और शीर्ष लेख सामान्य रूप से XML दस्तावेज़ों का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है। वे अधिक सामान्यतः संदेशों के संदर्भ में उपयोग किए जाते हैं, जहां अनुरोध और प्रतिक्रिया का एक सामान्य रूप है, , जिसमें और : साम...

if statement - If inside if in php -

मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है foreach ($ all_meta_for_user $ key = & gt; $ val) {if (array_key_exists ('invoice_company_name', $ val) & amp; amp; और & amp; amp; array_key_exists ('invoice_street', $ val) & amp; amp; & amp; amp; array_key_exists ('invoice_street_number', $ val) & amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; आरआरआई _key_exists ('invoice_post_code' $ val) & amp; amp; & amp; amp; array_key_exists ('invoicearg', $ val) & amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; _key_exists ('invoice_country', $ val) & amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; _key_exists ('invoice_nip', $ val)): & gt; मुझे क्या करना है: & amp; amp; Array_key_exists ('invoice_nip', $ val) भाग 'if'ed' होना चाहिए मेरे पास दो प्रकार के खाते - व्यक्तिगत और कंपनी, इसलिए जब कोई व्यक्ति व्यक्तिगत ...

html - CSS aliasing/inheritance -

I'm new to CSS, so it can be obvious or impossible. I want to define a new CSS class "MyTable", which is derived from the bootstrap "table-stripped table-range". Then in the HTML I just & lt; I can enter the table class = "mytable" & gt; The reason for this is that I want to reuse the "mytable" class in many places (but not all tables) and if the customer wants to change the table form, So I just do not do it in a place 20. How do I do this? You can not do it in CSS, you have the best bet using a preprocessor. Bootstrap supports both short and SASS, I suggest learning about SAS. There are some links to get you started. Getting Started with SaaS: Installation and Basic Using Bootstrap 3 with Asus

asynchronous - Async FromBeginEnd interface -

मैंने सी # async अंतरफलक का पालन किया है: x.BeginOperation (a: sting, b : स्ट्रिंग, सी: स्ट्रिंग, डी: स्ट्रिंग, जी: स्ट्रिंग,? क्यू: स्ट्रिंग): आईएएसआईएनसीआरसल्ट x.एन्डऑपरेशन (परिणाम: आईएएसआईएनसीआरसल्ट): आईएनइन्मेरेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; मैं इसे अपने async वर्कफ़्लो में उपयोग करना चाहूंगा और Async & lt; 'T & gt; ऑब्जेक्ट प्राप्त करूँगा जो गणना का प्रतिनिधित्व करेगी। मुझे लगता है कि Async.FromBeginEnd जाने का रास्ता है, लेकिन मेरे पास शुरू / अंत ऑपरेशन पद्धति को पास करने के लिए कठिन समय है। शुरुआती ऑपरेशन के पास बहुत सारे तर्क हैं, साथ ही वैकल्पिक एक (प्लस मैं वास्तव में अपने दिमाग को एसिंक कॉलबैक * ओबीजी के हस्ताक्षर के आसपास लपेटने का प्रबंधन नहीं करता है)। इस इंटरफ़ेस से एसिंक को पाने का सही तरीका क्या है धन्यवाद। यह मानते हुए कि आपके इंटरफ़ेस को ऐसा कुछ घोषित किया गया है: प्रकार IMyInterface = सारणी का सदस्य शुरू करेंऑपरेशन: (स्ट्रिंग * स्ट्रिंग * स्ट्रिंग * स्ट्रिंग * स्ट्रिंग * स्ट्रिंग विकल्प) - & gt; IAsyncResult अमूर्त सदस्य एंडऑ...

linux - GMT/UTC offset in hours/minutes of a given timezone w/o daylight saving time (DST) -

I have already seen some questions / answers related to this question for other programming languages ​​or operating system but for me General Solutions Not Found Specific Scenarios I want to get the timezone given to GMT (General Identifier such as ADT, CET or Europe / Berlin) in Linux shell script or pure C An easy solution would be: $ TZ = ": Europe / Berlin" date +% z but it Current GMT offset will print (if it is currently in use with DST) A better example of what I mean: $ TZ = ": Europe / Berlin" date +% z --date = "1 January 2014 "+0100 $ TZ =": Europe / Berlin "Date +% z --date =" 1 May 2014 "+0200 I have always been a non-denial Other questions that can solve my problem and related to: The correct non-DST timezone (ATC / GMT-1) of a given city (Europe / Berlin) How to find out? O / offset to know in advance w / o? How do you usually know that DST is active on a given timestamp? $ TZ = ": E...

PHP regex for image name with numbers -

मेरे नाम के साथ चित्र हैं जैसे: img-300x300.jpg img1-250x270 .jpg ये नाम एक स्ट्रिंग चर में संग्रहीत किए जाएंगे। मेरी छवि Wordpress में है, इसलिए यह उदाहरण पर स्थित होगी और मुझे बदलने की स्ट्रिंग की आवश्यकता mywebsite .com / wp-content / uploads / 2012/11 / img.jpg मुझे एक PHP नियमित अभिव्यक्ति की आवश्यकता है जो कि नाम के रूप में आईएमजी.जेपीजी और आईएमजी 1.जीपीजी लौटाएगा। मैं यह कैसे करूँ? धन्यवाद इसके अतिरिक्त क्षमा करें, मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की थी लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है $ स्ट्रिंग = 'आईएमजी-300x300.jpg' $ पैटर्न = '[^ 0-9।] - [^ 0-9।]'; $ प्रतिस्थापन = ''; गूंज preg_replace ($ पैटर्न, $ प्रतिस्थापन, $ स्ट्रिंग); आप यह ऐसा करने के लिए PHP देशी फ़ंक्शंस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। & lt;? Php फ़ंक्शन genLink ($ imagelink) {$ img1 = basename ($ कल्पना); $ img = substr ($ img1,0, strrpos ($ img1, '-'))। substr ($ img1, strpos ($ img1, '।')); $ संशोधित...

c++ - No match found for template template function -

निम्न त्रुटि के साथ जी ++ के तहत संकलित करने में निम्न कोड विफल: " 'GetRecById (int & amp;, NULL)' पर कॉल करें: टेम्पलेट & lt; टिनामनाम टी एंड जीटी; संरचना डम्मी लॉकअप {स्टैटिक बूल डोलुकुप (टी एंड आरईसी, कॉन्स्ट चार * आईडी) {rec = 123; वापस सच; }}; टेम्पलेट & lt; टाइपनाम टी, टेम्पलेट & lt; class & gt; क्लास लुकअप पॉलिसी & gt; स्थिर बूल GetRecById (टी & amp; आरईसी, कॉन्स्ट चार * आईडी) {वापसी LookupPolicy & lt; T & gt; :: DoLookup (आरईसी, आईडी); } स्थिर शून्य परीक्षा लिखे (शून्य) {int rec = 0; Const bool ret = GetRecById & lt; इंट, डमी लुकअप एंड लेफ्टिनेंट; इंट & gt; & Gt; (रिक, नल); Std :: cout & lt; & lt; "आरईसी =" & lt; & lt; आरईसी & एलटी; & lt; std :: endl; // होना चाहिए 123} int main () {testLookup (); वापसी 0; } इरादा यह है कि GetRecById () अलग रिकॉर्ड क्वेरीिंग नीतियों के साथ तत्काल समर्थन करता है उदा। इकाई परीक्षण प्रयोजनों के लिए क्या मैं यहाँ गलत कर रहा हूँ? एफडब्ल्यूआईड...

ZF2 - Zend framework 2, Showing a login template -

In ZF2, we can set our controller in the application controller: 'Layout / Layout '= & gt; __DIR__ '/../theme/metronic/view/layout/layout.phtml', 'Applications / Index / Index' = & gt; __DIR__ '/../theme/metronic/view/application/index/index.phtml', 'Error / 404' = & gt; __DIR__ '/../theme/metronic/view/error/404.phtml', 'Error / Index' = & gt; __DIR__ '/../theme/metronic/view/error/index.phtml', In case of code compatibility it is really useful. My special template is completely different from one admin theme and login page normal layout pages. Of course, I do not want the admin to appear on the side menu login page ... Normal pages look like this: And the login page looks like this: I have written my login module but I do not know how to override the normal layout / layout page. I still keep in touch with ZF2 routing and I think what I should do is enter the correct path for the login ...

codeigniter - Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass - amfphp -

I am newbee for amfphp + codeignitor, I am unable to see the answer to the question, or it is not clear to me. I followed the procedure outlined here I am getting the same error - Serious error: Can not use the object stdClass as the array in D: \ vhosts \ Site \ Application \ Library \ Amfphp \ Plugins \ AmfphpMonitor \ AmfphpMonitor.php on line 167 There is no idea where I am making a mistake I am trying to url. How to improve? What's the problem? If the problem is resolved, will I see the service browser? Experts Please guide me to this ... Here is the code Folder structure -controllers -amf -surervices -Testservice.php -Gateway.php -libraries -Amfphp (Amfphp folder) gateway.php & lt ;? Php require_once APPPATH "/libraries/Amfphp/ClassLoader.php"; Class Gateway Expands CI_Controller {function __construct () {parent :: __ construct (); } Function index () {$ config = new Amfphp_Core_Config (); // Config thing with something here $ config- ...

Haskell loop until a key is pressed -

I run a program every n and refresh the screen (some lines) again I want to say I press the q key How to get it? I have checked the ansi-terminal package to refresh some part of the screen. I am feeling that I should use the Hasklin to get the loop and the user key press. Am i right If so, I can not find the function in Hankeline. You can do this very simply, but with IO Monad threadDelay to Control.Concurrent . import control. Integrated Refresh Interface :: Int Refresh Interleave = 10000 - Action in Microsoft Refresh :: IO (Refresh) = Definition Main :: IO (Main) = Refresh Action Threaded Refresh Interval Main This structure With now, you can now exclude the keyboard through any library that gives you keyboard input. For example, with the hasceline, you can read the input with the getInputChar Compare it to your dropout character, and exit if necessary. But doing this directly in this way will make you unable to read the input while the thread sleeps...

android - Sum over values by month in milliseconds -

I have the table with the price and date from 1970 to integer and the date is Value in the integer in millisecond ... I need to get the amount (value) for each month and how do I do any idea with the date in milliseconds? possible? Thank you. My Table "Entry" Amount | Date ---------------------------- 300 139 0075200000 150. 13 9 0132500000 20 | 13 9 1075200000 ... | ............. What do I have to achieve: 01.2014 | 450 02.2014 | 20 .... You must be in the dates so that you are month: Select month as SM (Value) as the sum of the entry group as 1 (*% Y-% m ', Date / 1000,' UnixPok ')

How decides Typo3 Neos which Settings.yaml to choose? -

I use a Neos installation for multiple domains with different content. Duplicate the package TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org, removing the node-identifier and making some replacements require the things I need which I need. But only the first settings found in packages / sites / pars. The man is parsed. All changes in settings.yaml found in other packages (Test 1 and Test 2 in the following example) are ignored. Package / Sites / TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org / Configuration / Settings.yaml TYPO3: Form: yamlPersistenceManager: savePath: 'Resource: //TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Form / ' Package / Sites / UDF Test1 / Configuration / Settings.Yaml TYPO3: Form: yamlPersistenceManager: savePath:' Resource: // UDF .test1 / Private / Form / ' Package / Sites / UDF Test2 / Configuration / TYPO3: Form: yamlPersistenceManager: savePath: 'Resources: //UDF.Test2/Private/Form/' When I first settings .asaml (packages / sites / UDF test2 / config Remov...

magento - Adding mini-login to header of page -

I want to add user login option to the header of my website I & lt; Block type = "customer / form_login" name = "mini_ login" template = "customer / form / mini.login.file" /> app / design / frontend / base / default / layout / page. XML file and & lt; Php echo $ this-> GetChildHtml ('mini_login')? & Gt; Appear / Design / Frontend / Base / Default / Template / Page / html / header.phtml in the file , but nothing appears I Hello after & lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; GetChildHtml ('mini_login')? & Gt; and Hello appear. I've cleared the cache storage, but it still does not appear why the login is not showing? goto customer.xml & lt; Default & gt; & Lt; / Default> Default tag (Path app / design / frontend / your package / your template / layout) code> & lt; Default & gt; .... & lt; Reference Name = "Header" & gt; & Lt; Block ...

unix - echo >&2 "some text" what does it mean in shell scripting -

I have seen echo being used in this way in many places: Echo & gt; And 2 message text ... What does this mean? I understand 2> & Amp; 1 , however, I'm not sure how to interpret the above experiment. Can anyone please explain?

javascript - Simplifying code -

मेरे पास यह निम्न कोड है $ j (document) .ready (function () {$ J ('# uang')। ({फ़ोकस: फ़ंक्शन:) {var ini = $ j (this); var theval = accounting.unformat (ini.val (), ','); var डेटा = ( TheVal == 0? '': TheVal); ini.val (डेटा)। चयन ();}, फ़ोकसआउट: फ़ंक्शन () {var ini = $ j (this); var kembalian = $ j ('# kembalian') ; Var val = accounting.unformat (ini.val (), ','); var cicilan_val = $ j ('# cicilan'); var cicilan = accounting.unformat (cicilan_val.val (), ','); अगर (वैल & gt; 0) {var nilai_kembalian = val - cicilan; kembalian.val (अकाउंटिंग.फोर्मनम्बर (नीलाई_कंबेलियन))}}, कीज: फंक्शन () {var ini = $ j (this); var kembalian = $ j ( '#kembalian'); var val = accounting.unf Ormat (ini.val (), ','); Var cicilan_val = $ j ('# cicilan'); Var cicilan = accounting.unformat (cicilan_val.val (), ','); अगर (वैल & gt; 0) {var nilai_kembalian = val - cicilan; केंबेलियन.वल (अकाउंटिंग.फोर्मनंबर (निलय_...

css - Stretching an element outside of its parent -

There are 3 divs in my body: one container, one parent, and one child. I am trying to raise the child outside his parents to the left. But if I do this with the position: absolute , then the parent will not spread to the desired height ... Status: static status: complete a Using margin-left: -20px will not do either: In the end, I will have other nested parents and they will need all children To expand to the outer left. His code has so far: #container {position: absolute; Width: 300px; }. Parent {margin-left: 20px; }. Child {padding: 30px; } Is there any way to do this in pure CSS? Edit: is my HTML code so you can see how parents will be nested in each other: & lt; Div id = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "parent" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "parent" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; & Lt; / D...

.net - C# referenced VB UserControl not found -

I have a C # project where I refer to another project, which is written through VB. I can use all the sections and forms from the referenced project, 2. A class UserControl and the other Module , while all other simple Win Forms are " The name of a type or name space can not be obtained 'XXX' (do not you have access instructions or an assembly reference?) " I already have NET version (All projects are the same - NET 4 (not Client Profile) checked), Platform target and try to change other stuff, no one helps. Does anybody have any ideas? UserControl and module . You may have forgotten the public modifier, because the default visibility of a class or module is protected ( friend in VB.Net) class [module] 'is not visible to other sects' ... end class public class [module] 'visible to other assemblies' ... end class

c# - Passing Scoped RegionManager to a different Region -

In a WPF project using PRIsm I have two fields: a ContentRegion and ToolBarRegion . When creating a new subsealand, ContentRegion a Scoped RegionManager will be created. Content area: & amp; Content Control Prism: Regional Manager. Regeneration name = "{x: static general: field names. Content regvia}" /> Toolbar area: & amp; Content Control Prism: Regional Manager. RuleName = "{x: Stable General: Field Names. ToolBarRegion}" /> So even very basic My problem occurs when I do not want to be present in the SubShells from Toolbar, in the Scoped RegionManager field. How do I see subcategories in the toolbar in my view of scrap area manager toolbar?

php - How to rename image or add random number to the image to make unique name -

$ target = "अपलोड करें"; $ Targetx = $ लक्ष्य बेसएनाम ($ _FILES ['फोटो'] ['नाम']); अगर (move_uploaded_file ($ _ FILES ['photo'] ['tmp_name'], $ लक्ष्य x)) {} else {} $ targetx = $ target बेसएनाम ($ _FILES ['photo2'] ['नाम']); अगर (move_uploaded_file ($ _ फ़ाइलें ['photo2'] ['tmp_name'], $ लक्ष्य x)) {} else {} $ targetx = $ लक्ष्य बेसएनाम ($ _FILES ['photo3'] ['नाम']); अगर (move_uploaded_file ($ _ फ़ाइलें ['photo3'] ['tmp_name'], $ लक्ष्य x)) {} अन्य {} $ targetx = $ लक्ष्य बेसएनाम ($ _FILES ['photo4'] ['नाम']); यदि (move_uploaded_file ($ _ फ़ाइलें ['photo4'] ['tmp_name'], $ लक्ष्य x)) {} else {गूंज "माफ़ करना, आपकी फ़ाइल अपलोड करने में एक समस्या थी।"; } $ Photo = ($ _ फ़ाइलें ['फोटो'] ['नाम']); $ Photo2 = ($ _ फ़ाइलें [ 'photo2'] [ 'नाम']); $ Photo3 = ($ _ फ़ाइलें [ 'photo3'] [ 'नाम']); ...

css - how to keep the footer always bottom of the page in sharepoint 2013 without using javascript? -

I'm branding SharePoint UI to your company's customers, most customers want to lay down forever page to footer (non sticky). When the material gets too high, it is automatically going down, but if the content is low, then I want to put footer at the bottom of the screen. In the normal HTML page, I can get it using CSS. But so far in SharePoint I am using Javascript to fix this problem. Is there a way that I can solve this problem only by using CSS in SharePoint 2013? A sticky footer solution for it is essentially an HTML page (as described) Adding is similar, except that div in the seattle.master file in SharePoint 2013. sticky footer 3 sections on the page using div (casing, is made by adding push and footer) tag s4-workspace div (the main content area) push immediately goes, and cover both the main content area and push around . footer immediately Cover div closing tag follows . Wrapper {min-height: 100%; To format the new div s, CSS is ...

regex - The correct regular expression to find a partial string -

I have a document where at times this type of text structure is visible: / * 6 * / some text / * 123 * / some text / * 12 * / I want to search all the events in the structure / * ??? * / is using regular expressions. So far by me / \ * ?? , but it does not match the full text. / \ * \ s + \ d + \ s + \ * /

Bash parameter for script -

I would like to execute a program that launches, asks for a number, and then my number is out of output . For example: Bob @ Bobby: ~ $ ./programm Number: 123456 654321! Bob @ Bobby: ~ $ ` How can I make a Bash script to execute the program with the selected number? It seems to me that I execute that code like ./ programm 123456 but I can not put my number in the parameter, so there is a way to launch the program, then I chose The number entered is automatically written, then valid? The first argument given to the command will be found in the undergoing parameter $ 1 As stated in the comments, you can use the rev command to change the sequence of characters in the string. Your script may look something like #! / Bin / bash printf "% s!" "$ (Rev" $ 1 ")"

jboss7.x - How to define allowed IPs for JBoss management console -

I'm French, and it seems that the binding word is used all over the world Link Anything. I want to specify which IP address is allowed to use the Job Management Web app, so I started: & Lt; / Interface & gt; & Lt; Interface name = "public" & gt; & Lt; Any address / & gt; & Lt; / Interface & gt; & Lt; / Interface & gt; where is my IP address but first of all, it would be OK for only one IP, and probably not for local host. Second, it seems that binding here means that this network is connected to the IP address of the card - I think that the server can bind many IP addresses. Is there a way to define IP with JBoss permission? Or do I have to use Apache / NGNX to allow IP address based on port? Tell the address at which address you are looking for, which IP address to bind, this It is not that which address is not allowed to reach the constituency. Only your management will bring their own pcbus...

javascript - ASP MVC url with angularjs -

I have an index.html framework with an angle in the ASP Web API. The following route: gestionale.config (function ($ route provider, $ location provider) {$ routeProvider.} ('/', {TemplateUrl: 'View / People' , Controller: 'Chief Controller'}). When ('/ rolloli', {templateUrl: 'View / Rolloli html', Controller: 'Rule Controller'})}}; When I start the project with Visual Studio, it index.html opens at the following url: http: // localhost: 49375 / Index .html # / More views "People / People HTML" are shown correctly. 1) How do I link to index.html, a Ruoli.html page? I have tried & lt; A href = "/ ruoli" & gt; but does not work because this page loads http: // localhost: 49375 / ruoli Instead http: // localhost: 49375 / index.html # / ruoli You have to place the hashbang before the slash. Then you set your href attribute in this way: & lt; A href = "# / ruol...

apache - Tomcat 7 locks the jackrabbit repository -

Hi, I am trying to get my stock through JNDI. When I try, I get the following message to connect: "Repository home C: \ apache-tomcat-7.0.53-windows- X64 \ apache-tomcat-7.0.53 \ bin \ myrepo> appears to be in use by a file named. Lock is already locked by the current process. " This code is a Running on a web application, which is positioned on the same tomecat. Initial Reference Reference = New Initial Context (); Reference Environment = (Reference) Reference. Lookup ("java: comp / env"); Storehouse = (Repository) environment. Lookup ("jcr / repository"); Tomcat "MyPro" is locking when it starts and does not release it until I close it. Why is this happening? IPA-ap ache-Tomcat-7.0.53-Windows X64 is running on Windows 7, using JacobBit-WebEp-2.6.5. Edit on May 10: I have now tried to edit the server. XML NR reference for my badge. server.xml: & lt; GlobalNaming Resources & gt; & Lt ;! - Editable user da... MVC MiniProfiler "Request is not available in this context" -

I am trying to use MiniProfiler for my MVC application which is using Oracle DB. This is my global. Protected Zero application_Start () {Area registration. Registrar All Ares (); WebApiConfig.Register (GlobalConfiguration.Configuration); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters (GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes (RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles (BundleTable.Bundles); MiniProfiler.Start (); // or any other check of the check, etc.} Safe void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {DevExpressHelper.Theme = "Metropolis"; MiniProfiler.Stop (); // Stop as soon as possible, even with MvcMiniProfiler.MiniProfiler.Stop (discardResults: true); } When I'm starting the application: "Request is not available in this context" You are getting this error because you are running MiniProfiler.Start () in the wrong place. You need to run Application_BeginRequest as part of MiniProfiler.Start () . Move i...

Android :understanding the download process -

I am trying to calculate my WiFi speed so I am downloading a file from a server (10 MB ). Well downloading is working very well. But I'm not sure how to press the downloads of every available data packet. I am using a part of this code, I want to understand the difference between the two sizes: 8192 and 1024, pulp of every size. inputstream input = new beefInputstream (url.openstream (), 8192); and this line byte data [] = new byte [1024]; And how I used them: protected string doInBackground (string ... f_url) {int count; Int lenghtOfFile = 0; {URL url = Try new URL (f_url [0]); Comm = (HttpURL connection) url.openConnection (); URL Connection Connection = url.openConnection (); Conection.connect (); LenghtOfFile = conection.getContentLength (); // file inputstream input = new buffer inputstream (url.openstream (), 8192); // output stream output stream output = new file output stream ("/ sdcard / downloadedfile.jpg"); Byte data [] = new byte [1024]; L...

joomla2.5 - Joomla forget menu type of my component -

I have created a component for Joomla and my (final) problem is that the parameters can not be edited. For example, I created my menu from "menu maker", it says that the menu is saved but the editable parameter does not show field menu type is empty so no parameter set for my component Showing ... It works well on the website. I have restored Joomla to another database and the same thing happens ... Can someone please point me towards the right direction? : I have solved it. I have been confused with "layout" "request" in fields and Joomla. So I changed the parameter to "myLayout" and used this code in view.php: $ this-> Set-out (JFCC :: findapply () - & gt; Input-> Get ('my layout', 'tap', 'CMD')) and it works Great :)

Java. Compare two objects values in LinkedList -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग के छात्र {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग का नाम, उपनाम; Int indexnr; विद्यार्थी (स्ट्रिंग का नाम, स्ट्रिंग उपनाम, इंट इंडेक्सर) { = name; This.surname = surname; This.indexnr = indexnr; } मैंने दो लिंक्ड सूची बनायी है: list1 और list2 और दोनों सूचियों में 5 छात्र शामिल हैं I मेरा मिशन तीसरी सूची - सूची 3 बना रहा है, जो इन छात्रों को निम्नांक से अधिक तक इंडेक्स-संख्याओं के अनुसार क्रमबद्ध करते हैं। कोई मेरी मदद कर सकता है? सबसे पहले, लागू करता है Comparable & lt; छात्र & gt; क्लास हेडर और compareTo () विधि को छात्र वर्ग के लिए: @Override सार्वजनिक int तुलना करने के लिए (छात्र अन्य) {return Integer.valueOf (this.indexnr) .compareTo (other.indexnr); } फिर, अपनी सूची को सॉर्ट करें: सूची & lt; छात्र & gt; List3 = ...; // सूची भरने के लिए कुछ तर्क संग्रह। सूची (list3);

hibernate - NHibernate updates not persisted -

I have two organizations that are declared (very simplified): Public test1 {public virtual id (get; set;) public virtual icon & lt; Test 2 & gt; Public Virtual Ent ID (Receive; Set;) Public Virtual Test 1 Generator {Set; Set;} public virtual string name {get; Set;}} & lt; Hibernate-mapping xmlns = "kalash: nhibernate-mapping-2.2" namespace = "test" assembly = "test" & gt; & Lt; Class name = "test1" table = "test1" & gt; & Lt; Id name = "id" column = "id_parent" & gt; & Lt; Generator class = "parent" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Set name = "child" table = "test2" cascade = "save-update" batch-size = "10" inverse = "true" & gt; & Lt; Major column = "id_parent" no-null = "true" /> & Lt; One-to-many classes = "test. Test2, test" /> & Lt; / Set & gt; ...